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Downfall: The Setting Sun


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[b]*Public Statement*[/b]

The government of the Serene Republic of Vaule expresses our sincere sadness at the outbreak of another conflict in Asia. Nonetheless, as always, our allies have our full support and we are prepared to render assistance upon request.

[b]*Private Communication*[/b]
To: Government of the United Federation of the East

The government of the Serene Republic of Vaule, due to our existing treaty, is prepared to offer full military and financial support to your forces. Tell us what you require and we shall do our best to assist.

B. Svatek, President of the Serene Republic of Vaule

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[b]D plus twelve hours[/b]

With the capture of Moskal'vo and Nekrasova, the invaders would now be able to break out. The 1st Armoured Division led the way with concentrated attacks southwest from Ekhabi towards the town of Lupolovo on the west coast of Sakhalin. The newly arrived 8th Infantry Division joined the attack along with the 4th Mechanised Division thrusting through the nearby town of Tungor south.

More soliders and equipment were being landed at the port towns of Moskal'vo and Nekrasova, which included elements of the 8th and 11th Mechanised Divisions who would land over the next eight hours. The plan was to build up the invasion force to a total of ten divisions as soon as logistically possible.

Also at the same time, a propaganda campaign was launched in support of the war and against Japan:



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The CAS supports the UFE in this war of justice.

In a private message to the UFE, the CAS apologized for their inability to assist in anything more than financial aid due to the lack of naval forces.

Edited by jeff744
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1302328695' post='2687286']
The call was given: "There is no Kamikaze!"

The troops in Hiroshima and Fukuoka came out of their ships in the midst of the chaos, and soon took over the cities in a blitz. The highly demilitarized Japanese forces were no defense against the hardened Chosun troops and the occupation was done instantly.

With the occupation done, the 400,000 troops Chosun soldiers mobilized in Busan and Ulsan began crossing the strait in hovercrafts and landing ships. 150,000 landed in Fukuoka and Kitakyushu, and 250,000 would land all around the northern Chugoku coast. The troops were conscripts from the purged families, promised amensty. They were ordered to advance forward regardless of the costs, to occupy Northern Kyushu, Chugoku, and then march east to Lake Biwa. Only one city would be spared occupation: Kyoto.

Special forces were sent to Kinki to find Suzumiya haruhi.

Casualties would be high, estimated to reach 40%, but damn the costs.

OOC: lolwut? Godmod, not recognized.

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The tattered streets of Tokyo, and several other cities, rang a silent call across the nation. The dream of a greater Japan was obviously a fluke, and something that shouldn't have been pursued a second time. The end of the reign of Suzumiya had marked a closure in the history of a once-great nation and it's ever-enduring culture. The dark chapter that the Empire now witnessed was during a period of inactivity and decline. The joyous celebrations that once filled the streets years before were nonexistent, with civilians running for the nearest bomb shelter instead of the cherry blossoms and shrines.

The Empress sighed, knowing that she wouldn't be able to do anything further to save 'her' nation. Letting out a final tear, she took the ceremonial sword that the Japanese people saw as a sacred treasure: Kusanagi. Breathing for the last time, she took the sword and ran it through her stomach, performing the ritual known as 'harakiri' (ritual suicide). Viewing this as the only way to retain her honor, and the honor of the Japanese people, she ended her life silently in this manner within the palace. Shortly afterwards, servants would discover this great tragedy, and it would ring throughout the nation. Advancing troops would now see Japanese troops surrendering without a bullet fired, flags in all areas moved to half-mast. Japan had died along with it's Empress.

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UFE Forces would land in Osaka and Tokyo hours later. The People's Liberation Army would begin airborne landings in Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Kyushu not long after that. Crossing from the Korean side the UFE 3rd Army would march into Hiroshima and Nagasaki. On queue the cyber attacks and power disruptions would end when the UFE assumed military control of the Home Islands. Vladivostok and the Southern areas of Primorsk Krai would also be seized. The Empire of the Rising Sun was brought to its knees.

The Yasukuni Shrine, rebuilt from the last time the Chinese took Tokyo would once again be destroyed. People's Liberation Army soldiers were given complete permission to loot it and all its artifacts and deface the monument to the genocide committed against the Chinese People. The Imperial Navy that remained in tact would be taken to China and gutted, the symbols of Japanese Imperialism turned into target practice for the United Federation of the East.

The 3rd Nanjing Guard Battalion would have the honor of demolishing it. Aside from this single incident the UFE forces would keep Japan's cultural monuments intact. August Imperator Jia issued a proclamation within hours of the country being secure. Standing at a podium behind him was the Wall of Victims at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall.

[quote]Today, the United Federation of the East and its allies have humbled the would be tyrants of East Asia and brought down a third wave of Japanese Aggression before it began. Let there be no mistaking this. This is a regime that has rebuilt shrines to war criminals, modeled itself after the Empire which raped its neighbors, its first carriers were named after the one's that attacked Pearl Harbor. This is the aggression that was stopped in its tracks.

Our forces have avenged the death of our brave sailors, and said to them and our ancestors who perished in these hallowed grounds, we do not forget. We do not cower. We do not fear. We are ever vigilant. Those who seek to follow the path of tyranny and imperialism shall be held accountable. Let the message ring forth from this point right here, the People of Asia have risen up, they have overcome their past and they have said 'We are for peace, we are free, and most importantly we are strong!'[/quote]

Veterans who had been brought in to be in the audience, along with the families of the coast guard men killed stood up to applaud the August Imperator. Grand Vizier Wei would issue a more technical statement several hours later to global media and the foreign governments who had embassies in the UFE.

[quote]For the coming weeks while the surrender of the Imperial Japanese Army is complete, the Home Islands shall be under the direct rule of the People's Liberation Army. The People's Liberation Army shall also occupy the regions of Siberia south of the Amur River until the surrender is finalized. The Kuriles, Sakhalin, and Siberia North of the Amur shall be occupied by forces lead by our Buryatia allies. Iwo Jima and the Bonin Islands shall be occupied under the supervision of the Union of the Southern Cross. Further questions regarding the status of the Former Japanese empire should be referred now to the foreign offices of the chief occupying power in the district.[/quote]

The Sword of Kusanagi would be taken from Japan to China...

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With Japan's surrender, the Buryatian forces on Sakhalin ceased aggressive operations and began to swiftly advance south, taking prisoner many Japanese soldiers who had simply waited for the Buryatia Army units to pass them. The prisoners were treated very well with large amounts of water and food being distributed among them and the civilian population. Sakhalin's Capital Yuzno-Sakhalinsk which was situated in the southern part of the island, was occupied without incident by elements of the 1st Regiment, 4th Mechanised Division which had landed in the first wave. They immediately lowered the Japanese National Flag on the building used by the Japanese administration and raised the Buryatia National Flag in its place, symbolising the victory.

Meanwhile the four Stronghold Class Landing Ships BNS Stronghold, BNS Bastion, BNS Mainstay and BNS Fortress began to land a small force on each of the Kurile Islands to take over from the former Japanese administration. The occupation of Sakhalin and the Kuriles would be one of peacefully taking over the administration of the islands then incorporating them into the territory of the Commonwealth of Buryatia.

With the war over, aid for the civilian populations in the newly conquered territories would now be required to apply for Buryatian Nationality and pay the taxes that came with it. Their lives would change ever so slightly with all Japanese signs would be replaced with bi-lingual Buryatian and Russian ones. The Japanese National Flag would be banned although citizens of Japanese origin would be allowed to stay. Any mention of the Empress and the glorification of the former Japanese Regime's dream of a greater Japan was strictly forbidden. These laws wopuld come into effect immediately with severe consequences for anyone who broke them.

The new era had begun.

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While Japan's surrender had been tendered, a force of sixteen CH-53 Super Sea Stallions had taken off from the SCS [i]Storm[/i], they quickly made the journey towards the Bonin Islands. Helicopters from other ships in the task force would make a similar journey to Iwo Jima, over them, aircraft from the SCS [i]Indefatigable[/i] flew loops in the sky. The helicopters were fully loaded with combat troops from the 1st Marine Regimental Combat Team, and as they landed on the islands, the troops quickly secured landing zones and made attempts to contact local civilians.

Many in the first wave were fluent in Japanese, a number of them were Japanese immigrants who were returning to their home once again. They made quick contact with local constabulary and government staff on the main island of Chichijima, where the local governor offered to surrender, offering his family katana as the official token of surrender. The commander of the ground forces for the invasion, Brigadier General Anthony Watkins, who had flown in the first wave, a veteran of a number of the wars in Australia, allowed the governor to keep his sword. There was no need for such family heirlooms to be taken away, a simple signature on a document confirming the local governments' acceptance of surrender was good enough.

Task Force Somersault quickly repositioned closer to the islands, as Watkins noted the local governor could maintain local control for the time being. The helicopters had encountered no resistance on their approach to their island, and no casualties had been reported amongst the air crews who had flown missions against the island. A total of three people had been killed in the airstrikes, all of them part of the paramilitary contingent assigned to guard the islands. A further six had been injured, and with no power, and the lacking medical facilities on the islands, they were evacuated by helicopter to the SCS [i]Supplier[/i] for immediate medical intervention.

[center][b][size="6"]Public Statement from the Union of the Southern Cross[/size][/b]


"The Union of the Southern Cross announces that it has concluded any outstanding hostilities with Japanese Forces, and has since occupied the Bonin Archipelago. We are happy to report that no casualties were inflicted on Southern Cross forces, and that there were no civilian casualties during the operation. There are reports of a few casualties amongst the Japanese forces that were assigned to the island, and the Southern Cross Naval Defense Force is treating six individuals for various wounds received during the aerial bombardment. A further three deaths were reported from these attacks, and they will be accorded full military honors in burial by the Southern Cross forces.

We announce that we will be continuing the occupation of these islands for the foreseeable future, and will be working with local government leaders and constabulary personnel during this occupation. A battalion of Heavy Engineers are being airlifted to these islands to help with repairs to infrastructure inflicted during the aerial bombardment."

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Another force was being readied to take over the territory between the Marscurian Siberia border to the Amur River. A message was sent to the Marscurian Siberia Government:


To: Marscurian Siberia Government

From: Commonwealth of Buryatia Government

We are about to take over the territory previously held by Japan between your border to the Amur River. We would like to discuss continuing the port agreement you had with Japan. Please get back to us on this matter.

President Anna Petrov, President of the Commonwealth of Buryatia

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OOC: A little FYI, if your're talking about the land just south of the very east of my the tip of my nation (across the river from where Khabarovsk is), I actually do own right up to the Amur River. The map is just deformed and it makes it look like there's a little spike added in there. However, the Jewish Autonomous Oblast (my land) does have the river all the way around and to the very eastern edge of the tip.

Reply to Buryatia:
We would indeed like to enter into negotiations for continued Marscurian Siberian presence at the Chiharashtot sight. However, after the collapse of Japan, it does seem that a change in name is required. If it is convenient for you, we can hold negotiations at the sight itself.

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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OOC: Can you make a map of where the borders are please cause its hard to distingush.


Reply to Marscurian Siberia:

Very well, we will meet your delegation there.


The Buryatia delegation which included President Anna Petrov arrived at Chiharashtot where the discussion would start immediately. President Petrov spoke. "Thank you for inviting us here. Please can you outline the previous agreement you had prior to Japan's collapse."

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[quote name='Curristan' timestamp='1302457231' post='2687916']
OOC: Can you make a map of where the borders are please cause its hard to distingush.


Reply to Marscurian Siberia:

Very well, we will meet your delegation there.


The Buryatia delegation which included President Anna Petrov arrived at Chiharashtot where the discussion would start immediately. President Petrov spoke. "Thank you for inviting us here. Please can you outline the previous agreement you had prior to Japan's collapse."
OOC: My borders are correct. The thing is that Amyante should take up my entire Southern border, with the Amur dividing us the whole way. However, once we reach the very Eastern edge of my land, the Amur turns North and hugs the eastern border for a few miles, and the river is the border between me and Triyun now.

IC: Foreign Minister Vladimir Stein would meet the delegation at the sight. A large tent was laid out for the meeting, as no real permanent building existed on sight.

"Well," Vladimir began, "prior to collapse, the agreement with Japan was quite simple. This settlement would be fully built and operated by Marscurian Siberians, and we would have free reign with what occurred at the port facilities. In response to this, the land itself would remain Japanese territory, and the profits from managing the port facility were able to be subject to taxation by the Japanese government. Now we are more than willing to continue this agreement with you."

Edited by KaiserMelech Mikhail
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As soon the news of the Japanese surrender was announced, Union President Suhadi Kalla ordered the Indonesian-Malaysian Armed Forces to stand down. As no forces had actually been sent from the Union (they were in the process of deployment), the process was easier. The nation was placed on DEFCON 5 once again, even though its forces would be placed in a state of heightened alert for some time.

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The PRA is pleased to see that the UFE has been able to hold those responsible for the attacks against his ship accountable for their actions, and likewise is glad to see a quick war with a peaceful resolution.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1302457953' post='2687922']
OOC: My borders are correct. The thing is that Amyante should take up my entire Southern border, with the Amur dividing us the whole way. However, once we reach the very Eastern edge of my land, the Amur turns North and hugs the eastern border for a few miles, and the river is the border between me and Triyun now.

IC: Foreign Minister Vladimir Stein would meet the delegation at the sight. A large tent was laid out for the meeting, as no real permanent building existed on sight.

"Well," Vladimir began, "prior to collapse, the agreement with Japan was quite simple. This settlement would be fully built and operated by Marscurian Siberians, and we would have free reign with what occurred at the port facilities. In response to this, the land itself would remain Japanese territory, and the profits from managing the port facility were able to be subject to taxation by the Japanese government. Now we are more than willing to continue this agreement with you."

"Yes we are very happy to continue the agreement with immediate effect. I hope that both our nations can work together in making the area a economic rich region. If you wish we can build a rail link between Chiharashtot and your border to help with moving to and from the port."


Meanwhile the Buryatia Army began to move into the areas of Amur Province north of the Amur River. The force numbering six Infantry Divisions began to take over from the former Japanese administration like what had happened in Sakhalin and the Kurile Islands. The territory would also be incorporated into the Commonwealth.

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[quote name='Curristan' timestamp='1302521924' post='2688511']
"Yes we are very happy to continue the agreement with immediate effect. I hope that both our nations can work together in making the area a economic rich region. If you wish we can build a rail link between Chiharashtot and your border to help with moving to and from the port."
The line between the city and our border was started before the war. It is just good to know that the men can get back to work so quickly. Construction of the city will continue on as planned. We have also decided to rename the city considering the fall of Japan and the death of the empress. The city is now named Glubokiye Vodishtot.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1302574853' post='2689012']
The line between the city and our border was started before the war. It is just good to know that the men can get back to work so quickly. Construction of the city will continue on as planned. We have also decided to rename the city considering the fall of Japan and the death of the empress. The city is now named Glubokiye Vodishtot.

"Very well. We will make sure that the line is properly maintained. That is an interesting name, we will update our maps accordingly. Thank you for inviting us here."

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OOC: On vacation atm, limited access.


[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302295535' post='2687052']
"The attack originated in Japanese waters and came from a blast profile resembling torpedoes known to be in IJN service. If the Japanese are unable to control their own navy's actions that is equally disturbing. Either way aggression against the Federation has its price. If a rogue Japanese sub launched an attack on the Federation without any warning we would respond with the necessary force to make clear such an aggressive act is unacceptable. In regards to setting up refugee camps we have no problem with this provided the White Cross be made completely aware that sheltering members of the government or soldiers of the Empire of Japan will not be permitted. We will also expect them to be responsible for ensuring that these camps are not used to recruit for or be a base of counterattacks against coalition forces as refugee camps have been known to be in crises past. Other than that we have no quarrel with the White Cross's actions. Simply obey the rules of engagement in a war zone."

- "Naturally, the only ones allowed to go armed (up to and including knives) are White Cross personnel. Though members of the Japanese government and Japanese soldiers will be alowed into the camps, they will be considered to no longer be taking part in the conflict, thus not allowed to leave the camp they have reported in for the duration of the conflict. Standard policy. As for the blast report, we are still not quite satisfied with it, but this would be better discussed under more private circumstances."

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1302328695' post='2687286']
There was a special policy concerning the Zargathian White Cross: The Chosun troops would hinder the White Cross's operation within the future occupation zones, starting with the prevention of establishing the refugee camps. If this could not be done, then, all Japanese "refugees" would be investigated by the troops before being allowed to go to the camps. In addition, the Korean coastal guards and air force patrolled the East Korean Sea (Sea of Japan), impounding any Japanese "refugee" boats and airplanes. They would be investigated in Korea first before being allowed to proceed to Zargathia.

Upon learning what the Koreans were up to, more resources were diverted to the White Cross. Roughly half the Zargathian Coast Guard would be sailing the Japanese coast to look for refugee boats and, upon finding them, would hand them a Zargathian flag to place on their ship. With the ship now sailing under Zargathian flag, the Koreans would have no say over them, nor would their soldiers be allowed on board. Aircraft would be escorted by Zargathian civilian small aircraft to a small landing strip near where each of the camps were set up, and Zargathian Mi-24's were used to airlift supplies (as well as refugees) into the camps as well as direct refugee aircraft to the same landing strips. Of course, every ship and helicopter was equipped with cameras, originally to acquire evidence when chasing smugglers, but for this purpose they would do nicely.

Likewise, Special Forces would be doing the same on land, either guiding groups of refugees past Korean patrols or calling in an airlift at an extraction point. While the Koreans were technically combatants in this brief war, their actions were seen as a refusal to cooperate with the White Cross despite having received UFE permission for setting up the camps. Thus, any inspections of the camps would be done by UFE troops, while the Koreans would be subject to the same rules the refugees were should they wish to enter the camps. That was, they were to behave, (as visitors) not allowed to negatively interfere with refugees and personnel and not allowed to enter the perimeter armed. If the Koreans interfered with their duties, they would interfere with the Koreans' in turn.

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1302328695' post='2687286']
In Korea, 70,000 troops, 3,900 K-2 tanks, and 4,900 K-9 SPAs were stationed at the border with Zargathia, while 30,000 troops, 2,000 K-2 tanks, and 1,000 K-9 SPAs were stationed at Khanka.

In response to the increases in border troops, construction machinery and a large amount of trucks could be seen driving to and from the border with Korea. The increase in troops on the Zargathian side of the border was nominal however, and barely noticeable. The general public opinion was that the Koreans 'were going at it again' and didn't cause any widespread concern, though a low priority message with the satellite report was forwarded to the UFE.

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Dispatch from the Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East regarding issues pertaining to the Korean Autonomous Territories, Primorsk Occupied Zone, and Japan:

[quote]As hostilities are concluded the Federation does not believe that there is a need to deploy a large amount of forces on either the Zargathian or Korean side of the border. As such the Korean Reserves are to stand down aside from 30, 000 troops and 400 armored vehicles along with proper surveillance forces necessary for border security.

In regards to the issues regarding refugee camps. The Federation sees no need for the White Cross to be in Federation territory at this time. Our forces have secured and are operating the existing public health system efficiently and civilian displacement during this conflict was brief, as the Japanese surrendered before even many "dual use" targets were hit. The only displaced group are the Japanese military forces and they are being detained by the PLA.

The People's Liberation Army have given the following people the chance to turn themselves in:

Josei Tennō Suzumiya Haruhi - Heavenly Empress (Josei Tennō) of the SST
Kōgō Hayashi Sakuya - Empress Consort (Kōgō) of the SST
Gaimu Daijin Koizumi Itsuki - Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs (Gaimu Daijin) of the SST
Bōei Daijin Nagato Yuki - Imperial Minister of Defense (Bōei Daijin) of the SST
Sōmu Daijin Kyon - Imperial Minister of Internal Affairs and Communication (Sōmu Daijin) of the SST
Kokudo-kōtsū-daijin Asahina Mikuru - Imperial Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Kokudo-kōtsū-daijin) of the SST
Kōsei Rōdō Daijin Hiiragi Tsukasa - Imperial Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare (Kōsei Rōdō Daijin) of the SST
Monbu-kagakushō Daijin Hiiragi Kagami - Imperial Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbu-kagakushō Daijin) of the SST
Kankyō Daijin Yarisakura Hime - Imperial Minister of the Environment (Kankyō Daijin) of the SST
Zaimu Daijin Akiyama Mio - Imperial Minister of Finance (Zaimu Daijin) of the SST
Hōmu Daijin Nanako Azusa - Imperial Minister of Justice (Hōmu Daijin) of the SST
Suzumiya Taiga

Government of the Second Greater Japanese Empire:

Empress - Ange Ushiromiya
Chancellor - Juza Amakusa
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Frederica Bernkastel
Minister of Defense - Minori Chihara
Minister of Internal Affairs - Tomokazu Sugita
Minister of Land/Infra/Transport/Tourism - Ono Daisuke
Minister of Health/Labour/Welfare - Sanae Kobayashi
Minister of Education/Culture/Sports/Science/Technology - Nagaru Tanigawa
Minister of the Environment - Hayao Miyazaki
Minister of Finance: Battler Ushiromiya
Minister of Justice: Mamoru Miyano

Ushiromiya Family Tree

Head - Kinzo Ushiromiya
Branch #1 - Krauss & Natsuhi Ushiromiya
- Children: Jessica Ushiromiya
Branch #2 - Eva & Hideyoshi Ushiromiya
- Children: George Ushiromiya
Branch #4 - Rudolf & Kyrie Ushiromiya
- Children: Battler & Ange Ushiromiya
Branch #5 - Rosa Ushiromiya
- Children: Maria Ushiromiya
Servants -
- Kanon, Shannon, Chiyo Kumasawa, Toshiro Gohda, Terumasa Nanjo, Genji Ronoue

It is highly advised that these members turn themselves over to our custody for questioning. Special arrangements for those under the age of 18 will be provided for the questioning.[/quote]

Orders were issued to the PLA's Military Intelligence Services to begin the round up and prepare to abduct them should they fail to turn themselves over. As the PLA currently was not permitting non-coalition personnel to enter or leave Japan, the chance of hiding would be remote.

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[quote name='Curristan' timestamp='1302606042' post='2689352']
"Very well. We will make sure that the line is properly maintained. That is an interesting name, we will update our maps accordingly. Thank you for inviting us here."
Your maintenance will not be necessary. The last thing we want is to burden you. We will provide all the upkeep ourselves.

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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' timestamp='1302652342' post='2689732']
Your maintenance will not be necessary. The last thing we want is to burden you. We will provide all the upkeep ourselves.

"Okay fair enough. Well i must get back to Buryatia for an internal issue. I hope that we meet again."

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302629519' post='2689549']
Dispatch from the Grand Vizier of the United Federation of the East regarding issues pertaining to the Korean Autonomous Territories, Primorsk Occupied Zone, and Japan:

"With the conflict having ended, and damages to civilian infrastructure being well within tolerable amounts, the White Cross will close its refugee camps over the course of the next few weeks to ensure a gradual return of refugees to their homes. We expect White Cross personnel and materials to have left the designated areas within three to six weeks at most."

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