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I am very, very sorry if this is the wrong place to post this :/ I read all the forums, and couldnt figure out where to ask this.

While on cybernations, I keep getting redirected to:


In the middle of gameplay (usually while trying to leave one area, and go to another. i.e. From Infra to Tech, etc.)

I understand that I *already* log on to my nation from three different areas (home, work, blackberry[both wifi and carrier networks]) But am positive I dont share any IP's with any other nations, so the question is not related to that... (as I know you wont do IP checks)

The question is: Why am I redirected to this proxy thing... ALSO, more detail: I get a facebook icon on the tab of that window, as if Im on a facebook account, and it reads "proxy"(I dont have a facebook.... so yeah). This happens both at home and work.

My main concern is that my nation will get flagged for some kind of cheating if this is an error on my end, because Im constantly on different IP's as it is... and now this proxy thing shows up. Can anyone confirm if this is just me, or if it is a game thing Im not aware of. Please let me know. Thank you for you're time, effort, and help.

Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=398667



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It...might be a DNS issue. If you're in Windows, open the command prompt as an admin and type in ipconfig /flushdns. It's either that or a virus of some sort, though I would doubt that unless it's doing it for sites other than CN, they would pick bigger prey. But one trick viruses have is to change your DNS cache to have any site they like (Google, for instance) go to their sites instead. Can't hurt to do a virus scan, anyways.

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1303746951' post='2699244']
It...might be a DNS issue. If you're in Windows, open the command prompt as an admin and type in ipconfig /flushdns. It's either that or a virus of some sort, though I would doubt that unless it's doing it for sites other than CN, they would pick bigger prey. But one trick viruses have is to change your DNS cache to have any site they like (Google, for instance) go to their sites instead. Can't hurt to do a virus scan, anyways.

Thanks for your help!

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1303768938' post='2699431']
Has the issue occurred again since the flush?
Yes, but far less frequent... I have realized that this only happens at work now since the flush on my home computer. I have looked up the link on bing and such, and found that the link was a facebook issues a few years back... so again, no Idea why Im getting it now... as long as it doesnt put my nation under scrutiny, I wont whine and complain about it.

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