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Posts posted by Nicholas23

  1. You make a fair point Nicholas23, but where i take issue with techraiding is when an alliance specifically promotes the practice as a way of life. Specific alliances such as \m/ make the practice almost a requirement of membership. Along with this requirement they protect and aid their members even while these members are aggressively attacking and extorting active nations.

    Yes I can think of a few alliances outside of UJP that allow their members to tech raid, but I can not think of any outside of UJP that specifically, repeatedly, and forcefully encourage the practice. It is with this that I take primary offense and why I feel the current war is one of necessity and justice.

    On the "way of life" point, you are wrong. Many in \m/ do not tech raid. The man who led them for nearly a year, NinjaR, never performed a tech raid and was actually a vocal enemy of the practice. \m/'s principle is freedom to do as you want. \m/ has over 370 members, to claim a group that does use their freedom to tech raid represents all of them is not fair or intellectually honest.

    You're right if you want to claim that \m/ likes to have some fun with their tech raids and has a flamboyant style. But if you're anti tech raiding, does it really matter if it's called "Tech liberation" as opposed to a non-publicized tech raid by one of your allies? I don't think the anti-tech raid crowd will take much comfort in that, you're basically saying "If Polar's side wins, tech raids will no longer be a joking manner. You'll still get attacked, but no one will come up with a funny name for it."

    Second, to say "a few" alliances outside of UJP tech raid is a gross, monumental understatement. It is a very common practice, your allies do it, my allies do it and many uninvolved parties do it. Hell, not even this war (which has just about everyone in it) has put a stop to tech raiding by alliances that are not fighting in the war.

  2. the NPO is not the world police. I can say with confidence that the only rule the NPO has with the world is that it is a bad idea to attack or spy on us.

    As far as the tech raiding alliances on the polar side, I am unaware of them. I'd be more than happy to state an opinion on them if you'd be so kind as to point them out for me. In the mean time I will try and find out for myself.

    In addition, I'd like to refer you to the new treaty signed by several of your allies today. Article V section B enshrines tech raiding a as an alliance right, as long as it's not on purple. And I quote:

    Section B - Tech Raiding

    This document shall not infringe on any signatory alliance's overall right to conduct tech-raiding attacks on other nations of any color alignment with the exception of Purple.



  3. the NPO is not the world police. I can say with confidence that the only rule the NPO has with the world is that it is a bad idea to attack or spy on us.

    As far as the tech raiding alliances on the polar side, I am unaware of them. I'd be more than happy to state an opinion on them if you'd be so kind as to point them out for me. In the mean time I will try and find out for myself.

    I do not have a complete list as I admit I am not familiar with many of your allies. One that comes to mind is IRON, which I know tech raids. Also, the alliance which was at the center of this, BoTS, tech raids. Their raiding of Genmay was a big issue as you know. I will try to find further names.

    I just don't see your logic. I read your post and it makes me think that if your side wins tech raiding will be gone from CN. Regardless of your opinion on this issue, I think it's a false premise unless the NPO plans on being world police, which is not.

  4. Unfortunately, I have seen more than several people in UJP suddenly change from "we've won this" to your newly used "it's not over yet". This reminds me very much of people that WUT has defeated in the past.

    I will not deny this will be a long war. This will be a costly war. It is not unlikely for this to escalate to chaos of all the GWs combined. But over the past few days, it is your side that is slowly declining, while ours rises. This is merely a foreshadow of the victory to come, just as it has it all the past GWs.

    Anyone who states "We've won this" in the first week of the war is wrong. Period.

    I have stated that we have had victories in specific battles, such as when NpO declared on Genmay and \m/ was able to hit 80% of the attacking Polars in a masterful defensive maneuver. You are free to counter with any such examples of your own, if you have any, but to simply say "We currently have a higher NS THUS the war is decided" is not only wrong and cocky, but also quite a leap of logic.

    Now, this is not to say we can't be confident in our victory as biased actors. Of course I think the UJP can and will win this, I am confident in the ability of GOONS and our allies. I'm sure you'd say the same. But if you're going to claim we lost already, please back it up with something.

  5. I think that question has been answered above.

    Well considering how the war is in it's third day I don't see how we have been "outmatched".

    I don't claim we have this in the bag or that we're all super fighters, it's your side that is acting as if they already win and belittling us. At this point we have to wait and see. I will point to the fact that several of your alliances are under performing while some of ours are causing damage at alarming rates. That doesn't mean "ZOMG WE GOT THIS WON!" it just means that you don't have the right to say "lol we win this". You don't, you'll have to win on the battle field. This is the first few days in a loooong war. So far I like how we're doing, but who knows what the future holds right?

    I give credit where it is due, however, The Legion performed an amazing update strike, the best on your side yet with over 70 wars between their first dow and 20 after update. It will be fun as they're matched up with \m/, who a night before hit 150 Polar nations in a similar frame of time. Clearly both of these alliances are ready to roll.

    So yeah, my point is that if you want to point to some specific aspect in which you have bested us go ahead, or if you want to point out that you have some pretty big alliances on your side, that's fine too, but this mindless repeating of "You have no chance" with nothing but "Our NS is higher!" to back it up. If a war was decided only by NS, we wouldn't need to do the actual fighting eh?

  6. You sold the Orders out then and at the time we let you know that it would come back to bite you. Granted we are not attacking you now. It is not from lack of dislike for you. Our presence in the fight is not necessary. You are reaping what you've sown and I take some satisfaction in that. This war doesn't mean that we are through, though. The Orders still owe you one and someday, if you survive this current conflict, we will come calling to collect on that debt. Don't forget that. We sure haven't.


    I'm sorry to see The Legion go this route. I think you're the only alliance that, no matter which side wins, has sealed their fate. Oh well, see you on the battle field and have fun!

  7. I do respect your opinion mpol, but to the other people that are offering theories as to what will happen, you are wrong.

    All of your so called "theories" about what the NPO will do are not valid.

    They have an MADP with the GGA which will pull them into the conflict. However, they were going to join it anyways so there's no discussion. I'd say that 60 million strength trumps roughly 30 million any day. Sorry, but GOONS and company have no chance. They will be annihilated and crushed into the ground.

    Must every thread, even those that attempt actual technical analysis turn into biased declarations of "We've already won this war!"?

    I will just quickly say that The Unjust Highway already have over 30 million and like they say "The highway always keeps getting longer." This is of course, a moot point because raw NS (as determined just by adding up people with the same AA) is not enough to determine a war of this magnitude.

    Yes, if you have a 10 to 1 NS advantage on an enemy... you'll likely win. This war, whoever has the most NS, will probably have it at most at a ratio of between 1.1 to 1 and 1.5 to 1. When we're talking about a war of this magnitude clearly an NS gap of this sort is not nearly enough to predict a winner taken on its own.

    On to the actual thread, Mpol is spot on. I think when analyzing CN wars people need to learn to think in terms of relevant size, not just raw size. This applies to both members and NS.

    Relevant size: When it comes to war, your size is not how many people fly your AA or how many people at some point signed up for your alliance. It's how many people can, when called on, follow your military orders in a timely fashion. This was FAN's greatest strength in my view. If you need to visualize this think of your alliance forum and how many people regularly post there. Now think of how many people your alliance has. If you're in a large alliance, the difference is likely to be shockingly high.

    So an alliance can have three times as many members (People with the AA) as another, yet both have an equal fighting force. Nations that don't check the forums, who are inactive, who are ghosts or who plain won't fight may boost the total NS but they don't help the war effort at all.

    Next, I think Mpol's prediction on length is perhaps the most important thing ITT. This war is going to feature high-intensity fighting for a looong time. I guess after so many boring months it's about time we have some fun. :)

  8. I mock LUE 2 because it's a joke.

    Also, gratz to MK for only having 5 nations in Anarchy only minutes after launching an offensive attack. War must be over now!

    Hell, remember how awesome WAEgis did in the opening nights? And they stand today, a sign of how pride and hubris can lead you to great things.

    It's our enemies which claim we have no chance, we just say we're going to fight with everything we got for our allies and have fun with it, let the chips fall as they fall. It just so happens so far, we've been the victims of some really easy enemies, but like you said it's only day two. However, when people update strike and begin to flock with comments like "OMG UJP IS PEEING THEIR PANTS AT ODN AND IRON!" don't blame us when we refute them.

  9. Well, here's one example I can recall, for instance. You must not have been very active on the boards that day; FAN told us many, many times that we were going to be nuked.

    Just as a side note, a ban on a certain type of action as a first strike means that you don't do that first. If you want to reserve the right to use that action in a preemptive or preventative manner (Such as VietFAN) then don't have the no-first strike policy to begin with.

  10. Obviously outnumbered and out-gunned, the members of The Unjust Path are now about to begin their journey on the path of Justice.

    Never out-gunned. Outnumbered? Pfft, you should know AA numbers don't matter, however, I will humor you. Did you miss the 7 or so alliances that joined the good fight today? Think we're done? Hint: The Unjust Highway is longer than you think. :ph34r:

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