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United Carolinian Department of Defense

Isaac MatthewII

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Tunnel Systems:

The tunnels have been completed linking all major bases and cities through the maze. These tunnels were not made public. The systems were color coded hidden and near impossible to find if you don't know where they are. A lot of the bunkers specified were fallout shelters mostly in the main cities and military bases, though military bases housed nuclear resistant bunkers for total war tactics. The DoD would order civilians to evac to fallout shelters as soon as a ballistic missile or bomber was detected inbound to the Carolinas. Though this was not the main function of the tunnels it was definitely a plausible use.

Sky Net 2.5:

The systems original beta testing platform Sky Net 2.0 has proved its worth in detecting SUSA movements on the western border and Umbrella movements in the Atlantic. It was time to go fully operational and synced. The new Sky Net system called the Sky Net 2.5 was much faster and much more secure with a cleaner interface and simply less wires. The original system was stunted in comparison. 12 new satellites would be launched to meet quota. The system needed satellites when out of range from land based networks but did not rely on them. (tech jump)

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[center][quote][u][b][size="7"]Department of Defense Standard Operation Procedure (SOP):[/size][/b][/u][/center]

[b][u][center]SOP A154 "Total War":[/center][/u][/b]
The following is a list of SOP for the event that the nations should activate SOP A154 or "Total War". Congress has deemed that in the event the nation is being invaded on its home turf this SOP may be activated.

[center][u][b]A154-1 "Total theater":[/b][/u][/center]

Upon activating A154 the nation it has been activated against will be considered one whole enemy. All assets be it merchant ships, naval ships, military units, weapons caches, civilian cargo ships or any material coming into the Carolinas from the nation this has been activated against will be considered a part of the enemies full military effort and will be confiscated or destroyed.

[center][b][u]A154-2 "Conscription":[/u][/b][/center]

Upon activating A154 the entire nation and all of its assets will be used for the military or any other means of the war effort be it medical or housing. All men and women in good healthy condition between the ages of 18-40 will be able to be drafted into the military should it be deemed necessary. All others may be requested to assist through whatever expertise they can muster.

The military will be stocking up on ammo and food supplies for civilian and total war defense in the event the country should be overrun by an enemy.[/quote]

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The FRC naval practices were finished late this evening, and with them quite a few contingencies that would be used against the larger hegmonic powers that tend to be the ones invading smaller nations like the Republic, the ships were set back to regular patrols. The FRCSP mass drivers were completed and were set ready for the launching of the materials for the FRC space cluster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[center][size="7"][u][b]Operation: "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb"[/b][/u][/size]


The Free republic has finished its first successful underground nuclear test today. Although it would be easily detected by foreign governments by seismic warning stations, the Carolinian government decided not to stage it because it was something they were not particularly proud of. This weapon is a part of a dark chapter in Carolinian history, one that is argued as necessary, but one that comes with a heavy heart. After threats from multiple nations of possible nuclear strike it became apparent that the nation needed a sort of defense from its aggressive neighbors and even from those that would, and have in the past, reach across the globe just in the effort to destroy a nation that has not once committed an aggressive act against another nation. The tests were kept private, though it would be easy for anyone to figure them out. As the nuclear test was over the president sat back and quoted from the Qur'an, in reference to the man that helped invent the nuclear bomb. "I am become death, destroyer of worlds." It was a dark day in the great halls of the Capital Building in Charlotte. The Free Republic has become a nuclear nation.

A policy was drafted:
[font="Courier New"]
[quote][center][u][b][size="6"][color="#FF0000"] Highly Classified[/color] [/size][/b][/u][/center]
[center][u][b]Carolinian Nuclear Policy[/b][/u][/center]

[center][i]The Free Republic of the Carolinas reserves the right to stockpile nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons at any time. Though it will be the policy of this administration not to stockpile when it is not needed.[/i][/center]
[u][b]Events leading to WMD action[/b][/u]:

[*]The Free Republic will respond to any Nuclear, Biological, or Chemical warfare with equal measures. In the event that these attacks take place SOP A154 will be activated as it will be considered then a declaration of war on the population of the Carolinas rather then just the miliary.
[*]Should nuclear, chemical or Biological weapons be stockpiled against the Carolinas in a threatening manner, such as nukes placed in a "Cuban Missile Crisis" fashion, the Republic will respond with equal stockpiling.
[u][b]Policy on Mutually Assured Destruction:[/b][/u]
The Carolinas only stockpile weapons of mass destruction for Mutually Assured Destruction. It will never be the policy of any administration to use WMDs as diplomatic stress on other nations, nor will they be used to bully nations into submission.
[u][b]Use of WMDs on civilian populations:[/b][/u]
It will be the policy and law of the Carolinian government to never use a WMD on any of its civilians. Such action will result in immediate removal of the president and his cabinet. The use of nuclear weapons on civilian targets of foreign nature will be discouraged and avoided when at all possible. The use of Chemical weapons will be used on civilian targets of a foreign nature when deemed absolutely a necessity. Biological weapons are an out right no in any theater.
[center][u][b][size="6"][color="#FF0000"] Highly Classified[/color] [/size][/b][/u][/center]
[center][u][b]Carolinian Nuclear Policy[/b][/u][/center][/quote][/font]

To: Quebec
From: The Free Reublic Department of Defense[/b][/u]
Being our closest ally we would like to inform you in the UP MOST classification that the Free Republic has aquired an understanding of nuclear technology and would like to work with your scientists on developing defensive stockpiles. Attached will be our nuclear policy for your review. As you probably have told from seismic readers the Republic has performed underground tests. We have succeeded in developing a nuclear bomb. This serves as a notice to you as our closest ally, and a request for assistance and possible purchase of nuclear weapons, classified to the NADU only of course.

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(Highest Classification)

The Carolinian nuclear tests have proven successful in the production of nuclear weapons up to 500KT Fission weapons. Work on fusion detonation has begun but has proven unsuccessful. The Free Republican Air Force has contracted the production of ballistic missiles. It was deemed that 75% of the stockpile would be strategical and the rest tactical. Among ICBMs being developed at the moment, mostly the Minuteman-III (LGM-30G), and the LGM-118 Peacekeeper. Various IRBMs for theater deployment were also being developed. The air force focused in on MIRV technology as it seemed a good way to destroy multiple targets at a lot less cost to the government. Non nuclear missile tests began in Roanoke as the government was looking into the systems. The tests would achieve their goal, would not point towards any nuclear nation, would not show a threat to any nation in its direction, and the pieces of the missiles would be recovered and destroyed afterwards. This made the task hard for the air force but it was deemed necessary in the current political climate of what the president called "A bunch of angry toddlers with access to the capability killing millions of men, women, and children, should they get a tad flustered." Nuclear stockpiling at this point hasn't begun but at the current DEFCON, and due to the Republics aggressive natured neighbors, stockpiling would begin as soon as possible.

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[u][b]Military improvements over the months:[/b][/u]

Improved ground armor and troop armaments:

The heavy ground forces of the FRCA needed improvement on their heavy arms capabilities. The following orders were made.

600 more M6 Linebacker BFVs
800 more Warhammer BFVs
400 M113 armored personnel carriers

[u][b]Improvements on Sky Net:[/b][/u]
Sky Net has been improved to work faster, the network was expanded to work not only with satellites but to work if somehow the nuclear hardened satellites were taken down. If something like this happened the hidden ground hard drives would kick into drive to keep things up. The satellites were given more variety. While IR satellites were in the air, more optic spy satellites were deemed necessary to make the network more adaptable to finding naval and ground movements, while UAVs from Quebec and from the Carolinas own military would be used for finding aircraft. The network was ready for international mobility as soon as it was needed. More IR and communications would be developed to replace faulty systems already up in space, which would be destroyed.

[u][b]Work on the FRC Space Cluster:[/b][/u]

The space cluster was ready to be moved out into space for scientific discoveries. The transport ships were launched through the mass drivers to take material up for construction of the cluster. The final movements were made to move the rest of the transports up.

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The presidents phone began ringing at 4AM, he got up, with a bit of a sore throat and managed to get out a scratchy "Hello?" into the phone before coughing and getting a drink from the water on his night stand. "Mr. President this is General Lee, the Irish have been invaded by the Scotts, we just got word from the Sky Net early warning team. They have not requested help but I suggest we increase our readiness status as a default." the president was awake now, slightly pissed off. He sighed and muttered to him self [i]Scots[/i] as he facepalmed. "Order a DEFCON 2 military readyness and put the navy back on wartime patrol, I will give the cabinet a briefing later on today." he said in an annoyed voice "I will take care of our diplomatic relations on this issue, I thought we had just signed a non aggression treaty with these people, and they go and attack our allies." Lee sighed "Yes sir." A few hours later he got up in front of the cabinet and briefed them on the situation, they all agreed to void the treaty with the Scots which would be publicly announced.

[i]"The Carolinas have decided that the act of the Scottish invading the Irish is in violation of our treaty on multiple clauses. As such the Carolinas denounce the Scots and the treaty will be null and void from this point on."[/i][/quote]

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1346421254' post='3026886']
Would the Carolinas please expand on the clauses which has caused your treaty to be nullified? - Private message to the President from King Dominic.
[u][b]Private Reply:[/b][/u]
The treaty became void when it was voilated by the Scottish government.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1346421349' post='3026887']
[u][b]Private Reply:[/b][/u]
The treaty became void when it was voilated by the Scottish government.

[b]Private Reply[/b]
But which [i]clauses[/i]in your agreement with Scotland, have been breached?

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[u][b]Private Reply:[/b][/u]

"An act of aggression on an ally of the Carolinas, due to Carolinian policy, is an act of aggression on the Carolinas its self. So by that quite public policy they have violated our non aggression pact."

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1346421531' post='3026890']
[u][b]Private Reply:[/b][/u]

"An act of aggression on an ally of the Carolinas, due to Carolinian policy, is an act of aggression on the Carolinas its self. So by that quite public policy they have violated our non aggression pact."

[b]Private Reply[/b]
Will you be treating the Scottish/Irish conflict as an act of war against the Carolinas?

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1346421615' post='3026891']
[b]Private Reply[/b]
Will you be treating the Scottish/Irish conflict as an act of war against the Carolinas?
[u][b]Private Reply:[/b][/u]

The Carolinas will not intervene in this war unless the Irish request that we do, as the Treaty of Dublin lines out explicitly. The decision on whether Scotland has performed an act of aggression on the nation has been made. Whether the Carolinas will act on this act of aggression is still up for debate.

OOC: I know I made it public but please limit posts in this thread, I like to keep it tidy. Thanks.

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A small Marine assault team was formed for possible deployment in future engagements. The team was comprised of one Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ship, 10 V-22 Ospreys and 240 Navy SEALS. The team was readied for deployment should it be called into service, it was set on DEFCON 2 and activated for covert operations.

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It was a shock to the government, protests began for the government to be ousted, general anarchy took hold in the main cities of North and South Carolina. The government had lost control of its people and left to hide from the protests. The Carolinas have fallen, by the people, in one fell swoop.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1346722009' post='3027712']
It was a shock to the government, protests began for the government to be ousted, general anarchy took hold in the main cities of North and South Carolina. The government had lost control of its people and left to hide from the protests. The Carolinas have fallen, by the people, in one fell swoop.

Upon the intelligence reports of the fall of another North American nation, Mexico would send in 5000 troops to secure the region.

"Another American nation has fallen in the North. We will protect the people and maintain law and order until a new, peaceful, stable government can form and support the people without Mexican assistance."

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[quote]To: Mexican and Greenlandic Governments
From: American Commonwealth State Department

In the interests of regional stability as well as for the security of our own borders we petition the Mexican and Greenlandic governments to allow American Commonwealth forces to participate in peacekeeping operations in the Carolinas. With a direct border we are able to better manage matters of logistics and will be able to provide a larger amount of forces to conduct peacekeeping missions.[/quote]

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[quote] To: Mexican and Greenlandic Governments
From: American Commonwealth State Department

In the interests of regional stability as well as for the security of our own borders we petition the Mexican and Greenlandic governments to allow American Commonwealth forces to participate in peacekeeping operations in the Carolinas. With a direct border we are able to better manage matters of logistics and will be able to provide a larger amount of forces to conduct peacekeeping missions. [/quote]

From: Secretariat of External Relations
To: American Commonwealth State Department
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greenland

It is in Mexico's opinion, and in accordance with the C-V doctrine, that Mexico and Greenland are more than capable of peacekeeping in a relatively stable region. Logistics are not a concern in our regard, due to our borders and troops already in the region. We will not need your assistance in this operation.

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