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Posts posted by Nicholas23

  1. wow. i have never seen such whining and desperation since Aegis and League. seriously, the UjP alliances try and pretend they are this tough little clique that bully everyone, yet here they are complaining bout every tiny little thing or technicality instead of just sucking it up and taking it.

    i wish ya'll was as tough on the forums as (in my personal battlefield experience) ya'll are on the battlefield. at least then the forums would not reek of desperation.

    Seeking an explanation over a specific issue is not desperation.

    Are we only allowed to post "HAIL!" and "HAHA LETS KILL KILL" during war? Nothing wrong with a little discussion.

  2. You appear not to be listening. We don't believe for a second it was a "mistake" any more than we believe it was a joke. Not a mistake in the sense of it was never intended to try to extort the tech out of us and then "oops, we accidentally tried to extort tech out of them without even realizing what we were doing" at least, which is the only kind of mistake that would make it even marginally better.

    Well it appears some in \m/ wanted to do it, but then the leadership shot it down when they got word of it (OOC: woke up and got online).

    I mean, if a member of the Legion government does something that is bad, then a higher member (Lets say, the PM) gets on and overrules that mistake, I don't think Legion should be at fault. If anything the PM should be praised for resolving it so quickly. The individuals who made the mistakes should also probably be yelled at or something, I guess.

  3. If you didn't want us to bring it up you shouldn't have done it.

    Like I said over here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...0&start=260 ...

    ... we don't buy the "just joking" bit for a second. You're extortionists, it's what you do. You do it every day against a horde of independent nations and smaller alliances, and this time you got ambitious and tried to scale it up. Then you obviously realized maybe you got a bit too ambitious. Which doesn't mitigate the fact that you made the initial attempt.

    As for the wider question of why we DoW'd... you DoW'd ODN. We like ODN. We're treatied with ODN. We don't like you. Do we need any more reasons? Because frankly I'm finding it incredibly amusing being asked to justify a war declaration by the leader of the alliance who considers the equivalent of "just because" sufficient justification for the nations of his alliance to launch completely unprovoked attacks on nations all over Planet Bob as a matter of routine.

    By your logic if an alliance makes a mistake then quickly (12 hours is really good response time) fixes it, they're still to blame for the mistake they fixed right away?

    Also about extortion, you realize several of your allies in this war have the exact same rules and practices as \m/ when it comes to tech raiding, right? Are they extortionists too?

  4. NpO asked for GOONS assistance as per the Drinking Buddies Pact. GOONS refused to help Polaris, and instead helped Gen[m]ay the alliance who had declared war on Polaris via their protectorate. That sounds like a pretty big treaty breaker to me. we can argue all day about [m]'s DoW being righteous or WUT's precedence over all other treaties, but let's not.

    GOONS, like any honorable alliance, refused to attack their MADP partners. If anything it was rather bad taste on the part of Polar to make such a request. Of course, for some reason you fail to remember a few things:

    -BoTS members had raided Genmay several times before without action from the government. Where was Polar then?

    -After just one day of the war, Genmay offered BoTS a white peace. BoTS then demanded 250,000,000 dongs in reps.

    -GOONS continued to observed their treaties, not touching their Drinking Buddies the polars, even after their attack on our ally.

    The logic on your side seems to be that if you have multiple treaties, just pick your favorite and screw the other side. US GOONS actually, you know, follow all treaties we sign.

  5. Do you think if we wanted to blitz the hell out of GOLD, we couldn't do it?

    Honestly now.

    Other alliances have done it way better. I know you're holding back tons of hippies, so is everyone else. Yes, you get props for picking out an alliance half your size as your target, heils for that I guess, but your performance on the battle field so far is not what you'd expect from the mighty Order. Just sayin'.

  6. You keep forgetting the server overloaded and prevented new logins. Why do you keep forgetting that?

    Again, GOLD is not prepared for war. This war is essentially over.

    On the first point, then explain how other alliances did better with their blitz, some waaay smaller than NPO? The server issues only affect Pacifica?

    On the second point, lets actually have a war before we determine a winner, deal?

  7. While I'm not an expert on CN war tactics, I think one can safely say it wouldn't even matter if one NPO nation attacked in this blitz. GOLD is dead in the long run anyway. :huh:

    All some of us are doing is pointing out NPO's blitz failed. That speaks a lot to their activity and coordination. Keep in mind they've been ready for days for this and are hitting not one but two alliances.

    Now, your argument of "Actual performance doesn't matter, NPO wins no matter what" I can't really counter. If NPO = Insta win in your mind, even if they're failing before you in what should be their finest hour, then I have nothing to counter that with.

  8. Do you believe the things you say, or do you just feel compelled?

    Well I can search for declarations of war and count. You got roughly 70 offensive declarations between 11:45 and 12:00 server time against FAN and GOLD. That's comparable to what Legion got on \m/ when they entered.

    The second part was commenting on the whole assumption that a war is over before it's fought. If you want to hold that belief, go ahead, I think you actually need to do the fighting and all that.

    Just pointing some stuff out, I gues I'm raining on your hail parade :(

  9. A rogue is a nation that attacks another nation without approval of another alliance.

    A nuclear rogue is just a rogue who uses nukes.


    A nation that was authorized to use conventional force against another nation but uses nukes against orders.

  10. I like this trend of neutrals refusing to be vultures. Good show, seriously. I mean, there's nothing all that wrong with taking in people who surrender but this way you seem way more classy.

    Also officially requesting pics of harem. :P

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