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Posts posted by Chimaera



    Umm no? When I spammed every MI6 member recruitment messages to join NSO, you guys got mad about it. That was less than a week ago too. A few of you (who werent in the power to do so) threatened with ZI for poaching... I just waited for it to sink in that MI6 was about to ZI someone for poaching and then all of a sudden the threats stopped.


    Government found it funny, and worked on your behalf with TPF, who had attacked you.  So...maybe you don't know precisely what you're talking about.  Anyone who wanted to ZI you just wanted to ZI *you*, and didn't care about the reason.


    I think it's kinda sad that MI6 poaches, because their poaching can often kill many small successful micros. Let's say that MI6 did successfully poach you from SRA, then CN would lose a micro that is doing very good for itself. 


    Most micros need to die, and I am glad to see them on their way.


    That said, members are not animals who have no freedom of choice.  People join MI6 because they want to join MI6.  It says more about the quality of the alliances they leave than the quality of the one they join.


    There's a reason only a handful of people have actually ever left MI6.

  3. Then I laughed.

    If you have to scream about how relevant you are.......

    The only thing you guys became was !@#$%bags. Its no wonder you fit in well with that group. Lose them and what are you? Nothing. Your few friends are relevant. You're hangers on...what we used to call a meatshield. The only reason Chim jumped ship and !@#$ all over the people who he had once claimed were his BFF's (and the people that took his alliance in when he left no less) was to appease the 5 year hard on he had for NPO. If that is what it takes to be "relevant", as you call it....you can keep it.


    Really couldn't give a damn less about NPO.  I formed MI6 because I felt like Bob was lacking in alliances that give effort anymore.  Yours certainly doesn't, and hasn't for a long time.  The reason I 'jumped ship' was because I couldn't do anything about the culture of apathy and mediocrity that has devoured an alliance I once admired like none other in this game.  I enjoy MI6 more in a day than I did any alliance I've ever been in, and I'm absolutely proud of how far we've come in just a year.


    You were my friend once, Ninja, and if you gave GATO half the effort you give to making bad posts here I imagine she'd be a vastly superior alliance today.  I am sorry you don't see that.

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