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An "Inquiry" to NATO

Judge X

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1311300018' post='2760870']
Uh, You do realize any competent alliance can turn the wave around on OP, correct, or in the least make it a draw and not a decisive victory for OP? Knowing RE though, you guys have probably already given up knowing that hoarding up as many nukes as possible didn't save you. Honestly, I don't see how you can try to spin this around, you had/have the numbers & NS while the amount of Nuclear Weapons was relatively even. Not to mention your first war was a complete & total down-declare. I'm sorry that now it's your turn to get stomped but, c'est la vie.


We declared that war on the 1st of July.

These were our opponents stats

<ADude[NPO]> 76 312,884 4.1k 6
Members/NS/Avg NS and nukes


This is our NS chart, on the first we had about i think it was around 60 nations at the time with 270k total NS, i THINK we had a 5K average and a !@#$ ton more nukes but in the end we built more then we used.

So this statement

"Not to mention your first war was a complete & total down-declare."

Is nothing more then troll.

[quote]"you had/have the numbers & NS while the amount of Nuclear Weapons was relatively even."[/quote]

A day before (or so) the war broke out OP went over RE nuke counts, when OP declared they had 5k [u]more[/u] average NS then us, yes we [u]had[/u] almost a 100K on them and double the members, but a lot of those members are in the low tier where they have little to no chance of hitting anyone large enough to have a huge effect on the war, you know the old saying right? lower tier wins wa...wait sorry i mixed those up.

Forever and always, you can suck it.


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[quote name='Swatch0' timestamp='1311299327' post='2760863']
You my friend are very confident :)
I'm not overconfident. I don't do anything but talk here on the OWF and follow THP wherever bloodlust leads us. I think that the TE OWF as a whole can attest to it happening. Twice in fact. Ask, TPC, RE, OP, Anonymous(formerly G-6?), the Warriors, Destructor Fleets, LE, Synergy(formerly GATO-TE?), and probably a few others that I have forgotten. It's fine to pick fights with anybody, but only the weak bully people around. THP will never be a huge alliance. We don't recruit and we don't accept inactives. We have few rules and those rules keep us as ready for battle as anybody can be.

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