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Posts posted by mhawk

  1. [quote name='neneko' timestamp='1296847461' post='2619437']
    He was actually talking about duckrolls support of this attack by ML. Unless I missed when TPF joined DR your response doesn't make a lot of sense.
    He was talking about TFG not being able to know what goes on in DR because "he isn't a member of dr". One would only need to talk to ml a short while to know it is likely TFG knows the workings of ML and their relations extremely well.

  2. [quote name='Shayne Rivai' timestamp='1296841331' post='2619377']
    Oh, really? Thanks, bro. I was unaware that you were a member of Duckroll and not only that, but with government access. Would you mind telling me when the next food drive starts? I wasn't at the last DR meeting and I really want to get rid of all this [i]BOLOGNA[/i] that you are dishing out -- I don't need it.

    (Apologies for the double notification. We had some communications issues during the transmission.)
    Never ever talk about the relation TPF holds with ML when you don't even know a founding member of ML.

  3. [quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1296839935' post='2619364']
    Okay, how has this gone on for 19 pages with people still not getting this?

    Nobody has said that ML is bad for not posting a DoW when defending allies. We have never said it was necessary, and have never said that them not doing so is cowardice.

    Had anyone bothered to ask MK, we would have acknowledged that we were at war with TPF, and whoever else we have a war or two declared on. There simply was no need to clutter the OWF with announcements for each one, particularly when we're only dedicating one or two nations to that front. I mean, could you hear the trolling? "LOL MK declared war on TPF but only declared 2 wars, they're goin downhill man". We are capable of assisting allies without any formal declaration.

    I like that you guys mock and poke fun at all the alliances that declared on multiple alliances and had few wars launched, but then when you do the same thing refuse to make a DoW out of some sort of vanity issue? You guys really are insecure. Either stop making fun of alliances that launch few offensive wars, or start posting up DoW's each time your alliance goes to war.

  4. [quote name='Commisar Gaunt' timestamp='1296800206' post='2618995']
    We don't consider the pathetic assortment of refuse you claim is an alliance as actually being one. I assume you're having difficulty understanding the simplicity of that.
    [/quote]How much more arrogant can a group get? You attack alliances with no coherent CB, launch wars against an alliance with no DoW, and refuse to recognize alliances with over 120 members as an actual alliance? Somehow you are still able to claim just a few days ago that this group of " pathetic assortment of refuse" was such an imminent threat that we all needed to be taken out.

  5. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1296792916' post='2618815']

    It would be hypocrisy if MK refused to believe the TPF nations we engaged with were a part of the TPF AA, and were in fact rogues. Note how this is not the case.

    Let's say 3 GPA nations attack 3 FAN nations, would it not be unreasonable to presume the GPA nations were rogues if no DoW was given.

    The same does not hold true in your example if one were to say the 3 FAN nations were rogues because they got hit. One side is initiating the fight without a DoW. Not everyone conforms to MK/UMB train of thought that anyone is a target and there need not be reason or a CB to carry out attacks.

  6. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296790603' post='2618700']
    The funniest thing about this whole situation is that even if you think MK/Umbrella are in the wrong for not posting a DOW on TPF, ML did it first when they attacked non "rogue" MK and umbrella nations. There's really no way ML didn't just do something extremely stupid.
    This post makes no sense in that you claim ML did a no DoW war first against UMB/MK. It seems to me MK/umb did it at least 5-6 days earlier if you were to count the ml nation's attack.

  7. [quote name='Lord Levistus' timestamp='1296790588' post='2618699']
    I didn't have one before, not really. Sure, there's some blind allegiance to NPO involved and all that, but I didn't have any actual issues with tPF.

    Drawing in ML, and attempting to draw in TOOL to defend NPO in your stead while you hide the majority of your strength in peace mode however, NOW i have a problem.
    TOOL isn't even in the war as of now unless I missed something? Before you put judgment on TPF, how about you talk to your allies about what happened. We are thankful any assistance any of our allies provide and you can rest assured no one will be left behind.

  8. [quote name='BDRocks' timestamp='1296790436' post='2618689']
    Offensive? TPF declares on GOONS. MK/Umb via Doomhouse attack TPF defending GOONS. I don't see how you can spin this into an offensive war on our part.
    Because you offensively with no CB attacked NPO out of the blue. That makes you the aggressors and everyone else responding the defenders to the overall situation.

  9. [quote name='Andy P' timestamp='1296718761' post='2617478']
    Idk if you didn't read the DoW or something, but we never stated we were ok with Doomhouse's action.
    I read your DoW. You state there is non chaining and this is the exact reason for that clause. Acta non verba, your alliance can't say they strongly disagree with an action, then militarily support it (citing an option defense in the non chaining treaty) and expect people will not be doubtful about your words. I'm also saying your comment regarding the alliances fighting GOONS being cowards, when everyone knows in the long run the stats are against them is being naive.

  10. I'm curious how a numerically superior force(DOOMHOUSE + committed treaty chains in) ambushing an alliance (NPO) out of the blue, with basically the sole purpose of beating them into oblivion is ok. However a numerically inferior force countering that aggressive alliance and targeting one alliance [b]initially[/b] is "cowardice" you can't condone. You join a side that is larger and highly aggressive with reprehensible goals and call us the cowards? Ok, GOONS are your treaty partners and you are going in to defend, we get that. However declaring alliances that [b]will[/b] be fighting greatly outnumbered in the near future against a purely aggressive attack, a group of cowards is intellectually lazy.

  11. [quote name='goldielax25' timestamp='1296633039' post='2615944']
    My theory on this, is if you break terms once, there is no reason to ever be offered them a 2nd time. It would take an alliance leader who really hates his membership to pull that.
    You're starting to sound like NPO regarding fan :P

  12. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1296662973' post='2616233']
    The resolve of exodus really is something to behold.

    To be fair, they are pretty much a micro whose main allies won't come in fighting a huge alliance. That and they've outlasted some much larger older alliances.

  13. [quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1296450438' post='2612120']
    Most of them are in the upper tiers where they know they would be slaughtered by our allies.

    Well whatever the case NSO, if you thought the 90m I charged Dopp was high, just wait till you see the bill I charge you for [I]this[/i].
    Is this literally your response to ever dow? "Oh man I'm going to charge you sooo much reps!"

  14. [quote name='Mr Damsky' timestamp='1296424148' post='2611535']
    They could have easily gotten their nations to 50k ANS (MK's ANS) within a year. Alliances do it all the time.
    We did a hell of a job rebuilding, going from 2m ns at end of bipolar to 4.5m ns + warchests. what you're saying is we should have rebuilt to 6.2m NS and warchests in about 11 months?

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