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Posts posted by Yubyubsan

  1. I honestly can't think of anyone who'd have actually rolled them for not PZI'ing hunter, and there really aren't many alliances in a position to do that, so it's not like I'm missing someone. I could be wrong of course, but it doesn't seem remotely likely.

    I'm not saying it was "PZI Hunter or we roll you", I'm saying that I find it likely that the agreement was more along the lines of "You screwed up, but we'll cover your back, but if we're going to help you, you guys need to do some things on your end."

  2. I can't say I'm a big fan of the Dark Evolution, but I'm not going to jump on the "I'm bored and want drama, so I'll make a post about how DE fails" bandwagon. There are many good people in DE, and calling the entire alliance a failure over the mistakes of a few government officials is both unfair and ignorant. As JackSkellington wisely noted, everyone has made their mistakes, and I for one hope this situation does not result in the punishment of the entire alliance.

  3. Declaring on someone when you have no idea of their strength isn't just declaring without foreknowledge of overwhelming victory. You could easily be declaring into overwhelming defeat. Which is why no one who wants to have any chance of living past a month would do it and thhe game would go back to how it is now, only worse by the definitions laid out in the OP.

    If it's worth declaring war over, it's worth getting the crap kicked out of you while dishing out some damage. You do make a good point, though. However, it would be much more worth it if surrender terms weren't so merciless; in addition, the frequency of DoWs that boil down to "We don't like you and we're in a bad mood", or "Meh, I'm bored" would decrease significantly.

  4. You have a weird conception of how people act. Not announcing treaties publically doesn't make people stupid. We'd spend more time working out who was allied to who before going through the same issues we go through now, extending the process. We'd also be considerably less likely to attack even in the event we had an enemy totally isolated for fear we had missed some critical connections and were about to walk into a trap.

    This entire idea accomplishes exactly the opposite of what you think it will.

    You make a good point. We would need to have an alliance or two with the stones to start something without the guarantee of overwhelming victory.

  5. This circle will provide beer, fast food, and construction. There is a detailed list of the effects from this circle at the end of this post for informative purposes.

    Aluminum - Yubyubsan

    Cattle - Saint Marcelle

    Fish - Vulkan

    Uranium - Van Hoo III

    Iron - BEazy

    Lumber - Saint Marcelle

    Marble -

    Pigs - Vulkan

    Spices - Yubyubsan

    Sugar - Van Hoo III

    Water - BEazy

    Wheat -

    Yes, that's right. Not only does this circle provide excellent bonuses, but you have access to uranium as well. Oh, and you get to be in a trade circle with Van Hoo. You can't beat that.

    Economic effect:

    Income: +$7.5

    Citizens: +30.56%

    Happiness: +8.5

    Infra cost: -28.99%

    Land cost: -14.5%

    Land bonus: +8%

    Environment: +1

    Bill effect:

    Infra UpK: -19.68%

    Soldier UpK: -$0.5

    Tank UpK: -5%

    Nuke UpK: -50%

    Navy UpK: -5%

    Military effect:

    Soldier eff.: +38%

    Soldier cost: -$3

    Navy Cost: -5%

    Aircraft Cost: -8%

    Aircraft Limit: +10

  6. So you feel that alliances knowingly accepting PZI targets into their alliance without working out a deal to get them off of said list is acceptable behavior?

    I'm not advocating what TPF did, but Xiph shouldn't have taken the bait. Both sides could have handled the situation better, the only difference between the two is that one was casting the reel, and the other was biting down onto a very small worm on a very large hook.

  7. :o

    So you're actually an Ivan reroll?!

    You may as well ask if (OOC?: Bill Engvall is a reincarnation of Bill Hicks).

    As to the OP, I didn't do much more than skim over it, but the basis seems to be more of the same drivel we've all heard before. If NPO speaks, they are right by virtue of having stated whatever it is they stated. If you are against the NPO, you are immediately wrong. It's all been said before, by leaders who had far more credibility and influence than you. Do you really expect anyone to take this stuff seriously?

  8. Actually, now that I think about it, my members may well know my desires, but are seeking to avoid having to read the anticipated drivel that I come up with. A crafty bunch I would say.

    Oh, bull. I've been on you to finish J & D since before the Freak Safari alliance was established. If only half the drivel you post on IRC could be converted to a story, you would have a decade worth of reading material. :P

    Also, Doitzel, why the hate?

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