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Hellas - a rebirth in Stygian Lake

Alexandros o Megas

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[quote name='DeathAdder' timestamp='1357276836' post='3071155']
Of course not. That doesn't diminish the fact there were still a lot of bogus reasons for war floating around that Op. And, considering he said that he had just recently learned of the reason (when Lusitan posted it) I'm naturally going to take his word for it, since I too only saw that reason given now. I rhink you would do the same.

I'm sure I wasn't privy to all of your chats however, so we'll just agree to disagree on that point.

He still has a pretty decent chunk of tech, though, compared to a lot of nation ratios on both sides of the past two wars, so kudos for him.
Pretty sure we also explained this to him in his poor me thread during the war. Even to the point of telling him to surrender once Sparta was out.

[quote name='bombuator' timestamp='1357276936' post='3071157']
He did a !@#$load of damage to you guys, was it around 800k NS damage?
Dunno the numbers, but yes of course a nation with 30k tech to start will put out some damage. Unfortunately for him he now has no warchest and only normal tech levels.

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Oh, a thread of "poor me", when it took more than 14 pages (one of the most popular threads for a long time) and it showed where the morality stands on Planet Bob.

"Some damage" the 800k NS, with Hellas fighting 1 1/2 month all your upper tier alone, well ... Yes "some damage".

"no warchest" but I have started that war again without any warchest if you check your references of spy reports and replies in that thread.

"Telling him to surrender when Sparta was out" but Hellas never did, ;eaving this war to die silently, as we were determined to even lose our nation than to humiliate us.

All that war and our presence in game was to show them what Hellas was for.

You need to respect your opponent in a war (both ways).

Edited by Alexandros o Megas
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You had ~500 million initially. You also had, I believe, almost 20k infra. You don't have 30k tech anymore. You don't have over 10k infra anymore. And you don't have the money you had initially.

The output damage Hellas caused was irrelevant because all the nations who fought him had over 2 billion warchests - they were always going to bounce back. That is half the reason you keep a warchest: first to extend your fighting capacity, second to allow a reconstruction. Hellas had neither. I don't recall the amount of damage he caused but whatever it was it was fully rebuilt while Hellas's wasn't.

So yeah, the operation on Hellas highly successful because it crippled his development possibilities in a medium term definitive manner and had no consequences to the Umbrella nations who fought him that lasted beyond the war fighting.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1358002307' post='3075408']
You had ~500 million initially. You also had, I believe, almost 20k infra. You don't have 30k tech anymore. You don't have over 10k infra anymore. And you don't have the money you had initially.

The output damage Hellas caused was irrelevant because all the nations who fought him had over 2 billion warchests - they were always going to bounce back. That is half the reason you keep a warchest: first to extend your fighting capacity, second to allow a reconstruction. Hellas had neither. I don't recall the amount of damage he caused but whatever it was it was fully rebuilt while Hellas's wasn't.

So yeah, the operation on Hellas highly successful because it crippled his development possibilities in a medium term definitive manner and had no consequences to the Umbrella nations who fought him that lasted beyond the war fighting.
Stop using common sense, it is not allowed in this place.

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