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Posts posted by AirMe

  1. While Umbrella, MK, Non Grata, etc have devolved to the point that you can't even use alliance affiliations, in the rest of the world, your AA declares your membership.  When you sanctioned HoT, you knew you were sanctioning a member of RIA, and if there was any question about his membership, it was incumbent upon MK to ask RIA.



    Not at all valid.  Again: MK started this, what follows is due to MK's actions.  Not GATO, not Ai, not Everfree Union.  Mushroom Kingdom. 

    MK is going to need to get used to accountability, I know it's going to be tough on them, and their allies, but I'm sure that when MK needs help with the transition, NPO would be happy to continue to host talks.  I know we in CoJ had more than a chuckle on that point.




    Your e-lawyer is showing, Johnny.

    EQ posted a clear doctrine at the beginning of this war to make things perfectly clear for everyone.  ~Competence~ has rejected that doctrine and refuses to recognize it.  That is your decision to make.  But you cannot turn around and then act on it when it suits you, and argue about it when it does not.  That is exactly the sort of cutesy poopoo whose accumulation over the past few years made it so easy to kick off this war.


    I am truly sorry, AirMe, but you are a witless toadie whose brain turns off on sight of allies.  It's a pity, because you can be an intelligent guy, and the next few months are going to require critical thinking.



    A little more pedantry could have saved MK this headache.


    If I were a mindless toadie I would be hailing every move MK makes. Which is not the case. I tend to call a spade a spade. Your reply to me is the typical one I get when I don't respond to a persons liking or in a way that they disapprove of.    


    Sanctioning has never been an acceptable form of warfare and you know it.  




    I expected better of you. At the very least you could have attempted to talk to MK leadership to find out what was going on. But you didn't do that.  You went to the alliance that perhaps hates MK the most and got them to go along with your foolish little plan. MK issued an apology to HoT. Was it late yes? Was it probably forced by the sanctioning of MK nations? Possibly. But that is not something I have information on. Either way you never bothered talking to MK about the issue. 


    I hope I never see the day where sanctioning becomes an acceptable tactic to use against an opponent in this world.


    So let me reiterate: I think you are an idiot for the course of action that you took. I would still think you are an idiot for this course of action even if you did so against one of my enemies. 

  2. flagAS6.png


    Tonight, the Mushroom Kingdom has declared war on the Cult of Justitia three days after attacking us--if you call listing us as an alliance they are at war with a "declaration of war." After weeks of gnashing their teeth over Equilibrium's one-for-all doctrine and wars without declarations, you'd think that MK would be posting their own declarations of war when they begin attacking new alliances, but you'd be wrong, because despite all that whining it has been the years-long policy of MK and its DH allies not to post such declarations when activating the DH treaty.  And so it came as no surprise when two MK nations attacked several Justitian nations without any declaration of war.


    However, at this point in time, Mushroom Kingdom and its allies have wrapped themselves tight in legalistic arguments over Equilibrium's doctrines and actions (again, after years on their parts of deriding "e-lawyering").  In particular, MK has lately sanctioned HeroofTime55, a member of RIA, labeling him a rogue under the premise that even though HoT55's war against Everfree Union is in defense of an RIA ally, he is a rogue because the government of RIA has not declared war on EU.  In an attempt to wash their hands of this situation, MK has argued that GATO and/or Everfree Union requested the sanction; however, it is MK's senator who issued the sanction, and so MK has accepted as valid the reasoning regardless of its origin.  The MK Senator and the government of MK are in agreement with the legal argument for the sanction against HoT55.


    While the Cult of Justitia has always hoped for the sanctity and impartiality of team Senates to be kept in tact in even the most vitriolic war, the actions of MK and its ~Competence~ allies have demonstrated positively that this hope for this war has been in vain.


    And so we come to the rogues lebubu and WhatOnceWas.  Even as MK and its allies mocked HoT55 and made light of their sanctions, these two rulers attacked Cult of Justitia under the same circumstances for which they had issued sanctions: Individual nations responding without a governmental declaration in defense of an ally.

    While I may disagree on many topics with the government of MK, I must put faith in their decisions as regards their policies toward their members.  Justitia's Cult respected the opinion of MK and its allies, and requested the sanction of the MK-defined rogues lebubu and WhatOnceWas.


    MK is used to talking out of both sides of its mouth, of applying one standard to itself and another to everyone else, and getting its way.  Things are different now, but as you might imagine MK was highly upset by the sanctions which were issued in accordance with their own position. 

    But Justitia is just: The sanctions--HoT55 included--have been negotiated, MK has issued a DoW as it has spent so much time whining that it should, and we will all be going about our business.




    Is that so? http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/115591-rogue-senators-and-the-sanction-war/


    I am sorry Schat....but you're an idiot.

  3. It doesn't matter if you're shocked or not, and it does not matter that things are going as anyone would expect. What we were talking about was that Jrkee/Keelogy said half of CnG is "trashed" you posted as if there isn't any data to back that up, and then I showed how you were wrong.


    As for alliances having a lot of fight in them, I would say ODN has a lot of upper tier in peace mode they could deploy, but for reason they haven't brought those nations out of PM, even though its the one place your coalition has an advantage. INT on the other hand is pretty much dealt with.


    What you have failed to show is the damage that has been handed out. Your statistics prove nothing other than the fact ODN and INT have been fighting.

  4. I'd like to point your attention to the ASR.





    Also, one thing that I've been keeping track of is the amount of nukes alliances have remaining. When I started keeping track ODN had 2304,  now they have 1573. INT had around 893 and now has 446. Its worth noting that  most of the nations that have any nukes left to fire, have been in peace mode the entire war.


    Imagine that...an alliance that got attacked by 22 others and another that got attacked by 24 others are taking damage. Color me shocked.



    Both of those alliances have a lot of fight left in them. 

  5. If we can agree to acceptable terms and definitions I am. I said "about 10 days" so I'm not willing to lose some tech over it being like 11 days. And I later mentioned holding out as having a majority of its members in war mode (and still in the war of course - deserters/individual surrenders should be counted the same as those who go into perma peace mode). If they stay "in the war" but are mostly just waiting for a blocwide settlement in peace mode, that's not holding out. So how about this: I'm willing to place a wager where


    -INT surrenders or has at least 60% of members in PM within 10 days: you pay me 500 tech (after the war)

    -INT surrenders or has at least 60% of members in PM between 10-14 days from now, we call it even

    -INT remains in the war with at least 40% in war mode beyond 14 days from now, I pay you 500 tech (after the war)


    Does that sound agreeable?



    4 to 8 more days. I am still winning.

  6. but some of you are falling hard.    i do agree that the war is young and i'm looking forward to fighting TLR.  but your point about rotating PM i can see for ODN/INT  but for GATO/TLR  you guys havent really fought all that much to warrent rotating in and out of PM.  unless you guys are that terrible  witch i doubt. 


    Half of our alliance is currently engaged. Others are in peace mode for various reasons whether it be cycling or what not. How much fighting is warranted to rotate in and out of peace mode? Because I would say if someone had gone through a round of war and is in anarchy whether they are facing 1 or 6 targets, warrants a stint in peace mode to re-arm to head back out on the battle field.

  7.  AirMe: so do you think we need to do a recognition of hostilities
    Kestral: Not according to the other coalition we don't
    DevilynCaster[TLR]: Right, but we don't suck. Maybe I'll just recycle an old one or something.
    Kestral: Sounds like a plan.
    AirMe: Yep. Now getting back to Rush's gimp situation...






    Dear MCXA,
    This is an intervention. 
    Your eclectic color scheme molests the eyes and it is time for a change. Instead of the constant barrage of clashing tints and hues, we offer you some simple solutions to make your appearance glow!




    Use some of these uranium enriched lipsticks to show off just how shocking green can be in the new year. We also suggest some dazzling sanguine wounds to show off your beaten exterior. And, as a special gift, here are some brown overalls.




    In accordance with Article III of the Merger Madness 2.0 Accords, The Last Remnants hereby declares war on MCXA. Fabulous, indeed.
    Signed for The Last Remnants:
    AirMe - Triumvir
    Devilyn Caster - Triumvir
    Kestral - Triumvir
    Cataduanes - Minister of War
    Elorian - Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Taget - Minister of Economics
    Wyrmon - Minister of Internal Affairs
    Rush Sykes - Minister of Geriatric Affairs



  8. I think mine is more accurate.

    For the imagry to match the words you either need to have multiple pieces of crap or remove the words. In its current state it doesn't make complete sense.

    I don't even know if I made complete sense...i am tired and going to bed.
  9. You know the discussion has reached the bottom when grammar examples start flyng ;p tho, the thread started off at a low point anyway so.
    MN, 20 days remaining to peace mode exit...

    I figured I have done my job when I have both myth and d34th complaining that my snark was not accurate. Clearly following me around commenting on what I say and do is the most important thing in the world to some people.
  10. I know he is on none because I checked his nation and before that I tried to recruit him, well I sent mass recruit message to none nation and he received one, but you said he has no alliance listed when he has.

    You made a snarky comment about an alliance he isn't in. Is like me make a snarky comment about GPA in reply to your post: makes no sense and no matter how you try to spin that, the joke is one you, in fact the more you try to deny that you did a stupid thing, more stupid you look.  


    I am not denying anything. I have openly admitted that I did not check his nation before I made the comment. I still stand by the snarky comment you can just take the MHA part of it out.


    What denial?  


    Again, the ignore button is just a click away.


    Since it bothers you so much here is what I can change my statement to "Look at this guy talking about living in a bubble! Isn't he cute? And I am not talking about the picture."


    Can we stop this idiotic conversation now or are you really that bothered by the fact I failed to check a guys AA in game before making a reply?

  11. But he has an alliance listed "Sport", unless of course you forgot how to read. 


    Man...don't you know how to check your forum posters? He isn't in the alliance Sport, he sits on none.


    Now that we are done with this idiotic round of ....I don't even know what we just had....does it even really matter?


    I made a snarky comment to someone who posted a snarky comment/picture about one of my allies. Lordy lordy how dare I!

  12. Before start to throw generic insults to AA of someone who posted something you don't like, one of the worst retorts ever by the way, at least try to see if said poster is really in that alliance first, I thought you would know better that just because someone is using an alliance image tag doesn't means that he is actually in the alliance.


    Because no one on the face of the earth has ever made this mistake before. If someone has no alliance listed but has the alliance tag it is assumed they are in that alliance.  My snarky comment still stands. 


    You know if you don't like my responses, there is an ignore button.

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