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Posts posted by Jorost

  1. Let this argument come to an end.

    I deeply regret that the relationship between Invicta and NPO has come to this point. I am well aware of the scorn with which others viewed it, but I regarded our relationship with Pacifica as a partnership, and I believe they did too. Is it such a sin for a small alliance to seek a larger partner of similar views? Frankly I have never understood the derision.

    To be honest, I have never understood the general ill will felt towards my alliance, both before, during, and after my time as head of government. I don't know what others saw; what I saw almost without exception were fun, decent, goodhearted, honest, smart (well, okay, not all of them) people, certainly not the type to make enemies. So what was it? Haf? Has he really rubbed that many people the wrong way? I would take issue with that, but whatever. You feel what you feel. What I would say, however, is that Haf is no more an active member of Invicta's government on a day-to-day basis than I am. Which is to say not much. We breeze in from time to time and offer words of advice, but for the most part we are occupied with our own projects. Me as the freewheelin' ex-president of Invicta, him as whatever the Hell it is he does in that godforsaken windswept medieval nightmare of a country. Llonach. How do you even [i]say[/i] that? L - L - phlegm...

    Anyway, I'm drifting. The point is that I remember NPO fondly, and think of them as friends. I think most of you know that Brehon and I are friends. I value that, and it saddens me to lose it.

    But I understand that there is ill will. I don't know what it's about, and frankly I don't want to know. My ignorance gives me perspective. And from what I see, this is one of those situations where misunderstanding led to misunderstanding led to misunderstanding. It does not seem to me that anyone on either side meant anyone ill, at least not in the beginning. But as the misunderstandings built, resentment naturally began to build. Somewhere along the way, the primary players stopped liking each other. And once that happens the relationship cannot last.

    Although I retain a ceremonial presence as Invicta's Head of State, I hold no power, and although I could wield influence if I chose to, so far I have not so chosen. I have found retirement from that aspect of public life (responsibility) to be quite agreeable. Perhaps if I had chosen another course things would have been different. We will never know, and I regret it. But what's done is done.

    It seems to me that nothing is to be gained here by more bickering and squabbling. Also I am running out of adjectives to describe minor altercations. Why not just call it a day, shake hands, and walk away? Can we at least have enough respect for the history to do that much?

  2. I remain, of course, Lord Protector and Grand Duke of Invicta, a purely ceremonial, completely powerless figurehead who is nevertheless highly paid and has unlimited access to both the liquor cabinet and Invicta One, the presidential party jet.

    Congratulations to all. Nas, you have done a fine job in difficult circumstances. Thrash, it's about time you did something with your life. To all the rest: I can't promise there won't be any more drunken incidents. In fact I practically guarantee there [i]will[/i] be.




    Thank you and good night,


    Jorost of the Triune Republic,
    Red Senator and Agitator

  3. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1309048090' post='2741403']
    [center][size="6"][font="Book Antiqua"][b]Mutual Aggression and Hate on the Legion and Invicta Pact[/b][/font][/size][/center]


    We the undersigned signatories hereby agree, in good faith to all the terms and obligations set out in this treaty of Mutual Aggression and Hate on the Legion and Invicta.

    [b]Article 1: Mutual Hate[/b]

    All involved parties agree that they hate Legion and Invicta.

    [b]Article 2: Mutual Aggression[/b]

    Should a signatory of this treaty declare an aggressive war upon the Legion or Invicta, the remaining signatories are required to follow suit and provide all available support.

    [b]Article 3: Cancellation[/b]

    Should a signatory of this treaty start to actually like the Legion or Invicta, they may withdraw from this treaty simply by providing the remaining signatories a 1 hour notice of their intent to cancel these accords.


    Penlugue Solaris aka Bob
    signed unsure, big gay baby
    Little Azie
    Charli aka MU
    SirWilliam ---> Signatory of Article 1 only
    Bob Ilyani
    All Legionars who have signed up and agreed to attack their own alliance for the benefit of the entire bloc~
    All Invictans who have signed up and agreed to attack their own alliance for the benefit of the entire bloc~
    Stefano Palmieri

    [i]If you wish to have your signature added to this righteous document, just post below and it will be edited in.[/i]

    /s/ Jorost of the Triune Republic, Grand Duke of Invicta

    Oh wait...

    Never mind.

  4. OMG, this is so awesome. I was hoping this would happen. No, seriously. I was laying in bed half asleep, but not really asleep, you know? And I was thinking about what if there were a team of superheroes whose powers were genuinely superhuman, except not really that impressive? Like this one guy can transform into a rabbit. And another can change the color of anything. And another has superhuman strength, but only in the hands. And the last guy can stretch his arms and legs up to twice their normal length. And somehow they manage to fight crime with these powers, even though what's a rabbit man, a color corrector, a guy who can open any jar, and a freakishly tall guy gonna do against a supervillain? or even against a gang banger? Or even against a fairly determined jay walker? Nothing, right? But no, it turns out they can do a lot. So, yeah, you'd just have to read it. But it would be pretty awesome, trust me.

    But this is almost as good.

  5. [quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1303440604' post='2696163']
    Don't mind Jorost's drool, he is intent on Europa keeping them out of GOONS's next war.

    Huh? Why you gotta play like that, man? Why you gotta bust balls. What I ever do to you? I'll tell you what: NOTHING. Neither me nor my alliance have ever wronged you in any way. And yet you hate us. You treat us as if we are less than human, mere Alpha Primitives toiling far beneath the city. Well let me tell YOU something, Mr. Man: You ain't all that. I know you think you are, but you aren't. So, yeah. I know that was really harsh, but sometimes you gotta play hardball. So I hope we can move on now.

    Also, I know karate.

    Brought to you by a grant from the Jorost Foundation.

    /me tips his hat jauntily and saunters out.

  6. I have been many things in my long life. Actor, warrior, lover, poet, gas meter reader. And I have seen many things. But I have never seen anything quite like this alliance. Noble, loyal, smart, and strong in equal measure. The kind of men and women a warrior wants by his side. Kinsmen of the spirit if not the blood. A better group you will not find among the many nations this Bob, this Digiterra. Heed my words: THIS BE TRULY A GREAT DAY!



    /me waves his hands impressively.

    And we're off.

    No, but really, all the best, guys. I love you in a (mostly) non-sexual way.

    /s/ Jorost "Kahuna Scuba" of the Triune Republic, former ruler of Invicta, current sex god

  7. [center][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][b][size="5"]Jorost Steps Down as Leader of Invicta[/size][/b][/font][/center]

    [font="Times New Roman"]Two years ago tonight, I became president of the Invicta alliance. This was the culmination of a long held ambition, and I was deeply honored to serve. During my time in office Invicta has seen a lot of tumult and a lot of changes. We have moved forums twice. We have taken part in two large scale wars, and several smaller actions. We changed our official name. We moved to a new sphere. Through it all I have been honored to have the support and loyalty of the finest members any alliance leader could ask for. Frankly, they deserved far better than the likes of me! To paraphrase a former president from a world not so different from our own, I may not have been the best leader Invicta ever had, but no leader ever had more fun!

    It has been an amazing journey. But now I have come to the journey's end. It is time for a new generation to take the helm of our ship of state. To that end, I do hereby resign as leader of Invicta, effective immediately. As my successors I name two co-presidents, Dan2680 and President Gunn (aka Nascar8FanGA). This represents a return to the system of government under which Invicta was founded by our original co-presidents, Dawny and DoubleU. My esteemed successors are each outstanding leaders with a long history of service to our alliance. I have the utmost confidence in their abilities, and I am excited to see where they take us.

    I will remain an active presence both in my alliance and on the larger stage of the world of Bob, and I will be happy to offer my advice and assistance to our new leadership if and when it is needed. Otherwise, well, I'm sure I'll find something to keep me busy!

    Anyone know any good golf courses?

    /s/ [b]Jorost of the Triune Republic, Lord Protector of Invicta[/b][/font]


  8. For those of you who don't know me, I am the leader of the new Jamahiriya's protectorate alliance, Invicta. I thought it would be appropriate for me to respond here.

    First of all, neither my alliance nor anyone representing us in an "official" capacity supports or condones anti-Semitism or hate speech (including anti-Islamic hate speech) in any form. In the past I have expelled members from my alliance for grossly racist or hateful public statements.

    I understand Kevin McDonald's concerns. In response, I would point out that in CN is a fantasy world, in which we are all playing fictional characters. Does anyone seriously believe that the members of Valhalla are Vikings in real life? Or that every Pacifican is a legitimate Trotskyist? Or that the members of OBR really belong to a secret society that controls the world? (All right, that last one might be true!)

    I do not believe that Jamahiriya is anti-Semitic or that it wishes the violent destruction of the state of Israel. I would never have associated Invicta with any group that espouses such beliefs. Some members of Jamahiriya may object to the actions of the real-life state of Israel in their dealings with the Palestinians, etc., but that is a separate issue. I believe that many people of good conscience have had serious problems about Israeli conduct over the years. I know I have. (Which is not to say that I have not had similar problems with Arab conduct.) I even believe that it is possible for reasonable people to question the legitimacy of the manner in which the modern nation of Israel came into existence, even if they do not question their [i]right[/i] to exist. The fact of the matter is that the Arab-Israeli conflict has been highly complicated, volatile, and emotionally charged from its beginnings. We are unlikely to resolve it in CN.

    I would urge everyone to remember that this is a game open to all, and that real-world differences of opinion -- even strongly held ones -- have no place here. Some of my closest in-game friends and allies are people with whom I [i]vehemently[/i] disagree about many political and social issues in real life. This sometimes leads to heated debates in our OOC forums. But it never leads to enmity.

  9. First of all, I apologize for being so late to comment in this thread. I would like to welcome the Jamahiriya to the community of alliances, and to state my and my alliance's unequivocal support for them. There is always room in the world of Bob for an alliance of honorable people, and I look forward to working in partnership with them as they grow and thrive.


    o/ Jamahiriya

    [i]In an OOC note, I would like to state my hope that no real world ill will or animosity toward the Islamic faith or the Arab people will make its way into the game. We are all just here to have fun.[/i]

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