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Everything posted by Syrik

  1. I know, but Sel isn't here so I wouldn't get anywhere by blaming him.
  2. My memory is a bit hazy, but I think that guy single handedly destroyed CDS. Also, it was my first alliance ever.
  3. I was in The Phoenix Federation once upon a time.
  4. I'd like to thank Unspeakable Evil for his great stats work and supplying all the information for the above graph. His statistics are the best in CN.
  5. Freak Safari had exactly 20 Nukes per Nation until 25 hours after they went crazy. I do think we're the first alliance recognized by admin though (greater than 20 members) to achieve this.
  6. If TPF makes a doctrine that says we can't raid white, I'd respect that.
  7. Congrats to existing and stuff. And this proves that you have some organizational skills as well as an AA to hide behind. o/ TGR
  8. She chills in many channels, and ajoins on invite. You can talk to her all you want without stepping foot in our channel. Thanks for the o7.
  9. I anarchy myself regularly to remind myself to not collect and maximize income with LC swapping and whatnot. Edit: Ssssh, CTB, I look bad if they know it happened in an actual war.
  10. Screenshotting for future reference
  11. Poison Clan Announcement [17:58] <~[syrik]> = 1360 / 68 [17:58] <~Gina> 20
  12. I find your trolling extremely ironic coming from you, Founding Member of Poison Clan, Alliance Hopper, Master of Running when !@#$ Hits the Fan. Seriously, everything you use to troll us is exactly the stuff that was present back when you were a member. Please realize that we've changed a bit and update your trolling accordingly.
  13. Funny enough that you weren't in TPF while we were 'a part of the family *cough*'. Which also works to your benefit because I hold nothing against you personally. Just some of the stuff you uphold because it's "TPF Tradition", which I brush off as a part of the position. Still can't believe you haven't tried to kill us yet though. Trolling is as close as you get (plural you).
  14. Don't have them on me, but I'd say back when PC has absolutely zero treaty partners, 1/5th the nukes we have now, and you had a legit CB against us and then didn't attack. That one was hollow.
  15. Not sure I quite understand why we wouldn't support TPF starting a Civil War. ...so you're saying that a treaty TPF has with another alliance is more important than this document? I mean... what's your reasoning? The fact that TPF and *other alliance that's saving TPF's asses* have both signed the treaty whereas we leave ours open-ended to any nation on Pink? I can understand ranking treaties when they're similar but some are slightly more powerful than others (MDP vs. MADP), however I don't see how you can justify ranking any MADP over this document. Sure, we could simplify the treaty part, make a new alliance titled 'Pink', give it a protectorate, and tell all of the Pink unaligned's to move there... but that's more of a hassle than dealing with the OWF crowd.
  16. NPO doesn't need to tech raid. They find a reason to attack as many nations as there are NPO warslots to be filled. I mean, seriously, have you looked at their war screen recently? They are not short on tech raids, what they're short on is calling them tech raids. If Poison Clan actually were the most hated alliance in CN rather than NPO, we wouldn't be able to enforce this. So yeah, I think we can pull it off.
  17. Also note: I completely oppose the name of this Doctrine. 100%
  18. Aquitaine signed PWNAGE, basically means we're good buddies and wouldn't ever want to claim jurisdiction over them because they're pretty chill. They can do what they want with their AA, as can TPF. However, since AQ is protected by you guys, they don't even need to worry about this, they can run to you with any troubles and pretend this doesn't exist. We're allowing ourselves to protect Pink without bothering any of the current (or future) alliances on it. And the Revenge Doctrine is completely relevant. Only difference is that we're not claiming the entire sphere for ourselves. We learned how to share. You either have a problem with both doctrines or none at all. If you pick and choose, there is the hypocrisy in this thread. If you seriously have issues with this, join Pink yourself and get involved in Pink's politics.
  19. There have been 2 unsanctioned attacks actually. This one: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...&Extended=1 Where reps have been agreed upon already and we're waiting for everyone to get online and such. And this one: http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...&Extended=1 Where peace has been agreed upon and reps are being worked out. In either case, we do have a nation ready to nuke both of them (yes, we'll hit you if you're that small) just in case things go sour again.
  20. I tried to delete TwistedRebelDB47
  21. lolCupcakes I don't even understand how you can think of bringing up the Pastry Wars again after such a tremendous loss.
  22. [00:28] <&[syrik]> !Brown [00:28] <&Gina> lolBrown
  23. a PINK announcement Please contact Syrik if you wish to sign this document.
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