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Posts posted by Yubyubsan

  1. what about being really sore in my mouth where my cheeks are really swollen, and theres 4 holes where my teeth used to be. ive lost all my wisdom. What is this from Vox? and how can i remedy it

    This is from lack of killing GGA nations. This loss of wisdom can be easily remedied by blowing some s$#% up.

  2. Hello, fellow citizens. Oppressors, oppressed, clueless and informed, come one and all.

    Some have asked us whether we're in this for the long haul. This is important, because how long we stay is an indicator of how much we care. Well, here's our official response:

    "We dunno."

    That is to say, we will be done when we are done. That might be when we tire of rerolling, it might be an hour from now, hell it might be as soon as that pizza in the oven finishes baking. But we can promise that we will remain here long enough to cause a great number of severe headaches.

    This reminds me, many of you may currently be suffering some symptons since the beginning of this war. I will attempt to address these and their cures in an attempt to alleviate your discomfort.

    For those of you experiencing headaches, this may be a symptom of "sans vertabrae", commonly known as not having a spine. Not having a spine can lead to a multitude of complications. These include headaches due to the lack of support for the head, exacerbation of said headaches by being attacked by spine-equipped nations, and a general feeling of unease and frustration due to repeatedly being called out on your spinelessness. The best remedy for this is growing a spine, which can be done in several ways. If you do not know what these are, please contact a Vox Populi representative and we will be glad to assist you.

    Others of you may be experiencing "Continuum disorder". Symptoms include a severe pain in the stomach area, weakness in the knees, and a bad taste in your mouth. The weakness is from wondering if you will be next, whilst the bad taste and stomach pain come from (wait for it....) stomaching the lies perpetuated by those who would establish a power monopoly on Planet Bob. In this case, there's not much we can do for you.

    The third, and last malignancy we have been hearing many reports of is "amor platonicus pixellus". Simply put, this is a platonic love for pixels, especially technology and infrastructure. Symptoms include a desperate desire to protect these pixels at any cost, along with a feeling best described as a charred soul. The best and most effective remedy involves sacking up and attacking GGA, Valhalla, or any one of a number of alliances attacking Polaris and her supporters. If you do so, use extreme caution, as these parties may be highly irradiated and attempting to spread the aforementioned afflictions. While not as effective, straying from the standard Party Line will also help ease symptoms.

    I hope this dispatch will help a great many nations heal themselves of the afflictions they are feeling. All donations are welcome in the form of cash, tech or soldiers to nations flying the Vox Populi alliance affiliation, or one of our comrade alliances. To file for malpractice, please click the "Declare War" button on our nations. However, due to current affairs, our legal department is currently backed up and you may not be able to find a proper complaint slot.

    Thank you, and have a brightly irradiated day.

  3. I find that sig ironic for a number of reasons (Including the fact that it can easily be interpreted as Polaris betraying Pacifica), but here's the deal: This is STA screwing Pacifica. STA knows full well that there are too many treaty conflicts in play here and that NPO cannot possibly attack OPP. They're just doing it to slightly embarrass NPO and gain a little imaginary moral high ground.

    I fully expected this to happen. Poor show STA, poor show. This only motivates me more to wipe you off of White.

    A poor show by STA? That borders on impossible. Try again.

    Now if STA were to attack an alliance without any sort of defensible reason, that would be a poor show. Remind you of anyone?

  4. Greetings, fellow leaders. If you haven't noticed, my allaince affiliation is now Vox Populi. Now most of the leadership in this game won't likely care, seeing as I'm not exactly what you would call a big name. But you may find it strange that a ranking government member of Legio X has resigned his position to undertake a suicidal mission. After all, Legio X is neutral in this conflict, and even if they were called to support their protector, they would be on the winning side of this war. So why?

    Because I don't need these pixels, and because I have to do what I feel is right. In my opinion, Legio X is treatied to the wrong side of this war. This is not an insult to TOP, but a matter of opinion regarding some of her allies. When Legio X declared in support of NoV months ago, my fellow brothers and I promised each other that we would not break treaties, current or future. I could not ask my leader to break his word, and as member of Legio X I could not break it myself. Therefore, I was left with no choice but to leave Legio X, and fight against the monopoly of power.

    Make no mistake, I know what fate lies ahead for me. My chosen alliance affiliation has damned me to merciless peace terms, if any.

    All I ask is that others will see this sacrifice, small as it may be. One nation will not stagger the near-insurmountable odds. But if another joins our cause, and another, and another, we have a chance of putting an end to the imperialist attitude of this stagnating game. You don't need a treaty with an alliance to fight beside that alliance. You don't need your pixels of infrastructure and technology. You have a choice. Will you continue to build your nation under a power monopoly, or will you risk that nation in a fight to make this game fun once again? I don't expect support to come running in mass numbers, but I can hope that some of you will give your all to do what is right.

    Legio X members: Do not follow me. Your alliance may need you in the days to come. I doubt I will have any slots remaining an hour from now, but if you are ordered to attack me in the coming days, give me everything you have. I would consider anything less an insult against me. I've enjoyed working with you guys, from the NoV war, through the debates with walther, to the 1 million NS mark. I know some of you pretty well and consider you good friends. Some of you, I even look up to, both inside and outside this game. You know who you are.

    Now if you will excuse me, I go to lead my legions drunk on spice beer into oblivion. Please do excuse any over-friendly behavior on IRC in the future.


  5. Dilber, NPO, what's up guys? Aren't you supposed to be evil? Based on the effects of Dilber's Viceroyship thus far, it would almost seem that you intend to help BDC back to their feet, and that's completely impossible. At least, that's what FAN says.

    I didn't know the BDC had any internal issues. Maybe you can fill us in on what kind of problems they have some that other don't make the same mistakes.

    A FAN member talking about mistakes? The irony is overwhelming.

  6. Also, for those of you who don't know, hormones is a very active activist for animal rights. By tasking VI with the day-to-day affairs of Legio X, he has granted sheep the world over a temporary amnesty from the merciless force that is known as EmperorVIcious.

    /o the Almighty BanHammer.

    /o sheep

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