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Versalife Nightly News

"With Vinsalia's declaration running contrary to the Fifth Republic. It would seem conflict between the two governments was inevitable with statements being issued by both parties. With reports that the Fifth Republic has taken measures to fortify the island of Manhatten. Field reporters attempting to gain access into Manhatten have run into checkpoints being enforced by local police officialis sympathetic with their cause. Fearing the situation may be too unstable in that area Versalife would recall our previous orders to enter the city for coverage.

Currently, Lilly Group remains firmly entrenched within the confines of their compound facility. I personally met at the center to ask for a statement from officials. Much to my disbelief, Chairmen Francisco Bourbon himself would appear to answer some questions before releasing an official rebuttal to the statements released by the Fifth."
- John Jackson VSL Correspondent

While the "Fifth" replied to our message by claiming to be no different then our movement that could not be any further from the truth. The Fifth Republic seized the territory unlawfully inciting the native civilian police to support their regime in an obvious attempt to muscle their way into New York. We at Lilly Group have not facilitated actions of this sort in the slightest, instead our associates and employees have been sequestered within our facility until receiving the lawful recognition of Greenland & the American Commonwealth as a whole. We would not presume gain the support of the populace by subversive means. While the Fifth goes about spreading lies and proaganda to promote their obviously misplaced agendas we sit in our HQ awaiting a just transfer of power.

They would have you believe they are the rightful heirs of New York, yet they have undertaken actions contrary to a peaceful government. They have seized a civilian center home to millions and imposed checkpoints within the territory barring any individuals who are not sympathetic with their aims. This sepratist organization is unlawful through and through, and we would implore the nations of the world to see these actions for what they truly are; a hijacking of freedom from the peoples of Manhatten and if allowed unchecked New York State as a whole. ..Tell me, what has changed within the last month that would somehow neccesitate their police forces to demand ID checks at the borders that previously lay open...absolutely nothing! Vinsalia has not encroached on the USA nor taken any hostile actions. Before we had even made contact with them they had already denounced our claims and called for the international community to demonize us.

We will not stand for these actions... we will not stand idle as our rightful citizens are bullied and placed under bondage by a separatist group proclaiming to act in their interests. We will not allow them to force these unlawful acts on the free peoples of Manhaten, or New York state. We will not recognize the Fifth Republic as a lawful governing body and as such will not entertain any diplomatic negotiations with them on the unlawfully acquired territory they've suggested. We would consider opening up discussions to negotiate their peaceful withdrawal from Manhatten in a neutral third party location where we could insure the safety of our officials alongside their own.

- Francisco Bourbon
Chairmen of the Committee[/quote]


With rhetoric increasingly degenerating and nations around the world picking sides to support it would become increasingly clear how volitile the situation was becoming. What had originally started as a issue for natives of North America had quickly turned into an international one. For a time, it seemed all the worlds spotlight was fixed upon the drama unfolding in New York. Committee Command would issue a number of battle plans should the situation quickly degenerate. Vincent Hawkins would be tasked with drawing out strategic commands whilst Charles Godfried would serve as the Senior Ground Commander.

[quote]As of this moment, we have 20,000 seasoned veterans from the former Republican Army organized and ready for deployment. It is hereby recognized as the 1st Zulu Mechanized Division. With a secondary force being outfitted for duty and deployment soon. Air assets are currently fully mobilized and on sight ready to be deployed in combat conditions in support of ground operations at a moments notice. As per Command directives we have had scouts prowling the state disguised as civilians while also employing the various civilian supporters whom have appealed to our governments rule. Current intelligence suggests the Fifth have begun entrenching and fortifying themselves within Manhatten Island. We have yet to detect any sizeable sympothizers in the remainder of the state. Additonally, our scouts have identified a number of small weapons depots in the Greater New York region that may offer some expanded logstical capabilities. While unconfirmed, we have also heard a vast majority of the populace sympothize with our government and as such we can expect some greater support from natives.

That being said, this localized insurgency should not present too much trouble assuming it remains a clash with their current elements...but as history has shown it is rarely ever the case. Considering the international fixation on these events we should be prepared for foreign governments to intervene in the conflict. Should this occur we should be prepared to respond in kind and make an outreach to governments sympothizing with our aims.

Progressio est victoria!

-Committee Command Directive XI[/quote]

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[quote name='Kevin Kingswell' timestamp='1341666078' post='3005862']
In compliance with the Founders request four civilian C-130 planes would be packed full of medical supplies and other requested materials before being flown airborne and out to the coast. Here they travelled north and as long as nothing went wrong they would pass into New York airspace and land at Hero City International Airport on Long Island where they would begin to offload their cargo. As no military troops or equipment had been requested none had been sent though that could change in the future if required.

The cargo planes were met by a mixed group of civilian volunteers and police officers. A police sergeant would inform the pilots that payment for services and supplies would be negotiated and made at a later date, once the country's first free elections had taken place. For now, the planes were welcome to refuel at the airport before heading back. A letter of thanks would be sent back with the pilots as well.

[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1341667536' post='3005875']
[b][Private to the U.S. leadership][/b]


We would be willing to support your cause with monetary assets. If you need anything bought, buy it and we'll see about delivering money to you to lessen the impact on your fledgling economy.
I do not believe Vinsalia to be the future of your region.

With regards,"
Laura Leclerc, First Speaker of the Lunar Republic

A private response was sent back to the Lunar Republic.

To: The Lunar Republic
From: The Founders


We thank you very much for your offer of support. At this moment we are debating the merits and risks of buying supplies from private military groups for our protection. We will let you know if your assistance is needed. Your generosity will not be forgotten.

The Founders[/quote]

[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1341673672' post='3005939']
"We hope a diplomatic solution is decided rather then anything that would involve loss of life. Should you find it necessary the Carolinas are always open to be a third party location to discuss such maters."

The United States will keep your offer in mind. However, due to recent events, we doubt that diplomacy will become an option, given comments made by Vinsalia's Chairman and their hostile nature. We still hold out hope for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.


A public statement from the Founders, through Thomas Whitmore.

"Good evening,

Once again, the Chairman of Vinsalia has chosen to spread vicious lies about the United States through the media, and once again I am here to correct his mistakes.

To the Chairman's first point, we have not unlawfully seized any territory. The Hero City Police force has chosen to work with us on community outreach programs, programs which continue even as I speak. Our community outreach began with the Founders themselves, going from citizen to citizen, door to door to meet with the populace of the Hero City face to face, to talk about our goals and dreams for the future. This is what Vinsalia's leaders would have you believe is, to quote them, "gaining the support of the populace through subversive means".

Once again, the Chairman misconstrues the checkpoints and security sweeps of our tunnels an bridges. These checkpoints are not meant to keep the citizens of the Hero City trapped, or even to prevent other citizens from entering. What they are there to do is to keep our citizens safe. As soon as we declared our independence, others sought to have us destroyed. Not taking these proactive measures to ensure our citizens' safety would have been a failure of leadership on our part.

As to what has changed since we declared our independence, I will point to two specific things: One nation declaring that they thought we should be destroyed simply because of our name, and another entity claiming the lands that we declared our independence on. Those two events, in our opinion, have greatly changed the political landscape and negatively impacted the potential safety of our people since we have declared independence. Claiming the lands we declared independence on is claiming OUR lands. That, in and of itself, is a hostile action in our eyes, and more than enough for us to denounce your claims and call on the international community to do the same.

Vinsalia's chairman claims the citizens of the Hero City are his citizens. He claims that we do not have their best interests at heart. The people of the Hero City tell us otherwise. Now, Vinsalia claims they will only negotiate our withdrawal from the Hero City. We offered negotiations for peaceful coexistence and they counter back, publicly, by saying the only solution suitable to them is for us to leave. Leave, the land we declared independence of and have the support of the people on. If Vinsalia wishes to actually negotiate a peaceful coexistence of our two nations in New York, then we will be happy to do so. But we will not enter negotiations where the opening demand is that we leave.

I am also happy to take this time to announce that the Fifth Republic of the United States will be holding their first elections very soon. Elections for the House of Representatives and the Senate will take place in Rockland, Westchester, New York, Bronx, Richmond, Kings, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties. We have citizen volunteers working door to door to get everyone registered. Those wishing to run for office should contact Hero City City Hall for an application. As the elections draw closer, we will ask that international observers be flown in to observe a free and fair election.

Thank you."

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[b]Private Discussion Between the Founders in Hero City City Hall[/b]

"We can't simply go out and hire mercenary groups. Just think how that would look to the world at large. We claim to be peaceful and then we begin hiring mercenaries?" The words were shouted, trying to drown out others as discussions took place inside a conference room at Hero City City Hall. There, the Founders had gathered. David Levinson slammed his hand down on the table. "We can't do it. It's out of the question."

"Why not, the First Republic did it?" The female voice belonged to Heather Holloway, a former news reporter from MediaCorp working with the Founders.

"She's right. And if we don't get troops fast, we'll have nothing left to defend." That voice was much gruffer, and belonged to William Grey, a lifelong military man.

"So we prove the Vinsalians correct by bringing in troops, which is exactly what they want us to do?" Jack Menken spoke up from his wheelchair, with a raspy voice.

"Menken's got the right idea. We have the advantage in the international sphere at the moment, if not at home. I say we allow these elections to move forward and worry about what comes next, after." Caroline Blitz leaned back in her chair after she spoke.

"Enough." Conversations quieted as the other twelve heads in the room turned to look at Thomas Whitmore, who had been the face of the Founders thus far. "Bringing in mercenaries at this time will get us nowhere. I'm hesitant to even speak to any groups, lest they turn on us and sour public opinion. I say we stay the course. Let's get through these first elections, then we can worry about it. If Vinsalia attacks during the elections, or after, they'll be seen as attacking a democratic state voted into power by the people. Now let's vote."

A few minutes later, the votes were counted. Four of the Founders were for hiring mercenaries at this time, nine were against. The elections would move forward as expected.


At City Hall, the flood of candidates looking to sign up was greater than the Founders had even anticipated. In the first few hours alone, more than four hundred candidates came to pick up applications for the 40 seats in the Senate and 97 seats in the House of Representatives.

Each candidate was given a packet containing the rules and regulations for the campaign. The Hero City's ordinance against posting flyers was rescinded by the Hero City Police Department. With so many candidates, it would be impossible to hold a debate for them all, so candidates were allowed to put on posters what they stood for and the issues they would fight for. They could also buy commercial time on local television and radio stations and make public appearances.

Applications would be available for a few more days, and campaigning would take place for a short while after that before the vote would be cast. Observers from Mexico and other nations were invited to City Hall to observe to make sure that no potential candidate who wanted a packet was turned away. A few of the Founders also picked up packets to officially declare themselves as candidates as well.

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"The Federal Republic of Ontario hereby extends official recognition to the new incarnation of the United States establishing itself within the boundaries of New York, and support their claim to that whole state. While we are somewhat wary of their independence on account of the historical connotations related to the name "United States," we will not allow the actions of fallen regimes to tarnish our view of a young state. Furthermore, it is the opinion of Ontarian federal government that a republic is much better suited to governance than a corporatocracy. While a republic is constitutionally bound to serve the will of its people, a corporation's primary allegiance lies with currency, and they care only for their shareholders. To allow a corporation to exert direct control over a region is folly. Until this dispute is resolved, the Federal Republic shall keep a close eye on the developments in New York. Additionally, a panel of 12 Department of Foreign Affairs officials will be sent to Hero City to observe the US elections.

-Jason V. Anselm
Prime Minister


Five Ontarian divisions have been activated and redeployed along the Ontarian-New York border; three of these have been deployed in the counties of Frontenac, Stormont, and Leeds. The other two have been stationed in Niagara. Ten squadrons of F-111 Aardvarks have been stationed in airfields along Lakes Ontario and Erie in order to ensure that any possible hostilities do not harm commerce along Ontario's southern border.

Meanwhile, a series of cargo planes began to make increased flights into the state of New York, carrying everything ranging from food and medical supplies to volunteers. Over the next few days, these planes would make stops at the airport in Hero City to leave their supplies in the hands of the US government there. By the end of the operation, 9,500 Ontarians would remain behind in Hero City with their luggage, and as the last Ontarian cargo plane returned home, a few hundred would converge on City Hall to meet with the interim US government; at their head was a barrel-chested, hard-faced man with a buzz cut, holding in his hand a sealed envelope, to be delivered by hand to a leading representative.

[quote]To whomever it may concern,
I wish you luck with your efforts in your struggle against the exploitative hand of your would-be-corporate overlords. In the meantime, it would seem you have found a few thousand volunteers for your budding defense force, who seem to have conveniently received standardized military training and armament. What are the odds of that, eh? They seem to be lacking uniforms, though, so you should probably take care of that.

Jason V. Anselm[/quote]

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The election volunteers were making excellent progress in all counties, except Rockland and Westchester. Namely, problems were being had in Yonkers and New City. The populations were too great for too few volunteers to get everyone registered in time to vote in the elections. Very few candidates were travelling south from these counties to register as well, so the Founders announced that Rockland and Westchester counties would no longer be a part of the upcoming elections to create the transitional government. Therefore, the number of seats up for election in the Senate would drop to 36, where in the House the number would drop to 87.

Nearly 1,000 candidates would be running for the 123 seats. The legislature would go about writing the nation's constitution and set the guidelines for the nation's first presidential election. There were dozens of political parties, but they began to coalesce into three main groups: Liberals, Conservatives, and Independents. There were multiple parties within each group, but a definite three-party system began to emerge.

Election preparations were now in full swing, and the Founders invited any other nations who wished to observe the elections to send them now.

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[quote]The American Commonwealth has still not made a decision on which nation it will recognize until further discussions with Greenland on this issue. However we urge both parties to slow down and attempt to find a peaceful resolution for this matter. The Commonwealth is willing to provide neutral ground for discussions to take place.

-American Commonwealth Department of State[/quote]

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The Federal Republic of Greenland can confirm it received a petition for governance by Vinsalia which has received generally favorable opinions from New York residents, no doubt due to its past as part of the former Pravus Ingruo Empire. However, Greenland recognizes that another independence movement has taken hold largely in New York City and has received a surge of support in recent days. While a petition for independence was not formally given by this new movement until now, we recognize that both represent the wishes of the local populace to once degree or another. As such, as the American Commonwealth has previously proposed, we suggest that the leaders of both affected parties agree to talks at a neutral location to resolve the issue of the governance of New York. Greenland is willing to be a mediator in such talks.

It should be clear that should either side incite or provoke violence, Greenland will step in to de-escalate the situation as appropriate whilst a solution is worked out. That being said, Greenlandic peacekeepers will remain in New York until that point in time.

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"With the affirmation of independence by Greenland and the agreement between Visalia and the US, Ontario extends tentative recognition to the Visalian state as well as the US."

-Henry M. Nicholson
Prefect of Foreign Affairs

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"Greenland has spoken... the card on the table is pretty straight forward. We can engage the Fifth Republic diplomatically to negotiate a division of New York. Or we can attack them and incite the wrath of Greenland and the outrage of the world as a whole. Obviously, only one of these choices is acceptable." Francisco would let his words sink into the room allowing others to speak up.

Vincent Hawkins would speak up. "So be it. A diplomatic solution is just as useful as a military one." None of the other military subordinates would dare contradict his word given his senior status and strategic acumen. Francisco would begin. "We're in agreement then? Let us take a vote." The approval was unanimous, a diplomatic compromise would be established.


Versalife Nightly News
"In a dramatic turn of events we have gained word that Vinsalia is ready to come to the table to begin hammering out a diplomatic resolution to this tense situation. I cannot help but applaud the effort as it would allow New York state to begin moving forward for the betterment of the region as a whole. Greenland and the American Commonwealth recognize both regimes claims and is putting pressure on them both to negotiate a division of land. We can only hope this stance leads to a peaceful solution. We have a copy of the officials address from Vinsalia regarding these events listed here."
- John Jackson VSL Correspondent

[quote]We believe it would be in the best interests of New Yorkers everywhere if our regimes were to come to an agreement to divide the state. A war would only ruin the lands both of us intend to inherit and create a chain reaction of violence that will lead to misery for the peoples of the state. Although many heated words have been exchanged on the international level we are prepared and willing to begin diplomatic negotiations with the Fifth Republic of the United States immediately. We have contacted Mexico to serve as the mediators in this arrangement given their presence in New York as observers. Additionally, we would welcome the governments of Greenland and the American Commonwealth to observe these negotiations should they wish.

It is our hope that our regimes may come to an agreement and coexist in New York to the benefit of the populace as a whole.

Progressio Est Victoria!

- Command Committee[/quote]


Diplomatic message to Mexico
Regarding Peace Negotiations with the USA


I would personally invite your government to oversee these negotations and serve as mediators in it. My family has lived a comfortable life in Mexico since your regime was democratically placed into power by the people. I have seen Mexico rise to great heights, and because of this I am confident in your abilities to provide a stable voice in these negotiations and provide a reasonable solution for both parties. I humbly request your oversight.

-Chairmen Francisco Bourbon[/quote]

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The announcements from Vinsalia and caused a great cheer to erupt from City Hall, and soon the island of Manhattan and Long Island. There were fireworks, dancing in the streets: it was a party and festival-like atmosphere. The people truly felt that they had been staring down the barrel of a gun, and that now the man holding that gun had blinked first. Inside City Hall, there were hugs and tears. Every single person there knew that if it had come to war, each and every one of them would have been hunted down and executed, at best.

Amid all the celebration, Dr. William Kamala and Caroline Blitz pulled Thomas Whitmore away from the party. "Thomas, we need to speak with you."

"What is it, old friend?"

"You need to remain here for the elections," said Kamala, holding up a hand before Whitmore could protest. "The people need to see you, need to see this stability. And if this is some trick, Caroline and I can handle ourselves. The people couldn't afford to lose you right now." For a moment, Whitmore looked like he would protest again, but instead nodded. Kamala and Blitz left, heading for Hero City International. They'd be on the next plane to Mexico.

Republic Statement

The fact that Vinsalia has chosen diplomacy instead of war is wondrous news to our ears. The Fifth Republic never wanted a fight, though for a long time it seemed as if one would be brought to our land whether we wanted it or not. We are glad that cooler heads have prevailed.

Dr. William Kamala and Caroline Blitz are currently on their way to Mexico. They will represent the Founders and the Fifth Republic at these negotiations.

The Founders[/quote]

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[quote]Diplomatic message to Mexico
Regarding Peace Negotiations with the USA


I would personally invite your government to oversee these negotations and serve as mediators in it. My family has lived a comfortable life in Mexico since your regime was democratically placed into power by the people. I have seen Mexico rise to great heights, and because of this I am confident in your abilities to provide a stable voice in these negotiations and provide a reasonable solution for both parties. I humbly request your oversight.

-Chairmen Francisco Bourbon [/quote]

[quote]Dear Chairman Francisco Bourbon,

You will be able to meet with UnderSecretary Ventura in Mexico City. He will oversee negotiations for peace and act as the mediator, as per your and the USA's wishes.

Secretary Patricia Espinosa
Secretariat of External Relations[/quote]

Preparations would be made to meet the representatives as they arrived in Benito Juarez International Airport, in Mexico City.

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With the Mexican government agreeing to meet with both the Republic and Vinsalia it would seem the situation was cooling down quickly. Francisco Bourbon would take a small staff of diplomatic advisers with him as they boarded a G-650 and departed for Mexico City. Some hours later then would reach Benito Juarez international in Mexico City. Francisco would address his staff briefly before stepping off the plane and engaging in crucial talks with the Republican government. "Now, we may have had a shaky start with the Republicans of New York City but do not let that beginning cloud us from reaching the end. We came to New York to create a peaceful state for our families and citizens to prosper and with this meeting we are on the verge of accomplishing this goal. I have the utmost faith in each of you that you'll do nothing to screw this up. But it is my duty to inform you, if you step out of line here and now you may not find away back home." Francisco had a stern and forceful tone in his voice and his demeanor was one of business only... while Mexico City was his families original home her had not announced it to his father or family nor friends within the city. In his mind, this was not the time to mingle with old comrades but rather forge the definitive path in his new life.

The G-650 would open it's doors allowing the small group of Vinsalians to enter Mexico City on an escorted route with Mexican Government officials and security forces providing security. They would take their seats in the Mexican motorcade and await their Republican counterparts within embassy grounds.

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Dr. William Kamala
Caroline Blitz

Kamala and Blitz landed in Mexico City off their 737, painted white, with no markings. The Doctor, in a black suit with fedora that he wore to protect his face from the Mexican sun, and Blitz, in a silver business suit with her hair pulled up in a severe bun, got into a car to head to the meeting place. Both greeted the Mexicans cordially, smiling. They knew that elections were due to start in Republic-held counties soon, and they wished to get the negotiations over with quickly so they could report the good news along with the fact that they officially had a country.

Neither the Doctor nor Blitz carried any kind of weapon. Dr. Kamala only carried a black briefcase with a few pens and a map of New York inside. While Blitz was the more skilled negotiator, quick-witted, with a sharp tongue and no need or want of the usual politics, the Doctor was a long-time personal friend of Thomas Whitmore's, and would be able to speak as if the man was there himself. Kamala had earned his doctorate in Political Science, so he was not a medical doctor. Blitz had started as a reporter, before joining Whitmore as his spokesperson and media coordinator.

As they entered the building where the negotiations would take place, Kamala removed his hat, holding it in his hands. As they entered the room, he smiled slightly as he saw Francisco Bourbon sitting across the table. "Well well well, the Chairman himself. I was beginning to think you may have just been a figure we were going to have to use to scare little American children to bed at night." Blitz quickly interjected.

"Forgive my colleague. He lacks the usual diplomatic... graces. I'm Caroline Blitz. He is Dr. William Kamala. We're the representatives from the United States." Both Kamala and Blitz took their seats at the table.

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As the Republicans entered he room Francisco would sit with a casual demeanor... only smirking at Dr. Kamala's comments and allowing the Republicans to take their seats before whispering to his aides. "[i]How fitting[/i]...that Mr. Whitmore sends a tactless doctor and his handler as representatives of the Republic. I suppose it is to be expected..." Francisco would only grin and turn to the Republicans before continuing. "Shall we discuss the matters which we've troubled our Mexican counterparts in overseeing?" The Chairmen would not await a response.

The Chairmen would pull out a map of New York and lay it out on the table. "Over the past couple of weeks we've sent out a number of flyers to the counties of New York. Polling the oppinions of New Yorkers and seeing where their alliegances stand. While most of Manhatten is sympathetic to your regime there are segments in the northern portions of the city sympathetic with our own. Yonkers, New Rochele, & Mt. Vernon specifically find themselves aggreeing with our policies more so then yours. Naturally, it can be summerized that most of New York finds itself sympothetic with our cause whilst the metropolitan south seems relatively submissive to your Republic." Francisco would pull out a red marker from his pocket and draw a line South of Westchester County. "I propose we make a simple division of New York. Everything south of Westchester would be considered your territory whilst everything north of it would be considered Vinsalian territory... this division would give you the lands where your supporters are greatest whilst also giving our own supporters their desires."

Francisco would pause and point to the small body of water making up the Long Island Sound. "If this division is acceptable we would hold ports in the channel giving us an international port of trade and serve the nation of Vinsalia greatly. Given the bulk of the population would be in our hands we feel it is a neccesity that our division leaves us enough territory in the Long Island Sound to maintain a healthy trading presence." Francisco would shift the map over to the Republicans showing the division of territory. Before turning to the Mexican overseers. "I feel this is a reasonable division of land. As it divides the lands entirely based upon support, with the Republics supporters gaining the lands they currently hold and the same for our own. While also ensuring an even division of lands on important waterways allowing for international trade options for both of our nations." The Chairmen felt this division of land was an acceptable one, but now it was up to the Republicans to decide.

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Dr. Kamala stared at the map for a long second, seeming to think deeply about the decision. In reality, this was perfectly acceptable. The territorial division was already along where the Republic was holding elections, regardless. Finally, he leaned back and gave a simple nod to Blitz. She smiled as she turned to the Chairman.

"The division of land will work nicely. We do, however, believe there are other matters to discuss beyond the simple division of land. Precisely, what happens to a nation's land if that nation happens to collapse? Fishing and transport rights in Long Island Sound. Trade and travel agreements. And..." Caroline paused a moment to let this point sink in, "what guarantees our safety from you? It is obvious to see that you are bigger, stronger, with more man power at your disposal. We will need some kind of assurance that you just won't wait a few months or years for this entire thing to blow over and then wipe us off the map."

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Francisco would nod in response before turning to his aides for a short moment pulling out some documents with his proposed ideas before turning back to the the Republican counterparts. "With regards to either of our nations collapsing, given we're both native governments of New York we feel it is in the best interests of either of our nations to insure the status of New York. Thus, should your regime ever collapse we believe it is in the best interests to step into those lands and ensure they do not fall under foreign rule. Doubtless, you feel the same in regards to our own. Thus it is with this in mind we feel it right to leave it at that. Given the relative size of land we hold we see little need in holding fishing rights to the Long Island Sound, if the Republic wishes to hold them in exclusivity then that is acceptable to us. Regarding transporting rights, we would ask for equal and unfettered access through the Long Island Sound with the same rights guaranteed to your Republic."

An aide would interrupt tapping Francisco on the shoulder whispering something into his ear. He would only nod before continuing. "While it is true our nation could wipe yours from the map with relative impunity. You're native New Yorkers...not much different from our own. Our citizens have family and friends in lands you hold and the same can be said of your citizens in our lands. Our people would not be receptive towards such actions and as per our constitutional draft a war vote would need to pass through our upper house that is populated with these same natives. Simply put, it would require some deeply egregious act on your governments part to ever push the natives of New York into openly shooting down their brethren. I cannot promise your nation if it will avoid that, only you can by plotting a course that avoids drawing the ire of the people." Francisco would pause allowing his statements to settle in the Republicans before continuing.

"If we had nefarious intent some time down the road I would not bother being here. I would not have to wait months, years, or weeks...I would need to only whisper a few words and hours before the business would be accounted for and deeds done. But I do not wish that fate nor desire a course bringing violent troubles to the peoples of Vinsalia..I don't want to set Manhaten on fire, I just want to start a flame in the heart of the people to usher in a new era of prosperity to the region as a whole."

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Dr. Kamala opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped by a gentle hand on his arm by Blitz. After a quick glance to him, her eyes shifted back to the Chairman. They narrowed slightly. Her gaze was penetrating, but she wasn't looking to stare the Chairman down. No, it was more as if she was looking into the man's soul, trying to judge just exactly what type of man he was. After what seemed like forever, but in reality was only about seven seconds, Caroline leaned over to Kamala's ear, whispering, "this is as good as we're going to get from this man right now." She looked at him, raising one eyebrow. Her facial expression told the Doctor to just shut up and deal with it, but Kamala knew her better than that. Her eyes were pleading with him, begging him just to accept what was being given and to leave. After a moment, the Doctor gave Blitz the smallest of nods and turned back to the Chairman, rose, and held out his hand.

"A pleasure doing business with you. Neighbor."

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Francisco would extend his hand with a content expression on his face. "Likewise. Are their any other concerns on your end?" Turning to his aides he would whisper to one. "We'll be staying here in the capital a bit longer once our business with the Republicans is complete. I'll make a visit to my father and attend some other matters...don't get too comfortable." With the principle issues settled Francisco was eager to move forward with future matters.

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Dr. Kamala smiled at the Chairman. He was nearly positive this wouldn't be the last they saw of the man. "None here." He turned to look at Caroline but she was already out the door, phone in hand. Within a minute she had informed Whitmore of the situation. They were a country at last.

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With the shake of hands, Undersecretary Ventura would stand up and congratulate the men on coming to a peaceful agreement.

He first turned to Francisco, "If you need, we can extend your visa so you can visit your father." Then he turned to Dr. Kamala, "Doctor Kamala, we can extend your visa as well. You should see the sites & mountains while you are here". He then turned to the both of them, "Each of you have diplomatic immunity, for the time you are here. If either of you wish to set up a new meeting, please let my secretary know and she will make the arrangements."

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Francisco would nod at Mr. Ventura's suggestion. "I would very much like to stay a bit to visit my father and relax a bit before returning home." He would shake Mr. Ventura's hand before leaving the room with his aides following him. He would stop at Mr. Ventura's secretary office to arrange a meeting with the Mexican government. Speaking to the secretary in a cheerful tone he would express his interest in a formal meeting with Mexico. "I'd like to discuss some things with your President before departing for Vinsalia...if you wouldn't mind arranging that? Mr. Ventura said you were the one to see in order to make it happen..."

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As soon as Thomas Whitmore received the phone call from Caroline Blitz that the borders were finalized, he gave the go ahead to the elections commission to announce the results of the Fifth Republic's first election.

Copies were distributed to media outlets around the world. The results were as follows:

In the Senate, the breakdown was 17 seats for the Liberals, 12 seats for the Conservatives, and 8 seats for the Independents for a total of 36 seats. Though no party gained a clear 50+1 majority, the head of the Liberals was granted the title "Majority Leader" while the head of the Conservatives, with the second most seats, was granted the title "Minority Leader". Founder Ortolan Finistirre was named Majority Leader, while Founder David Levinson was named Minority Leader. Founder Charles Epps was named leader for the Independent Party in the Senate.

In the House of Representatives, the breakdown was 34 seats for the Conservatives, 29 for the Liberals, and 24 for the Independents for a total of 86 seats. Following the same procedure as the Senate, Founder Jack Menken, as Conservative leader in the House, was named Speaker of the House. Benjamin Gale was named Majority Leader for the Conservatives. Founder Eleanor Green was named Minority Leader for the Liberals. Founder Kira Carsen was named leader for the Independents in the House.

The first task the new legislatures would be tasked with would be creating a new Constitution for the country. They also announced the first Presidential elections. Thomas Whitmore immediately declared his candidacy, announcing Dr. William Kamala as his running mate. Other candidates also announced, but none were thought to have a chance against Whitmore.

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