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Johnny Apocalypse

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Posts posted by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. lalilulelo?


    Isn't it obvious, The Patriot Organisation.

    Oh no, I've revealed their secret, and now I must pay, ADMIN HAS GIVEN THEM METAL GEAR

    Not even Pacifica can save us now!


  2. Just because HoG signed a treaty with Vox doesn't mean they should be nuked too. PAIN was on the same side as Polaris, yet when that war went nuclear, we didn't get nuked.

    This really does seem like a power issue. OG feels like they are above UPN so they said their terms meant nothing and they will keep attacking, and then they nuclear first strike (then deny it). I most likely would have gone to NPO too because apparently OG doesn't have their crap together.

    Maybe UPN let them surrender, but that doesn't mean every alliance must comply with UPN.

    Say you were at war with a small alliance and a big alliance, and the small Alliance let you surrender, the big alliance doesn't need to let you surrender, and the same goes for the opposite way around.

    Just because one alliance let you surrender, doesn't mean you're off the hook if you have multiple alliances who have declared on you.

  3. With particular respect to the nukes: if you join a war which has already gone nuclear on the large scale, explicitly on the side of a rebel group that actively encourages the use of all available tools of war, you should expect to receive the same treatment that they do (i.e. nukes, sanctions, etc).


    The MDP HoG and Vox signed pretty much shows they are in an agreement with each other and are willing to accept the coming curbstomp. Vox know they're going downtown to peace mode. Why can't you guys accept it?

    The reason other alliances got peace was because they did not associate themselves with Vox in the sense HoG did by signing a treaty with them.

  4. This is correct. They declared on Vox just to get in the action as well, presumably to show their enthusiasm, or something (despite the lack of a real military enemy).

    No it isn't.

    A Vox member declared on an OG Applicant, OG took exception to this, as would any other alliance. While Vox may not have authorised said attack against OG it's not like you were going to be favoured by any of tC considering your main aim is to topple those with the highest authority.

    In fact OG were also honouring the Continuum charter, stating that if any tC alliances are attacked, tC must come to the defence of them. You attacked Valhalla, Valhalla are in tC. So it could be said OG are honouring the tC.

    There's two perfectly legit reasons to why you guys were entitled to an OG Curbstomp. I see no need for anymore.

  5. I went to NPO because OG kept telling me that the Coalition will not let me surrender and that Coalition terms for HoG havn't been discussed. I went to NPO because they were a major part of the Coalition.

    But you are right, OG is trying to gain power by taking advantage of an alliance nobody cared about and trying to have authority over them and show that they have power within the Coalition when in fact the only reason they could do that was because noone cared about HoG.

    The NPO are a major part of everything, that doesn't mean I'm going to ask them to do everything for me does it.

    OG doesn't need to gain power, so I don't know why you've created this illusion to try and gain the sympathy of others, Vox don't get terms, HoG allied themselves with Vox. Why should you be any different?

  6. Because large alliances understand that a little diplomacy comes before OWF bully tactics. If your an alliance that really just has to be that person and go down that route you'd damn well better have the people behind you to back it up. You'll lose a lot of respect in doing so though. Because no one respects someone who can't play the game and act with a bit of respect for others.

    That wasn't my point.

    My point was had they done the same as Opethian everyone would be in here hailing them and the only one's saying otherwise would be Vox and other naysayers.

    The tables would be turned, in this thread we see all larger alliances/those with shiny protectorates condemning Opethian, and the little guy saying "good show"

    Had it been a member of tC or something similar, the larger alliances would be doing that of the small alliances, and the small alliances/unaligned would be condemning you.

  7. I have never seen an other respectable alliance calling out another alliance for only one spyattack. Most alliances settle these things in private, often the attacking nation is forced to pay an amount of reps, and everything is fine again.

    I wasn't suggesting they would do such a thing, I was saying HAD they done this. It would probably be met with the predicted response

  8. The funny thing about this is.

    Had NPO, IRON or any other sanctioned alliance done the same it'd be full of "o/ o/ o/" "sad but necessary" etc.

    Why can't Opethian do the same?

    Sweep everything under the rug as much as you want, but the wife will notice the bulge sooner or later gentlemen.(in b4 penis joke)

    That is all.

  9. A very interesting post. However, Nazi's do not use it in the 'attention seeking' way you claim the band Slayer does, they actually believe in that kind of crap. Therein lies the difference. I'm afraid your point is invalid.

    ..... /face mother, f******, palm.

    You understand alot of nazi symbols, and the like were created the way they are to attract attention?

    Red on Black, Contrasting colours, attracts people's attention, like all good propaganda.

    Besides, you avoid the point AGAIN as you do so frequently He was pointing out that Slayer himself uses Nazi Imagery and a branch of the Nazi Army as his nation name. Does this therefore mean Slayer is a Nazi for doing so and guilty of a double standard? Apparently not according to alot of people, and I wouldn't suggest such a thing either.

    So does this mean all of NoV are/were Nazis because they edited pics of WW2 Nazi soldiers and symbolism which in fact dates back to being used by Nordic Tribes? Considering I've seen their leader go on about marching for Thor, a Norse God. This seems far more likely.

    On Topic:

    I don't really know who you are, but with the current blurring of the IC/OOC line it's easy to see where you're coming from here, but I do think you should calm down a tad. A definition of Terrorist is subjective. RL Terrorists see us as the terrorists and vice versa.

    So good luck IRL.

  10. So you are saying that if this happened to a small unheard of alliance, you would be this vehement about it or simply go Private Channels FTW. If you would be this vehement about it then i am sorry.

    If I consider it to be an important issue and not about something trivial like a tech raid, I believe it should be out in the open, but it's unimportant then private channels are FTW.

    Now as far as I am concerned, this issue is clearly important as this war shook Planet Bob, from the freedom sparkles outside my presidential bunker to the wreckage of previously mighty alliances. This is an important issue, and people need to know, and that is why I am sure STA have made this public and it is why so many people have an opinion on it. If it was not important we would not be filling up pages and pages of forum space.

    But should a thread spring up about a tech raid and announce a war for the sake of being heard, then it's hardly worth writing 30 pages of replies to is it?

    So can we end this pointless debate and get back onto the discussion at hand.

  11. I like the hypocrticalness of people. When someone else does this say an small alliance. People shout Private Channels FTW!!!!!!!! but when it happens to an alliance everyone knows it becomes a big deal. Why should the people or the size of an alliance matter to what you say at the moment.

    1) When have I ever said that here?

    2) Who the hell are you to decide what my thought patterns are?

    3) When did size come into this debate? If you must have an answer, the big alliances have more of an effect on the general scheme of things in the cyberverse than a small alliance. People are more interested in the larger picture, but I don't think small alliances don't deserve to be heard. Drama amongst the higher ranking alliances is far more important and interesting than "HE TECH RAIDED ME SO I DECLARE WAR ON HIM :(:(:(" It's usually more complex, and by learning from our mistakes we can improve our knowledge and evolve as one.

    So yeah, the minority doesn't matter as much as the majority(who would've thunk it, Majority>Minority :rolleyes: ) but they still matter, stop bawwwing and get over it this is not the point of this discussion.

    4) Stop talking, unless you get back on topic.

    5) ????

    6) Profit!

  12. Im not saying if it was a good idea to reject or accept them. I just saying those were the peace terms given. They dont have to accept them, or they can accept them. Why make a public spectacle out of it?

    Good point, we should all shut up when we don't like something, because we're all good little girls and boys and we should be seen and not heard. :rolleyes:

  13. It doesnt but it is. Look at it, you dont have to surrender. You can reject the peace terms and keep on fighting. The other alliance is winning by a vast majority. So why does it matter to them if they accept the peace or not.

    Oh I dunno, they might want to try and save face, and be reasonable about the terms.

    It's why they're called Peace Negotiations, it involves two parties.

  14. Does it really matter if they were given terms, albeit harsh, or not? No body needs to give the other alliance terms. If the other alliance is winning, its not up to the loosing alliance how they surrender. You may say, we disband so in your face. O noes you killed your entire AA and any one wanting to have that AA later will be attacked. Or you can sit there and take the beating and eventually go into peace mode. And troll for the rest of your alliances existence, as in FAN, hope you have a hugh war chest for that.

    You decided to reject the terms. What do you expect now, lighter terms because you brought it out to the public? And are trying to disgrace an alliance for wanting people removed from government.

    Just remember you dont git to pick how you surrender, its you do or do not.

    Ladies and Gentlemen I present you with, Modern Day CN Diplomacy.

    a-thank you.

  15. I am merely wondering what stance that alliance is taking. If you don't like it, that's not my problem.

    Our stance?

    As far as I know, we're taking a neutral stance on it, you're better off asking our leader if you're really that curious to know.

    However, I don't see why I am unable to ask questions on the matter, I'm curious also you see.

  16. Hmm. I take it MFO are looking to support STA in this war then? Your vocality would seem to suggest it.

    My post was referring to two figureheads of OPP trolling and being a nuisance.

    On the topic at hand. Yeah, I think it's unfair to request Tyga stand down, and banning other members from getting involved in STA politics, as do many others in this thread. He acted in defense of STAs Allies.

    Be it an aggressive action or not(if we continue to debate whether it was aggressive or defensive we'll run in circle for hours and hours, clearly this is an objective opinion down the most childish of arguments being "he started it") it's pretty ironic for the Coalition to be calling for the forced stand down of a leader when you embarked on an aggressive war that cascaded into this mess.

    Its funny really, I don't see why everyone should have to put "My opinions do not reflect that of my alliance" in their sig for fear of being attacked for it.

    *sigh* c'est la vie

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