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Imperator Azenquor

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Posts posted by Imperator Azenquor

  1. Promised land offers its condolances for those who lost their lives in this attack.

    OOC: Nice RP. Looks like you're going for a coup attempt, am I right?

    IC: "The people of Vaule offer their sincere thanks to the people of Promised land for keeping us in their thoughts at this time"-Lt Col. Vladimir Kharkov

    OOC: I'm not 100% decided on the coup or no coup bit yet. I'm just going to see where the RP goes from here.

  2. Update:

    Breaking news: Minutes ago in the capital city of Caledonia Province, Vaylenne, a massive explosion occurred just outside of the regional Legislature. There is no official count of the dead and injured at this time, however news sources suggest that there may be as many as 93 dead and 100 injured including the regional Governor of Caledonia. Immediately President Zhukov and Imperator Azenquor enacted Executive Order #2 after a vote in Parliament.

    When asked if there were links between the WAF and the bombing in Vaylenne President Zhukov responded:

    “There has been no official claim of responsibility for the attack, yet we have begun an immediate investigation into the incident. We have some information at this time however that information will remain classified until the government decides otherwise.”-President Zhukov

    Despite the assurances from the Government that they are working to resolve the crisis in Vaylenne and to find those responsible for the attack, some persons believe that either the WAF or supporters of ousted President Khudorozkina could be responsible for the attack.

    We will keep you posted on VCN.

    Executive Order #2:

    1) The province of Caledonia is hereby placed under Martial Law effective immediately.

    2) All citizens are required to carry their national ID Cards at all times

    3) A 4:00pm curfew is in effect until further notice

    4) The Provincial Government in Caledonia is dissolved and all of its constitutional powers are transferred to the Parliament in Sygh-Varthys.

    [Cue flashy news exit sequence]



    Three men sat around a large table staring at the latest VCN feed. The first of the men, an old graying man in a Military uniform, rose from his seat with a cup of tea in hand.

    “Brothers, we have succeeded. Thankfully it is now over”

    The second man, much younger than the first replied

    “No my dear friend, it has only just begun for us…” he paused and looked at the first man before continuing. “…for you however, your time is up.”

    The first man fell to the ground and was dead moments later, the cup of tea still in his hand. The second man glanced at the third and replied:

    “…I wonder how the Imperator takes his tea *chuckle*”

    OOC: Interesting enough? Feel free to leave OOC feedback & suggestions, as well as IC posts.

  3. Vaule Central News Network Update:


    Good evening.

    The diplomatic conference being held in Sygh-Varthys has ended and all of the foreign dignitaries who attended the conference will be departing from Vaule shortly. President Zhukov praised the conference as a success in establishing Vaule on the international stage.

    “We organized this conference with the aim of introducing ourselves to the international community and to shift towards active participation in world affairs. We have accomplished that and so much more.”-President Zhukov.

    At the diplomatic conference, Vaule signed treaties with Crimea Iso and the United Nation. The government called the treaties great steps towards ending Vaule’s isolation from the world. Some opposition groups, including the party of the former President have deemed the treaties to be a bad move on the part of the Zhukov government and have called for both treaties to be canceled without delay.


    In other news, former President Khudorozkina has appeared in court today to answer the charges filed against him by the government. The former President refused to enter a plea on any of the charges presented against him and declared the charges to be entirely without merit. The court will reconvene tomorrow to proceed with the trial. If he is found guilty, he could face the death penalty.

    In the President Khudorozkina’s hometown in Caledonia Province, his supporters staged an anti-government protest and called for him to be returned to the Presidency. One of the protesters openly declared that it should be President Zhukov on trial instead of President Khudorozkina. Although the protest was initially peaceful, the protesters began to riot when it was announced that former President Khudorozkina would be charged with Human Rights violations that allegedly occurred during his tenure as President. It is unclear at this time if the situation in Caledonia is under control, however we have received reports that the Army and Riot Police have been sent into Caledonia to restore order. There are also reports of some civilian casualties, however this is impossible to confirm at this time.


    -Riot Police in Caledonia's capital city

    When asked about the riots in Caledonia, President Zhukov released a short statement.

    “People have a right to protest, as long as they do so peacefully, however rioting of any kind will not be tolerated by the government. I have signed an Executive Order, approved by the Parliament to restore order in Caledonia. Persons who choose to violate this order will be arrested”-President Zhukov

    VCN Obtained a copy of the Executive order:

    Executive Order #1:

    Effective immediately in Caledonia Province, until further notice:

    1) The right to assemble is suspended

    2) The right to protest is suspended

    3) The VLF (Former President’s party) is banned from holding any political gatherings of any kind

    4) Rioters may be detained by the police for a period of 72 hours without charge

    VCN, will carry updates to this story as it develops.

    Thank you and good night.

    [insert flashy news credits here]

  4. "The government of Vaule deeply regrets the end of the Unified Crimea Iso. We fully recognize the Siberian Union of Autonomous States as a sovereign entity and we will be maintaining our treaty."-Lt. Col. Vladimir Kharkov

  5. Princess Juli stands. She was quiet the entire time, taking it all in. Her nation was one of the few nations unaffected by this global catastrophe, yet we had stood still. Terrorists had once been in our lands, but now we were almost chillingly perfect besides the riots. She crossed the room and headed into the banquet hall, wanting to see the Imperator again.

    Princess Juli is escorted to the main hall of the Presidential Palace where both the Imperator, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs begin discussions about a Vaule-Sarnungian MDP.

    Standing up Naon puts on his coat and steps toward the door.

    'Thanks so much for the embassy and the MDP. I must get back immediatly before Emperor Sergio decides not to let any of his diplomats return. I shall be back soon enough but for now i must depart. Thanks for having me here." States Ambassador Naon before he heads to the airport to depart back to The United Nation.

    Ambassador Naon is met at the airport by the Vaule Diplomatic Corps who escort him to his plane which takes off to return to the United Nation.

  6. "May I please see that map?" asked President Carbon. He looked it over and put it back on the table, "You don't have much coast line, President," Carbon chuckled, "We would be happy to share waters with you. How about it is under joint protection and joint use. We do not have any major ports along that coastline and therefore is not very important for us to control other than for military purposes."

    "Thank you very much President Carbon."-President Zhukov

    President Zhukov returned to the podium once again.

    "Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you for attending this conference. Since we have discussed all of the issues that needed to be discussed, and given the current global situation (both the WAF and the epidemic), we hereby declare this conference adjourned.

    At this time our Imperator would like to hold a short meeting, over lunch, with our guests. After this meeting, preparations will be made for those who wish to depart immediately, or for those who wish to remain for a short while.

    Once again, I thank you all for attending this conference and for the steps you have taken to forge new ties with the government and people of Vaule."-President Zhukov

    After stepping down from the podium, a member of the Vaule Diplomatic Corps directs the guests to the main banquet hall of the Presidential Palace for the meeting with the Imperator...

  7. the gnome state has been arrested for making laws to stop nature's happening

    OOC: How does one arrest a state? Are there handcuffs that large? Do you handcuff yourself to a mountain in the Gnomeland and say "Don't move, you're under arrest"? :)


    "The government of Vaule does not find this "comet" to be of a direct threat to us at this time"-Lt Col. V. Kharkov

    EDIT: Forgot to add the quote.

  8. OOC: So basically, you leave your territory and the map is reset and you don't restate your claim. Yet Scott Robb, who claimed the territory as it was unclaimed, is required to move off of "your" land? A most interesting

    position. :popcorn:


    "The Government of Vaule recognizes only Scott Robb as the legitimate ruler of Braveheart and we recognize the borders of Braveheart as they stand now, unless Scott Robb says otherwise. We don't have treaties with Braveheart so it is unlikely that we will take military action unless we are drawn in by treaty obligations"- Lt. Col. Vladimir Kharkov

  9. Flattered, Carbon said, "We are willing to do the same. The Russion Empire has recently turned isolationist as well as Cybercide. The WAF and SST, whom Crimea Iso is fighting in Nedland, could be massing there without our knowledge. Nor can we make a preventive strike against them."

    President Zhukov looked at the large map of the world on the wall of the conference room.

    "This is indeed more serious than I anticipated due to the proximity of both the Russian Empire and Cybercide to Vaule as well as to Crimea Iso.

    As a part of our campaign to be ready to tackle threats against our nation and the stability of the region, Vaule will be undergoing a series of military upgrades. I assure you that this is being done for defensive purposes and not with the intent of waging an offensive war. One of these key upgrades involves the restoration of the Vaule Navy.

    For the period when the Navy was disbanded, Vaule relinquished any claims to territorial waters along our northern coast. Given our proximity to Crimea Iso, I would like to request a negotiation with President Carbon to demarcate the border between Crimean Territorial Waters, and Vaulian Territorial Waters. We hope to negotiate a mutually agreeable oceanic border between both our nations."-President Zhukov

  10. The meeting with President Zhukov continues, "I have received a report from Molokia that some of our fighters have engaged ground forces from the WAF. I have not seen the WAF as a threat to us or Russia as a whole but I feel that soon they may attack us. What is your take on the situation? Right now, Crimea Iso is fighting the WAF through proxies but I am thinking of taking a more direct approach."


    Crimea Iso is still interested in signing the RUSSIAN Pact or even creating another alliance with Vaule and other Siberian nations.

    "I find the situation with the WAF in Molakia to be extremely concerning especially given the number of countries that have had incidents of WAF related violence. We feel that since this is a serious regional threat that we need to co-ordinate our intelligence on the WAF, as well as co-ordinate our response to best combat this threat. This is why we will be proposing a Regional Anti-Terrorism pact soon. We are also concerned given the current divisions within Vaule over the manner in which my predecessor was removed from office. It is possible that this may be exploited by the WAF. We will do everything possible to ensure that the WAF can not take advantage of this division for their own purposes.

    As for the threat of WAF activities spreading to the Russian region, this must be prevented at all costs. The Intelligence Ministry of Vaule has teams and resources dedicated to Counter Terrorism, however we feel that it would be best, as said by President Carbon, to take a more direct approach to combating the WAF including the use of military force where appropriate. We can not afford to be complacent, or we will wake up with the WAF on our doorstep.

    The question however remains, if WAF forces are massing in a nation, and that nation refuses to take steps to counter that threat how far are we willing to go in defense of our own nations? As for the ongoing operations in Molakia, we are willing to commit troops and equipment to Crimea Iso if they are needed."-President Zhukov

  11. "I must apologize," said President Carbon, "I do not like speaking English. But if I have too I am more than happy too. It is very nice to meet you, President Zhukov. Amazing how we've been neighbors and yet we have failed to meet each other till now."

    "Thank you President Carbon, regrettably we have a shortage of Crimean Translators at this time. I sincerely apologize for this.

    We have indeed been neighbors for a long time without interaction since it was the policy of my predecessor to block all ties with the outside world. With the signing of the MDP between our nations, this will greatly improve the ties between our nations. Perhaps we could even discuss greater economic co-operation and trade ties in the near future. We are honored to count Crimea Iso among our best allies."-President Zhukov


    Stepping toward the podium in the center of the room once again, President Zhukov began:

    "When this conference was called, there were a number of issues that the Vaule government planned to raise with those nations present. These issues include how best to improve the ties between us and the international community. We believed that the first step toward doing so would have been to join the World Congress, however since doing so is not possible, we decided to look to the Russian region first and then to the world.

    We have already signed a MDP with Crimea Iso, and we will shortly be submitting draft treaties to both the Republic of Turkey and to the United Nation for their consideration.

    We invite the other nations present to engage in treaty negotiations with us, even if those negotiations are aimed at negotiating a ToA, or economic partnership agreement rather than an MDP. Vaule will shortly submit a draft treaty to increase co-operation between our nations specifically in the area of Anti-Terrorism.

    Thirdly, we will shortly be holding Vaule's first free, multi-party election in twenty years. In the interest of promoting transparency in the process, we extend the invitation for any nation to send Election monitors to work with our Electoral Council to ensure that the entire process is conducted in a manner that is fair and democratic.

    I thank you. If you have any questions or comments on what I have said so far, please feel free to say so."

  12. Vaule has increased security along our borders. All persons wishing to enter Vaule will be subject to a very extensive security screening and background checks, with the exception of citizens of Crimea Iso who may pass freely into Vaule. Vaule is standing by to send a team of Anti-Terrorism experts to Molakia to provide assistance in combating the WAF threat, with the approval of the Molakian Government.


    Negotiations between the leaders of Vaule and Crimea Iso have resulted in the signing of an MDP between our two nations. The government of Vaule has praised this move as the second step out of the country's self-imposed isolation under Ex-President Khudorozkina. The government of Vaule may also negotiate other MDPs with other nations who have been attending a conference in the Vaule capital Sygh-Varthys.

    In other news, Ex-President Khudorozkina was captured while attempting to flee Vaule and will be held pending a trial. Supporters of Khudorozkina have staged a small protest in the Outer Mongolian Region, demanding his return to power and the resignation of the Zhukov led government. In response to the protest, President Zhukov has dispatched riot police to the Southern areas of the Vaule to monitor the situation. The protesters insist that they will protest peacefully, and will not resort to violence.

    "These protesters are citizens of Vaule who are exercising their right to protest. We respect that and will not intervene to stop the protests unless they become violent. The protesters are no doubt aware that under President Khudorozkina, protests of any kind, were not permitted. So it seems that they are enjoying the new freedoms given to them by the new Vaule Constitution."-President Zhukov

    When asked if the protests would affect the Diplomatic Conference which is now underway, President Zhukov sought to assure both the public and the Diplomats present, that all security precautions have been taken and the capital city, and all of the surrounding provinces are completely secure and that only the Outer Mongolian province has been affected by the protests.


  14. For Vaule:

    HM Imperator Azenquor I

    President General Mikhail Zhukov

    Sr. Gen Dmitri Putin, Defense Minister

    Slavorussia wishes to inquire if Vaule and Crimea Iso would be interested in aligning themselves in the RUSSIAN Pact. We know Crimea Iso has expressed a serious interest in the past, and Slavorussia can help push the issue with the Russian Empire and Cybercide.

    Vaule would also be interested.

  15. "Actually Yes there is. My government would like to know what you think of The United Nation and would you consider signing a MDP with us also."

    "From what we have seen at the world congress, we feel that the United Nation, like Turkey could be a valuable ally. As such, we are willing to sign an MDP in the near future, once it is approved in a referendum. We also hope to open trade ties with the United Nation, and the Republic of Turkey as well"-President Zhukov

    Apparently with the meeting started, President Carbon runs into the meeting room, "O em viria surria," he apologized, "O em leti."

    "Ah, President Carbon. We have not yet started the meeting, we've only begun the Q&A section of the conference."-President Zhukov

    A Presidential aide and a translator hands President Carbon a dossier with information on the meeting thus far, and asks President Carbon if he will be requiring an English/Russian-to-Crimean Translator

    "If there are no further questions, then we can begin the conference"-President Zhukov

  16. "Is the government of Molakia willing to open diplomatic ties with nations that do not necessarily have the same form of government as Molakia? For example, would diplomatic ties with a monarchy or dictatorship be considered inappropriate by the government of Molakia?"-Vaule News Network Journalist

  17. "Ah, yes. I do have a couple of questions, sir." Mr. Babacan replied, smiling. "What is your position on the Republic of Turkey, and will our nations sign an agreement that will further consolidate our friendship on the world stage, like a MDP or MDAP?"

    "We consider the Republic of Turkey to be a great ally in the international community. As for signing an MDP or MDAP, I look forward to, and can not foresee any obstacles to doing so. However I must note that any treaty to be signed by Vaule must be put to a nationwide referendum before the government can commit to signing it. Since most citizens of Vaule are in favor of improving our ties with the Republic of Turkey, I foresee no problems with signing an MDP and with the future prospect of signing a MDAP"-President Zhukov

    As Kwabe Naon surveys the embassy he is escorted back to the shuttle. "The Embassy is quite wonderful. We must send Vaule something in return." Says naon on his way to the Presidential Palace.

    Ambassador Naon arrives at the Palace and is escorted inside. "Hello President Zhukov. The Embassy was quite lovely and Im sure my government would set one up just as nice for you." says Ambassador Naon as he smiles and shakes The President's hand.

    "Welcome Ambassador, we are glad that the Embassy is to your liking. We hope to send an Ambassador to your nation as soon as accommodations have been prepared for him." President Zhukov.

    President Zhukov's aide showed Ambassador Naon to the seat reserved for him in the conference hall in the Presidential Palace. Once again, President Zhukov asked "Are there any further questions?"

  18. Mr. Babacan got out of the warm shuttle into the wintry air. He grinned as he surveyed the embassy building in front of him. ‘Magnificent! It’s just like the photograph, except even more beautiful!’ He thought as he walked into the Embassy.

    After touring the Embassy (and dawning over its pristine interior), the Foreign Minister got into the Shuttle and driven to the Presidential Palace, where he was escorted inside. Mr. Babacan entered the conference room, and greeted President Zhukov. “Hello, my name is Ali Babacan. I am the Foreign Minister of Turkey, and I’m visiting in the name of President JEDCJT. It is a honor to meet you.” He smiled as he shook hands with President Zhukov.

    After pleasantries with the Vaule President, Mr. Babacan took his seat at the conference table, next to Viscount Nelson.

    "Ah yes, welcome Mr. Babacan. I hope that the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Vaule is satisfactory. If you have any questions before we proceed with the conference, I would be glad to answer them."-President Zhukov

  19. Princess Juli was taken aback at the warm welcome, and she flushed. "Oh, um, thanks," her voice was small, and she shook Impy's hand (as her brother called him) lightly. She smiled at President Zhukov, nodding her head as he mentioned him, then looked back at the man before her. "That'd be nice," she said lightly, and started walking towards the shuttle. Cameras from inside the plane flashed, giving it a glittery look. A single cameraman and reporter trailed behind her as she followed Imperator Azenquor to the car, which drove to the Sarnungian Republic embassy/

    After a short stay to examine the Embassy of the Sarnungian Republic, Princess Juli was escorted to the Presidential Palace, where the conference Q&A had just begun.

    Participation... but in what fashion? Viscount Nelson thought to himself as he sat at his table, listening to Zhukov speak. The Viscount was easily distinguishable as a citizen of Realm: he wore an expensive dark black pinstripe suit with a vest underneath, which in turn covered a white Oxford shirt and a Realmic Red tie. On his jacket he had a pin of the Realmic flag, and his entire ensemble just reeked of aristocracy.

    As no one else seemed to be jumping to ask a question, the Viscount saw his chance, "Mr. President, how exactly does Vaule plan to extend the hand of diplomatic relations, aside from events like these?"

    "Vaule intends to participate more actively in world affairs in many different ways. We have already submitted an application to become a member of the World Congress, in addition to this we plan to open up our borders for trade and tourism as well as pursuing trade agreements with other nations. It is our belief that through these policies there will be a greater level of interaction between Vaule and the other nations of the world. Opening ties with other countries (both diplomatic and trade ties) creates an environment that allows for the exchange of ideas and cultures and for the building of trust. It is through trust that alliances are built and allies become allies and lasting ties are forged. Are there any other questions?"-President Zhukov

    The Crimean President has arrived at the presidential palace in Vaule. "Hiri wi eri," said the driver. "Thenk auy. Auy cen drup mi uff hiri," said Carbon, "weot fur mi hiri."

    A Presidential aide escorts President Carbon into the Main Hall of the Presidential Palace where the conference is just about to get underway.

  20. If no one objects, I would like to claim two very small islands near the South of the map (Highlighted by a dark blue circle) as a colony (overseas territory).



    I forgot to add my ruler and Nation Name.

    Nation Name:Vaule

    Ruler: ImperatorAzenquor

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