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  • Sanctioned Alliance
    Orange Defense Network
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  1. Return to the days of ultimate cooperation between the ODN and GATO? I remember those times well. Good luck to you both.
  2. Thank you for your insights. I do however have a few counter points to offer if, again, only as devil's advocate. 1. If you slow everyone down, the small nations will still not catch the large nations. Even if they are based at a percentage to slow down the growth of large nations, the small nations will encounter those same growth inhibitors as they gain on the large nations. Now, the gap is smaller but the growth rates are only a fraction of what they were. 2. While I agree that some weaponry changes can ensure an even playing field among all ranks, I think again that without pausing the growth of upper tier nations all together, small nations still cannot reach into the upper ranks. I've been playing for well over two years now. I've been in the top 2% of nations, been destroyed by several wars, became nuke capable and then not and am now fighting to become nuke capable again for the betterment of my alliance while sitting at 6.9%. I myself see this effect of not being able to play an 'upper tier' game but I do not think this change will help that rift. 3. Inflation is a part of any real economy. Look at a small, start up business compared to a large corporation. While purchasing office supplies can strain the budget of an entrepreneur, corporations treat it as chump change. I agree that allowing benefits for only those with the most money is one way of burning cash, but it only serves to increase the rift between large and small nations. In short, I do not think any of these will solve the problem at hand. There is a much larger picture here that needs to be seen if you or admin wish changes like these to benefit the whole of CN. EDIT: At this time, I do not have the answer though I will mull it over and potentially offer any ideas at that time. Thank you again for your correspondence. -Dr.
  3. Since you seem to be "in-the-know," why is this a problem for admin? After all, they are just digital numbers, why does it matter how large they are? Isn't the point of this game to grow and be "powerful?" PS This is less in regards to the update which I can deal with and more simply playing devils advocate. EDIT: Spelling
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