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CNRP World 2

Tibus Heth

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Hello! I'm Tibus and while some of you might not remember me, I used to play CNRP back a month or two ago. I used to inhabit Sri Lanka. Unfortunately I lost my plot of land because I got busy with work and could not remain active. Anyhow, after coming back, I've noticed that there are actually quite a few spaces of land that are open, but are under the protection of other nations. Not only this, but almost all of the land itself is taken up by longstanding (I'm assuming) players of CNRP. Most are definitely willing to give up small portions of land to new players, however key regions such as France, Germany and Norway would be out of the question, since most of these areas are "core" lands belonging to the individual players. This brings me to the idea I have now. A new, optional CNRP for new and older players alike with some new tech and land rules.

The rules of CNRP World 2 are the same as regular CNRP, with a couple of exceptions:

1) The technology scale will be from Kankou's suggestion in another thread:

[b]0~49.99: World War 1 (~1936)
50~249.99: World War 2 (1936~1945)
250~499.99: Korean War (1945~1955)
500~999.99: Vietnam War (1955~1970)
1000~1499.99: Revolutionary Era (1970~1980)
1500~2999.99: Gulf War (1980~1995)
3000~4999.99: Modern (1995~Current)
5000~: Future (Current~15 years from current) [/b]

2) Land that is not inhabited by a player, cannot be controlled or protected by another player. "Landgrabs" are forbidden, so as to prevent the decline in open plots of land for newcomers.

There will also be a non earth map to spice things up, and create a sense of uniqueness to CNRP World 2. Anyone wishing to sign up can do so in the thread I will create in the Fantasy (IC) forum. Let me know if you have any questions. I understand you might not agree with this move, or in fact you might support it. Either way, try to keep the trolling and bashing of my idea to a minimum, and simply don't contribute or play in World 2 if you don't support the idea. Thanks in advance!

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I chose that tech scale after reading the posts in the corresponding thread made by Kaiser Martens. I decided his argument made sense and while I have not been around long in CNRP, I wanted to avoid complicated technology arguments from arising in CNRP W2.

Also, I realize that the players well established in CNRP have no incentive to RP in World 2, which is why it's not specifically aimed at them. It's aimed for new and smaller players, though veteran CNRP players are encouraged to participate if they desire to.

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[quote name='Tibus Heth' timestamp='1336967797' post='2967206']
I chose that tech scale after reading the posts in the corresponding thread made by Kaiser Martens. I decided his argument made sense and while I have not been around long in CNRP, I wanted to avoid complicated technology arguments from arising in CNRP W2.

Also, I realize that the players well established in CNRP have no incentive to RP in World 2, which is why it's not specifically aimed at them. It's aimed for new and smaller players, though veteran CNRP players are encouraged to participate if they desire to.

That doesn't explain how you will prevent "landgrabs"/expansion with this ruleset.

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[quote name='Bacharth' timestamp='1336975084' post='2967254']
Idea: Because it's a small playerbase, start fresh with only basic rules. No tech scale, nothing. Just a map and the simple rules of "don't be a dick" and "have fun".

I would rather have a tec hscale, since it adds a certain degree of constraint and realism to the game.

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