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Johnny Apocalypse

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Posts posted by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. You guys have got to chill.

    First of Naon was a decent leader. He was the only one who stepped up when UN was left to die. He kept UN from getting disbanded. Give him credit for that (even if some of you want to see UN disbanded <_<)

    As for this war, why argue? Just fight it. Ignore comments from the other side. This whole thread is about France and UN insulting each other and it's supposed to be a thread about the war update.

    So please be mature.

    Agreed, it's not even for the France-UN war.

    It's for the war that isn't actually happening.

  2. Not whining O.o seems both NOIR and France have lied about there causes ^^. Ahh well hopefully the OON's that temporarly joined alliances will come back.

    Btw i am gonna call this little conflict the IRC war :D

    Well NOIR looks like France got involved...

    NOIR attacked OON with France because France requested it. Seems fair enough as far as I am concerned, some OON left to join NVO and an NVO member hit a NOIR member, we responded in defense of our member.

    What's wrong with that?

    also: hai coolgreen you Esperian scum :awesome:

  3. No they weren't. They were never number 1.



    1 Green Protection Agency: 55.21 --> 55.04 (-0.17)

    2 New Pacific Order: 48.70 --> 49.02 (+0.32)

    3 Independent Republic of Orange Nations: 40.57 --> 40.75(+0.18)

    4 North Atlantic Defense Coalition: 30.64 --> 30.82 (+0.16)

    5 New Polar Order: 29.90 --> 29.74 (-0.16)

    6 Multicolored Cross-X Alliance: 23.60 --> 23.59 (-0.01)

    7 Orange Defense Network: 22.35 --> 22.37 (+0.02)

    8 Global Alliance and Treaty Organization: 19.35 --> 19.38 (+0.03)

    9 Sparta: 19.12 --> 19.15 (+0.03)

    10 MHA: 18.41--> 18.58 (+0.17)

    11 The Phoenix Federation: 18.23 --> 18.52 (+0.29)

    12 Atlantis: 18.28 --> 18.41 (+0.13)

    What's this then? :P

  4. You know I supported you in your last thread, but this is kinda funny.

    You are a sanctioned alliance and you declare on FEAR? I mean, nothing against FEAR but that isn't really a challenge is it? Or was this decision made only to save infra?

    Treaty Obligations?

    Maybe y'know...they were honouring a treaty.

  5. As I stated earlier, simply because someone chooses to insult us at every turn does not entitle them to anything.

    'kay then. As a curious leader in Cybernations, I'm interested to know why the world may be glowing with "freedom sparkles" in the near future, am I entitled to know why my nation will suffer as a result of possible nuclear war?

    And why you won't reveal this information now so you can perhaps avoid conflict. Surely that's in your best interests.

  6. Thank you. Thank you very much.

    And folks, keep those cards and letters coming. They first started coming in during the Hulkamania phase of Crappygate and they just kept coming. It's a relief to be able to speak freely. All of Planeta Roberto that had formerly felt under the heel of the Pacifican boot now knows the joy of a coming day where they're free to bash each others' heads out in even alliance wars and that the day of the curbstomp may indeed pass.

    We hereby give ourselves the right to have fun.

    By the way, Pacifica, that little man under the boot in some of your sigs, the one getting "crushed"? Actually, he's got quite the bicep. He's lifting that jackboot. Is he being kept down? Far from it. He's the little man, and his power is greater than yours. It's not immediate, but it's there, and it's real, and it is to be respected.

    That is some genuine bonafide unsuppressed rage right there man.

    Kudos, many kudos to you.

  7. MFO-CNBanner.jpg

    I miss esper already. Just a cozy little room... Coolgreen, a fire, hot chocolate, some mrcalkin, NinjaJosh lurking, occasional visitors, some screaming, some yelling... Ultimate power. Bold font.

    Ah but will I get used to this?

    Oh by the way, use the banner, not the flag, duh.

    Couldn't find the banner I'll use it from now on. Editing!

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