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Nuke Recovery


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It really depends on your warchest, your size, and what you mean by nuke attack.

If by nuke attack, you mean someone dropping a single nuke on you, then the time frame for recovery is pretty much like triple Zoom said (unless you're like tiny to begin with, in which case, a nuke doesn't do anywhere near its full potential in damage).

If by nuke attack, you mean a 1 to 3 month non-stop fighting, it can be as short as a a single back collection (WTF good warchest) to as long as "never" (really crappy warchest, no aid).

If you're talking just nuke anarchy, that's a few days time.

Edited by Iceknave
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[quote name='Bowwow' timestamp='1333405933' post='2947466']
Huh, because I did the math and I came up with 6-9 months to recover and I was wondering if this was accurate.

Nuclear attacks generally have some lasting effects that may not be obvious, but I'm not sure that it would be that long.

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[quote name='Bowwow' timestamp='1333405933' post='2947466']
Huh, because I did the math and I came up with 6-9 months to recover and I was wondering if this was accurate.

Your math could very well be correct for your nation, you have a horrible nation build.

Banks: 5, Border Walls: 1, Churches: 1, Clinics: 2, Drydocks: 1, Foreign Ministries: 1, Harbors: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 1, Labor Camps: 2, Police Headquarters: 2, Schools: 3, Shipyards: 1, Stadiums: 4, Universities: 1

No factories, 2 labor camps despite the fact you collected today, and your trades are also pretty terrible.

Oh and you only have 3,075 infra. So that means you didn't clear the 3k jump properly.

As others have said with a proper build and warchest you should recover in short order.

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