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Kaiser Frederick II

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Everything posted by Kaiser Frederick II

  1. I remember my first Battle in CN, and won with the help of aid slots. I remember joining The Legion and being a Aid Hobo. I remember founding and being the Emperor of The Trade Federation. I remember being ZI'd by Kaiser Martens. I remember founding the German Empire. I remember having complete satisfaction.
  2. Nice legs...er... FAN I hope you are soon set free, and begin your period of growth and prosperity!
  3. Judging by his name and avatar he means an Indian Empire from the country of India.
  4. Best of luck, and may peace and prosperity find you!
  5. Your one of the greatest guys around. Onwards to three years! FOK o/
  6. If your not racist, you can join the German Empire. www.TheGermanEmpire.com
  7. It was nothing but a pleasure, you fully deserved the White Peace. Fritz
  8. The reason we called in FOK and WAPA is because we only have 3-4 allies. We do not randomly sign treaties with people, we sign it with whom we think with a good consciousness of defending and assisting in any situation.
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