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Rise Chile, RISE!

Captain Enema

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[b][size=5]Santiago, Chile[/size][/b]

[size=5][size=3]The vote is in, the "Committee For a National Government" has reported back with the compromise government, and the final stages of achieving nationhood have been completed. The new constitution of Chile is a simple document that outlines a parliamentary system. A short clause is contained giving Mexico the power for the next five years to call for elections to create a new government as a means of drawing that forty eight percent of Chile who weren't entirely thrilled about following a political unknown into complete independence. The clause in short states Mexico can call for new elections should Mexico see fit at anytime over the course of the next five year period. The expectation being that should the government become a problem for the people of Chile, Mexico has an easy means of solving that problem in a quick efficient bloodless manner. [/size][/size]

[size=5][size=3]Agustin de Juagari, the newly elected Presidente of Chile, immediately declares Arica open to special foreign investment as a means of increasing the flow of foreign capital into Chile. Other investment schemes include offering bonds and such that will go to funding various government programs until a comprehensive tax scheme is put into place. [/size][/size]

[size=5][size=3]VIVE LA Chile![/size][/size]


General Higgins O'Benardo, "This is a great day for Chile, we give our deepest thanks to Mexico for their protection."


Presidente Agustin De Juagari, "Chile will become a proud and vibrant nation, we must work together to realize this dream."


Young men and women celebrating independence in Santiago.

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[b]A Declaration From The Baron of [color=#ff8c00]Sleepy Hollow [/color][/b]
[size=3][b]Concerning Chile[/b][/size]

In every region there are hard times that the residents must overcome. These hard times include war, disunion, and reigning of unimplementable governments. The people of Chile may now be proud to have a stable government in which they may be part of and have a since of Nationalism in. The People of Chile need to remember that it is their job to love and defend their country and its honor so long as the government defends them and their rights. In addition, I am sure that this new government will be one of the brightest ever to exist in South America - if there is ever anything I can do as Baron to render assistance in times of need I will personally see to it that it is done.

I wish the best to the people of Chile and to their new President, Agustin De Juagari. May God help him protect his people and their rights.
[size=4]Vive la Chile. [/size]


[b][color=#ff8c00]Johnathan Dusk[/color][/b]
[b]Baron of Sleepy Hollow[/b]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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"Greater Colombia congratulates its new southern neighbor on its new-found independence, its new government and constitution, as well as a instituting a power-sharing agreement with Mexico that will ensure the stability of the country until it can completely get on its feet. We look forward to meeting with your nation sometime in the future, and are once again proud to see Chile rise as a member of the Latin American community.

We also look forward to more information on your plan that is meant to bring in foreign capital, and we will wholeheartedly commit funds of our own at a proper place and time to help with the development of Chile's economy."

[i]Lorenzo Barrachos[/i]
[b]Minister of Foreign Affairs[/b]

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"We of the Republic of [color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3]ParĂ¡ are delighted to see the return of Chile, as a culture and as a people, to sovereign nationhood. South America and its people has suffered much strife, but the hope for a unified community and a strong brotherhood amongst South Americans is ever bolstered as citizens strive for self-determination, nations are born, and new leaders step to the forefront to bring their own perspectives and ideas to the burgeoning political scene of our continent. It is my hope and certainty, as it is for every [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3]ParĂ¡ense citizen who looks to a prosperous future with our new neighbours to the South, that Chile will have much to offer.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3]I look forward to it, and to a bright relationship between our nations."

- Isabel Vieira[/size][/font][/color]

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1356859962' post='3069373']
"We of the Republic of [color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3]ParĂ¡ are delighted to see the return of Chile, as a culture and as a people, to sovereign nationhood. South America and its people has suffered much strife, but the hope for a unified community and a strong brotherhood amongst South Americans is ever bolstered as citizens strive for self-determination, nations are born, and new leaders step to the forefront to bring their own perspectives and ideas to the burgeoning political scene of our continent. It is my hope and certainty, as it is for every [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3]ParĂ¡ense citizen who looks to a prosperous future with our new neighbours to the South, that Chile will have much to offer.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=sans-serif][size=3]I look forward to it, and to a bright relationship between our nations."

- Isabel Vieira[/size][/font][/color]

"Likewise Ma'am, Likewise."

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