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The Desert Fox

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Posts posted by The Desert Fox

  1. We've already made attempts.

    I've gotten nothing back.

    Hence putting the call out.

    I have read many of these "attempts."

    I can vouch that every one I have read so far has been arrogant in tone and [insert bad word here]y in voice. If you would just be somewhat polite about it, I assure you, you will get a much more positive response. I understand thats alittle hard when you are the one being attacked, trust me- Ive been there, but it will get you much farther in life, not just in CN, to adopt this habit, as it will more than likely get you an at least favorable outcome...as in, not to ZI.

    *See there kiddies, CN can be a fun AND educational experience. :D

    EDIT to answer question above:

    First, you guys are fast...

    Second, DC suspended BDC's membership until NpO deems that BDC is ready to continue without a viceroy. They have NOT been expelled or anything of the sort to my knowledge.

    I would like to reiterate...this is all for the simple reason that it doesnt make much sense to have a viceroy and be in a bloc; it is not because we dont like BDC anymore.

    Lastly, I can name 3 alliances right off hand who wont be canceling their Treaties with BDC:

    - NpO

    - NV

    - RoT

    So you see, no one really abandoned BDC. We are still here. We are just waiting for their return. In the meantime, NpO will be watching over them, protecting them, and getting them back on the straight and narrow.

  2. Yup.

    Still waiting for any DC leadership to make contact with us for peace talks.

    I dont not believe the burden is on us to come to you to ask for terms...thats just my view however.

    If I were your government, Id be making every attempt to come to a speedy surrender so as to salvage what little the nations of Browncoats have left. However, to my knowledge, all they have done is complain about this and that being "unjust" and "not fair" and etc. Simply walk up and say, "hey, we are losing and would like to surrender. What terms do you demand?" I dunno...it would be a start.

  3. Cowardice! Snakes!

    Attack BDC - Oh, they will pound your yellow bellies into the ground! Take on the weak, stroke yourselves, tonight you show your weakness!

    Right, so I was reading this quote above ^^...and I almost finished, but I was laughing so hard at this link below that I just simply couldnt continue any further:


    Have a nice day!

    Oh, and yeah, ta-ta Browncoats. Go back to the moon.

  4. Good for MHA supporting their allies.

    However, didnt that clause only state that the two signatory alliances would be involved in non-aggression?

    Nonetheless, a MDP clearly outweighs a NAP and so best of luck to MHA in their war. I doubt they'll need it, but alittle luck never hurt anyone.

  5. Good Show CSN.

    And to all of those who are wishing them a happy death and what not: I would think that given the trend of offering surrender terms, that CSN can only benefit in the long run from this. They may lose infra, but they have their honor.

    I know this war was none of CSN's doing and that they really dont have much of a chance of winning, but I am impressed by their willingness to stand by their treaties in the face of certain death and I wish them the best for their future after the war. Besides, I am sure NPO was looking for a good fight anyway...no one likes a pushover <_<

    Good Show CSN.

  6. As of the 21st, we are no longer an IRON Protectorate.

    However, we have signed a few secksy treaties including this one and enter the DCP Black Bloc.

    EDIT: whoops, didnt mean to do that.

  7. Im with NoV on the off topic here about honoring requests to hold their load... Id honor my MDP's request to let them fight their own wars...Im doing it right now actually.

    However, I will say, BC vs BDC, that is comical. I for one have long known that BC's problem was the distinct lack of Vitamin D. Better luck chosing the right vitamins browncoats! I for one like the ones shaped like The Flinstones. Those Rock!

    One last note...that is probably the most amazing First Post Ive seen in a long LONG time. You should give Lord Boris some pointers...

  8. Its a ToA though for crying out load. So perhaps they had a disagreement, it happens.

    RoT stands by BDC on this one. They should be free to change their mind as to who are their friends and who are not.

    Carry on BDC; for, as Zzzptm once told RoT, "you will never walk alone."

  9. Ill say the following about trades:

    1) There are Good and Bad Resources and Resource Combos...However, that is not to say that it is impossible to do well with "Bad Resources," it will just be harder. That is where the skill of the player comes in as someone said earlier.

    2) Many alliances regard how they do things as "secret" and so each one is slightly different...but nonetheless, if you wish to get some in depth advice and help (as in trade circles), you should join an alliance or ask your alliance for their advice (as I am not familiar with your current AA status).

    Best of luck to you in the future.

  10. #### ***** &&&&!

    Im happy to see us getting to know other alliances and am even happier to announce the birth of new friendships. I am certainly happy to have gotten to know NoV and look forward to the furthering of relations with them.

    o/ both of us.

    o/ friendship

    EDIT: dang, you guys are fast, it was first post there for a second <_<


    o/ RoT and NV

    I do believe there is an "o" in there somewhere :D

  11. Brigade is definitely full of secksiness and that is the kind of people RoT tends to associate themselves with. :D

    In all seriousness, Brigade was probably our first friend in the cyberverse...I think Chiadude was the first non-RoT member of our IRC Channel. The friendship between our two alliance has only gotten stronger and I look for it to continue to grow. They are a great bunch of folks.

    Hail BRIG and RoT!

    Hail Black and Blue Love!

    Hail Friendship!

  12. A few here and there :)

    Although, this is really an upgrade from our previous ToA.

    But yes, BDC and RoT have been getting snuggly for quite sometime now and its good to see us make it official. We are proud to call such an upstanding alliance our ally and may the good relations continue to get better.

    One last note, Lord Boris, if you are going to occupy the first post in a thread that is as secksy as this one, I must insist that you post something alittle more upbeat than that.

    But back to the topic at hand...

    Hail RoT and BDC

    Hail Black Secksiness

    Hail Friendship and Mutualness.

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