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Posts posted by Yubyubsan

  1. So you saw a smaller kid on the playground and they asked you to put all your Matchbox cars in their box so you could share. You you didn't want to, so you tried to settle for agreeing to protect each others cars and help each other take other people's cars. But then you saw that SMF didn't clean their cars after they played with them in the sandbox, so you decided not to play with them. Then SMF said you were a meanie, so you went and got a rock and hit them over the head with it.

    Is that about right?

  2. So the Orders held back because they didn't want to embarass the CoaLUEtion? Is this serious? I didn't know that full-scale nuclear war was not "hitting them hard."

    Quiet, now. Logic isn't allowed in this thread.

    As Chief has previously suggested, someone needs to start a new war so that people are too busy to debate events of the far past. Let Admin rewrite treaty lines so that the whole of CN is lined up 50/50. Cue massive war, loss of 1s and 0s, tears, etc. When the dust settles, everyone can start over and limit themselves to less treaties than alliance members.

  3. Then hurry and use your influence over them to squeeze another resignation out of them.

    That will show em!

    Hey, if you're going to bully someone, might as well bully your protectorate. You gotta start somewhere, right?

  4. Or how wrong it is.

    I'm not going to sit here and argue this with you all night. I'll check back later in the hope that you'll have brought an argument to the table, that's worth me taking to the time to deconstruct.

  5. I see people making judgements before knowing all the facts.


    I know enough to say this much with the utmost confidence - DE whining about being insulted, especially in a bloody chatroom, is the height of hypocrisy.

  6. I'm still unable to grasp several parts of this whole deal with Ether, DE, and Soldier. First and foremost, why the hell it ever got to the OWF.

    If I actually took the time to consider why people were being so rude in IRC channels, and furthermore why people were letting it have such an effect on them, my mind would become so embroiled with confusion and incredulity that my head might very well explode. God knows spontaneous combustion would make for better drama than the crap that's been spattering the pages of the OWF this past week.

    Best of luck to all involved parties. Most of you seem to need it.

  7. Alliance Categories

    Friendliest Alliance

    Mushroom Kingdom

    Most Hostile Alliance

    Poison Clan

    Best Diplomatic Team

    New Pacific Order

    Best Economic System

    BLEU (until the whole war in July)

    Best Military

    New Pacific Order

    Best Recruiting Staff

    Order of the Paradox

    Best Propaganda Staff

    Mushroom Kingdom

    Scariest Alliance

    The Phoenix Federation (they do have TBB)

    Best Rookie Alliance (under 4 months old)

    Federated Allies for Cultural Exchange

    Most Honorable Alliance

    Mushroom Kingdom

    Best Flag


    Most entertaining IRC Channel

    Poison Clan

    Most powerful Alliance


    Alliance of the Year

    Siberian Tiger Alliance

    Alliance most likely to succeed in 2009

    FAN (why not?)

    Player Categories

    Most Powerful Player


    Best Alliance Leader

    EmperorVIcious (VIdiot the Great)

    Most controversial Player


    Funniest Player


    Player of the Year


    Player most likely to achieve greatness in 2009


    Best Declaration of War

    MK DoW in Great War of the Coalition

    Best player Avatar


    Best player Sig

    Doitzel's Nader quote

    Best Player Quote (IRC or Forum)

    <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read?

    Biggest Controversy

    <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read?

  8. Now here's the irony of the matter. Polaris (Not just ES, but Polaris as a whole) spent nine months, nine f***ing months, incessantly trolling a disbanded \m/. I drop a little line in response to all the bickering in this thread, and you get all butthurt over it?

    Give me a break. You don't get to wine about how you were 'wrongfully' ousted without other people getting to point out that you fully deserved what you got.

    We can quit rehashing old drama when the whining from your side of the fence stops. Unfortunately, history has shown that this is not a strong point for Polaris. And trust me, I'd love for you to prove me wrong on that one.

    If only the Continuum's war machine could pull on your head with the same force it pushes on its opponents with, your posts might be worth reading.

    Until then, best regards.

  9. To anyone calling out BDC, just stop. They're still recovering from their war with NPO and they have every right to stay out of this one. I have people in BDC I consider to be friends, and I don't want to see them take another pounding. I don't know where the "let's take everyone we can with us" mentality started, but it needs to stop here. We made our choices, and we need to let others make theirs without trolling them.

    Unless of course, you're a treaty-dropping chump, in which case you should be trolled without mercy.

  10. Although losing the bonus resource doesn't really sit well with me, Wine's +3 population happiness boost would lessen the difference in end population income. And the sooner the circle is completed, the better. But in the end, it's Yubyubsan's call. What say you, Yubyubsan?

    edit-Also, do you guys think we should go ahead and start up the trade agreements?

    Works fine for me.

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