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yung flow

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Posts posted by yung flow

  1. It's ok guys, I know denial is hard to overcome. Actions speak louder then words. Funny this rogue has been back and forth accepted into TDO and Avengers but you both claim this person has no connection at all to either of you. Must just be an irony thing. Das isn't that basically what avengers did every single round? Make one down declare I mean mass raid at the beginning of every round. TDO is the biggest piece of garbage this game has witnessed in its time. Caz if I recall you correctly, you are God awful and full of down declares. My little spy operation is far far far away for the reason for these raids but please continue to try and use that as a sad sad excuse.

    I think it's a little self-harsh of you to imply that the only good wars we could find would be among ourselves. That's not true at all. Tell you what, I've still got a defensive slot open, why don't you see if you could entertain me? You know where to find me if you happen to grow a pair big enough :)

    I would happily roll you if I wasn't so busy dealing with TDO and avengers rogue because you guys couldn't keep up with me out building all of you.
  3. Stats after blitz

    Misfits & RE

    NS- 320k
    Average?? Guess like 16k?


    NS- 350k

    NS breakdowns

    Misfits &RE

    25k+ 2
    20k 2
    15k. 7
    10k. 3
    Below 10k. 6

    Citadel breakdown
    25+. 6
    20+. 4
    15+. 4
    10+ 5
    Below 10k. 2

    PS please bring Kong back

    May the odds be ever in your favor

  4. To: Kaboom101 From: Peter Parker Date: 5/11/2015 7:49:46 PM

    Subject: RE: Spy Operation Attack

    And after all the preaching and BS slinging you do in the OWF about the Avengers.

    I really hope you are too stupid to think it hasn't gone unnoticed either. You and your buddy in Defcon 1 are about to have a visitor or 2 just for that little stunt.

    Your friendly neighborhood Spder Man

    Of course after some modifications of accusations I pull out the beautiful part of this guy acting on his own behalf stating his affiliation to avengers. Avengers could you have a fair game and not give me anymore rogues? It would be great to have a fair round.

    As so succinctly stated by yung flow, it had nothing to do with war. Most of Misfits pathetic shens have nothing to do with war, like placing spies in other alliances, or econ spying before wars, which I am sure you know alllll about as well. It's all on record and it's what y'all seem to do on a grand scale. It's the hypocrisy of trying to blame it on someone else that makes all so poignant. The words of your alliance seem to twist all by themselves.

    You are about as blind as a bat. Misfits true members have never done dirty ops without them being done to us first. Anyone in my alliance will tell you we run an honest system. We don't care to risk dirty ops because we know the consequences. You on the other hand are in the loaded alliance that has nothing to lose if you get caught. I'm sure most of misfits are wondering why you keep trying to paint us as such terrible people. We are so terrible you are the only alliance crying about us. You guys keep saying oh we won't attack friends we would come to them first to organize a war blah blah. Are you guys going to cry when one of these other alliances hit you like we did with D1. You started Fearless fighters trying to be everyone's buddy and nobody wants to be your buddy so get over it
  6. Because I stick up for what I feel is wrong, I got my head stuck up their rear? Oh so then I guess when I stuck up for NDO (which everyone knew that was a bad down declare)I had my rear stuck up their rear too? Well I guess the same could be said about you then with D1 and more specifically DT.

    While I'm not sure if you were paired with Skaro or not, I'm sure you didn't like it! And I'm very sure you did complain! That's what you do, complain! When Misfits and D1 attacked AoW and FF last round, you complained about loosing even though you guys had the advantages. Later when AoW and FF attacked Misfits and RE, you complained. which brings me to my second point.....You cried about who you were paired with, stating that RE was crappy fighters. And probably the reason you didn't use them as a reference instead of Skaro (which I haven't seen since my return) is because you just got done waring with them, and I've pointed out that you guys had the advantages.

    And since you want so bad for me to do so, I'll point out a few; first, you have already publicly admitted RE can't fight. That's showes you picked them as an easy target. Second, most of them are not very good builders (except for mitten, staccs and gigs) While you have already stated you've out build everyone in TDO.Third, they have already been at war with NM through half of the first part of the round, having their building screwed up because of those raids and attacks on them. Fourth, you attacked them with Full WC, while most of them had less than 8 mil. Fifth, you guys had the ability, and did have more MP and capability of more nukes than they had.(which was what, one nation) Sixth, you had more tech, more AF, more navel, and a higher avg NS than them. I could go on about how many nations you had In what lvl of nation strength than they had but the point is taken, although I'm 100% sure you'll excuse most of this, which will lead me to posting proof and screen shots, so I'll wait and spend my time on that.

    WHAT THE HELL do you mean act all HOT, now that Misfits used all their resources? Are you saying that you were ever any kind of a threat but now your not because you war'd RE? Let me tell you something, that's never been the case! And if I wanted to hit Misfits I'd have done it way before now.....Not that if I did it now it would be a "scum move" as the way I see it, you war'd and we have war'd. Just be glad that you have a few good peeps and a good co-leader in your alliance, and that I'm trying to change things up and not constantly war the same people round after round.

    WHERE the hell did you come up with OP and Misfits from???? Like is that a bait, lol? OP and TDO are friends, much like I did for you (before you back stabbed me with D1) I would have went to Komplex and asked him if he felt like a friendly war either with or against us. I'm straight up when it comes to friends, and I don't just attack them unlike you did with D1 on FF. I don't war TPC,Citidal, or anyone else that are friends, unless I go to them first and ask......YOU got the same thing when FF was friends with Misfits.

    Lastly, you have not out built everyone in TDO! Yes maybe most, and yes me but then again let's look at the bigger picture here. Before TDO started war prepping we had most of the top 10 slots, you were not even on the second page. Then we started buying Tech planes, navy, MP's, nukes, and then we war'd.....I alone with nukes, MP and all spent around 50 mil for that war. Wonder where TDO would be right now had we not gone to war. My 50 mil would have made that 40 mil I just collected way better.

    Also come up with your own signature, that ones taken already ;)

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Signature


    You just lost all rights to argue. You just pointed obvious facts you have no idea what you are talking about. I Think RE would disagree with the warchest levels you gave them. I have a conversation between eddy and myself talking about how they have us on tech but our ANS make up for it. They beat NM down and got tons of xp from it and you seem to forget NM was declared on shortly after that started. You basically proved you are picking sides and not looking at anything correctly just stop posting after that you truly just made yourself look stupid and I'm more convinced then ever that you pick sides have a bloc of your own.
  7. Black light you realize it is no secret to ANYBODY in misfits i Intel spied spider man. Which is not an Eco spy op you noob. We all know spider man is with avengers so I spied them to get my evidence which I did and now you are supporting my evidence good job if anything you are telling on yourself

  8. Come on, really? Says the guy who's posted several crappy statements in our War Dec, about TDO!
    I think Misfits in general are ok peeps, but "YOUR" assessment of Misfits and TDO are just that of your opinion.
    I have had countless messages from people that said,"Thank You" for putting things right again (summarized), and
    few of those messages came from TA. So I'm guessing there are more people that agree that we stood up against
    a bloc who IMO represented tyranny and havoc. You see many remember the days prior to TA when other alliances
    like D1 and WD did exactly what they cried about TA was doing. Some have even said that once they got a taste of
    their own medicine, they couldn't handle it.

    I don't know for sure what happened in my 2-3 year break but apparently things were no better prior to TA.
    Someone who is not biased and actually stands for fun, even, and competitive wars such as you claim, should be
    happy to see TDO step up and put a stop to an unjust retaliation and Vendetta against TA. We would have done
    the same for just about every alliance in the game.This ruined the start of the round, and more than likely even the
    next few rounds. I mean where does it end? You think WD and D1 are not thinking vengeance? Hear DT tell it, yes
    they are.....she even made as much of a statement that it would be next round that we see the retaliation against
    us for standing up for what we believed was right. So what follows after that? TDO is just suppose to sit and
    take it, a bloc on us? Hell no,I can tell you that for sure!

    Something else I can say is, I didn't come in here running my mouth about how much of crappy war this
    is with RE, like you did in our DoW.....and trust me I can point out some really good points to support this.
    No in fact, I pretty much have bent over backwards to keep from doing just that and even as much to change
    things up and not war you guys yet again. I have no problem taking criticism and neither does TDO, but your
    accusation of TDO being the most disrespected in TE is just your opinion and maybe a few others who are
    butt hurt about the fact we stopped a destructive force in TE that is most certainly ruining not only the game
    but also forums and the morality of most people that play it!

    It is just a game, sometimes you lose, sometimes you win, sometimes you do both.
    The point being is to try and get better, and make some new friends along the way.
    If nothing else, keep it fun and have good sportsmanship or say nothing at all.


    You have your head so far up TA butt it's unbelievable. You say you are bringing justice for what happened to the avengers. Guess what the numbers were there. I can't stress how many times misfits were paired with skaro. Sure we got rolled every time because of it but we sure didn't cry for another alliance to help. We rebuilt and we attacked those that made the declares. I would absolutely love to watch you break misfits declare against RE apart. PLEASE I WANT YOU TO. The only thing not 100% on that declare were the ANS and RE had the generals that we didn't. I know you want to act all hot now that misfits warred and used our resources some(which I wanted to prevent doing because I know you have intentions to make a scum move) I'm out building each and every single one of you in TDO and my declares were much much cleaner then yours. (Yeah let that sink in, I outbuilt your entire alliance mmmm) of course now I have to deal with yours and avengers rogues because I am such a threat for being better then you. Be thankful you didn't take OP and Misfits and made the declare that you did, we would have Beatin the living crap out of you, and that's a fact. As you would say

  9. Interesting attacks by NM, not surprising Misfits contacted them.
    I wish to ask some questions of RE, please:
    Did you guys have any spy ops done to you before the war started?
    Specifically econ spy ops? Or done in an organized manner during your wars?
    This seems to be standard protocol for certain bloc alliances y'know.

    Do you ever stop! You send me messages trying to play the friend card to only try and turn me against friends, report me on the forums, now you are attempting to badmouth an alliance that has spent numerous rounds here and has earned far more respect then you ever will. You are pure garbage, I reviewed your declares, you aren't nothing and never will be. Unlike you we don't do bad ops and then try and twist it all. We do fair wars, we keep things clean, and we sure do run our own show. TDO has become one of the most disrespected alliances in TE. You guys all come in here and talk about DT running Her mouth in every thread. Is that not what you just did as well. You are no different then what DT is To people.
  10. Cute stuff, it's crazy, I pointed out one of your recruits to your in game friend that you guys are obviously talking. The guy has ties with avengers and NM and a solid builder but yet?? He's brand new to the game knows TDO ties and all. I'm frankly impressed. Not to mention the people he is tied with to say the least are not good people. Stop the BS its getting old

  11. I think i understand what you mean, if you are referring to the new nation that came in TDO and you don't recognize from last round, that was my doing, those new nations are my friends in RL who i recruited. most of them are strategy gamers like myself.
    so if that was what you meant, there is nothing "dirty" going on there, just normal new players like myself.

    Oh but all have not been recruited by you :)

  12. To: Kaboom101 From: AlbyVA Date: 5/3/2015 2:34:54 PM

    Subject: Naval Blockade
    Message: A naval blockade has been placed against your nation. This blockade will reduce your next tax collection by 4.23%. Together with any previous blockades your next tax collection will be reduced by a total of 4.23%. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

    Choose your moves wisely, you are only hurting your own alliance.

    To: Javier From: Kaboom101 Date: 5/3/2015 4:10:41 PM

    Subject: Naval Blockade
    Message: A naval blockade has been placed against your nation. This blockade will reduce your next tax collection by 9.64%. Together with any previous blockades your next tax collection will be reduced by a total of 9.64%. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.
  13. If you have watched TDO, believe their alliance is dirty, and have evidence, report them in the appropriate forum. If you don't, stop the cryptic insinuations and slander.

    ha you and I both know it's just about impossible to successfully report something like this. Heck TDO might
    Even be innocent and know nothing about all these bonus nations showing up in TDO. But I highly doubt that. Stop playing innocence you aren't fooling anybody
  14. I like all this posturing about knowing the inner workings of TDO, but the time has come for me to confess. Kaboom and DT's spies have no doubt uncovered this truth already, so I may as well confront the issue and reveal it to all. I understand that what I'm about to say will offend a lot of people, and may cost me dearly in terms of friends and supporters. But it just has to be done, and I cannot keep this dark secret in any longer.
    It is with the heaviest heart that I admit that it was me.
    I stole the cookie from the cookie jar.

    One does not need to use spies. One uses logic and knowing facts from the past that have returned to TE
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