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yung flow

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Posts posted by yung flow

  1. Yeah....AOW vs misfits would be a much cleaner war than fhis mess......this is just clear garbage and the route the war has been going shows it all. I Guess a good war would be too much to ask for. The fact you guys get your head so far up your own a$$ and can't even tell/admit when your choice of war is obviously not the best decisions just shows the kind of allaince you are running. Your nations still sit above 25-30k with all your opponents nearly under 20k. Terrible...

  2. Following avengers footsteps being a new alliance isn't the route to take, it will only make you lose respect. But hey whatever floats your boat. Painting targets on avengers just paints targets on you too. I know your obviously God awful with numbers failing to even post the full stats for the war (which I can see why, it would just show how much garbage you are) but the wall that's being built In TE isn't exactly pretty for you.

    Over 35k: 0
    Over 30k: 3
    Over 25k: 5
    Over 20k: 4
    Under 20k: 15
    Over 35k: 0
    Over 30k: 0
    Over 25k: 2
    Over 20k: 5
    Under 20k: 20
    There. Those stats are as of a few minutes ago, so a day into the fighting. Like I said, I forgot to get the initial ones. However, if you were so impatient, you could have done that yourself. It took two minutes; I just needed to get home to do it.
    I must say, Kaboom, you could learn a hell of a lot from your war partner Staccs. That man knows how to respond to a war declaration well: with honour and even a little o/ ....not whining and slinging pointless threats around. Enter the battlefield like a man, not a spoiled child.

    You can't even provide good stats from the first day. Ugh your terrible at this. RE also has all the guys In the mid tier. If I didn't know better I would say misfits top guys were targeted. Dont provide garbage moves and you won't get bad responses. It's pretty simple actually
  4. Stats are always relevant

    I'm becoming impatient.......looks like a walk in the park for your top tiers to me. So since you know the stats didn't even add up by a good chunk why didn't you throw in a small group or at least a gentleman notice. Seemed pretty desperate to need to blitz an uphill war ehh?

    Oh and AOW be thankful you have FF supporting your top end with you, we had every intention to up declare you alone and roll you.

  5. The rules say 10 Nations minimum to qualify. In the past we have kept it at 15 because we didnt know. What is your problem?
    Edit; As das said we have not spent yet either, and it is not me doing anything. He is testing things out, as the game allows.

    Lol it's a cheap move for flags. Hey other alliances that hate avengers you guys like trying to get all the top nations in one alliance to get highest ANS?
  6. Are you basing your comments off this round, or previous ones? Your statements accurately describe many previous rounds, and I think you assume we are operating in the same exact way. Hitting TPC in the way we did at the beginning of this round was something I wish I handled differently. We should have split the alliance up or something, instead of declaring wars on different days. If that is the instance in question, flags were not involved. We refrained from hitting TPC's flag runner, and besides, no legitimate flag runner is going to be seriously set back by an early round war without nukes, spy ops, or staggering. As long as The Avengers exists, we will win casualties, something which also has nothing to do with the tactics you mention above. 
    No, it actually was an experiment. I was trying to figure out the stats updates. None of our rich nations have spent their money yet, and our overall NS isn't particularly high right now. Even if we were to be perma-staggered for the rest of the round, we would still have ten nations above 35k.

    Your alliance has 22 members not 10. So keep it at 22 the entire round, your lower ANS are there because they took bullets for your stronger nations removing them to make your ANS look pretty is nothing less than a flag running cheap shot.
    I guess you missed many of our wars over the rounds. How about our 15 man attack on the 60 man War Doves?
    While you look to make wars even, or "look even", we simply look to fight the biggest/strongest opponents that we can find. Simple as that.
    Now, get back on topic sweety ;)

    Lol the beginning of the round declares would not support that one bit. Only reason you had decent wars after all is because everybody brought them to you. Move along Stevie
  8. Stevie never asked me to step in and defend himself a few rounds back. We didn't even know each other. So, I'm not sure where you got that information.

    Stevie just answered that for you. Before avengers he had a small alliance and flag ran the crap out of himself and TEPD rolled him and he didn't want to budge on his bank so he asked everybody to help. During the round is when Stevie began recruiting for avengers(including attempting to get myself to disband misfits to join in) of course he only got DAS out of the deal. I have yet to figure out where this "elite" status is coming from you donate like crazy, temp trade and declare terrible wars. What more does it take to be elite? And now Stevie uses his entire alliance as a shield to get his flags. Avengers was nothing more than a wall to protect Stevie from TEPD but sadly they all retired after that round.
  9. Let's all be honest here. Nobody steps in for avengers. Avengers seek whoever isn't against them at this point. Same exact thing as when Stevie got caught with his pants down a couple rounds back and lost his flag running freaked out. Messaged das, myself and many others asking to step in and defend him. Believing that somebody in TE saw something they didn't like in this situation is little to none

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