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Posts posted by AirMe

  1. Hahahahaha.


    That's seriously your reasoning? You cancelled on them for being good allies?


    Holy shit, somehow your alliance is even more narcissistic and whiny than I had previously thought. That's an accomplishment.


    I don't always agree with Hereno...but when I do......



    Get to know IRON they said. They are good people they said.  I am glad we didn't take that advice.

  2. Care to elaborate, please?


    Not really.


    Heh, this is the first time in 6 years I could definitively say I/Sparta have wanted to destroy someone/something. So sue me/us.


    You can't sit here and tell me you're surprised you got rolled. DH doesn't even buy that. Ardus has been saying for at least a year, MK's day will come. CnG's been joined with them at the hip through countless shenanigans.


    I never said I was surprised this war happened. In fact....DH can attest that C&G predicted this war would happen in exactly the way it happened about 2 months prior to hostilities actually happening.


    As for the other stuff...when the day comes it comes and there is nothing anyone will be able to do to stop it. But until then, it is not time to roll over and die. It's time to bounce back and fight harder.

  3. The part of the reasoning you fail to get is that those alliances learnt that reps are retarded (some of them learnt it the hard way) and stopped asking for them neither supporting those who ask for them.




    Grudge War had reps.



    Too bad it's people from your bloc (hi, AirMe) who seem to have already targetted a certain group of alliances for the next rolling.


    This is the first time in my almost 7 years that I can definitively say I have someone/something I want to destroy.  So sue me.

  4. I see you're already trying to sowing the mistrust and use the divide and conquer strategy, unhappily for you DH is still the biggest threat to everyone else. 


    No need to sow any mistrust. That was already done long ago. 


    Hey everyone Airme wants to hit Polar and XX again!!! Nudge, wink, cough, weird signal.

    I have no control over future events, but for Eq not to remain with a common foe would be obvious suicide.


    EQ couldn't even remain united on the battlefield what makes you think they will remain united in peace time?  


    That is a very unsafe bet.


    Time will tell.

  5. I can't fault Magicninja for what happened.  When you send out orders as an MoD, you expect them to be followed.  It helps when you're respected by the body politick, but even in a democracy such as GATO this sort of complete disregard to the welfare of your members overall is disgusting when it comes to their upper-tier.


    That being said, the character assassination on the part of Schatt is reprehensible.  It should not be condoned, it should not be considered funny.  These sorts of disputes and grudge matches were traditionally handled in private, face-to-face conversations, and I'm not sure what happened to make this acceptable.  It's disappointing - I expected more from CoJ.


    I agree with this man.

  6. If Hooligans communicated GATO about their intention to surrender of course that GATO should be blamed too since they should, armed with this information, communicated it to TLR. 


    Hooligans should have communicated to us. It is not GATO's job to deliver a message.


    That being said, Hooligans, thank you for fighting. Seriously though, keep the comms lines open and let us know if you need any help.

  7. Yes, an average NS of 8K NS, with everything over 13k in peace mode. Great going GOONS.



    You seam to be ignorant of a few small differences :)



    That depends on your definition of survive



    Yes, an average NS of 8K NS, with everything over 13k in peace mode. Great going GOONS.


    I guess I can can a reply to all 3 of these:


    They must not be dead because you continue to pile alliances on them like you did before. So I am judging your interest in GOONS as the basis for my response.


    Stats mean nothing.  GOONS have never really had an upper tier. If an alliance still exists and is active, it isn't dead.  GOONS has more active members than most alliances so I would say they are very much alive.


    So if you think GOONS is dead I better go alert NPO, MK, BAPS (AI) and NpO that they aren't really alliances and that they are actually zombies.

  8. AirMe, it is clear that you are oblivious as to anything that has transpired surrounding these events; I take no pleasure in responding to you..



    EQ has a weekly Skype conference call every Sunday; during this weekend's call we discussed my sanction request, and Brehon said "I can't wait to see this thread."  This call included top leadership from NPO, GLoF, Ai, MCXA, RoK, Legion, etc etc. 

    In addition, the sanction request was CCed to Auctor, Dajobo, and Xiphosis (Xiph has not yet read it).

    I don't know who you spoke to in EQ, but if they're out of the loop, it's not my fault.



    See above.  Brehon was amused at the idea, and Mary the Fantabulous and I discussed it on IRC (we're besties).  Farrin, who I'm guessing you spoke to, was not aware of the request; he is not "NPO" or "Equilibrium" both of which, as I've demonstrated were not ignorant of events.

    You are clueless.



    NPO doesn't issue us orders. :3

    How can I go behind NPO's back if I tell Brehon and Mary what I'm doing?

    You are clueless.



    This issue has been resolved, and quite to my liking.



    I did not go to MK because I had nothing to discuss with MK. 

    If I am so incompetent, why have I got my way?  Again: Do you think this was about opening the Senate to war?  You are blind.  We have closed that door for this war (unless you all want to test our mettle again).



    How clueless are you?  HoT55's sanction was not lifted until yesterday, and it was not lifted by MK.  You honest-to-God are completely clueless, you actually think that the sanction was lifted a week ago and then MK magnanimously never re-instated it, and you're arguing from this false premise based on ignorance.  This is just embarrassing.

    You are clueless.



     MK did not issue the apology because they realized they were wrong.  They issued the apology because CoJ made them.  It isn't "late" because they never acknowledged that they did anything wrong until CoJ brought it home to roost. 


    If you knew one damned thing about any of this, THEN you wouldn't comment in a thread like this.  But you are clueless.



    We covered this, buddy, your MK darlings have been attacking alliances without declarations of war since at least the DH-NPO War.  But AirMe wouldn't have anything to say about that until we did it.  We get it, MK has carte blanche from AirMe.



    You have gone on a crusade today to white knight MK out of nothing but blindness.  Complete, utter, total ignorance underpins everything you have said today.  I am not blinded by hatred at all, I have made a calculate move, and I have achieved my aims.  You can't see that because you can't see past your treaty list.


    You're a friend, AirMe, now stop this.


    I'm not white knighting anything and I believe I have referred to at least 3 moves they made during this incident as idiotic, which is the same designation I have given to about 2 of your moves.  So if you are keeping score MK leads by 3 idiots to 2.


    I guess what my point should have been was the fact that you condemn and speak loudly against MK for things like this in the past but you have no qualms using, and championing these tactics against them.


    I can also say that I spoke directly to Brehon and he was not amused at your response. I envisioned him making the grumpy cat face.





    [20:49] <@AirMe> why was HoT sanctioned in the first place.
    [20:50] <@potato> because EvU came to oyababy saying HoT was a rogue
    [20:50] <@King_Brandon> Everfree Union, thought they were a rogue, since they weren't at war with RIA, only RnR.
    [20:50] <@potato> and, afaik, oyababy just assumed EvU had done its homework
    [20:52] <&AirMe> mind if I share these logs cause I currently look like a !@#$% on the OWF
    [20:53] <@Teh1337Guy> sure
    [20:53] <@potato> wow no
    [20:53] <@potato> (yeah, go on)
    [20:53] <&AirMe> why did I return to a PC again
    [20:54] <@potato> because your wife isn't preggers
    [20:54] <&AirMe> I hate mirc
    [20:54] <&AirMe> why the hell won't it let me copy and paste
  9. 1) The sanction on my nation was lifted yesterday, and not by the MK guy.  It was lifted by Big Z.



    2) The argument that "MK would never be so stupid to start a sanction war by sanctioning someone as 'irrelevant' as HoT" is absolutely moot, because MK did just that.  If MK "would never sanction me," then why the flying fuck did they sanction me?  No amount of spinning can possibly make you stupid enough to believe this is in any way a valid argument, right?  ...Right?


    3) Their "apology" is not borne out of any legitimate sense of regret for their actions.  What they are sorry for is for the consequences.  As such, I do not accept their so-called "apology" as valid.


    1) I am sorry, I legit thought it was lifted after 3 days. So add that to the list of idiotic moves.


    2) If I were to start a sanction war, no offense, I wouldn't start with you because you would be the first one to go to the forums and complain about it, which you did. And it was the right move. I also would start with nations that were actually damaging my alliance.  I have no idea why they sanctioned you.


    3) I have pretty much openly said that. But they did issue an apology which is better than no apology.  We have all issued apologies we did not mean just to get out of something or to snag some PR points. So the faux outrage over that is meh.

  10. My reply is the typical one you will get when you call someone an idiot.


    You're correct, which is why Equilibrium was dismayed when ~Competence~ started sanctioning combatants. 



    I do not owe MK anything, much less diplomacy in the middle of a war.  But I can understand why you would think so.



    I went to the Maroon, Red, Yellow, Blue, White, Orange, Pink, Black, Green, Purple, and Aqua Senators, just as I always do in the case of rogues.  But I wouldn't expect you to understand that MK doesn't get along with GOD because MK has been screwing with SF for 2 years.



    Then for your information (not that you are open to information) the MK went running to NPO to broker talks (just like old times, we love it), which talks CoJ was willing to oblige to bring this situation to an end.  Or do you think I did this thoughtlessly?

    No, if it were up to you MK would still be sanctioning nations for giggles with your tacit approval.



    Dear Archon,

    I hope I never see the day where sanctioning becomes an acceptable tactic to use.  But when it does, I will be completely silent on the issue as long as it is MK: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/115591-rogue-senators-and-the-sanction-war


    Hugs and kisses,




    Oh thankee massa MK fo' lettin' us po' little people remove them sankshuns.



    I'm sure you think I'm an idiot for doing the exact same thing your allies did.


    Your ally began this sanction war, your allies mock our objections to it, your allies redefined "rogue" to suit them, your allies sanctioned without first speaking to anyone, your allies, your allies, your allies.

    But I'm the idiot. 



    You're a fool, AirMe, a piteous fool whose redeeming traits are muted by his blind loyalty.  You are a witless toadie.  You are the worst kind of partisan: An oblivious one.  Your silence is MK's currency.  We stand where you shrug, and we have stopped what you dared not even speak up about.


    Oh where to start with this.  Thanks for the character assassination. It's cute. Not the best one I have ever received though.


    EQ had no idea what was going on. I talked to NPO leadership about 8 hours after the action and no one had any idea why GOD had sanctioned MK members. But hey, you guys have ignored their wishes and orders before so this is nothing new that you would go behind there back.


    It doesn't matter WHO you went to talk to. The issue you had WAS with MK. If I have an issue with AI and then go talk to GLOF to resolve a situation, who's fault is it that it doesn't get resolved? It's not AI's, it's mine because I talked to the wrong party.  The fact that you went to talk to, apparently, everyone except the people involved shows your incompetence. 


    The original sanction was placed on what...the 25th and then was lifted on the 28th. We are 10 days later.  If this were a continuation of the sanction war, the sanctions would have been levied on the 25th. You are connecting two events that are not connected.  Are you allied to HoT? No. You are being an opportunist. A crime that apparently MK is guilty of but you have no problem committing yourself.


    If MK really had wanted to start a sanction war...don't you think they would go after someone other than HoT? OR don't you think they would implement the sanction again after it was lifted? I mean seriously. Use your damn head.  One thing /b/ had right when they did it was that they went after nations who had a lot to lose not a piddly loud mouth from the forums.


    MK wasn't right in levying the original sanction either and they issued a late apology.  And they are idiots for two things: 1) issuing the sanction in the first place and 2) not issuing the apology sooner so I wouldn't have to comment in a thread like this.


    And you are one to talk about redefining terms in this war. Your side redefined war declarations and also made it so editing war declarations to cover up MAJOR screw ups is an acceptable practice.  


    Blind loyalty is not something I subscribe to nor will I ever. So again, thank you for the baseless accusation. At least I have always been able to prevent myself from being blinded by hatred which is what you are. 


    And why wouldn't NPO be asked to broker talks? The seem to have a level of competence most of your coalition seems to not possess.


    And my silence is due more to OOC reasons as opposed to me being apathetic or not caring. 

  11. Wargarden: 0 votes on Maroon

    Airme: 4 votes on Aqua

    o ya baby: 143 votes on Maroon


    Unless you were all voting for the NG guy, I would have to say that's not true


    Both Wargarden and I have not been eligible for votes in a couple of weeks and voting was reset this week I believe. I flirt with the bottom of the list occasionally when I rebuy to buy nukes and things.  When I was able to get votes I averaged between 10 - 20 votes a period.


    Since we are in war, we have not issued new senate voting orders. Plus we know if we ever ran into an issue we can usually just contact your average team senator and get an issue resolved.  We understand how diplomacy works.

  12. How about...people actually stay in the alliance they are apart of, and quit splintering off into smaller made up alliances for the purpose of "tactical" fighting.  This whole idea of people leaving the main alliance to make a smaller one is beyond stupid to me.  Stand behind the alliance you're in, and the AA. 


    Many in these "splinter" groups are attacking alliances that the alliance they are "regular members"of aren't at war with.  It's been proven many times that this is true, and it's really a whole bunch of sh*t.  All these individual small alliances should in fact be treated as rogues...and also should have to negoiate their own terms without any assistance or help from the alliance they "techincally" still members of.  If leaders condone people to leave their alliance for a temporary smaller one, and then in fact attack alliances that their orginial alliance is not at war with, they should be treated as rogues, and the leaders should pronounce them rogue.  If you're going to allow such activities, then quit beating around the bush, and declare on the alliance they're switching AA's to attack.


    I agree with this statement. I wholly subscribe to remaining on ones AA.

    Also for the record oyababy never removed the sanction from HoT, that was removed by Big Z

    But it was allowed to be removed and he was not re-sanctioned.


    AirMe your own alliance voted for oyababy in the senate race, you are as guilty of this as MK is.  Isn't exactly this what you guys wanted when you invaded Maroon?  To screw with us like this?

    On maroon, they have long standing instructions to vote for Wargarden.  I am on aqua and vote for myself. Of course...those rules apply to a time when we were both eligible for senate votes. 

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