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One Earth, One Species, One State

Sarah Tintagyl

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History would dub the second millennium as the Great Human Expansion.

Following the Third and Forth World Wars which ravaged Earth, a growing number of scientists and space explorers began to dream to the stars in the hopes of starting new civilizations in worlds beyond Earth's atmosphere and even beyond the sight of Sol. Colonial ambitions extended Humanity's reach to Mars, Venus, Saturn, and out past the belts that caressed the edge of the Solar System, but while these new colonies flourished it was from Earth where they took their culture and gathered their supplies. For a millennium, Humanity made great advances in science, technology, and art, faster-than-light travel was conducted, space artillery was perfected allowing Humanity's Fleets to travel safely through the realms of space, and new artifacts and ideas were brought from the colonies. From these advances, Earth's ravaged landscape began to enter an age of rebirth and due to fear of some of the colonies surpassing the Home World in terms of beauty, politics, and scientific advances, the Humans on Earth began to reinvent themselves.

The United Earth Government, a ruling body of one-hundred fifty councilors, representing the previous cultures of Earth was founded in the mid-2500s and for the next five centuries was solely responsible for the expansion of the Human race and governed Earth to the best of their abilities. Beyond the larger ruling body, existed a smaller circle of the most influential families and government officials in the Human Race, this Privy Council was the true mind of the growing Human Empire, building Earth into what it was meant to be, the pinnacle of Human achievement. As it was said by Marcus Arel, Chairman of the Privy Council in the year 2731, "Earth is our planet, it is where our species originated and it is the center of this Great Empire that Humanity has constructed. From this day forward, we follow one motto, one code, one banner; One Earth, One Species, One State!"

This motto was followed religiously by every Human explorer to leave the confines of the atmosphere, until the Third Millennium when the motto would be broken.

It seemed at all at once, the Colonies of the Empire began to split. On the First of June 3012, a decree was sent out from Babylon, the Capital of Humanity. Signed by the Privy Council it reminded the colonies who began to attempt to separate themselves from the Home Government, that the Empire's sphere had no limits and that all Human colonies were subsequent territories of Earth. Almost two months later, the message was returned and Earth, the Human Race, found itself in a state of Civil War.

But in the words of George Hannover, Chairman of the Privy Council, "The Colonies are not to be emancipated."

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A message would be sent ahead of the fleet to earth:

The Republic of Acteon requests an audience with the UEG. Admiral Lance Orion is being sent as a representative of the Republic to Earth and the other colonies in the Solar system to discuss the current situation with your leaders. They will be arriving shortly.[/quote]

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To the Republic of Acteon:

It is a pleasure to hear from our neighbors so far from our own central systems. Recently, however, a string of revolutions have plagued the Sol System making interplanetary travel dangerous for those who are not well armed. While I do not doubt the power of Admiral Orion's fleet, an escort fleet from Earth will be sent to make sure the Revolutionary marauders are kept at bay. The Privy Council looks forward to the arrival of the Admiral and we hope that this request for an audience will bode well for both the Empire and your Republic.


James Fox,

Imperial Foreign Secretary

After Minister Fox's message was sent out from Earth, a small escort fleet, led by Charles Pellew would rendezvous with the Acteon delegation to bring them safely to the spaceports near Babylon. From there the Admiral would be taken to the Capitol and the Chambers of the Privy Council.

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Admiral Orion's fleet would rendezvous with the escort fleet and arrive safely at the Babylon spaceport. Admiral Orion would present himself to the council with a small band of advisers and guards and start his speech.

"Councilmen of Babylon, I thank you for letting me speak to you today. I will inform you now that at the moment the republic considers itself neutral in your conflict. I have come to the Sol system to learn better the nature of it, and I intend to visit your rebelling colonies after this as well. Hopefully with our help we can bring a peaceful end to this and unite the Human race as one once again. Now, what has brought this conflict upon your empire?"

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[b]Bridge of the Star Dreadnaught Libra[/b]

The 3rd Lagrange Point stood opposite the Earth in the Sun's Orbit. At enormous expense the Earth had constructed a secret installation here. Large completely darker than black veils had been constructed to suck up all electro magnetic waves to prevent observation, and Earth's Second Fleet had been stationed here to keep ships out. Out of the way of any stellar traffic the 3rd Lagrage Point over the centuries had slowly become an entire secret city. It had taken on an aura similar to what Area 51 had been in the 20th Century.

The truth about it though was more fantastical than could be believed. Humanity's home planet had slowly and meticulously been amassing resources for the construction of a new type of weapon, the Star Dreadnaught. A massive wedge shaped warship which housed an arsenal of rail guns, particle cannons, and nuclear weapons that would not merely break enemy planetary defense fleets, but to frighten whole nations into submission before the fighting even began. Far away from the rest of Earth, the warship had been constructed over decades as the Rebel Threat grew. Whole black ops budgets had disappeared.

The vessel's progress was slow, but the first batteries were being installed onto this killer weapon system. Admiral Nelson of the Privy Council watched with glee as men performed diagnostic checks on the power systems which enabled this weapon of terror to become operational. The admiralty had always maintained that the rebellions were only possible become the space lanes had not been strictly enough controlled. Now this new warship would give them the ability to force resources out of all the worlds closest to Earth and if the Admiralty had its way, bring in new resources to continue expanding the fleet.

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The faces of the Privy Council turned to each other with looks of both suspicion and intrigue as the Admiral spoke. Seated at the front of the table, the Chairman of the Council, the proverbial ruler of Earth, George Hannover looked at the foreigner and smiled. "Admiral Orion, I think everyone here appreciates your presence. We have known of Acteon for sometime though had never truly reached your Republic for the manner of creation solid dialogue. I, personally, am rather happy that you have come to us, it saves our navies to handle the problems currently befalling our systems."

He leaned back in his chair and rested his arms, the Chairman's powdered hair sitting firmly on top of his aged head. "So, you have come to learn the nature of our people and you have picked one of the most interesting times to do so, Admiral. If you would like, I could introduce you to the Grandmaster of the University of Oxford, Lady Harrow would be pleased to give you an introduction to our systems and our Home Planet as well. In fact I could even ask for her to be in Babylon tomorrow and save you the trouble of traveling aimlessly across Earth. That said," George smiled leaning forward, "I must warn you of traveling to the Colonies, while I understand your desire to tour our territories. You are doing so with a battle fleet, a battle fleet which could be used to harm Human interests in those regions. Admiral, Humanity has gone to great lengths to construct our Empire. We will not see it destroyed by upstarts."

A second person chimed in from the right, a woman, Charlotte Strelitz, representing the German Culture. "You are entering Human affairs now, Admiral." She said pushing strands of wavy brown hair from her face. "And these Rebellions are detrimental to the Empire. Thus we cannot allow you to move your fleet into those zones. You are more than welcomed to travel with a small guard under a flag of truce, but we will not allow your fleet to simply dock in Revolutionary Ports. The chance of endangering Human, loyal Human lives, is too great. That said, the Council," she said gesturing to the others seated around, "Are interested on how you would like to aid Humanity."

"As to the Colonies themselves," George added, "These rebellions are an attempt at declaring independence from Earth's reach. Recently our government passed regulation that the Colonies are all loyal and instrumental parts of the Human Empire. They are required to pay taxes, register soldiers, and so forth. Many individual planets then rebelled and we are in the process of seeing these upstarts destroyed."

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The Admiral's face remained stoic through the councils responses. He thought their reaction to his small speech would be something akin to this. He crossed his fingers as he listened and silently prepared his responses.

"We know a good deal about your people, though I would not mind learning more from your teachers. However I came to learn more on the nature of this conflict rather than your people specifically. My goal here is to see a peaceful reunification of your empire under terms that most in it can agree on. I'm afraid that would require me to visit the other colonies in this system and learn of their parts in this story as well. I can assure you that my declaration of neutrality is a genuine one, and we have no intention of starting a conflict with you or the others. The Galactic Assembly would not stand for us to interfere militarily in this conflict without a decent casus belli, such as an attack on my convoy." he made sure to noticeably look at George and Charlotte. "I can accept travelling with a small guard under a flag of truce as long as your guard doesn't cause any problems when I'm communicating with the other colonies. Attacking you now would be to take advantage of a weakened state, as many privateers and rouge ships have done to your colonies and transports."

The Admiral leaned forward in his chair for the next part, "Which brings me to how we can aid humanity. We have the capabilities to provide small defensive fleets for your colonies in the outer empire. Enough to defend them against those who would take advantage of your current warring state. Of course we aim to help as many as we can, but we will refrain from giving aid to those that are rebelling against your state, as if they can't protect themselves they have no business rebelling. All that we ask for is that our crews be provided for with essentials from the colony such as food and fuel, and a quick and most bloodless end to this conflict. Private defense companies from Acteon are also looking to buy contracts for the defense of trade routes, though I do not represent those."

"As for your regulation of loyalty from your colonies, those are reasonable demands, even if loyalty is earned and not demanded. Though forcing people into military service is something the Republic is against, many empires do it. Some times in desperation, some times just to look bigger and badder. I hope that's not what you were suggesting. What I don't understand is if you were for these policies and the people against, why weren't you voted out of office in favor of someone who more relates to the people. Things like that happen all the time in the republic."

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"Different cultures, different societies, Admiral," said the Chairman speaking up. "Tax and mandatory military service has been part of Humanity's history for thousands of years. Our Empire, which covers dozens of star systems cannot simply maintain security with a purely volunteer force. Colonial independence is another matter entirely, sir. This is a move that peoples do when they are separated by great distances from their motherland and they look to become their own force, but in doing so they look to simply add to the instability of these star systems."

"Admiral," said Charlotte, "Could you imagine so many planets and star systems, some militaristic, some pacifist, each with their own plans for expansion and Empire? The Galaxy would be in turmoil for eons and that is why these rebellions must be crushed. As to the Privy Council's ousting, most would simply just leave under a banner of treason then try to negotiate with the Home Planet. Surely, Admiral, you can better understand our plight now."

It was Orion's other addresses that once again sent the Council into talking amongst themselves, then the Chairman turned and leaned forward on the table. "We have no problems with you docking your fleet here and taking a small guard to speak to the other colonies, Admiral and our guard will be with you, strictly for safety purposes. As to the private companies you have mentioned, we have had trouble on the frontier of the Empire nearly every time a great war breaks out. This, however, is the first true civil war which has effected the Empire. I would be curious, though, to meet with these contractors and see what kind of deal can be reached. I have to admit," said George, "Your arrival is somewhat, miraculous, that Acteon would pledge so much help to our frontier. We greatly appreciate such acts of kindness. Thank you."

On apparent command, the entire Council bowed their heads to the Admiral.

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As the massive ship suddenly entered normal space some alarms would likely go off. It wouldn't show up in any database, or be known to anyone. Was it friendly? Was it an invasion? However soon it would become clear there were no violent objectives. The weapons remained off-line as the ship approached Earth, its computer system receiving and analyzing unencrypted data transmissions to establish a profile for the race on said world and to find a way of communication.

I was the TRS Zhan'Tara, one of the ships of the Trill Research Fleet to find new forms of life and to learn more from them. After about ten minutes a communication channel would be opened with the government of Earth.

"Humans of Earth. I am Ambassador Curzon Odan of the Trill Republic in command of the TRS Zhan'Tara, we come in peace requesting a meeting with your government"

While the channel remained open the weapons would remain off-line and the engines stopped at a safe distance to make sure the systems did not interfere with local systems or the environment.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1343334325' post='3015852']

As the massive ship suddenly entered normal space some alarms would likely go off. It wouldn't show up in any database, or be known to anyone. Was it friendly? Was it an invasion? However soon it would become clear there were no violent objectives. The weapons remained off-line as the ship approached Earth, its computer system receiving and analyzing unencrypted data transmissions to establish a profile for the race on said world and to find a way of communication.

I was the TRS Zhan'Tara, one of the ships of the Trill Research Fleet to find new forms of life and to learn more from them. After about ten minutes a communication channel would be opened with the government of Earth.

"Humans of Earth. I am Ambassador Curzon Odan of the Trill Republic in command of the TRS Zhan'Tara, we come in peace requesting a meeting with your government"

While the channel remained open the weapons would remain off-line and the engines stopped at a safe distance to make sure the systems did not interfere with local systems or the environment.

When the foreign ship first entered into the space lanes controlled by the Earth alerts were immediately sent to the flotillas guarding the Home Planet. If the Trill vessel had been hostile it would have been blown from the stars, but receiving the messaging from the ambassador that they came in peace, Earth's navies cleared the way for the vessel's entrance.

"Ambassador, my name is Commodore Rachel Howell of the Babylon Spaceport. You are cleared for landing, however be advised that the Privy Council is currently meeting with an ambassador from the Republic of Acteon. However, I can take you myself to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and dialogue can be established between your people and ours."

The spaceport below would light up, clearing the way for the Trill ship to land in Human territory.

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Rather than landing the entire ship a smaller shuttle departed from it safely entering Earth's atmosphere and landing onto the spaceport below. After activating the internal translator that would automatically change his words to English and likewise translate English into their own the shuttle opened up and the Ambassador stepped out accompanied by two scientists. Security escorts were uncommon and as such none were on the shuttle.

Curzon would walk to the welcoming party, true fresh air being a nice change from the artificial atmosphere in space.

"Commodore Howell it is a pleasure meeting you, I believe tbis is your traditional greeting" He said as he extended his hand.

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Howell smiled as she took the Ambassador's hand in her own and nodded. "It is, sir, and it's a pleasure to meet you." She said then straightened her blue naval uniform and brushed strands of white hair behind her ears. "Also, may I introduce the Foreign Secretary, James Fox," the Commodore said pointing to an older man to her right with the same white hair, curled over his ears.

"An honor, Ambassador," said Fox as he took Curzon's hand after the Commodore. "Earth has little knowledge of the Trill Republic and what we do have is fuzzy at best. Your arrival is truly a surprise. Please, Ambassador, if you would walk with me, I enjoy getting a bit more airflow in my system instead of standing in a circle." Slowly they began to leave the spaceport, walking towards the port's gardens which hung above, a literal meaning of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Both Fox and Howell accompanies Curzon as they moved down the paths crossing across luxurious lawns and finely pruned trees. Fox began again as they reached the edge of the garden, looking down over the expansive port. "Our government, Ambassador, is currently dealing with a major crisis. A great deal of our Empire has fallen into Revolution and Earth will not sit idly and watch our hard work fall apart. We have struggled to make Humanity one of the dominant species of the galaxy and we will not fail in that regard."

"The Empire is planning immediate counter insurgency tactics against planets in the Sol System," added Howell, "We'll see just how strong these Rebels truly are."

"But it is for that reason," continued Fox, "That we must deal with foreign nations and species with great concern. There is no telling what machinations are being set upon our species. Thus I must ask Ambassador, what is the reason for your visit?"

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"I agree Ambassador, I have already taken part for 2 years on this exploration mission and Earth was the first world we found that actually had inhabitants. We did not get much time off ship." Curzon said as he admired the beauty of the gardens and continued walking. When the story of the crisis that encompassed this part of the galaxy was told he was quite disturbed by the implications.

"My species has not experienced the horror of war and internal strife for millennia but I have experiences with it before that time. It is one of the most horrible things in this universe and I regret you are a victim of it but I can understand why you would need to strike back" He said stopping near one of the most beautiful locations in the garden.

"I am part of a large operation, the Trill Republic has always known it was not alone in this universe, however we had never found other species to prove this. About two hundred years ago as our faster than light systems reached a point that made this kind of travel possible research ships were sent out to different sectors of space. We are the first one that actually found another race. As I mentioned earlier we are a peaceful race in itself, we only come to seek further knowledge and to mutually share information, technology, art, literature and similar things for the mutual benefit of other races and the fifty-two worlds of our Republic. If you fear this is the prelude to a military invasion there is nothing to worry about. You may see an influx of trade vessels and tourists though depending on how this develops though."

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"Well then," Fox said smiling, "It would appear that Humanity has found another friend. In the manner of intellectual exchange, however, Ambassador. I would suggest having Commodore Howell take you and your entourage to the University of Oxford. It is on one of Earth's islands to the north, the entire island has been transformed into a university complex making it one of the largest institutes of higher learning in Sol. The scholars there can explain to you all you need to know about Humanity, Earth, our history, technology, art, and general culture. Though it greatly pleases me to know that the Trill are a friendly species and we do not need to worry about further insurrection on our frontiers."

Howell spoke after, "And what exactly could the Trill offer Earth and it's empire? Also, do you, Ambassador, have any other plans to tour the other systems or planets in Sol? We would advise against that given the volatile nature of the Revolutionaries. The galaxy, the universe, they are fraught with peril, it is a good thing that you landed in a sector which is most accepting to other species and races."

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The Admiral nodded, "I certainly do understand your plight much more now. I agree that a unified Human Government is the most beneficial to the galaxy. I am glad that you accept our offer. I'll send word to Acteon to mobilize the squadrons to be sent to your planets. Would you like to compile a list of planets and their coordinates for us to send ships to? I can send them along with my message."

The Admiral stood, "Thank you for giving me audience. Hopefully the next time I see you it will be with offerings of peace from your colonies. One last thing I'd like to address. When I leave for the colonies I would like to take at least one of my ships with me. I trust you not to try anything, but I would still feel better with one of my own in the fray. You may also want to send a representative of your own with me, in case an agreement is reached."

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[b]A Foreign World[/b]


Intergalactic travel had been longed mastered by the ancient Riogan Civilization however only within the last few years were several different devices discovered and built to help find life throughout the galaxy. Earth was the first planet to be discovered to have intelligent life so King Stephen decided it was the will of the gods to have Earth be the first planet that was visited by the blue-haired, blue-eyed Riogan people. A bit of intergalactic spying took place via the telescope and trying to decode the human language. Enough was discovered to learn the basics of the Earthling's government and culture. The language, however, was very closely annualized and studied by thousands of Riogan scientists who were sworn to secrecy. For the exception of some jokes about past history or fantasy television shows that depicted things which actually never happened - the Riogan's knew enough about most of the people of Earth to properly meet representatives from their planet.

Two mammoth vessels took a short two week journey across one-third of the galaxy. One of the vessels was filled with professional civilians, scientists, teachers, doctors, a few government officials, and plenty of people who performed for the 10,000 people aboard of the [i]Marine[/i] and [i]Discovery[/i]. While the [i]Discovery[/i] housed mostly civilians, the [i]Marine[/i] had an equal number of soldiers in the event that the Earthlings were hostile. Large laser cannons were fixed on both vessels while smaller missile and laser based weapons were more aimable on the ship. Within the [i]Marine[/i] were 500 space-fighters and 10 space-command ships with heavy artillery. While the Riogan's did know a reasonable amount of the English language they did not know how or who to send a message from space to the Earthlings on their planet. Hopefully they would send a party to meet them in space and hopefully they were civilized enough to consider that foreigners came peacefully. The Riogans, having never discovered another intelligent species, hopefully wouldn't act too cocky when meeting the Earthlings.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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Sent via radio communications on multiple frequencies directed at Earth from the Sun, no encryption. "Greetings occupants of the third planet. We noticed your people have a very developed civilization as do many of the planets in this system. We would like to visit and introduce ourselves. There would be a roughly 16 second delay in remote manifestation or, if you wish us to visit personally.. it'll be kind of dangerous. You see. We're beings composed of the stuff of your stars. We're living in your sun right now as a part of it. While it is a doable task via our ability to manipulate gravitons and electromagnetism to hold form and prevent the emission of significant amounts of radiation. We would not recommend us visiting you in a highly densely populated area.. rather meeting your delegation in perhaps what your people call.. a desert.. a broad swaft of silicon.. or maybe on your moon since it has less interference with our life forces and would be a less dangerous place for us to sustain ourselves. Our arrival would be prefixed by a coronal mass ejection with minor risk to any unshielded communications equipment and that would cause minor disruptions on the earth's surface and bright auroras for days. Would you be willing to welcome us? Regards, the Celestial Council."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1343343436' post='3015895']
"Well then," Fox said smiling, "It would appear that Humanity has found another friend. In the manner of intellectual exchange, however, Ambassador. I would suggest having Commodore Howell take you and your entourage to the University of Oxford. It is on one of Earth's islands to the north, the entire island has been transformed into a university complex making it one of the largest institutes of higher learning in Sol. The scholars there can explain to you all you need to know about Humanity, Earth, our history, technology, art, and general culture. Though it greatly pleases me to know that the Trill are a friendly species and we do not need to worry about further insurrection on our frontiers."

Howell spoke after, "And what exactly could the Trill offer Earth and it's empire? Also, do you, Ambassador, have any other plans to tour the other systems or planets in Sol? We would advise against that given the volatile nature of the Revolutionaries. The galaxy, the universe, they are fraught with peril, it is a good thing that you landed in a sector which is most accepting to other species and races."

"If you would permit I would like to send several members of my crew to such cultural and intelectual locations of sginificance to you. They would be very discrete and hopefully blend in well." Curzon said, when the question came on what the Trill could offer he had to think for a while on where to begin. "Architecture, detailed maps on sectors in space, medical knowledge, and while only partly more advanced than your current systems even weapons to defend yourselves against races with less friendly intentions than us." He said as one of the scientists gave Fox a device resembling a tablet with images and other things showing the home world and their society.

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Sent to Earth by subspace communications, at multiple frequencies. The people on Earth would most likely notice this transmission would come from a black-hole. "Greetings people of Earth. We are from V V4641 Sagittarii. We are sending you this message to know if you are interested in a diplomatic meeting between us. We are of the same race, and all that really separates us is a few thousand light-years. We'd like to know how our brothers and sisters of earth are doing. If you are interested in a meeting, please be aware that our current technology to be with our lighter ships will make the trip in about five months, unless of course you wish to come along here. Please respond soon, as we are interested in seeing how Sol turned out."

Edited by Shadow hawk
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[quote name='Lord Zephyr' timestamp='1343355793' post='3016014']
The Admiral nodded, "I certainly do understand your plight much more now. I agree that a unified Human Government is the most beneficial to the galaxy. I am glad that you accept our offer. I'll send word to Acteon to mobilize the squadrons to be sent to your planets. Would you like to compile a list of planets and their coordinates for us to send ships to? I can send them along with my message."

The Admiral stood, "Thank you for giving me audience. Hopefully the next time I see you it will be with offerings of peace from your colonies. One last thing I'd like to address. When I leave for the colonies I would like to take at least one of my ships with me. I trust you not to try anything, but I would still feel better with one of my own in the fray. You may also want to send a representative of your own with me, in case an agreement is reached."

"Before we give you any such list of coordinates," said the Chairman, "We would like to meet the contractors of these private companies to see whether they can be trusted. Trusting one's frontier to foreigners is what helped destroy some of the mightiest empires on our planet and this government refuses to allow that to happen. Added defense is fine, along with bolstering the frontier with Human soldiers, but we will not allow Acteon to monopolize Human defense operations." Then the Chairman smiled and rose from his chair, "That said, Admiral, it has been a pleasure meeting with you and I believe the Council would agree that taking one of your own ships would not be a problem. As to a representative to travel with you through the Human Empire, Gabriella Dramoni was one of our former ambassadors to the Mars Colony prior to their rebellion. You may take her along with you and she will be reporting back to the Privy Council of any changes happening with both your voyage and the political environment of the galaxy."

[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1343374262' post='3016119']
Sent via radio communications on multiple frequencies directed at Earth from the Sun, no encryption. "Greetings occupants of the third planet. We noticed your people have a very developed civilization as do many of the planets in this system. We would like to visit and introduce ourselves. There would be a roughly 16 second delay in remote manifestation or, if you wish us to visit personally.. it'll be kind of dangerous. You see. We're beings composed of the stuff of your stars. We're living in your sun right now as a part of it. While it is a doable task via our ability to manipulate gravitons and electromagnetism to hold form and prevent the emission of significant amounts of radiation. We would not recommend us visiting you in a highly densely populated area.. rather meeting your delegation in perhaps what your people call.. a desert.. a broad swaft of silicon.. or maybe on your moon since it has less interference with our life forces and would be a less dangerous place for us to sustain ourselves. Our arrival would be prefixed by a coronal mass ejection with minor risk to any unshielded communications equipment and that would cause minor disruptions on the earth's surface and bright auroras for days. Would you be willing to welcome us? Regards, the Celestial Council."

A response would be given from the Empire's Ministry of Science:

"A number of scientists and philosophers from Oxford University would be interested in traveling to the Moon to meet with your delegation. They will represent the Human Empire in their discussions and we are curious to gain more knowledge of both your existence and your intentions."

[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1343496617' post='3016440']
"If you would permit I would like to send several members of my crew to such cultural and intelectual locations of sginificance to you. They would be very discrete and hopefully blend in well." Curzon said, when the question came on what the Trill could offer he had to think for a while on where to begin. "Architecture, detailed maps on sectors in space, medical knowledge, and while only partly more advanced than your current systems even weapons to defend yourselves against races with less friendly intentions than us." He said as one of the scientists gave Fox a device resembling a tablet with images and other things showing the home world and their society.

"As I said, Ambassador," continued Fox, "The professors of Oxford would be happy to take you around our planet to show the cultural contributions which has advanced Human civilization to the stars. If this damned revolution wasn't happening there are other planets which I believe you would enjoy to see, but the risk of injury is far too great at the moment. Hopefully as our Empire begins to reclaim planets from the rebels, we can allow Trill tourists to those liberated colonies."

Howell nodded and looked closely at the tablet displaying images of the Trill world. "And I think I can speak for all of Humanity in that we would be interested in an exchange of technology and military knowledge. Perhaps it will even help in ridding ourselves of the rebellion. Perhaps you could arrange such an exchange, Ambassador? Sooner rather than later?"

[quote name='Shadow hawk' timestamp='1343501642' post='3016463']
Sent to Earth by subspace communications, at multiple frequencies. The people on Earth would most likely notice this transmission would come from a black-hole. "Greetings people of Earth. We are from V V4641 Sagittarii. We are sending you this message to know if you are interested in a diplomatic meeting between us. We are of the same race, and all that really separates us is a few thousand light-years. We'd like to know how our brothers and sisters of earth are doing. If you are interested in a meeting, please be aware that our current technology to be with our lighter ships will make the trip in about five months, unless of course you wish to come along here. Please respond soon, as we are interested in seeing how Sol turned out."

A response was sent from the Human Empire's Foreign Office:

"We would be interested in a meeting with the Sagittarii, however, a number of rebellions have erupted in the Sol System and thus we cannot spare delegates to travel so far to your region. We would be happy to allow an audience with the Privy Council at your earliest convenience and from there establish true diplomatic relations."

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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1343508533' post='3016492']
A response would be given from the Empire's Ministry of Science:

"A number of scientists and philosophers from Oxford University would be interested in traveling to the Moon to meet with your delegation. They will represent the Human Empire in their discussions and we are curious to gain more knowledge of both your existence and your intentions."

The response came in like manner as before, "We will meet you there at a time of your election. Inform us when you are ready. Currently we are refraining from adapting your sun any more than we need to survive as we realize the life forms in this system have evolved and adapted based on this stars mood swings. With your help we may be able to fine tune the behavior of your star to both our benefit. Bring as much information as you can about species which rely upon stellar cyclical events. Our primary objective here is to do no harm and co-habitate."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1343508533' post='3016492']
A response was sent from the Human Empire's Foreign Office:

"We would be interested in a meeting with the Sagittarii, however, a number of rebellions have erupted in the Sol System and thus we cannot spare delegates to travel so far to your region. We would be happy to allow an audience with the Privy Council at your earliest convenience and from there establish true diplomatic relations."

"Vary well. We will send a few ships to your area, mostly to hold the ambassadors, and a few escorts. They should arrive in a few of your months. When they are closer than 2 AU from your planet, they will send you a single letting you know it's them. We are curious tho, why would there be rebellions in Sol?"

And with that, a dozen medium sized ships would heading to Sol, with half of them being escorts to protect their other ships.

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The Soviet Command Cruiser Molotov had just jumped into Ceres orbit, and began to deploy a small contingent of [url="http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs45/f/2009/147/0/7/VF_0S_from_Macross_Zero_by_chosetec.jpg"]Powered Armor TypeZero's[/url] along with a single [url="http://www.mahq.net/mecha/macross/macross7/vf-22s-fighter-soundbooster.jpg"]Type-9 2 Seat VIP Transport/Fighter[/url] on a course for Earth. Once they arrived within 100,000,000 Miles of it 30 minutes later they broadcasted a message "This is the Captain of the Soviet Command Cruiser Molotov, I have come on behalf of the State Soviet to discuss Earth's recent claim to rule all of Humanity."

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After a time, they appeared on the moon, having ridden the solar wind and a CME from the sun, and waited the Earth scientists and contact team. Their light out showing the stars in the dark lunar sky. They took a form that the humans might recognize from their myths.. something familiar to the earth people to give the council the appearance of form.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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