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Everything posted by Serberus_I

  1. Perhaps, for the sake of complete transparency, you should highlight the fact that many of your players decided to declare on our players without nukes to nuke them without fear of reprisal, kind of skews your results/stats in your favour that does, doesn't it?! And just when we were getting along well. I'm disappointed with you, Junka, disappointed.
  2. Damage isn't a win. The last one standing is the winner, mate. Ends justifies the means and all that jazz.
  3. LMAO! They think it shows that they are winning.
  4. Not bad, passable. But without the Imperial March you didn't grab me.
  5. I'm saving up to buy the Lego Death Star, it's like £400.00 so it'll be awhile haha. Force Unleashed Xbox 360 is amazing, the sequel not so.
  6. OMG I was about to say that if you offered me some Star Wars related stuff I'd be all yours! LMAO. Major Sta Wars fan, not these new ones though, Force Awakens was awful, Rogue One, on the other hand, was ace.
  7. I literally have no words! LMAO. Like a mixture of 80s and 90s pop with a Russian twist. Outstanding!
  8. War is peace - Orwell. My mantra. All bravado aside, I think that mantra is pretty similar to that of SNXs, you guys are war-orientated too from what I can gather. We're more so (had to get that in).
  9. A joke is something that is funny: like SNX. Now, that is even more hilarious.
  10. You guys really don't get humour, do you? lol
  11. Haha, I love this guy! Secretly think Junka loves us all at AM tbh, he's just to shy and confused to admit it. Otherwise, why would he be constantly trying to talk to us and get our attention?! Hey mate, how about just you and I go head-to-head and leave the rest of our alliances alone. End the war and just have a 1v1? Serb
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