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The Desert Fox

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Posts posted by The Desert Fox

  1. Wait, I think I noticed a typo somewhere....

    Seriously? You guys have been trolling because we didn't post a formal DoW on Vox Populi? The moment that they DoW'd GGA we were in a de facto state of war. Don't think that just because we folded like panzies on Polaris that we are any less committed to defending the side we think we will win. In large part, the only thing standing between us and the rest of you is the fact that the parties engaged on you have asked us to hold off... for awhile.

    That being said, out of respect for our former ally (which we still consider to be a friend), I don't believe that we'll be engaging Polaris. The rest of you attacking our allies? Fair game once we get the green light.

    As promised, this formal DoW is now stamped and approved.

    Oh, there, good, I fixed it for ya.

  2. What is your problem? Come on here and start acting sarcastically, don't think it makes you look clever, because it does not. This is a prime example of how childishness in CN ruins the game for anyone. You say in your first post you not even heard of Atlantic Empire, and then proceed to make judgement.

    I would be concerned having you as as an embassador to my alliance, with your rude and pompus attitude.

    So before I get banned for sending insults back, this will be my last reply to you.


    If you cant take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

    Look, its not just me. There are many others here saying "Hey, what? why go to war over this?" Even your alliances allies/ex-allies are saying this.

    I will add one more point. It doesnt matter which side ends up winning this war and who gets crucified for it... AE will forever have trouble signing treaties because many will consider them unstable (not that that's inaccurate at the moment). Its a simple fact of CN, as this is not life. This is why many of us are saying you should have tried to do it quietly and legally on the inside, and go elsewhere in the cyberverse if it didnt work out for you in the end.

    No worries, the good part about games is that you can restart and try again. After all, Im sure there are many alliances out there who want another active member. Good luck with the new resources!

  3. Neforatu - after speaking to you on IRC it is quite clear you are not intrested - so feel free to block me as you said you would

    Oh if only that would have worked :)

    If you knew me in RL, you would know that a frquent thing i say is "i refuse to by a hypocrit"

    Err yeah, if a member of an alliance isnt allowed any say whatsoever, they have no forums, the leader just ignores them all, it probably would fail.

    While IRON, ODN, or whatever is not fully democratic, it will be slightly. More than AE currently is probably!

    Not sure IRON would be keen on you knocking their "democracy" either, I used to be in IRON, they are a great bunch.

    Thanks for your sarcasm.


    In RL, here we go again... this is a game. In this game you are being a hypocrite. Game over.

    Did not knock IRON's Republic. I merely stated that they are not a democracy. I will say, though, you did get something right. IRON is a great bunch of people. In fact, I am NV's diplomat to IRON and I will say that I have found them to be nothing but nice, helpful people.

    And again, Im sorry to all AE members who dont have a say... but if you dont like it, why dont you leave?

    Once more, Good Luck on the Reroll. I hope you get great resources!

  4. Good choice. Best of luck to AE in their time of trial and best of luck to the two parties in the post conflict era of their relations.

    EDIT: To his Royal [insert bad stuff here]

    Its a suspension, not a cancelation. So Im not entirely sure that the 42 hour grace period would take effect.

  5. 3. One thing I am not is a hypocrit :). If I have anything to do with it the new charter would be extremely democratic and allow full room for any member of the government to be expelled by the alliance on the whole.

    in CN my opinion is democracy is the only way, else things fail.

    So I will state now: If I have anything to do with a new charter and it has no room for kicking government members, then I will leave AE and allow my nation to be nuked to 0.

    4. Nope -- see all the above discussion (mainly on page 2)

    No, I really feel that you are being hypocritical. Now, we all do it from time to time, that is human nature and the first step to healing is to admit the problem... Got anything you want to tell us ;)

    Right, anything that isnt a democracy is fail. Okay, so, NPO, IRON (is a republic), NpO, etc etc etc... yes, they are all fail and have no idea what they are doing. No, please, I insist, you are correct. :lol:

    Again, why not leave? If you dont like the leadership or the form of government, you and your entourage go somewhere else. Nextly, why did your charter not have a way of expelling Tris? Wouldnt that be a logical check to have? This brings me to disagree with the sentiments posted by others earlier that this is a 'fairly good charter.'

    I read the discussion, thanks, and from all I can tell, your nation has a big warning sign in front of it that looks like this: :excl::nuke::excl:

    Again, I wish you the best of luck with those resources on your reroll.

  6. Not that Im familiar with the Atlantic Empire or anything, but I just had a few immediate thoughts when I read the original post:

    1) Atlantic Empire. Doesnt it take an Imperial type government to rule an empire? Im really surprised (and dissappointed to a degree) to see that it is not ruled by an "Emperor."

    2) This is Cybernations....an online nation simulation game. It is, again, not real life, as you choose where your account will reside. If you dont like the type of governmentof the alliance, then why did you join the alliance to begin with? If you wanted to partake in a democracy or a republic, why didnt you join an alliance whose government was modeled as such?

    3) You make several references to your current Tri violating the charter... Now, granted, I havent read it, but Id be willing to bet that your charter makes no room for overthrows in government; therefore, you too are violating the charter. Alittle hypocritical, dont ya think?

    4) Whats wrong with just replacing the Tris if they are inactive/lazy? Im sure your charter has (or at least it should have) a clean way to do that.

    ...just my thoughts. Have a nice day and I hope you get some good resources when you reroll :wub:

  7. Wouldn't infrastructure also play a role in it? Even if in RP here it'll be hard to manage, but a small country like Portugal wouldn't have this massive navy. Also, what if your country is landlocked? The Mongolian navy is the scourge of Asia?

    yes, infra apparently does affect it; however, just to set some history straight for ya...

    The UK is not much bigger than Portugal and it had the largest, most powerful navy in the world all the way up until the end of WWII. I would even go so far as to suggest that they are still in the top 3-5 nations in the world.

    In fact, Portugal had a rather large, powerful navy itself once upon a time...They defeated the Arab nations in the various naval battles that were fought over control of India's Ports way back when.

    Just sayin'

  8. I just dont see how an ODP with some optional aggression clause is going to unify Yellow...Will there be any hopes of upgrading that at all?

    Either way, I do commend you guys for at least trying. I wish you three and any who join you in the future the best of luck.

  9. Just a few, quick notes...

    1) IDC is largely made of ex-wolfpack-ers who fled the alliance after terms were handed out. Oh, wait, sorry, correction: IDC is made up almost entirely of ex-wolfpack-ers who left after terms were handed out to avoid paying reps. If wolfpack is late paying reps, I would not stop short of resting the guilt as equally on their shoulders as it will fall on Wolfpack's.

    2) IDC is also the alliance who pulled out of The Cartel Compact bloc immediately after learning NoV and company were pretty well doomed (nothing against the other members of the late TCC, just saying).

    3) This.

  10. Let's get something straight here right off of the bat:

    FAN and GOONS were the scum of WUT. They rode NPO's coattails all the way to the top, and then started to think that they did it by themselves. I was a member of WUT, by the way.

    My mission here is not derail this fine topic you have going, however, if youd like to make that arguement, okay.

    When I said, "Be a member of something that matches the magnitude of WUT" I was referring to this #2 or #3 alliance I was challenging you to build; joining an alliance that is already on top is rather easy.

    Secondly, since FAN and GOONS were the rubbish of Bob all along as you have stated, then why did NPO 'take them under their wing' as you have stated? Plus, are you saying that there are no alliances "riding NPO's coattails" at the current moment? If so, then what are your opinions of them? ...or would you rather not pick on someone who would crush you for doing so and not think twice about it???

    My simple purpose with that first post was to point out that, even though they are both below 1 Million NS and have both ducked into peacemode nowadays, at one point in time they were rather successful alliances. Call their demise "what happens when you cross Pacifica" or "scum" or whatever you want, but either way, they were largely successful; so, either match their accomplishments and brag about that or stop picking the bones of the dead.

  11. Because while I don't consider myself the most popular CNer ever, I think I can do a little bit better than FAN or GOONS.

    Dont know you, dont really care, but just gonna throw this out there:

    Build the #2 or #3 alliance on Bob and be a member of something that matches the magnitude of WUT before you make a comment like that.

    That is all.

  12. Black is a free sphere. No one will make any greater claim.

    As we have all seen in CN, might makes right. So, my friend (who I really have never met in my life), if you are willing to enforce that, I am willing to watch you carry it out.

    The fact is, no, for Black to ever become a "stable" sphere one bloc or entity must prevail. It is the very law of "Competitive Exclusion." If there are more than one species inhabiting the same niche and carrying out the same function within that niche, one will prevail. The goal we had for our team was stability. How that was to be carried out, we did not specify.

  13. Even though your beginnings angered me slightly, its still sad to see such a well run alliance disband.

    Good luck in the future fox.

    thanks mate, and given our history, that really does mean a lot to me.

    I hope all is going well in IDC. How have you boys been doing?

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