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Celebration under the Southern Cross


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Vice Autarch Aldric Konstantin Vidar sent prior notice that he would be attending, and flew out from Welthaupstadt Tiflis after ensuring all of his affairs were in order. He ultimately arrived at the party fashionably late, along with his military adviser General Henrik Gebhard, personal friend Lieutenant General Bastian Jochem, who had fled to the GNED after the fall of his home nation of Rhodes, and his primary political adviser Maximilian Anselm.

Aldric would be garbed in a simple black suit with a white shirt and red tie, and Maximilian was similarly dressed, but with a blue shirt and black tie; Henrik and Bastian both wore their uniforms. Bastian had elected to pin his old Rhodean insignias to his. Each were armed with a 9mm handgun under their jackets. If they were confiscated at the gate, they would reluctantly hand them over, but Aldric would take the ammunition out of it, telling the guard that he would shoot himself in the foot otherwise.

They boarded the relatively empty ferry on the mainland to reach the island. Bastian and Henrik entered an animated conversation on artillery tactics, while Aldric and Maximilian leaned over the side and watched the island near.

"Politics," Aldric said quietly, derisively.

"What's that, sir?" Maximilian asked, looking over at him.

"I preferred working in the shadows," Aldric replied, turning around and propping his elbows up on the railing. "Away from the prying eyes of the world's political elite, influencing and not being influenced, controlling others and not having to control myself. It was freedom, Maximilian, one that I no longer have."

"Then why'd you accept the Autarch's offer, sir?" his adviser asked.

Aldric snorted. "What choice did I have? I'd been bribing and puppeteering his governors. It was either acceptance or a bullet, and I prefer not having a 9mm lodged in my brain."

"But you've done a mighty fine job as VA, sir," Maximilian offered.

The vice autarch glanced at him. "Max, I swear to God, if you don't stop calling me 'sir' before we reach the shore, I will knock you on your ass in front of every leader you can name."

"Sorry," Maximilian muttered. "What may I call you, then?"

"I do have a name, you realize."

Maximilian frowned. "Okay...Aldric?"

"There you go," Aldric grinned, standing up straight as the ferry reached its destination. "Come on." He walked briskly between Bastian and Henrik, saying, "Tea party's over, generals, let's go."

Aldric jumped onto the dock, retinue in tow, and walked toward the welcome party, a smile on his face. "Good evening," he said. "Prime Minister Whittaker, I presume? I am Aldric Vidar, vice autarch of the GNED. Mr. Visari sends his regrets that he may not attend personally." The last statement was crap; Aldric doubted Visari gave a damn about meaningless soirees like this.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1302770763' post='2690485']
"Oh yes, it was quite the display of allegiance. I'm glad the Japanese ruling body agreed to surrender and occupation so quickly; no doubt many lives were saved by their actions. As you know Selenarctos did not participate in the show of force against Japan, though the UFE has our support, however my counterparts in the Security Division could not help but notice the Union remained outside of the conflict for maritime logistical reasons. I know the Union does not currently possess a navy and has not announced plans to create one, however if you are interested I can place you in contact with the major companies responsible for the design and production of the Selenarctan navy."

Kalla blinked in surprise at the Selenarctos Director's proposition regarding the Navy. This certainly was not what he expected.

"Well, this is certainly unexpected, ma'am." He said, voicing his thoughts. "But nevertheless welcome. I would be open to sharing design and production of a blue-water Navy with Selenarctos. The Union of Indonesia and Malaysia does have a Navy, albeit a brown-water one. So, yes, this was the reason the Union was unable to contribute much to the recent conflict against Japan."

He paused.

"Thank you, ma'am." He said earnestly, flashing his breath-taking smile.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1302797218' post='2690616']
The hug was affectionately returned by the old soldier and replied ," You really should visit Cochin again sometimes, Anaswara, Vikram's wife for one talks quite often about you. Yes, our new diplomatic initiative in North Atlantic could once again bring us into greater bonhomie. The United States of the Island are a fascinating people, not the most open and forthcoming of all societies, but I am sure they have their reasons too. All in all, we have found them fitting allies in the region seeing as our initial diplomatic initiative with another European power was treated with apathy. But let us not dwell on such unpleasantaries.

Also I think I just might accept that invitation to visit you at Eton. Also perhaps Sandhurst too, that if the Royal Military Academy is still functioning. Yes, the Austrian colony in Americas, the reactions of Pravus Ingruo. To be honest I sympathize with Pravus Ingruo. The Kingdom would not tolerate a non regional nation setting up colonies in South Asia or Central Asia. Then again diplomacy and sagacity are two crimes that we can never accuse upon the Pravus Ingruoans. War if it starts would be bloody of course. Question is how much consequential such a war would be in European politics?"

"Indeed, to my understanding, the UK is close to Harland and the legitimate Government of the Empire. The British Army is on its highest state of alert since the first war against Ireland. If Harland attacks the Commonwealth in America then I imagine a reaction from the Commonwealth will follow, what kind of reaction I dont know, but it will happen. However, if we launch a pre-emptive strike against Harland we risk war with Ireland due to Harlands geographical position. They would, and I know this for a fact, see it as an attack on the Empire proper and then activate their MDP and declare war on us, which in turn will turn Europe into a continental battleground, specifically France and the British Isles. With Irelands blant disregard for human life, its a safe assumption the war will go nuclear but we dont know one hundred percent, but if that is the case the Commonwealth will respond will nuclear weapons in kind. Its all very complicated and depressing."

"Whilst the Austrian colony in my opinion is wrong and I believe it should be turned over to an American power, it is Harlands belief that the Commonwealths territory in America, specifically Maine, is a colony of England. Which of course is not the reality of it. Maine is still a fully independant country and is not under crown rule and certainly doesnt answer to London or visa versa. It is simply two Nations under one uniting banner and one joint military command. A good example would be the United Nations. The UN had their own flag, and many member nations, but they cooperated under that flag and under one military command when the council required it. England and Maine just operate on this premise all the time."

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"Good to hear, Mr. Fincham," nodded Lizzie, before spotting another delegation coming off the boat.

When Aldric introduced himself, she smiled warmly and nodded, "Welcome to the Southern Cross, Vice Autarch Vidar. I am glad to see more of Europe attending, we have a few guests from Europe, none from the New World. Sad really, it is a lovely weekend that we shall be enjoying here. And it is of no consequence, we are glad that a diplomatic delegation was dispatched, it is the head of state who decides shall go to these soirees. Please, enjoy your visit."

After meeting Vidar, she made her way to a waiting A-WAGON that took her up to the complex, looking over at the driver as they began their journey, "Did the Governor General arrive yet?"

"Yes ma'am, he just arrived at the dock, I believe he wants to speak with you before you part ways until dinner," he nodded, as they drove quickly towards the north shore. "Beautiful day, glad everything is going smoothly thus far," noted the driver.

"Yes indeed, I look forward to gaining some new international friends while I am here this weekend," she said, with a smile. The Southern Cross was an emerging state, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. This was their first real meeting with so many cultures, they had little contact with anyone outside the immediate sphere. This event was an opportunity for the Southern Cross to make a name for itself, and also make friends, whilst everyone being able to enjoy themselves.


Robert emerged from the shallows on the beach carrying his board as he made his way along the beach towards the larger Southern Cross building. He had only been out here twice in his time as Governor General, and he was certainly going to enjoy his third time here. A number of visitors were already lounging on the beach and enjoying themselves, two of the Austrian delegation, the British Princess, as well as the Commander of the Cochin Defense Forces. All seemed to be enjoying themselves, particularly the Austrians, who had already donned their bathing suits and where listening to music, he grinned when he noticed the bucket of margarita mix.

As the song entered its final stanza, he echoed, "Wastin' away again in Magaritaville," as he walked up to them.

"I trust you are enjoying your accommodations thus far, and find them to your liking, Angelika? Theresia?" he inquired, with a warm smile, being sure to stand out of the way of the sun beating down on them.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1302874341' post='2691071']
"Indeed, to my understanding, the UK is close to Harland and the legitimate Government of the Empire. The British Army is on its highest state of alert since the first war against Ireland. If Harland attacks the Commonwealth in America then I imagine a reaction from the Commonwealth will follow, what kind of reaction I dont know, but it will happen. However, if we launch a pre-emptive strike against Harland we risk war with Ireland due to Harlands geographical position. They would, and I know this for a fact, see it as an attack on the Empire proper and then activate their MDP and declare war on us, which in turn will turn Europe into a continental battleground, specifically France and the British Isles. With Irelands blant disregard for human life, its a safe assumption the war will go nuclear but we dont know one hundred percent, but if that is the case the Commonwealth will respond will nuclear weapons in kind. Its all very complicated and depressing."

"Whilst the Austrian colony in my opinion is wrong and I believe it should be turned over to an American power, it is Harlands belief that the Commonwealths territory in America, specifically Maine, is a colony of England. Which of course is not the reality of it. Maine is still a fully independant country and is not under crown rule and certainly doesnt answer to London or visa versa. It is simply two Nations under one uniting banner and one joint military command. A good example would be the United Nations. The UN had their own flag, and many member nations, but they cooperated under that flag and under one military command when the council required it. England and Maine just operate on this premise all the time."

"This has always been the biggest drawback of projecting power into North Atlantic. European politics. If any one sneezes a nuclear war would start. As a foreign nation, Cochin would be completely neutral in any conflict breaking out between Europe and North America except of course if the sovereignty of the United States of the Islands is threatened.

And yes, Harland is quite mistaken in his perceptions about Maine's role in the Commonwealth. Frankly I think it is a hangover of the gone by days of North American solidarity when due to the presence of strong nations like Tahoe and Viniland, North America was virtually unassailable. Unfortunately Harland seems to be quite unable to adjust to his reduced regional relevance. He does have some strong allies, but crux of the matter in any alliance web is who can you really trust to watch your back. The Kingdom has always had to survive in the face of conflicts and tensions when treaties crumple away and alliances dissolve into thin air. Let us see how much guts the people of Pravus Ingruo have to fight totally alone. That, I believe is a measure of a nation's true strength," General Varma said before hailing a passing waiter for a refill of his drink. Double Johnny Walker Blue Label on the rocks, this time.

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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1302843765' post='2690992']
Kalla blinked in surprise at the Selenarctos Director's proposition regarding the Navy. This certainly was not what he expected.

"Well, this is certainly unexpected, ma'am." He said, voicing his thoughts. "But nevertheless welcome. I would be open to sharing design and production of a blue-water Navy with Selenarctos. The Union of Indonesia and Malaysia does have a Navy, albeit a brown-water one. So, yes, this was the reason the Union was unable to contribute much to the recent conflict against Japan."

He paused.

"Thank you, ma'am." He said earnestly, flashing his breath-taking smile.

"I'm pleased to hear, I'll have members of the Security Division and Fieres Shipyards, Ltd. call you soon.

"On a lighter note, I have not had a chance to learn much of you. I do not wish to seem prying, but are you married or do you have a family? If the latter, do you have or wish for children?"

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1302927249' post='2691380']
"This has always been the biggest drawback of projecting power into North Atlantic. European politics. If any one sneezes a nuclear war would start. As a foreign nation, Cochin would be completely neutral in any conflict breaking out between Europe and North America except of course if the sovereignty of the United States of the Islands is threatened.

And yes, Harland is quite mistaken in his perceptions about Maine's role in the Commonwealth. Frankly I think it is a hangover of the gone by days of North American solidarity when due to the presence of strong nations like Tahoe and Viniland, North America was virtually unassailable. Unfortunately Harland seems to be quite unable to adjust to his reduced regional relevance. He does have some strong allies, but crux of the matter in any alliance web is who can you really trust to watch your back. The Kingdom has always had to survive in the face of conflicts and tensions when treaties crumple away and alliances dissolve into thin air. Let us see how much guts the people of Pravus Ingruo have to fight totally alone. That, I believe is a measure of a nation's true strength," General Varma said before hailing a passing waiter for a refill of his drink. Double Johnny Walker Blue Label on the rocks, this time.

"Ah yes, well I dont think you can remain neutral in a British war General. The United States of the Island believe it is their sworn duty to protect Ireland and defend it at all costs, even if the Irish are the aggressors. It would be a minimal hiccup for English forces is the USI went to war against us, a distraction, nothing more. Moreover the nuclear fallout would do damage beyond the scale of Southern England. The smart money is on the Irish going nuclear first, they see such weapons as nothing but toys. Cardiff is still in ruins after they dropped a 500 kiloton nuclear weapon on it. Their [i]own[/i] city.

England has sat under the shadow of war for almost a decade now, they say we are at peacebut it isnt, I believe its simply the calm before the storm. Harland is this storm."

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1302954507' post='2691494']
"Ah yes, well I dont think you can remain neutral in a British war General. The United States of the Island believe it is their sworn duty to protect Ireland and defend it at all costs, even if the Irish are the aggressors. It would be a minimal hiccup for English forces is the USI went to war against us, a distraction, nothing more. Moreover the nuclear fallout would do damage beyond the scale of Southern England. The smart money is on the Irish going nuclear first, they see such weapons as nothing but toys. Cardiff is still in ruins after they dropped a 500 kiloton nuclear weapon on it. Their [i]own[/i] city.

England has sat under the shadow of war for almost a decade now, they say we are at peacebut it isnt, I believe its simply the calm before the storm. Harland is this storm."

"Then let us hope that our nations do not get drawn into war, especially a war with us at opposing ends," General Mahesh Varma replied raiding his glass in a toast.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1302818765' post='2690787']
Ariadne chuckled at the thought of how the operations were progressing, they were going great. "I am pleased to announce the preparations for Operation Dragoon are going perfectly, our forces in Italy and Spain are ready to move on within a matter of weeks, not to forget our surprises. I assume the UFE is still planning on participating? Our bases are ready to have you.

"Whatever are you talking about Empress? Certainly not the planned 100, 000 increase in Nordic manpower from the Asiatic tribal territories..." Wei said with a smirk. "You will undoubtedly have our support. After our fleet finishes up with the North American mess, it will sail to the Atlantic to do a tour in force."

He looked around to make sure no one else was around, "How are things in Europe progressing? Our political analysts see the North American situation as being a prologue. The open infighting between the Germans and the UK while certainly not surprise to you or I, seems to suggest that tensions are much larger than what the media spin doctors have wanted to see. If that is how they talk to each other outside Zurich's meeting hall I can only imagine the conversations within."

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1302973317' post='2691557']
"Then let us hope that our nations do not get drawn into war, especially a war with us at opposing ends," General Mahesh Varma replied raiding his glass in a toast.

"well if the USI fires first, the Commonwealth and the Kingdom shan't be at war. So, let us drink to peace Uncle,"

She raised her glass and drank deeply.

Meanwhile, Harry had drunk himself into quite a state before making his way over to the Athenians and the Chinese who were deep in conversation. He only caught the last three or four words spoken before introducing himself.

"Your Imperial Highness it is a pleasure to see you again" he said, bowing his head slightly in respect. He turned to Wei, unaware of the mans name, he felt highly embarrassed.

"Greetings Sir, I must apologise for this hiccup, but might I ask your name? I'm Prince Harry of the Commonwealth, but I'm not too keen people referring to me by title so please call me Harry."

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"Ah hello Harry." Wei said addressing the prince without his title, "I was just telling Empress Ariadne about a fantastic new exhibit at the Hong Kong museum. Its a sunken ship from the Opium War amazingly enough the documents in a chest were kept water tight, you get such vivid dealing about how your ancestor's careers as common drug dealers." Wei said pleasantly.

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"How excellent Sir. History certainly is fascinating isn't it? For what little this is worth I do apologise for the actions of the former Empire. Terrible business, a rich but terrible history the British Empire has. However, if it wasn't for the Chinese, England wouldn't have football, not that we are having much luck presently, bit still."

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1302932947' post='2691423']
"I'm pleased to hear, I'll have members of the Security Division and Fieres Shipyards, Ltd. call you soon.

"On a lighter note, I have not had a chance to learn much of you. I do not wish to seem prying, but are you married or do you have a family? If the latter, do you have or wish for children?"

Kalla raised an eyebrow, his lips curling in a slight smile. "No, I'm not married at the moment. I actually haven't dated anyone for some time, so to say. And being Union President doesnt exactly free up time for me to do that, heh." He chuckled as he raised his glass to his lips, only to find it empty. He set it down on a table near him. "I do want a family, though, especially children.

So, tell me a bit about yourself, ma'am. Are you married, and do you have or wish for children?" He smiled.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302973599' post='2691558']
"Whatever are you talking about Empress? Certainly not the planned 100, 000 increase in Nordic manpower from the Asiatic tribal territories..." Wei said with a smirk. "You will undoubtedly have our support. After our fleet finishes up with the North American mess, it will sail to the Atlantic to do a tour in force."

He looked around to make sure no one else was around, "How are things in Europe progressing? Our political analysts see the North American situation as being a prologue. The open infighting between the Germans and the UK while certainly not surprise to you or I, seems to suggest that tensions are much larger than what the media spin doctors have wanted to see. If that is how they talk to each other outside Zurich's meeting hall I can only imagine the conversations within."

Ariadne nodded also making sure noone else was around. "I know and I have heard reports myself, Europe has clearly formed its sides, while it might not be obvious from the treaties most is covered. It truly will be a great event" She said, however at that point she noticed the English prince and would cut off the current subject.

"Ah yes, your highness a pleasure seeing you again, how is the King doing?" She asked.

[i]"I was just telling Empress Ariadne about a fantastic new exhibit at the Hong Kong museum. Its a sunken ship from the Opium War amazingly enough the documents in a chest were kept water tight, you get such vivid dealing about how your ancestor's careers as common drug dealers."[/i]

Ariadne sighed only hoping this wouldn't lead to a fight.


Meanwhile Valerio had changed his suit for something that while still formal also was a bit more comfortable considering the climate. "This is the real life I tell you Silvio"

He turned around looking at the aging and balding man, while he was 74 he looked more like he was in his 60s due to a lot of cosmetic surgery. "Of course sir." Silvio replied as Valerio walked towards a window overlooking the beach. "I'll be out there, if anyone needs me tell them the Emperor is unavailable" Valerio said with a grin before leaving the building heading for the beach. There he noticed some faces already, the Governor General that had welcomed them, Theresia and Angelika. Also in the distance he recognized the English prince, Wei and Ariadne. After looking around he walked towards a bar at the beach where he ordered tequila to start it off.

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"I am so glad that while you forced opium down the throat of tens of millions of Chinese we could help further your entertainment." Wei replied dryly. "It was definitely worth it then." Wei maintained a perfectly gentlemenly demeanor. The Chinese premier was infamous for his near emotionless poker face.

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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1302995000' post='2691676']
Kalla raised an eyebrow, his lips curling in a slight smile. "No, I'm not married at the moment. I actually haven't dated anyone for some time, so to say. And being Union President doesn't exactly free up time for me to do that, heh." He chuckled as he raised his glass to his lips, only to find it empty. He set it down on a table near him. "I do want a family, though, especially children.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself, ma'am. Are you married, and do you have or wish for children?" He smiled.

Pacita signaled to a waiter walking pass to refill Kalla's glass. "I can relate to not having enough time," she said with a laugh. "I'm not married, but I have a long-term partner and a daughter named Ethel with him. She's in Manila right now and she'll be turning seventeen next month. She's been... quite an adventure, though I wish I'd had more time to spend with her when she was younger. A bit of advice for when you do have children: make them your highest priority. Though sometimes it may not seem like it, your country will continue to run just fine without you."

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1303002982' post='2691747']
"I am so glad that while you forced opium down the throat of tens of millions of Chinese we could help further your entertainment." Wei replied dryly. "It was definitely worth it then." Wei maintained a perfectly gentlemenly demeanor. The Chinese premier was infamous for his near emotionless poker face.
Lounging on her chair, Katherina turned to her sister. "Me-ow," she said, doing the cat claw motion.


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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1303006846' post='2691773']
Pacita signaled to a waiter walking pass to refill Kalla's glass. "I can relate to not having enough time," she said with a laugh. "I'm not married, but I have a long-term partner and a daughter named Ethel with him. She's in Manila right now and she'll be turning seventeen next month. She's been... quite an adventure, though I wish I'd had more time to spend with her when she was younger. A bit of advice for when you do have children: make them your highest priority. Though sometimes it may not seem like it, your country will continue to run just fine without you."

Kalla smiled at the thoughtful gesture. "Thank you." He said to the waiter who filled his glass. He then proceeded to thank Pacita as well. "As for your advice, I will have to keep that in mind." Kalla said. "With that, I would like to visit your fine country someday. I hear it is quite beautiful, with unique culture and tradition, and the like. Or so as I've been told in my Cultural Tradition course in university in Jakarta." He said the last part with a grin and a wink as he sipped his glass.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1303002982' post='2691747']
"I am so glad that while you forced opium down the throat of tens of millions of Chinese we could help further your entertainment." Wei replied dryly. "It was definitely worth it then." Wei maintained a perfectly gentlemenly demeanor. The Chinese premier was infamous for his near emotionless poker face.

"If you say so. But I wouldn't say forced, no, I believe the East India Company simply tried to open another Market for themselves out of greed by selling opiates. It certainly reversed the flow of silver. Unless my history is wrong, China didn't use the Gold Standard, which made the EIA buy silver from the continent so that they could buy Chinese produce to sell in Europe. All simply because the Chinese only dealt in silver coinage. By no means do I support such actions I might add, like I said, a disgraceful part of history for the European colonials in Asia. How is tibet going by the way?" responded Harry without concern, speaking lazily and making it obvious the Chinese man wasn't bothering him.

He turned to the Empress.
"Alfred is fine your Highness, my Mother however swears is is never drinking with you again after some competition you had at my wedding?"

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"Your history is biased. Plenty of countries used silver, including your own as a currency. The issue that you had was that Britain simply was too backwards at the time to have Chinese want to buy anything from you. You wanted Chinese tea, silk, rhubarb, and other fine goods, and had nothing of real interest to us. The only thing Britain was advanced in was military weapons and China was largely peaceful. Therefore you decided to use Opium to get the Chinese addicted because you wanted to continue to buy our goods but had no actual goods or services to balance trade with. Therefore you attacked us when our government said it might not be a good idea to let tens of millions of people have their lives destroyed by Britain." Wei replied. "Last I checked Tibet is doing fine, at least our half but it sounds like the social sciences and histories programs in Britain is not. A good two thirds of Tibet is in Cochin, not the People's Republic of China. Its very distressing you don't know these things." Wei said with concern.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1303143704' post='2692670']
"Your history is biased. Plenty of countries used silver, including your own as a currency. The issue that you had was that Britain simply was too backwards at the time to have Chinese want to buy anything from you. You wanted Chinese tea, silk, rhubarb, and other fine goods, and had nothing of real interest to us. The only thing Britain was advanced in was military weapons and China was largely peaceful. Therefore you decided to use Opium to get the Chinese addicted because you wanted to continue to buy our goods but had no actual goods or services to balance trade with. Therefore you attacked us when our government said it might not be a good idea to let tens of millions of people have their lives destroyed by Britain." Wei replied. "Last I checked Tibet is doing fine, at least our half but it sounds like the social sciences and histories programs in Britain is not. A good two thirds of Tibet is in Cochin, not the People's Republic of China. Its very distressing you don't know these things." Wei said with concern.

"I did say its a disgraceful part of history did I not? Britain used the gold standard, not silver, and because our own heap of silver was small, we had to buy it in large ammounts from Europe to coin it and use it to buy Chinese goods. Indeed you are correct in saying that China had no real interest in European goods. The Opiate trade simply reversed the flow of silver back to Britain. In regards to Tibet, I was referring to 20th century Tibet when the Chinese oppressed them, infact, the human rights violations of the PRC in that era were endless. Every nations history has a few bloody pages in history, yet ours Mr Wei, seem to have several volumes of bloody pages in history, wouldnt you agree?"

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[b][OOC: Sorry everyone, spent the last forty-eight hours moving back home, all settled in now.][/b]

After sharing a conversation with Angelika and Theresia quickly, Robert moved on to the Southern Cross delegation venue. Lizzie was waiting for him on the second floor in Robert's on-site study, perched on his desk, looking both excited and nervous at the same time. There were two glasses of scotch sitting next to her leg, and she smiled slightly wider when he made his entrance, still dripping a little on the floor. He had retrieved his shirt from the Coast Guard lieutenant, who had also given him a fist bump for the 'good show', one of the other Coast Guard crew did a quiet cackle with the added line of "wipe out". He had bounded up the steep steps to the Southern Cross venue, donning his shirt once again and buttoning it up as he went, his hair still askew but 'presentable'.

"Looks like the party already started for you, Robby," chuckled Lizzie, fidgeting with her hat in her lap.

"Got a ride in, after doing the security check," nodded Robert, grinning from ear to ear. "How was the meet 'n greet?"

"Good, seems that everyone is enjoying themselves thus far, lots of people already talking to one another. Chief Director from Pihana looked scared as hell though," said Lizzie, as she picked up one of the scotch glasses and handed it to Robert.

"Not surprised," replied Robert, taking the glass from her. They raised their glasses up, with a tiny 'clink', before downing the glasses' contents. "That stuff never gets old," said Robert, looking at his empty glass, before smiling at Lizzie.

"No it doesn't."

"You're looking like you could use the liquid courage," noted Robert, narrowing his eyes as he looked at his Prime Minister.

"I'll be fine, a little fazed about being in the company of some of the worlds' most powerful people," said Lizzie quietly, looking directly at Robert.

"Just think of it being Qantas Execs, except they got nukes," chuckled Robert, giving Lizzie a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Can't be any worse then that. And look at it this way, its not like we're here to primarily here to talk politics, enjoy yourself, I'll take care of any of the political business."

"Not good if your prime minister can't handle herself with international guests though," said Lizzie, looking slightly downcast.

"Look, we're making a two pronged approach here, I'll work business with people, you make friends. You know me, I can make work fun when I want to. You're doing fine, Liz, don't let any nervousness ruin this weekend for you," said Robert, kindly smiling at his counterpart.

"Angelika and Theresia von Hapsburg wanted to have some girl time together, so I'll start off there," nodded Lizzie, with a sigh. "Who knows, I have read that they have both made inroads with some fairly powerful people, and they have helped maneuvered Austria to where it is at this day. Maybe it will result in something, but of course, fun comes first."

"There you go, work from there, I see Mr. Wei has met Prince Harry downstairs," chuckled Robert.

"See? You can [i]hear[/i] them from here, Robby," giggled Lizzie, hearing the words of disagreement quietly echo upstairs. "When I passed by, it looked like the Empress Ariadne Notaras was rather [i]lonely[/i] at the bar."

"Well, I would be lonely too, if I were having to be an observer to that little tussle," chuckled Robert, leaning against his desk and looking at Lizzie. "I'll go down and see what magic I can work."

"Enjoy yourself Robby, don't work yourself [i]too[/i] hard."

"C'mon Lizzie, the only thing I'll be really working hard this weekend is probably my liver," said Robert, both of them breaking into a hearty laugh.


Robert came down amidst Harry's speech about the PRC's human rights violations throughout the 20th century, and saw Ariadne looking on as Wei and Harry haggled. He smiled to himself as he walked up behind the bar, nodding for the bartender to take a break for a bit, as the clientele was only the Athenian Empress, Grand Vizier, and Prince. Abel was a jack-of-all-trades, he had to be, especially when he was in university. Having to pay the bills for law school and undergraduate was expensive, and he had worked a slew of jobs, including tending to bars. He knew his way around behind the counter, and he knew his liquor as well, a perfect combination for times such as these. He walked over in front of Ariadne, and mouthed, with a cheeky grin, out of sight of Wei and Harry, 'Shall I get out the popcorn?' He gave a sideways glance at the Grand Vizier and the Prince, and cocked his eyebrows a couple times.

He held up a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka, and said quietly with a smile, "Straight? One for the bartender, one for the visiting empress?"


Lizzie Whittaker had quickly changed to a two piece white bikini and beach skirt after meeting with the Governor General, and then proceeded to grab a beach towel and donned her large aviator sunglasses. To this arrangement she had also put on flip flops and had poured herself a well-sized cup of rum and coke, before proceeding down to the beach. She had quickly redone her hair, pulling it out of its tight bun and clipping it up high, and while it was slightly 'messy' looking, it also looked much more informal. Her skin was well-tanned from years along the Gold Coast south of Brisbane and also living in Melbourne, and she looked a little more relaxed as she walked down to the beach.

She smiled and gave a small greeting to the two Marscurian Princesses, before taking to the beach and proceeding over to Angelika and Theresia. She plopped down next to them with a sigh, the sun beating down on her as she felt much more relaxed. Speaking with the Governor General had gotten her racing thoughts much more organized, either that or the alcohol was taking over her bloodstream, either way, she felt much more relaxed, and she was enjoying herself now.

"I see you two already found your own little spot in the Australian sun! Enjoying yourselves yet?" chuckled Lizzie, taking a sip of her drink.

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Ariadne smiled as she saw the Governor General come to save her from the ongoing debate that was slowly looking like a small war.

"Sounds good to me, mister Abel, and thank you, thank you a lot"she replied while turning around towards the Governor General as the debate would continue. "A truly great place, I am already happy to have come here"

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"Glad to hear that, I do hope that your accommodations are to your liking? And you can call me Robert, I think it makes me sound like I'm a schoolteacher when people use the 'Mister' title," smiled Robert, as he poured two glasses of straight vodka. "I have never visited the Mediterranean before, many people tell me the climate is quite similar to ours, at least on this coast, give or take a few rains," he said, as he smoothly finished pouring the second glass. "I do hope someday I might get to that part of the world."

He handed one glass over to her, and when she took it, he lifted his own, with a smile, "To the pleasure of company." He felt that statement, with the ongoing debate nearby, was much more loaded then ever at this point.

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"Well then Robert, considering we're all here informally feel free to just call me Ariadne. And yes, the accommodations are perfect, you truly are showing the respect with which your people treat others." She took the glass and took a sip from it. "To the pleasure of company indeed" "As for the Mediterranean more rain, more security, otherwise it is much alike yes. It does have its advantages though that in our region there also are white winters. However regardless of how nice the climate is, the serenity of this place beats the industrialized Mediterranean, I can truly imagine why you would love it here."

"How is the Union developing in general though? I know you have been doing good from intelligence reports and that you have been forced to deal with idiotic neighbors but I would like to hear the real story and not a paper."

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