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Tales from the Republic


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[b]Legion Recruits on the March[/b]

With national elections concluded and the senate established the first of many acts would be enacted in the young Republic of Indianapolis. It was determined that the nations meagre reserve of militias would be reconstructed into the newly christened Republican Legion. Initially the meagre force of men calling themselves soldiers could be considered nothing more then an unruly skeleton crew tasked with serving as the nations primary defense force. With hungry neighbors surrounding the Republic and the drum of war not too far from her borders quick action would have to be undertook in order to balance the tables in favor of the Republic. A national draft would be declared for all able bodied men and women above the age of 18 for all social stratas. This order would largely be met with vigor and zeal from the majority of the populace as a concerted effort was placed in pumping up propaganda through various media outlets advocating service to nation and expousing a sense of civic duty into the citizens of the Republic. Additionally recruitment centers would be errected in provincial and regional centers so as to always allow easy means to join the growing force. Soon even the academia would be integrated into this growing virtue of civic duty as universities and school centers would allow Legion recruiters onto their campuses to entice those willing to serve their country.

In line with the Legions creation a chain of command would be established with the Legate as the chief commander of all forces within the country. Beneath him the Magister of Warfare would be his advisor of ground forces and empowered to act as it's chief general at the discretion of the Legate. Whilst the Praefectis of Maritime & Aerial Affairs would serve in mirror positions in charge of their respective branches. Whilst below them Centurions & Dux's would serve as the officers leading the men into battle and charged with carrying out their superiors orders. Ultimately this system would prove to be a streamlined and effective centralized command system capable of administrating the means of war with relative ease. Or so it was thought; only in time would it be determined if the men and women of the republican legions would be up to the task of protecting Indianapolis and bringing death to any foes that may challenge her might.

In order to facilitate this growth and expansion of the armed forces bases would be established throughout strategically key points and cross sections of the nation to insure even force distribution of forces. For a time, industrial works would be co-opted into the national framework and refitted to serve the massive ordinance orders required to fuel this growing giant. In the blink of an eye the military industrial complex would be born in the fledgling republic and serve as one of its largest industries employing hundreds of thousands of hoosiers in her factories as gunsmiths, mechanics, & craftsmen. This boom would serve as an aid to the nation as it's output of military resources soon expanded into the hundreds, then thousands, and millions of tons of material and reserves. Basic equipment would soon be produced for service and while able platforms for defense were available they would not compete with some of the worlds more advanced designs. Eventually this would lead to a number of arms manufacturers being born out of the maelstrom of military industry which would compete contributions to the nation by providing advanced military designs and ideas for their respective branches. The stage had been set for a growing expansion of Indiana's military might and now it was only a matter of time before it found herself as one of the stronger military powers in the region...it would seem the years of toil and hunger had morphed the people of Indiana into a warlike and industrial folk. It would take some months for the completion of the buildup but ultimately it would be worth it.[/quote]

Edited by Owned-You
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[b]Rising GDP as War Raises Concerns[/b]

With the war in the west it would seem the first major threat to Indianapolis would be sooner then originally thought. Only weeks ago, Cuban forces had entered the Great Lakes and began their invasion of the Republic of Chicago. With the conflict so close to home this left many Hoosiers on edge, especially in the border towns so close to the coastline where Cuban vessels and craft were within eye sight and ear shot. Quick action would be taken by the Senate and soon a force of 40,000 men of the first cohort would be stationed to provide security and comfort to the weary men and women of near the borders. Within days of the fighting a small number of refugees from Chicago would arrive at the border of Indiana seeking asylumn from the fighting. Initially, the Senate was weary of admittance for these refugees; citing the potential to be used as a means of expanding the war Indiana...a fate nobody wanted. Ultimately, Victor Hawkins made a compelling argument in the Senate Chambers that would ultimately convince the majority needed to authorize the measure. Thus, the border regions receiving this influx of Chicagonites would find themselves within Republican Emergency Aid Centers or REAC for short.

Within Indianapolis the growing fears that foreign powers are conducting aggressive maneuvers within the Northern Americas only strengthened the already strong protectionist ideals in Indianapolis. Recruitment rates would rise 3% and was expected to peak at 7% by the end of the month. While war was never something to look forward too, many Indianapolians couldn't help but deny the nation was benefitting from the creation of the military industrial complex present in the nation. Unemployment had dropped as a result of the industrialization process to 10% a steep drop from the previous 13% national unemployment. Indiana as a whole would see it's national GDP expected to expand by 7% by the end of the first year while it's growth rate was expected at 10%... many experts theorized the booming Republic would become a gem of the Midwest within the next year barring any unforseen events. Overall, while the geopolitical situation was less then desirable for many it's domestic affairs were very bright as the young Republic continued its rise to prominence.[/quote]

Edited by Owned-You
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[b]Diagram of Underground Nuclear Blast Site "Alpha"[/b]

Seismic activity had citizens in Northern Indiana on edge today as a magnitude 2.5 earth quake shook the small town of Laconia. Henry Milton a resident of Laconia and self annoited "outdoorsmen" believed the earth shaking had to do with the war in Chicago. "I thought it them Cubans had done invaded Indiana. Why I even fetched my family and had im locked down in the celler for a night as a combed the forest with my shotty in hand, and ol ruffus the hound to watch my tail. Come morning, I get back to Laconia and I find out everythings fine." We caught up with a number of residents to confirm if they felt these same feelings as Henry. A number of them were quoted as saying "Henry is a bit high strung, ever since his son died in the Long Night." Lucky for the residents of Lanconia the seismic activity was simply a result of an underground nuclear weapons detenation. "I can assure the public all is well and no exposure would result from the test." Some citizens in Lanconia reacted with suspicion and a quick rise in iodine sells would result. A boom to pharmaceutical manufacturers lead to a nice boost for that industry.

Charles Godfried, Magister of War released a statment to the public informing them of the nuclear test that took place in an undisclosed location somewhere in the northern part of the country. Furthermore he would confirm that as a result of the test, the Republic of Indianapolis had now joined the worlds nuclear powers. Many hailed this development as a great leap forward for the country... and it couldn't have came at a better time considering the worries of many citizens with the defense of the nation in question from the conflict just next door. Ultimately, the successful test would also result in an expanded use of nuclear power to provide energy for the citizens of Indianapolis.

"Project Tesla was an overwhelming success. Sites Alpha, Beta, Kilo, & Zulu all proof positive. Containment of the blast was completed without any excess radiation leakage. We have hereby authorize the building up of a nuclear stockpile of ordinances in the form of ALCM, ICBM, SLBM, & MIRV in the following hydrogen bomb varients. 20 MT, 10 MT, 5 MT, & 1 MT. Additionally, we authrize the construction of Electronic Radiation Weaponry in the same Neutron Bomb formats." - Legate Hawkins[/quote]

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[b]Senate Session #077
4 months back[/b]
[/b]"I'm telling you Allen, Indianapolis is a city with unbridled potential. We only need steer it in the right direction." Allen looked unimpressed. "At what cost? The displacement of thousands? We cannot just oust 70,000 residents from the city for not complying with our requests." Jim would sarcastically retort. "At a cost of 5 billion dollars... it's nice to have an excess of billions more for these types of things though." Allen looked nearly catatonic. "So just throw money at it... that's your solution?" Jim simply grinned. "Yes, it's all that is needed." Allen would sigh. "As the chief city planner I cannot in good faith sign off on this... sure people will be paid handsomly, but not by my hand." Jim would look up at Allen with a dismissive glance. "If you don't sign it, we'll find another who will... don't stick your fingers into the gears of progress Allen. For both our sakes, just sign the damned thing." Allen would shuffle in his seat from the threat. "Vincent will learn of this...this extortion of civil rights!"

Jim would nod to his assistant who then telephoned someone. "It's for you." he said. Allen would cautiously extend his hand to the receiver. "Ye- *clears through* Yes? Who is this?" A calm but stern voice would begin speaking on the other end. "Allen, It's come to my attention you have disagreements with Project Dreamscape?" Allen was nearly shocked to death, it was in fact Legate Vincent himself. He would speak for another minute or two before hanging up the phone...he had a defeated look to his face. "Hand me it." He said as he would stamp & sign the document and two days later would never be seen again.


[b]Project Dreamscape Revealed to Masses[/b]

Earlier today, an ambitious plan was revealed at the center of Senate hall as a massive developmental project was unvealed to the public. Project "Dreamscape" as it was called has been held as the largest government backed expenditure to date and if completed would entail a number of massive improvements for the nations capital. Project designs came from a number of sources and locations throughout Indianapolis, ultimately the design selected was created by a classically trained architecht known as Gustav Pzrbibck a first generation immigrant from Poland who emigrated from Europe nearly two decades ago at the age of 22 in an attempt to escape the minor regime in charge. Simply put, the glimpse at his design would make Indianapolis one of the most breath taking capitals to inhabit the face of North America and would rival even the historically supreme cities of the east coast.

Technical details would be withheld from public knowledge for obvious reasons but we have been supplied with a general guideline explaining what changes would be made to the Repubilic's capital and more importantly how it will effect citizens throughout the nation as a whole.
* Expansion of interstate system to a minimum deviation of 6 paved lanes per roadway.
* Expansion of high-speed fiber optics networking to increase median average of all current internet capabilities.
* Renovation & remodeling of all Republican properties within Indianapolis proper.
* Renovation of all civilian properties within designated areas of the metro.
* 3 fission power centers will be built in the greater central basin to provide expansive power coverage of all properties within the nation.
* 2 water purification plants to be built on nereby aquifers to provide clean water to the city.
* Select families will be relocated to the Capital in newly built housing regions.

Additionally, it has been revealed another project is being conceptulized to build another "dreamscape" in the next decade or so depending on the success and sustainability this project provides to the nation as a whole. Ultimately, the project provides a nice balance of important renovations and additions to the capital to provide a truly magnificent experience to dignataries that will undoubtebly visit at somepoint. While also expanding essential infrastructure throughout the nation that will provide the inherent prerequisites to build similiar projects throughout the nations largest cities. The estimated price tag for Project Dreamscape is currently unrevealed but preliminary estimations place the total at around 4 billion dollars. With an estimated completion period of 6 years from now.[/quote]

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"What would you suggest then? Assasinations don't go over well publically and privately men will hold scorn against us." Vincent would continue. "Frankly, the people want democracy and I am not inclined to give them any of it." Francisco would simply listen to his partners concerns. "When I made this arrangement of ours it wasn't in the name of promoting a 200 year dictatorship." Vincent looked perplexed. "Our arrangement was one made to insure stability for the nation... and promote both of our aims." Francisco would reply. "Well a hell of a job you've done on your end of the bargain... Indianapolis is full of tension, the senators are plotting a coup and here you sit groveling for my support." Francisco would pause taking a sip of water from his glass. "Effective immediately our agreement is terminated. Indianapolis isn't going to sustain itself, that much is obvious." Vincent would speak up in a defeated tone. "Agreed, but I will not mearly be cast aside like a pawn on the table... if you intend on taking me down I can assure you I'll burn you along wi-" Francisco would interrupt "I don't, I intend on bringing you into the fold..."

The two would continue speaking for some hours before First Legate Vincent Hawkins left the headquarters building. The records would reflect that sometime that evening Legate Hawkins would make an impassioned speach to the open senate floor inside the governing district of Indianapolis. By the end of that night his position as Legate would be resignated and the Republic of Indianapolis as it was previously known had all but expired. Nobody knew what had happened to the most of the senior leadership of the government but within a few short hours the Republic fragmented back into its previous state as the Republic fell and the city states were renewed.

Legate Hawkins and his most trusted advisors had arrived within two days in the outskirts of Fort Wayne at a presumed abandoned airfield. "Nobody is here...it's desolate. Now what?" Vincent would not acknowledge the musing of his subordinate and only pulled out his cell phone and made a call. "We're here...where are you Frank?" A minute later a G-650 would appear from the sky and land at the air-strip. "You didn't think I had forgotten you had you? We have a contract." Within minutes Vincent Hawkins, his leadership & the billionaire Francisco Bourbon would depart for new lands with the wealth of Lilly behind them.

The Republic of Indianapolis was dissolved and swept underneath the currents of civil disunity. But the minds that brought much promise to it lived on; en route to new pastures.

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Following the fall of The Republic of Indianapolis government a small number of special operation troops of the Hellghan Ascendancy were moved across the Dixie Confedracy in unmarked civilian vehicles. The small amount of weapons they brought were of such low calibre that they were easy to stash away to get past border searches and on entering The Republic of Indianapolis they headed straight for the capital and set themselves up in an apartment block. The first task they carried out was to set up their rooms so that they could coordinate further actions in the capital, though three of the special operations soldiers headed out into the streets to gather intel on how the citizens were reacting to the loss of their government.

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With their home base established the team was ready to move onto the next stage of their plan, it seemed that most citizens were just carrying on with their day to day lives unsure of who was in charge or unwilling to take the lead. However, they were safe for now and if the team wanted to gain the people's support they needed to change that. Thus half of the team in the middle of the next night proceeded to the nearest prison to the city and with their identities concealed fought their way inside and massacred the guards and freeing the prisoners contained within. With their mission complete they swiftly withdrew after removing or destroying all security tapes and recordings. The prisoners were now on the run and loose in the areas around the city and the team hoped that it wouldn't be long before some real trouble started.

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(OOC: I made arrangements with Voodoo last night to take over control of the protectorate later on last night... so feel free to RP this stuff up until Voodoo arrives. Unless you wanna fight him about it. :P)

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Within a few hours the first effects of the prison break were felt, at least by the general populace as some poor prison guards had been left to burn when the now free prisoners set the prison ablaze, murders and other criminal acts sharply rose in the capital as the prisoners began to get their revenge on the people. With no functioning government to provide for them security personal had mostly left their posts leaving many vulnerable. This was the perfect moment for the special operations team. Dressing in their Hellghast Ascendnacy fatigues and arming themselves with Hellghast registered weapons the team made their way to the streets, intially many people scattered at the sight of them but when they began to actively engage and eliminate the escaped prisoners they soon found themselves welcomed and even wanted. In fact a small gathering formed around them and using improvised weapons this crowd of vigilantes stood ready to help these foreign soldiers in saving their capital.

Unfortunally for the spec ops team a more educated criminal known as John "Hacksaw" McCready had not gone straight out on a revenge induced spree and had in fact gathered up some of his former gang mates. Together they had established a hideout and from there they were determined to secure the capital city for themselves and no foreigners was going to stop them. There first moves was to ransack any hardware stores or gun stores they could, taking and stealing all manners of saws, knives and guns which they began to stockpile at their hideout. It looked liek this conflict was going to take a big step up.

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By now word had spread about the herioc saviours from the Hellghan Ascendancy and support for the nation was growing at a steady rate with the populace of the capital city. Already a number of makeshift banners with the symbol of Hellghan hung from buildings and street posts and some people were even beginning to talk about possibly asking the Hellghan Ascendancy to accept them into their loving embrace. However, the conflict between the people and the criminals had now moved past the point of random violence and into a more focused form as the surviving criminals banded together under Hacksaw and began to fight back.

In the streets pitched battles between civilian militia and criminals began to develop and as gun stores were raided or forced to join one side or the other casualties began to mount on both sides. Cars and other vehicles were set aflame and many buildings were damaged or outright destroyed as emergency crews could not reach them in time due to the violence. The special forces soldiers attempted to do what they could but found they didn't have the numbers needed and thus they sent a request to the homeland for reinforcements. Ascendancy military command stated they would send reinforcements as soon as they were able.

To do this they sent a quick message to the Dixie Confederacy asking for permission to send aerial transports through their airspace to reinforce the special forces they had in the now fallen Republic of Indianapolis. Whilst waiting for this reply Hacksaw had began to make his own moves sending some of his lads out of the capital and into neighbouring towns and villages to round up other degenerates and criminals under his banner or to steal funds and equipment. Of course there would be opposition to this and the pro-Hellghan movement in term began to expand its influence to counter Hacksaw's movements.

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