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Blog Entries posted by Dagrr

  1. Dagrr
    It took a couple hours, but I finally added all the combatants on the NPO front, using the available nation strength stats. There are still a few gaps, mainly because Unspeakable Evil stopped updating his thread in the beginning of March and I did not start making this until early April.
    The losses page for both sides should speak for itself, let me know if you have any issues.
    The MK Side line graph has a couple alliances that are the same color. I tried fiddling with it for about 30 minutes before I gave up. You can still figure out who is who by clicking on the line.
    The raw data used to make the graphs is still there, you just have to click the right arrow at the bottom of the page. The data ends on April 29th. I might update it again next week. Enjoy.
    p.s btw, firefox crashed a couple times when viewing the graphs for me, but there weren't any issues with google chrome.
  2. Dagrr
    This blog feature seems to be alright and I'm a firm advocate of keeping the clutter on the forums down to a manageable level. I'm planning on making a CN related entry every Saturday and dabbling in other things relating to the real world on Wednesdays.
    So I lost interest in the war. It was probably the biggest strategic and tactical failure in the history of CN. I'll cover that next week as to why I think so. All this fuss did get me reading the forums again. It eventually occurred to me then that almost everyone who frequents the forums can be grouped into 3 different mindsets, roughly defined as to what kind of character a player is trying to portray. There has of course been some interbreeding between the styles, resulting is some interesting mutations. Be warned that the following may cross the IC/OOC line. Try not to take this too seriously; there are some posters that are legitimately interesting to read, even if they fall into these groups.

    The Neo-Moldavists

    They are the people who had to read Machiavelli's Prince for school, but bought the Cliff Notes instead of the real book.
    In general, they believe, to varying degrees, that "Might makes Right", a term that is harped upon by the Pseudo Intellectuals and the Honhur Club, their natural enemies, who we will cover later. Really though, this style of player is looking out for his own alliance first, his allies second, and is willing to do things that others won't do to promote his interests. They are akin to nationalists and militarists in the real world.
    The Neo-Moldavists will sign treaties that make the most sense in terms of Real Poltik. However, once they acquire power, they are usually at a lose as to how to wield it in a effective manner. There have been very few players, especially in the past 2 years or so, that were skilled at judiciously applying their power on the world stage. The annuals of CN history are filled with blunders, with only a small number of outright success stories.
    Some of the Neo-Moldavists are more charismatic than others. As a whole, they are probably the most entertaining players to observe and naturally tend to focus on the military aspects of the game. They are also the easiest to counter. You see, most Neo-Moldavists lack the subtlety of the original. You can usually see what their goals are after chatting with them for a couple of minutes on IRC.
    In game, the largest grouping was perhaps in "Hegemony". Obviously, in the end, it didn't work out too well for them. Thanks to the forces of Karma, many of of us now enjoy the companionship of upstanding Neo-Moldavists in our homes. Keep in mind though: Hegemony relied on the inaction of the opposition for nearly 3 years and the unwillingness of forces to unify. Action trumps inaction every time. Many of the leaders of the opposition are miraculously still leading alliances today. Who is ready for 3 moar years?

    The Pseudo Intellectuals

    By far the most toxic group and, unfortunately for the rest of us, they make up the largest percentage of the CN population. Let me put this one out there: pretending to agree with your opponents in some kind of sarcastic humor ploy does NOT make you a master debater. It makes you a moron.
    The most active members of this sect are prone to engage in shameless grandstanding by repeatedly spamming the forums with their arguments. The ultimate goal in doing this is to win a long winded debate across a multitude of topics, no matter how unrelated the individual topics and posts may be. In the event that they think that their worthy post is lost in the "trash", they will start a new topic explaining their viewpoint again and explain why it is that they are right. All the opposing Pseudo Intellectuals will flock to this new topic and restate their opinions. In a way, it is like watching greyhounds chase after that fake rabbit at the track. New topic, new race. No matter how fast you go, you will never win an argument in Cyber Nations conducted through words alone. Think about it. How many people do you know that would admit that they are wrong in public? No you indeed.
    The popular and well spoken members of this style rise to the top of their alliances, especially in the foreign affairs departments. The blame for this falls on players equating walls of text and thesaurus use for actual intelligence. The less well know members of this group tend to stay within their own internal departments so mercifully, we are sparred from the interalliance community being even more of a royal facepalm than it already is. You'll still know one if you see him.
    The worst enemy of the Pseudo Intellectual is their own mouth. If you go back far enough, you will almost certainly find where they have contradicted themselves.

    The Honhur Club

    Where do I even start? Why the "hurrr"? Because people of the Honhur Club repeat themselves. A lot. The more someone talks about their own or their friends honor, integrity, etc, the more you can be sure that they are trying to hid something. The dictionary I have has 15 different definitions for the word "Honor". The most cunning of this sect have learned to manipulate the definition of honor to meet their political aims in CN. Honor has a different definition for everyone, so when you use the term, make it clear to what exactly you are referring to. This group is usually anti-techraiding though you will find some that believe in the "Honor of the Hunt."
    The less intelligent members of this group usually get their alliances killed. They will cling desperately to whatever they have defined honor while the world goes to hell around them. And they are literally allergic to winning. On the rare occasion that they do win, they will usually push for white peace.
    Closely related to the Honhur strain are the alliances who base their entire mindset on "avenging" a certain event: usually getting defeated in war and having to pay reps afterward. These players typically have a selective view of in game history, either purposely or on accident. With the amount of alliance migration that goes on, I'm fairly confident that almost every major alliance has at least one senior member who has paid reparations at some point in their careers. Using the revenge card is still a good move in justifying your path in foreign affairs and motivating your alliance to strive forward, but don't hold the illusion that people can't see what you are doing and take appropriate countermeasures.
    It conclusion, it should be noted that all three groups are doing what the believe is "right". Very few people set out to fail. The perfect CN player would be balanced between action, words, and pragmatism.
    Next week: War Coverage
    Have a nice weekend.
  3. Dagrr
    On the eve of another nuclear exchange, we find ourselves facing how absolutely boring warfare has become in game. The outcome is already decided; NEW will do “x” amount of damage depending on: how much cash they are sitting on, target selection, and wonder/nuke nation strength tiers. If any of NEWs other allies hope in, it will be the same, just on a larger scale. I noted the stats last night, but I’m not even going to bother looking at them again for 8 more hours when nukes start to fly. Conventional anarchy is absolutely irrelevant, especially when NEW has a reserve of nations in peacemode able to declare at their leisure. It wasn’t always like this.
    Back in late 2006-early 2007, there was an interalliance agreement that banned first strike nukes: “The For the Love of God, Think of the Children Convention.” Legion took the lead in creating the treaty. They had first hand knowledge of how a small group of powerful, nuclear equipped nations could cause damage from the Warpstorm War. The Convention was signed by most of the major alliances and made nuclear strikes a faux pas.
    After the legendary failure of the NAAC and the rest of the League to launch their nukes in Great War II, the winds began to shift in favor of mass nuke use. The first widespread nuclear strikes occurred during the initial phases of Vietfan. Nukes could still be fired right after declaring war back then, making FAN’s tactics even more effective then they would be today. In the wake of Vietfan, the remaining alliance signatories began to withdraw from the Convention. The final barrier was breached when the Mushroom Kingdom went nuclear in the War of the Coalition. The use of nukes is now the norm instead of the exception.
    Back in the day, I was told keeping money on hand during war wasn’t a good idea because the enemy would loot it. This would still be true, if ground attacks were still the most damaging attack in a non nuclear world. I took the time to calculate how much to deploy and still have enough left home to defend. Now though, it’s easy. Deploy max w/o anarchy, nuke, and repeat. I know there are still little gamey tricks with deployments and when to GA but any damage done by it pales in comparison to when those first nukes land. I’ve probably thrown about 30 nukes and taken 20 or so during my career here. It really lost its appeal after that first war I used them in.
    The restraints on Nukes were taken off because it was the only way available for an underdog to do lasting damage to a larger adversary. If you’re not massively outnumbered, I don’t think you should initiate a nuclear exchange. Back in Great War III, FAN and TOP took down Legion with conventional forces only. Legion was full of ghosts back then. It was still fun and you had to stay active to have a chance to rebuy soldiers when you got FANpiled. Today, all I do is sit on a mound of cash and wait for the war to come to launch my ordinance and I’ll do my fair share of damage. Ask yourself this, why would anyone stick around in this game if this is all you have to do to be successful? To read the forums? Surely, you jest. Everyone has been going around in circles trying to prove the other side is a hypocrite since Karma. Every single damn one of you is a !@#$@#$ hypocrite. Do you honestly think that you don’t have double standards for your allies? You are a terrible alliance if you don’t treat you allies different from your enemies. You're not Jesus, you're not Gandi, you're not Martin Luther King.
    All this said, it is impossible to put the nuclear genie back in the bottle unless the community as a whole changes. I won’t hold my breath.
  4. Dagrr
    Added table of all alliances engaged, their starting NS on their day of declaration, current NS, and the percentage lost. A couple of the smaller alliances I couldn't get stats for because they weren't big enough for UE to track. There is an error with the NPO's side's NS, because I used the 1/24 numbers instead of the actual date they DoW'd. I'll fix it later.
    I've been thinking about adding all the alliances on the entire front to the graph, but it won't be for
    every single day of the war. Just the starting NS and the current NS. I'll probably do it next week. Until then hurr durr Pacifican propaganda graphs.
  5. Dagrr
    I have compiled nation strength stats for NPO front using UE's stat thread and lately the charts ingame since he stopped updating a few weeks ago. The graph is publicly visible here:
    A couple of notes-
    1. The NS stats are 1/10000 scale.
    2. I stopped tracking GOONS on the 26th of January when our allies hit.
    3. Most of the fighting fell out of Umbrella's range after the first round of wars so I stopped tracking them then.
    4. Nordreich entered on March 4th obviously.
    5. A couple of upper level Legion nations engaged MK around March 20th, so I've begun tracking them.
    6. I'll be trying to add new stuff and updating the rest of the strength stats on weekends. This is going to be NPO centric, so no I won't be tracking GOONS since our allies did a lot of the fighting there.
    Hope you enjoy. Try to keep the !@#$%*ing and revisionism in the designated OWF threads.
  6. Dagrr
    Besides the excess of "flamboyant tough boy" roleplaying going on at the OWF, a couple of other things have been bothering me.
    1. You should all thank me and my passive aggressiveness because it is much much less irritating than another tough guy routine.
    2. Every single one of us is a hypocrite. If you deny it, you're a bigger hypocrite than the rest of us. Stop. Posting. About. Hypocrisy.
    3. We all like to post about historical events as an "this proves your argument is invalid!" card, but we really should keep these things in perspective. The vast majority of nations in the game were not there to experience the things we ramble on about for hundreds of pages.
    You want numbers you say? I went through the all nations display by creation date and this is what I found.*
    Great War I
    Ended August 1st, 2006
    406/20,653= 0.01966 or 2%
    Great War III
    Ended April 13th, 2007
    2,019/20,653 = 0.09776 or 10%
    GPA War
    Ended March 13th, 2008
    4,328/20,653 = 0.2096 or 20%
    End of the Ordinance of the Orders
    Ended July 4th, 2008
    5,113/20,653 = 0.2476 or 25%
    Karma War
    Ended July 19th, 2009
    8,036/20,653 = 0.3891 or 39%
    I found the Karma War percentage shocking enough that I'll go ahead and link it here.
    There are the rerolls, but there aren't enough to noticeably shift the percentages around. I could also easily say that most of the nations still around don't give two !@#$% about 2007 anymore.
    Who does care about events 4-5 years ago? The rather vocal minority of people posting on these forums. The vocal minority spread "the facts" around to the people who don't bother getting involved on the CN forums or weren't playing when these events happened. The result is that we all end up carrying emotional baggage from stuff we really shouldn't care about in the first place.
    *I'm trying out the delayed publishing option. These numbers are from Thursday night. I'm probably not around, so don't DoW on me. Lol.
  7. Dagrr
    With final exams coming to a close and with only myself remaining as the lone contributor to GRL*, I remembered that I tried to get into this blog !@#$ and failed miserably. So here you go: I'll type something and then I'll disappear again for a couple months. Why the hell does anyone read a blog about a browser game anyway...but I hope I can make mine oh so edgy like the others.
    While I was semi-inactive, apparently Grämlins turned bad. Very bad.
    I will use my incredible intellect to get to the bottom of this issue without consulting any CN Superstars.
    1.Has anyone new declared war?
    2. No. (Inb4 private diplomatic talks.)
    3. Conclusion: Either Grämlins isn't that bad or people support them even if they do bad things.
    4. Additional Information: Perhaps in 6 months or so, an alliance can pull this out of their $@! and use it as a CB.
    We will need another 100 page thread of course before any definite conclusions can be made. Someone else can start it though; I have another exam tomorrow.
    I'll ninja-edit if someone makes me look like a tard and declares tonight.
    Turning the RL events, Nashville appears to still be underwater about 70 miles to the west of me. Probably will cost the state billions. I watch CNN and FOX news between classes and I tried to catch something about floods. Nothing. Just the fail islamic bomber and oil spill. Why isn't it getting nation wide coverage?
    Simple. We're not looting like a bunch of savages. That !@#$ makes great TV.
    That and...
    OBAMA HATES WHITE PEOPLE! racecard=played
    See what I did there? But seriously, this is probably just God's wrath for the Predators choking again.
    I debated putting up pictures of the flood but you all can just use twitter or google. And yes, both CNN and FOX News are terrible.
    *BTW: if anyone wants some action around 20,000 NS, message me ingame, I don't check these forums often.
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