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Bring me a Sombrero home!

Zoot Zoot

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[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Max Fisher had been flying all night to ensure he got to the meeting on time. After a shower, a shave and the wearing of a tailored suit that was made our of a slightly thinner material to keep him cooler in the intense Mexican heat, he was ready for his meeting with Under-secretary Pensado. The King had briefed him in the aims of the mission and a summary had been forwarded to the Under-secretary's office so she had an idea of what to expect.[/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]After a brief wait, he was shown into a nice large office with Pesado sat behind one side of a desk. Fisher introduced himself and shook hands before sitting down himself.[/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]“Under-secretary, a pleasure to meet you. My name is Max Fisher. I am sure you received a briefing message from the UK sometime yesterday afternoon regarding this meeting, but in case you have not had time to read the entire document, I shall explain in depth the reason behind my visit to your beautiful city.” he said politely before taking a drink of water.[/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]“The United Kingdom has just concluded what some could argue was a brutal civil war between the British peoples of Scotland and England. We suffered nine nuclear attacks from Ireland and we are deploying every available resources into disaster relief and reconstruction which is being co-ordinated by the emergency services and the British Red Cross. But our industry has only waned, once we are rebuilt, we will be as industrious as ever, our people will be once again united and there will be peace. But I am just going to cut to the chase.” he said.[/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]“The UK is alone on the world stage, Germany is the UK's closest thing to an ally. They have shed blood [i]for[/i] Britain, [i]with[/i] Britain and even [i]against[/i] Britain in some cases, but they have always been a major influence for the British people. I hope that some day soon they will be our allies on a document to show it” he said with a smile.[/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]“But we are alone. The last great threat Britain faced came out of South America in the form of Umbrella, a nation which despite its... nature has done great deeds for certain, nearly forgotten elements of a former dependency of the days before the change. The Falkland islands before the change were always contested between Britain and Argentina and British blood was shed defending those islands and retaking them from the Argentine aggressors and a war memorial stands, even now, at Goose Green, a major battlefield in itself from several wars since between the Falklands people and other nations. But after the change, they adopted their own identity after several years of nations ruling them. In their declaration of Independence nearly forty years ago now they claimed to be of British descent and had created their own identity, synonymous with the Falkland Islanders of the old days. They became Malvinian. It was only through the near war between Umbrella and the Lunar Republic did they regain their homeland. The Empress of the Commonwealth poured billions into cleaning the islands and beginning an infrastructure so large it beggared the Empire which lead to its eventual collapse after the failed invasion of Britain and following civil war.” he continued.[/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]“But why you ask is this relevant to this meeting? Well I come to you asking your permission to hold a referendum on the islands on if they want to remain a Mexican protectorate with all its benefits, or be formerly brought into the United Kingdom so that they can reclaim their old identity and so that British dead can at rest, knowing that they did not die in vain for the islands in 1982. I have the authority from Parliament and the King himself to sign any conditions that must be met to hold this referendum. Should the people wish to remain part of the greater Mexican sphere, then so be it and the matter shall not be raised again. If they did chose to be part of the UK of course, it would still be a Mexican decision to honour such a referendum and if Mexico decided to grant the UK that privilege, you would find us in your debt and would come to Mexico's aid if only requested.”[/size][/font]

[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]“The days of Imperial Britain are long gone, but none of the former dependencies of the old United Kingdom for fought over so fiercely. I leave the matter to you or your superior Under-secretary, if the request is granted then we will organise it as soon as possible, if the request is denied, then we shall not press the matter any further and perhaps we could negotiate other items of interest that I have been instructed to discuss with you once this business was concluded.” he finished, the heat making him visibly sweat and red in the face.[/size][/font]

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"Unfortunately, the creation of the Calzada Doctrine and the following Latin America Corollary a few years later dictates we will not allow regions of Latin America, South America or Central America to be controlled by non-regional nations. It has been many decades since the Falklands were controlled by the old United Kingdom. There has not been a British identity in several generations. The islands were nearly wiped out by the Lunar Nation, and then they were helped by our old allies in Umbrella. In short, Britain has only attempted to invade the islands in the last decade, and take them from the regional people for their own sake of, what they perceive, to be a British territory in South America. Argentinians spilled blood defending against, and attempting to remove, the colonizers of their homeland. We will not put the people through another territorial change, where a non-regional nation will control the Falklands. What this means is, the option to become a part of the United Kingdom will be non-existent in such a referendum.

We are open to further diplomatic discussions, but any argument or attempt to change our minds regarding the Falkland Islands, or our policy regarding Latin America & South America, will end this meeting immediately."

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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