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yung flow

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Posts posted by yung flow

  1. Let me be clear as possible. Sanctioning my player over nothing and trying to bring this bull crap team votes into TE brown team will get your entire pathetic alliance rolled EVERY single round of it's existence. Again, you do another stupid move in this team your team will be destroyed forever. That is all


  2. Pride takes the best of me. I would rather go down with pride knowing I fully support and defend my men then let some punk new alliance members raid my same guy twice. There's always new rounds after this one. So down declaring myself or my entire alliance for your own members wrong doing will get you nowhere but shame and disrespect.

    It's the rest of TE's fault that they pulled a D-bag move.
    They had PLENTY of opportunity to hit any number of targets prior to this.
    They wanted to be amply large and comfortable prior to hitting anyone anyone (which is understandable, as others were doing it too) but the 'We're too big to hit anyone' excuse has been exhausted many times.

    Question? Why didn't you hit them.....you watched them do it. Misfits did their fair share of wars. Clearly we weren't in any position to give them a battle but you, yeah you, you guys were in a decent shape to give them a run for their money. They attacked accordingly to their building plan and their back collect plans, had you observed their back collects you could have hit them before another collection. So blame yourself. You and I both know NDO was an easy grab target left.
  4. :/ I never understood why none of you guys hit avengers to begin with? You keep letting them grow stronger and stronger. Honestly, I figured you guys were going to make a big plan to put a dent into avengers then you just make these odd declares? I think poor war choices from everybody is what has made this round become rather poor. I know where you are coming from avengers. Understandably.

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