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The Desert Fox

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Posts posted by The Desert Fox

  1. Your opinion always matters to me Fox. Though I would like to point out something. We in NoV are not asking for freedom of speech. We are not looking to allow %&$#s or racists an audience in our alliance. As was said in NoR's disbandment announcement, NoR struggled with the concepts of free speech. We do not. We don't allow any of those elements in our alliance. That is what we take issue with. We are ever vigilant with ridding our alliance of these elements and yet here we are begin attacked for that very reason. NoV is an alliance just like any other. We want to prosper as an alliance and offer our members protection.

    Indeed, Weiss, you would be one of the good guys I was talking about. :)

    And no, I know you guys are not crying free speech...but just saying that has happened before and I was going over the general spectrum of the game. This thread got off the NoV issue pages upon pages ago. lol

    I wish my friends on both sides of the conflict the best of luck. May you collect many casualties, much fun, and hours of excitement. After all, that is pretty much the point of this game :D

  2. Again, thanks to all for your support and understanding and especially PA for his help during this time.

    To the CIS peeps who seem to be trolling this thread...Im gonna go ahead and nip this in the bud.

    To be deemed fit for DCP was not such a high honor as it had originally been thought to be. I must say, joining the black bloc that had no ambition of staking greater claims on black also contributed to our feeling of failure when compared to our orginal ambitions. And what does it matter how much notice we gave you? Even when I gave you a week's notice for something, you still complained about it. Again, I consider RoT to be a success story, just not the success story of which we had originally dreamed.

    o/ Black Unity!

  3. You are correct, this is not RL. However, TPF has brought RL into the game by attacking NoV for OOC reasons. Had TPF simply not used anything OOC in their CB at all, then we would not be having this argument. The OOC is where the problem lies.

    This is why I enjoy reading your posts. I feel you are correct there, sir.

    In other news, I must say, I have friends on both sides of this conflict. Yes, lol, I do have a few friends over in NoV who are good guys. Im sure there are few racists and what not there, as there is everywhere (and their name would attract a few extra), but I had never known that to be an overwhelming problem to anyone else.

  4. Just my opinion on things... not that counts for much, but whatev'

    In RL, communism and facism are ideological ideas...nothing more. Ideally, communism is a eutopia that man is simply not capable of maintaining...everyone works for the betterment of the whole. In facism, its all about the country still, but its done differently. Government controled usually, yes, but not government owned. Both forms of government sound great on paper...however, they simply dont work in their truest form and are very easily manipulated for the betterment of the few who have power.

    Now, with that said, no, I dont agree with what %&$#s have to say...its simply not the way I was brought up...and I was brought up largely in Germany, go figure ;) However, I would defend their right to say what is on their mind as long as their actions dont infringe on anyone else's rights to do the same. Furthermore, to say that %&$#s were the greatest murderers of WW2 is to call yourself stupid. The Russians, yes, 'Comrade Stalin' himself killed 20 Million Russians and Eastern Europeans for reasons very similar to the %&$#'s excuses for caring out their purges. So basically, what I am saying is, both are evil. Congrats, get over it, and move on.

    However, that up there only applies to RL...this is an internet game, and the different Ideologies work very differently here as compared to how they work in RL. For instance, communism and controling everyone's economy would work well to build a large force fast since you can boost MANY different nations at once. Facism might work just as well since you can control the growth of a select view of proven members while making sure your strong, dependable nations only get stronger...not to say Capitalism doesnt work, as tech selling/buying alliances such as Nueva Vida and Gramlins seem to be doing rather well ;)

    Basically the point of the above paragraph is this...this is a game. What works here isnt necessarily what works or how it works in the Real World, so remember that kiddies.

    With that point, Id also like to add that this is CN, not america, not england, not germany- Not RL at ALL. If you piss someone off and they attack you, dont go crying free speech...there is no rule that I can find here that protects you from being attacked for what you say. That is what allies are good for ;) I mean after all, its not like war is a bad thing...it gives you and your allies opportunities to prove that you really do stick to your treaties. It keeps an active group of members by reminding them just how fun this game is when you get to carry out 6 attacks of every kind every day...or 12 at update if your smart.

    Now then, with that said...go out there and share your cultures and your ideologies, whatever they may actually be, with each other out there.

    :popcorn:FOX gets out his binoculars to watch the action below :popcorn:

  5. Thanks everyone! It means a lot to hear such kind words and to see them come from not just our former treaty partners, but also from our friends. It is difficult to do this since we were, actually, doing well. But again, It was alittle too much for all of us to handle and we just got burned out and decided it was best if we were just regular members elsewhere. There are many class act people here who will make wonderful members to whomever they decide to join.

    To all who have helped us in the past, IRON, BDC, Gremlins, Elysium, and the list goes on... Thank you. We could not have achieved this success without you, and in the end looking back, I view RoT as a success story. Perhaps we just werent ready to hang with the big guys quiet yet :unsure:

  6. Thanks everyone.

    and on a personal note, MHawk, I have long missed our conversations. You guys were like our sister alliance in the beginning....and when you guys left black, the sphere died alittle inside I think.

    And just to add, yes, the name, the slogan, all except the flag :P, was all full of win. We just over extended ourselves and got alittle burned out. It was a hard decision, but we feel it is the best one. I am sorry to shock everyone. lol

  7. Well, Ill be making this short since I know many of you have a war to get back to.

    In the past 6 months, the Realm of Titans has gone from strength to strength. After alittle while of standing idle we went to work and quickly hit 100 members in less than a month before shutting off our active recruitment to build up our inside. 4 Months and 900k NS later, we are disbanding. I know this seems kind of counter-intuitive; however, in the end, we decided that we were just not living up to our goals in the beginning.

    Our plan in the beginning was to have just enough people to avoid getting tech raided and then grow as a few close friends... Needless to say, we got ahead of ourselves and in the end and just got alittle burned out. We lost track of our roots and have decided to go back to being just regular inhabitants of this internet planet called Bob.

    It is for this reason, that I, as Emperor of the Realm, make it my last act to disband the Realm of Titans.

    I would also like to thank Prince Arutha of Nueva Vida for offering protection to all nations carrying the RoT AA until they find a new home.


    The Desert Fox

  8. Ill make this short, I promise.

    Yesterday, RoT cleared out many of the embassies on its forum due to inactivity, uselessness, and the existance of WAY to many permission masks. From this day forward, only alliances meeting at least one of the follow specifications will be granted an embassy on our forums:

    - Be a Black Team Alliance

    - Be involved financially with RoT (tech, donations, etc)

    - Hold a treaty with us that is an ODP or above


    - Be one of the 12 sanctioned alliances (you guys are just special :D)

    So, if you log into our forums and notice your embassy is missing, dont fret, its not just yours. Many embassies meeting one those specifications were also deleted because of inactivity, so you guys can just apply for new ones.

    For Emergency purposes, if an embassy is needed, we will give you a temporary password to our Emergency Embassy and we will work things out in there and then change the password when talks have concluded.

    For everyone else, you are free to stop by and get to know us on our IRC channel, #RealmofTitans on Coldfront, or by stopping by and chatting in the Open Chats or General Forum (in the embassy section) found on our boards. Everyone is welcome and, I promise, we dont bite...well, not that hard at least.


    The Desert Fox

    Emperor of the Realm

  9. ok more rhetoric i see, do you guys not see any bumps on your horizon? obviously not.....i do not think LSF are duly worried by the 'wannabe-german' legions of NoV firing CM's or launching ground assaults, if that was the case they would have given up a long time ago. The fact is LSF remain committed to flying the flag in order to deny you guys your final victory and they will continue to exist because in short its sticking two fingers up at you guys.

    In the meantime it seems to me that NoV continues to fail to appreciate the fact that you guys are running out of supporters maybe the recent TGE-Nordland doctrine discussion could be a sign of things to come, maybe you would better serve your movement by ending the war and showing the CN Left the measure of NoV's mercy and far-sightedness.

    Im sorry for my rhetoric, but its just funny seeing this from a GATO member who only recently came out of hippie mode...so was that because you were a bank? or did it have to due more with the announcement NPO issued declaring Perma-ZI to all who remained hippies past May 3rd. In fact, your Bio "Duty bound" does crack me up tremendously...and I see it is also in your sig. Well, very nice, its all the more Lulz for me. Now, by all means, continue bashing something that is already dead.

  10. Yeah, Im very interested to see how this goes now that all that fluffy military is gone :)

    Should make for a much closer race.

    Either way, these are both great alliances for whom I have tremendous respect. Therefore, I will be sitting on the fense for this one. I do hope you fellas hurry up...this could get rather painful :D

  11. Z, you were before and shall always be my friend. Dont get me wrong, it will be many months before I enter into a formal agreement with you :P, but seeings how you did it with the best of intentions and with no harm intended for your allies, I have a hard time hating you forever. Keep in touch, who knows, maybe one day you will be leading an alliance once more. You are a very capable leader, there is no doubt about that...you may have some "crazy" ideas, but you are still a fine leader.

    If there is a lesson for us all here, it some line I heard in a movie once...I forget which movie; if someone could fill that in that would be fantastic.

    "Some of the worst things in history were done with the best of intentions." So think it through.

    Again, still my friend, now and forever. I read up there that you "should restart and not tell anyone you are zzzptm." Id like to fix that...tell no one but FOX :D

    Take care and my your journey bid you well.


    Here are some good tunes for Peace Mode Island, have fun with the latinas and tell Lola I said Hi!


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