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United Carolinian Department of Defense

Isaac MatthewII

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[center][color="#000080"][size="6"]The United Carolinian Department of Defense[/size][/color][/center]

[size="5"]Current DEFCON status: [color="#FF0000"]DEFCON 2[/color] War readiness[/size]
[size="5"]Curent FPCON status: [color="#FF8C00"]Bravo[/color] a somewhat predictable terrorist threat is present.
REDCON status: [color="#FF0000"]REDCON-2[/color][/size]

[b]Important military sights:[/b] National Military Command Center, Charlotte, NC - Fort Bragg, Fatetteville, NC - Fort Challenge, Salemburg, North Carolina - Camden Military Academy, Camden, South Carolina - Tarheel Challenge Academy, Salemburg, North Carolina

:nuke: - In possession of nuclear weapons
(:nuke:) - Possibly in posssession of nuclear weapons
[color="#FF0000"][u][b]X[/b][/u][/color]- Not currently in possession of nuclear weapons.
[b][u]![/u][/b] - Watched closely by Carolinian government on a public scale. (government actions through public venues such as news)
[color="#FF0000"][u][b](!)[/b][/u][/color] - Watched closely by Carolinian military and government on a private scale (Operations and such through spy ops)

[color="#FF0000"][u][b]Nutmeg Empire
Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella
[size="6"][color="#8B0000"][u][b]Enemies of the state:[/b][/u][/color][/size]



[u][b][color="#00FF00"]North American Defense Union :nuke: [/color][/b][/u]: PIAT/MDP Government position:[i] The NADU is considered the Carolinians greatest asset and ally. As of now the USC Considers this treaty to take precedence over all other treaties or affiliations to date.[/i]
[color="#00FF00"][u][b]Cuba[/b][/u][/color] :nuke: : [i]PIAT/ODAP Government position: Cuba has been historically the most supportive ally of the Carolinas and is considered the most respected among the Carolinas.[/i]
[u][b][color="#00FF00"]Ireland[/color][/b][/u]: PIAT/CMDP Government position: [i]Ireland has only been an ally with the Carolinas for a short time.[/i]

[b]When the United States of the Carolinas declares an official ally by extension all blocs said ally is affiliated with are then friendlies until hostile action is shown from a member of that bloc.[/b]

OOC: No IC or OOC posts unless you are a GM making a ruling...

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[u][b]Movements this week:[/b][/u]
[*]5,000 troops from the 1st United Carolinian Army Foreign Corps posted at Fort Riley, KS
[*] The entire 2nd United Carolinian Army Heavy Defensive Corps was moved to Fort Challenge North Carolina
[*]The 1st United Carolinian Army Heavy Deployment Corps began deployment exercises in the less populated areas in South Carolina
[*]The 3 divisions (30,000 troops) and 1,000 tanks of the 1st United Carolinian Army Heavy Defensive Corps were moved to Fort Jackson Columbia, South Carolina. The final division (15,000 troops) and 200 tanks were moved to the South Carolina State Guard base, Columbia, SC
[*]Air patrols began all over North Carolina, the Eagle Wing began rotations for patrols, at least 2 groups in each region at a time.Exercises began in the Ashville area rotating from Sumter AFB.

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[center][u][b]Public announcement of the anti colonial policy of the U.S.C:[/b][/u]
Classified for the time being

[i]"In the interest of the common good of the continent and peace in the region with as little strain as possible North Carolina will make public its anti colonial policy in development in the past few weeks. This is not an aggressive or threatening policy by the least and the matters described in the policy would preferably be solved with no military action, but are protected by the United Carolinian Army."[/i][/center]

[quote][b][u]Colonialism defined by United Carolina:[/u] 1: The policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country. 2:The action of aggressively attacking another nation for the sole purpose of the acquirement of land or resources.

[u]Article I:[/u] Anti Colonialism in the North American continent
[u]A:)[/u] Any form of colonialism in the North American continent will be taken as an act of war on the USC.
[u]1:)[/u] Military action will not be the first movement in reaction to this clause, military action will be used in the event that all other forms of solving the issue have been exhausted to their limit.
[u]2:)[/u] In the event all other forms have been taken The United Carolinian Army will take necessary actions.

[u]Article II:[/u] Aggressive actions within the North American Continent
[u]A:)[/u] Any aggressive war in North America will be taken as an act of aggression on United Carolina and will be treated as such.
[u]B:)[/u] Military action will not be the first movement in reaction to this clause, military action will be used in the event that all other forms of solving the issue have been exhausted to their limit.

[u]Article III:[/u] Current colonies in the North American continent
[u]A:)[/u] Current colonial holdings in North America will not result in military action, though it will be the Carolinas policy to do whatever possible in peace to make these lands strictly North American holdings.

[OOC:This one time on this thread I will allow one IC post per person if its related to what I just now said. No OOC, thats what PMing is for leave it out please. Please act with a bit of civility no trolling my actions thread.]

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How does the USC plan on enforcing this doctrine without breaking the doctrines articles? The USC doesn't have the military infrastructure or means to repel a strong colonial power without calling on NADU, which would be in breach of Article II-A because NADU would be embarking on an aggressive war in North America, which by your own doctrine would force you to turn on them, and yourself, engage in an aggressive war against your own allies.

We recommend that this doctrine is reviewed by USC higher ups and refined before being made official and put into practice to avoid any negative elements befalling the Carolinian people.

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[quote]The recent announcement of this new doctrine has resulted in much lampooning and mockery of the Carolinian government by the entertainers on late night radio programmes.
-Official statement by E. Fudd and B.Bunny, Entertainment reporters for the Hartford Courant[/quote]

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[quote][u][b]American Commonwealth Secure Response[/b][/u]
While we acknowledge that this policy is completely within your rights as a sovereign nation, we sincerely hope you were not planning on announcing this and expecting the NADU as a whole to enforce this policy. We urge you to rethink this policy until a later time when we can all discuss this in a more productive manner. We would like to reiterate that while we are committed to the defense of NADU members we feel that this falls out of the NADU's mandate of protection should you act upon this policy.[/quote]

OOC: The only ooc I'll do here. The announcement says classified for 24 hours which I assume he means 24 rl hours as otherwise that would be strange. As a result only NADU members should be receiving this message.

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Upon further analyses the Caroloinian government has decided to keep the policy classified for the time being. Political analyzers have concluded that this worlds current political mind set or the lack there of would result in a larger nations attempt to act aggressive or childish.

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[center]The United Carolinian Navy is launched

Celebrations began in the new naval base in Wilmington, North Carolina and the launching of the fleet into the Atlantic going as far as the EEZ and turning back. The fleet was comprised of the following 2 Iowa class battleships, the The NCS North Carolina and the NCS South Carolina, 3 Visby class corvettes, the NCS Charlotte, NCS Enterprise, and the NCS Raleigh, 2 Endurance class landing ships, the NCS Liberty, and the NCS FT. Mill. United Carolinians were proud to see a blue water navy at their port.[/center]

Ground Force movement:

1st United Carolinian Army Foreign Corps dissolved, United Carolinian North American Defense Corps created.
2nd United Carolinian Army Light Airborne Corps were moved to a temporary base in Ashville North Carolina.

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Military purchase and construction orders:

The United Carolinian Navy has requested congress allow the building of two more Iowa Class Battleship and two more Visby class corvettes. The movement passed with a 89% agreement. The construction has been laid down and it should be done in the next few months.

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The United Carolinian Navy, Air Force, and Army have all been placed on DEFCON and REDCON 2 in response to the recent attack in Greensboro, this group, being heavily armed with military grade weaponry have been deemed as a revolutionary organization. In the event that any military action not of United Carolinian origin is detected near or in North or South Carolina the military will be set on DEFCON 1 and be prepared for war. Any loss in communication with a branch or force of the military will enact the same response as check ins will be set on 30 minute to 1 hour intervals. Miscommunication will be considered as a force being attacked and unable to communicate back. The president and all of the cabinet have been placed in military bunkers in undisclosed locations to avoid assassination attempts or runs on the government like what happened in the Confederate governments case. The congress has been set in different government locations to avoid one hit destruction of the United Carolinian government.

[font="Courier New"][quote][u][b]TO: ALL 6 MILITARY DISTRICTS
FROM: National Military Command Center, Charlotte, NC[/b][/u]

[color="#FF0000"]URGENCY LEVEL 1[/color]


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[center][u][b]three, two one, launch[/b][/u][/center]


Today marks an important day in United Carolinian history, first launch of material into space. It was the new Skynet 4 satellite that has been in development since the early stages of the space program. The United Carolinian Army ordered a military satellite to be launched as quickly as humanly possible since the program started. This was your average communication and surveillance satellite, but it was amred with a Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical Laser (MIACL) for anti satellite operations. It would be ordered to start anti satellite manouvers as soon as it was within range of the enemy satellite. This satellite and its launch were done under wraps so as to avoid any unwanted eyes gazing on the technology of the system.

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[u][b]Anti revolutionary / Invasion tactics.[/b][/u]

[b]Atlantic defense Initiative:[/b]

The United Carolinian government has found it necessary to defend its Atlantic coast against invasion. The main reasons being simply the defenses left here are not sufficient to the defense of a nation form an invading Atlantic force. Though this became a concern as soon as the first armed conflict in United Carolinian history happened in Greensboro, North Carolina. The area of focus will be anti ship and anti air defenses. The United Carolinian Navy will be ordered on their first patrol ever, extending 200 nautical miles from Diamond Shoals on a heading of 90 degrees with 2 JSTARs 2 AWACS and a flight (6 planes) of F-22 raptors as a guard, looping around back after a patrol back and fourth . The air force will divide the patrols with an AWACS, a JSTAR and 3 F-22s directly in front of the patrol and the same 50 nautical miles behind the patrol in case something is missed. Along with this patrol a regular amount of coast guard patrols will continue in the EEZ and government claimed waters. Surface to surface Harpoon missiles will be placed along the coast in the military and naval stations in the Pamilico Sound and the Diamond Schoals. Brown water naval ships, sea mines, and other basic naval defenses will be placed inside and outside of the Sound as coast guard measures. While these defenses are rather basic the United Carolinian government never even focused on the possibility of attack from military force being a rather isolationist nation. This attack on the government has awoken the United Carolinian military to the fact that in this world, aggressive action needs no reason.

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The "New Anti colonial policy of the U.S.C" has been vetoed by the United Carolinian Presidential Cabinet, this policy has been found far to extroverted for the United Carolinian Republican Party which has deemed its policy as isolationist. It has also been found far to aggressive and a threat to United Carolinian security. The U.S.C has sent a message to the N.A.D.U informing them on this change. The change has angered a lot of the Liberal party but it was fully legal, the United Carolinian Congress has the right to pass military bills but they can be vetoed by the Presidential Cabinet at any time if they are deemed a threat to United Carolinian security.

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United Carolina is launching 4 more naval ships today the tag for the United Carolinian Navy has been changed to UCS or United Carolinian Ship.

Two more Iowa class battle ships, the UCS Justice, and the UCS Defiance.
Two more Visby class corvettes, the UCS Roanoke, and the UCS Freedom.

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[size="5"][u][b]United Carolinian Surveillance Initiative.[/b][/u][/size]

[u][b]On the ground and in the air (NSCCOM):[/b][/u]
The United Carolinian ground wasnt well covered in the ways of early detection. The UCA requested the building of a RADAR net around the Carolinas. The project was called Safe Net. VHF band RADARs would be used for long range ground penetrating throughout the carolinas, UHF band was placed on all of the coastal regions for ballistic early warning, L band RADARs were used for long range air traffic control and surveillance. The system was to cover the entire nation, of course there were black spots in some areas but all districts had their respective cover. The RADAR were also used for detection outside of the Carolinas as long range early warning along with ATCOM to protect the United Carolinian people.

[u][b]In the Atlantic (ATCOM):[/b][/u]
The United Carolinian Navy requested that congress pass the construction of an Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS) in the Atlantic for early warning of invading forces. The defense bill passed with a 75% agreement and the construction would begin. The system extended as far as 200 nautical miles out into the Atlantic to avoid issues with territorial waters. It would be comprised of many forms of detection, through SOSUS, and SURTASS. The project wouldn't take to much time since it was a pretty small project. United Carolina was very interested in early warning, it was imperative for a nations survival in this new world of modern warfare. Along with the IUSS network the congress passed the deployment of JSTAR and AWACS patrols in the Atlantic with the strict clause of respecting national water and SOI. The AWACS would focus on detecting air assaults incoming on the Americas from any direction in the Atlantic. The JSTARS would focus on naval detection. A total of 9 JSTARs and 10 AWACs were deployed into the Atlantic going no further then around 350 nauticle miles on loop swoop patrol. Each one guarded by two F-22s circulating for maintenance after their patrols. The closest nations to the JSTAR/AWACS that had a holding in the atlantic was the Athenian Federation and New Greenland, both were informed so as to not cause miscom. The order was that if any communication was lost with the air patrols United Carolina after making 3 ping attempts would immediately go to DEFCON 2. Military response would vary from situation to situation, if a threat was deemed to be present then a full military mobilization would occur.

Construction projects would take at least a year to be fully completed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Republics join chiefs have made plans for revamping the Republican Air Force since the performance of the F-22 in the last engagement was rather unacceptable. Over the next few weeks they would begin to install systems that have been in development since the inception of the project. Unfortunately the air force depended heavily on a test plane under the impression that a war was unlikely. The Air Force has learned a lot from this war. On the order that B-2s would be mothballed the air force decided to use those pilots for the new revamping project. The F-22 while a great plane with the new system was still to expensive to maintain, and needed so much maintenance the air force couldn't effectively deploy it as a patrol craft. F-22s began to be mothballed with the B-2 bombers and were replaced in small numbers by F-15 Strike Eagles. The eagles would be the main patrol craft for the entire nation replacing the F-22s in the patrol aspect due to their high maintenance costs. The F-22 would still be the main response craft of the air force but would not be called on until they were needed. Always maintained to be ready to launch again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Carolinian government knew this day would come. History has shown us time and time again that larger nations will always push their influence on the smaller Guywith little or no initiation. History has shown that the larger the nation in most cases, the more childish and school yardish the nation will act, even when it involves human life. It appeared that the eastern European aggressors were not the only threat to the Carolina's. As such the Carolinian government enacted the act proposed by the Army a while back. The government ordered inland construction of tunnels and fortification of buildings in rural and swamp areas. Housing small platoons, some even housing groups as small as squads. With a lot of tunneling finished from back dying the construction of fort challenge there would only be a few places left to build. The tunnels would house a veriety of defensive tools such as toe Popper's and IEDs. They would do whatever possible to remain off the RADAR should the war go south. The president was taken to a rural Bunker hidden in the same mannor as the othrmer tunnels and bunkers with hidden entrances through things such as old barns and houses, Wells, sewers and things of that nature to conceal the entrances. The commanding officer of the RUCA will be in charge of day to day to maintain the government.

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  • 4 weeks later...

[u][b]UCNA severance actions:[/b][/u]

[*]All Sky Net 2.0 technologies and assets removed from the UCNA including uniforms and specs as well as network centers, all coding and passwords will be changed as well.
[*]All tunnels under construction will be halted and the color coding removed, further basic blueprints will be removed if they are considered a threat to the ROC's current tunnel system.
[*]All ROC assets have been removed from UCNA soil.
[*]All treaties signed while under the UCNA flag are void except for trade or PIAT treaties. Excluding the Cuban-UCNA treaty.
[*]ROC civilians imprisoned in the UCNA will meet Carolinian justice.
[*]The ROC respects the UCNAs choice to sever the ROC, as such a letter will be sent to the UCNA HQ in the Great Lakes Command to honor the possibility of a mutually beneficial NAP.
[*] Hilton Head will be converted into an ROC naval base of operations.
[*]All UCNA civilians in the ROC will be given freedom to stay or leave the country. Borders will not be closed. This does not include UCNA military or government officials (excluding diplomats selected by the UCNA should they chose), they will be sent to their government in a secure non harming manor.

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The former UCNA plans for a mass driver and a space program would be continued under the ROC flag and all current construction was handed over to the ROC due to UCNA lack of infrastructure. The construction of the mass driver was about 90% complete and the material for the space cluster was near finished production as well. Most of it would be used for space exploration and orbital intel or HUMINT.

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To stop the continuous annoyance, Quebec sent a dozen Orlinye AEWT UAVs, with the manuals in French and enough explosives in each one to completely erase the UAV from existence should it be in the danger of falling into enemy hands.

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The Republic thanks Quebec for their contribution, may we ask if we can reproduce these UAVs in larger numbers with monitoring from Quebec government officials in the near future?

OOC: I would remind everyone this thread is always considered highly classified. As it is in the OP.

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The Republic under the new president has begun beefing up its military spending a lot more recently, something McCrory wouldn't do but the citizens wanted. A major reason for his victory at the polls was his military bill. Many reforms were made, along with physical movements and grouping.

[u][b]Major military reforms:[/b][/u]

NCSCOM funding increased to fund movements and production of a new SAM network to improve on the Sky Net 1.0 system that was still running the AA network. All anti air systems were updated and synced with the Sky Net 2.0 system for faster response. As soon as any need in the area was found Sky Net 2.0 would communicate it with the NSCCOM AA systems. While it was not quite close to an SDI system, it was the closest the Carolinas have gotten.

[u][b]Military unit movement and change up:[/b][/u]

[*]The 1st Carolinian Army Defensive Corps moved to Charleston Army RDS
[*]The first 3 divisions of the 2nd Carolinian Defensive Corps moved to Fort Bragg, the 4th and 5th divisions moved to Fontana Army RDS.
[*]The 3rd Carolinian Army Defensive Corps moved to border duty on the NC northern and western border along with the first two divisions of the 1st Carolinian Army Armor Corps.
[*]The 1st Carolinian Army Deployment Corps moved to Paris Island.
[*]The first and second divisions of the 2nd Carolinian Army Deployment Corps moved to the eastern MCAS bases. Third to fourth ordered on patrol of the South Carolinian southern and western borders.
[*]The 3rd Carolinian Army Deployment Corps moved to patrol and defense along the North and South Carolinian coast with artillery. The patrols would be divided anywhere from a Battalion to a full brigade. The Artillery would be mostly used for coastal defense against naval advancement. Mostly using towable artillery such as the M777.
[*]The Carolinian anti air system has been updated, a combination of Patriot missile systems for ballistic warfare along with S-300 and S-400 SAM systems along with other systems from self propelled to towable systems. The groups would be mostly on the borders and in the mountains hidden underground until needed or under heavy canopy. They would fire on enemy craft as soon as they were warned. As a rule they were set up once Sky Net 2.0 discovered any kind of military action and were centralized to the region.
[*]Air patrols began across the country using the planes developed under the UCNA air craft project, the project was primarily in the Carolinas and was continued by the Republics own scientists to get away from the sour taste of continuing production of another nations planes, even if they were made by the Carolinas mostly. F-22 patrols continued as well to show that F-22s were being used as well.
[*]Naval patrols continued and the naval fleets began exercises in the Carolinian deep sea to practice 3-1 odds tactics without violating any national claims.
[*]The Carolinian army has introduced the reserves to save money on the military budget to help increase the rest of the new projects.
[*] A few new bases were proposed and passed by congress: Fort Jefferson, Isaac AFB, Fontana Army RDS, Laurens Army RDS, Kingston Army RDS, Johnson AFB.
[*]All other military groups were set to regular patrols and actions.
[center][u][b]This part declassified:[/b][/u][/center]
The first completely public announcement of the new battle suit, not mentioning anything about the suits network or the fact that it has one. Just that its a new suit with advanced sensors.

[center][i]A false played out special ops team moving in to take out what appears to be an enemy bunker showing many futuristic looking buildings and the suit which was depicted as the future military of the Carolinas. It then faded to "This isnt the future, this is reality" and videos of past marches with troops in these suits. The video ended with the Republic armys new motto. "For the peace, for diplomacy, for the Republic!"[/i][/center]

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The Republic realized from JSTAR UAV and Sky Net sources that the western border was being militarized more then normal. The NSCCOM high command decided that the 3rd Carolinian Army Defensive Corps would focus on defensive conditions on the western border with what now appears to have been forcefully taken by the SUSA government. The movements would be small and almost impossible to see from any form of detection unless it was being looked for. Anti Ballistic systems were set in place with UHF RADAR specifically for detecting missiles inbound due to the SUSAs extreme nuclear threats over the Kentucky incident. Anti ballistic missiles would be set in the area to take down as many missiles as possible while the alert was sent to all major cities and military bases. Sky Net 2.0 satellites were set to detect and launches from SUSA territory as well as any sort of massive military movement or air craft inbound on the Carolinas proper. A message would be sent to North American nations informing them that the Carolinian air space is closed to all military craft save Quebec.

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