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An end to the war

Zoot Zoot

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These nations, the Umbrella Commonwealth, Gallifrey and the Atlantic Confederacy have signed this document to end the South American conflict between both parties. All involved hereby swear on their honour, and on this document, to respect and abide by the terms below.

[b]Article One:[/b] The Umbrella Commonwealth and the Atlantic Confederacy hereby declare peace between their nations.

[b]Article Two:[/b] The Umbrella Commonwealth and Gallifrey hereby declare peace between their nations.

[b]Article Three:[/b] In exchange for peace between Gallifrey and the Umbrella Commonwealth, the Commonwealth has agreed to the following terms given by the Gallifreyan Government:

• The Commonwealth hereby agrees to not undertake any aggressive actions against a Nation of South America unless they pose a direct threat to the security of the Continent or the Commonwealth.
• The Umbrella Commonwealth and Gallifrey are now under the terms of a Non -Aggression Pact to further prevent all hostilities.
• The Umbrella Commonwealth will compensate the Government of Gallifrey for any civilian damages caused by Commonwealth Military Forces.

[b]Article Four:[/b] In exchange for peace between Gallifrey and the Umbrella Commonwealth, Gallifrey and the Atlantic Confederacy have agreed to the following terms given by the Commonwealth Government:
• South America is no longer applicable under the Atlantic Confederacy’s Gibbs Doctrine.
• The Gallifreyan region of Rio de Janeiro will be given to the Umbrella Commonwealths Administration pending talks at a later date after this document being signed.

[b]Signed for the Umbrella Commonwealth[/b]
Chancellor Alice Wesker

[b]Signed for Gallifrey[/b]
Lord President, John Smith
Vise President, Amy Pond
Lord Chancellor, Valyes
Lady Ambassador, River Song

[b]Signed for the Atlantic Confederacy[/b]
Martin Gibbs, President of the Confederacy
Ranking Member of the Honorable Parliament of the Confederacy

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[center][b]The Republic is happy that the meeting of our nations was fruitful. Gallifrey agrees to these terms and thanks the Umbrella Commonwealth and the Atlantic Confederacy for their willingess to end this diplomatically. [/b][/center]

[right]-Lady Ambassador River Song[/right]

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The reaction in Pará was nothing short of joy at the news of the war's end. For many amongst the general populace--to say nothing of the government--the war had been an object of grave concern, not only because it had been waged by a country that was very nearly right on Paráense borders. It was indeed not long before an official statement would be released by the government.

[quote]Pará is most overjoyed at the return of peace to the South American continent with the cessation of hostilities, and we consider the terms released under the treaty to be most conducive to continued conditions of peace. May the cessation of hostilities between Gallifrey and the Commonwealth open the door to the future cessation of any ill will or tension between the two nations, that friendship and unity may truly sweep over the continent once more.

- Premier Isabel Vieira[/quote]

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Sounds of resounding joy reverberated through the Free Kingdom of Edean as people cheered in the streets that peace had once again returned to South America and that the people of Gallifrey remained free to decide their own destiny. No one knew if this peace would remain as a permanent fixture of South America or if new foes would arise in the region. Newly elected Triumvir Alaisteir Evylan in turn took the opportunity to bring about a measure to ensure peace and prosperity between the two nations - which passed overwhelmingly as required by the Edean constitution.

[quote name="Triumvir Evylan"]In keeping with our goals for creating a world of peace and joy for all, the people of Edean wish to congratulate these individuals for bringing an end to such wanton violence. The terms of this agreement are beyond any that we could have hoped for.

The Triumvirate has agreed that the implementation of Article 3 Section 1 of this treaty in combination with [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109055&view=findpost&p=2918625"]Article 6 of the Edean Constitution[/url] requires that Edean must hereby declare a state of permanent [u][i]non[/i]-aggression[/u] with the state of the [u]Umbrella Commonwealth[/u] that will only be made null-and-void should the Umbrella Commonwealth undertake actions of extreme depravity in the eyes of the world in acts of causing severe physical or psychological harm to people as defined under [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109055&view=findpost&p=2918625"]Article 2 of the Edean Constitution[/url]. As such, the consequence of this treaty grants us the opportunity to enter into a state of semi-permanent peace with the Umbrella Commonwealth and we hereby wish to take full advantage of this opportunity. Rare are the chances where one can stake a claim at permanent peace in a region and this is one opportunity we shall not allow to pass. We encourage all other South American Nations to consider embracing a similar path of peace.

We would like to ask if the terms of such a non-aggression pact as submitted would be acceptable?[/quote]

[quote][b]Preamble:[/b] In the interest of creating a state of common peace across South America, the people of Edean under the guidance of their constitution and the nation of the Umbrella Commonwealth hereby seek to maintain a state of permanent peace between their peoples and organizations.

[b]Article 1:[/b] A state of non-aggression under this treaty will hereby exist between the people's of Edean and the Umbrella Commonwealth, with both sides agreeing not to enter into a state of aggression with the other for the lifetime of this treaty.

[b]Article 2:[/b] This treaty can only be made null-and-void should either party embark in actions of [i]extreme[/i] evils in causing harm to natural peoples (be they Human, Vesari, Oniru or other fully sentient life-form) - and such acts must be recognized not simply by either side, but by the international community as a whole as such in nature and degree.

[b]Article 3:[/b] Embassies will be opened on both sides and both people's will attempt to solve problems of conflict through diplomacy first independent of the situation.

((OOC: Article 2 essentially means that this treaty is only null and void if Edean or the Umbrella Commonwealth turns into Nazi Germany or something. Essentially the treaty states that the only reason we can make war with one another is if the other side is doing something truly evil. It falls out of Article 2 of the treaty signed and it falls out of Article 6 of my own constitution. Care to expand upon regional peace?))[/quote]

Edited by Zarfef
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The American Commonwealth is glad that all of the nations involved in the Umbrella-Gallifrey conflict have managed to find a diplomatic solution put an end to the bloodshed. We sincerely hope that the peace will last and that further conflict can be averted in the future.

-President of the American Commonwealth
[i]David Bronson[/i]

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