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Everything posted by Serberus_I

  1. Can I come?! I make a mean potato salad - swears and fights n everything
  2. Meh, it's still readable but thanks for the heads-up, I'll try better next time
  3. Things are looking even better for AM since I posted those stats a few hours ago! Woop woop! In fact, things are so bad for SNX they've stopped buying troops LOL, Kreig for instance.
  4. I would class myself as pretty British and a pretty Brit
  5. Well, as Junka refuses to post the most recent stats, I have done it for us. That's from the 1st Aug:
  6. What is this supposed to show?! I love the way Junka tries to use random numbers and tables as 'proof' of something. I've just taken a look myself and so if you believe that anarchy is a demonstration of bill lock ... SNX has the exact same number in anarchy as AM and double the amount in PM. I think the only alliance that is bill-locked is the one that needs all this war aid. Would you not agree, Junka mate?! Ouch, Junka's attempt to show superiority has utterly failed once again bwa-bwa-bwaaaaaaaaa lol
  7. Junka, stop telling us all your secrets! No ... wait ... do.
  8. Bill lock in AM?! Dude, we all have large war chests still, I think you're thinking of SNX. I love when Junka tries to say something negative about AM because it tells us exactly what the problem is in SNX. You're sooooo transparent. So all of SNX are bill locked, eh?! Good news! Huzzah! How long until SNX has no choice but to surrender?! How humiliating and pathetic.
  9. I, for instance, are not included in his 'stats'.
  10. Some of these stats are over 3 weeks old. Junka has not been taking into consideration the most recent rounds.
  11. You being British also does not make you correct either. LOL. Junka, where are these stats?! Methinks the stats are in favour of the good guys here: AM. Woop woop.
  12. Oi! None of that Canadian swearing, eh! Keep it clean people.
  13. Mate, I'm British, I know what I'm talking about lol. Devialance is right, it can't be spelt with or without a k but without is more common when swearing (writing it down). But I'm not posting links to rude words as I have more respect for people than SNX. Simply type the k-less version into a search engine and you'll see. Anyway, what's with all this spelling nonsense, are SNX focusing on this because they haven't got any recent war stats that shows them winning ... hmmm
  14. So no stats then, Junka?! Funny, you haven't posted any RECENT stats for awhile ... I wonder why ...
  15. Junka! Mate, show us the damage figures for ONLY this last round. Let's see who's winning. I know I am with my individual battles, quite magnificantly too, I may add. Then if you want to show overall stats that's fine but how do you take into consideration the skewed and biased nature of purely highlighting NS levels of each alliance when SNX are buying infra during wartime?! That skews the results, mate, and needs to be taken into account. It's nice that we're learning ... well, you're learning, I'm teaching ... but it's a nice feeling all the same Knowledge is power, my friend, knowledge is power.
  16. You, at least, wouldn't write it with a 'k'. But this is all irrelevant. I want to see how Junka twists the stats today!
  17. The rude one. You don't spell it like k***head, it's without a 'k'.
  18. How are your stats looking now, Junka?! You know, actual up-to-date stats not those from three weeks ago you keep showing?!
  19. Once again, British spelling for the rude version of that word has no 'k'. Crikey, SNX are slow, man!
  20. Still waiting for this alleged homophobia. No one cares about your manufactured excuses.
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