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Everything posted by WorldConqueror

  1. Um, OK Doitz, whatever. Since you apparently know what I was talking about better than I do, I'll just explain to everyone else here how your post is so very wrong. The quote that I posted was in relation to the period of the GPW and Legion's betrayal, nothing after that, certainly not the post-GWIII situation. So bad luck there. And yeah, I wasn't here, so what? Does that prevent me from reading about and understanding what happened? Obviously, since you're in Vox you'll say something like "Yeah, but you're in the NPO, so you're a brainwashed drone". In which case I will scurry off to my masters to receive a witty comeback to post. Finally, I have no idea what you are talking about with the "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE!!" card. Care to explain?
  2. Interesting, I have not seen this defense before from any Legion member ever. In any case, whether it was an ODP or an MDP, the Legion still broke it, according to Article I. Plus, as you said, the NPO was led to believe that the Legion would be helping them in the war. When you are under attack from all sides, and your treaty partner says they'll help you out, then turns around and does the complete opposite by attacking you, that's betrayal.
  3. Also, I think this quote nicely sums up NPO feelings towards the Legion after the betrayal: "For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I Live, I will kill you, If I Die, You are forgiven." Such is the Rule of Honor."
  4. Heh, more classic stupidity from FAN. In case you don't know, we held a MDP with them, which they proceeded to ignore and jump on the bandwagon to attack us. If that's not betrayal, I don't know what is. Of course, I realise you're just here to try and score some points, but please, try harder. Also, I must apologise, I forgot that any mention of the GPW is the cue for massive derailment. Carry on.
  5. Those who are complaining that the NPO was gunning for the Legion at that time would do well to remember the reasons behind it. Do you think it would have been reasonable for us to just forget the betrayal committed by the Legion in the GPW?
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