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Posts posted by BacTalan

  1. yay, after hundreds of people bombard you for canceling you decide to come back and try to get some honor back.

    I am sure the right people know the truth, and any respect you had won't be returned despite this.

    Hey at least your better than the others who havent yet returned.

    After that disastrous announcement, we went over to talk to NPO, who gave us info they said they'd already given Leq but which none of us had heard, and that info (regarding the treaty) caused us to take back the cancellations.

    Again, it wouldn't have happened if not for a rogue government member.

  2. They only decided to stand with NPO when they realized NPO's other friends were too. When it was just going to be them they lacked the balls to do anything but run.

    We decided to stand by NPO when we went to them and ended up getting some important info they'd given Leq, who hadn't given it to any of the rest of our gov.

    Karma Response: NPO would say anything to get some allies back right now.....they may be right....I may be crazy...but it just might be a lunatic you're looking forrrr.

    Leq was the lunatic. I know you probably won't take my word over your assumptions, but I can assure you this would not have happened had he not been lying to us.

    o rly? False info from your sec def or false info from NPO? Flippy flopping begins again.

    From Leq, our (former) Minister of Defense.



    So in essence...you realized that the others weren't !@#$%ing out and thus you couldn't get away with it...So you came back to try and pretend you have balls.

    Sorry not buying it. You've already proven to us you lack any sort of individual thought or the balls to do anything that the pack isn't.

    NPO will confirm this story if you go talk to them.

  4. Post here or PM me. You will need 3 or 5 slots open on the 11th, and be active on the 11th to send out the tech. (If you will have 5 slots open, you can be put in a 5x3 and will not need to get on on the 11th, but will need to get on on the 21st and May 1st.)

    3x3 = 3mil/100 over 10 days.

    5x3 = 15mil/500 over 30 days.

    I'll be on today and for a little of tomorrow.

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