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Posts posted by MaineGOP

  1. 1 minute ago, The Zigur said:


    I predicted their collapse while I was a member of NPO. I dont have to be one of the core schemers to be a part of something.


    Wait, so now predicting something equates to being a part of it.


    So i'm a part of your being removed from SNX and this war, because when you stepped down as emperor I told Galerion it will mean nothing if you aren't removed and that you will cause another war for SNX... I BROUGHT YOU DOWN! i PREDICTED IT!

  2. 37 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:

    Are you taking credit for either the downfall of Moo or MK?


    Because you barely helped in either situations, FYI.


    At this point in time, your declared "crusade against Polar!" is actually more good publicity than they could've ever hoped for while you, as expected, mount your cross and unite the better chunk of the active community against you, while you sit there and play the victim card.


    You even have the mouthpieces of the most anti-Oculus alliances on Bob agreeing that ISX and you needed rolled way before this.


    Good job in uniting the game, not against Oculus, but against yourself, yet again.


    This, 100%



  3. 4 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


    I remember, when you were still using Tywin, how you regularly ranted on and on about people who ghosted an Alliance to fight wars, were just rogues (you even did it when I ordered some of my Govt to ghost in BloodPact!), so, this is especially rich, coming from you now.


    he did the same regarding his war with AM last year...

  4. 1 minute ago, Terminator said:

    I did declare on you all immediately. Without ever talking to polar til after the fact. Pretty sure everyone in that channel can vouch. I actually raged for a bit. 


    Kinda like you did when TRS said you've been raped. 


    See junka you can make this all about Polar if you want, pretty much everyone knows in game that Term likes to threaten, but usually doesn't do anything unless you keep pissing him off. But a surefire way to piss him off and get attacked is to cross lines of decency. Everyone agreed the rape comment went too far and so does even mentioning someones wives or kids...


    Quit with the homo stuff too, if you are talking about GELF or Gay Elf, its because of your avatar and you know it.

  5. Just now, The Zigur said:

    But ok, let's summarize the situation.


    1. Terminator can threaten other alliances, unilaterally declare wars, repeatedly use racist and homophobic language as insults, and otherwise act like a punkass and that is acceptable.

    2. I make fun of Terminator's imaginary wife, [after all of his imaginary tales about having a PhD and breaking people's bones, and this is EZI worthy.


    If you all haven't got a clue yet, the current hegemony is falling apart exactly because an ever-mounting pile of contradictions have stacked in such a way as to destroy confidence in the regime's stability. The thing about tyranny is that when you make anyone an enemy for any reason, you make everyone an enemy. The only reason the current gig has even held together so long is because of a horrible super-tier meta that has stagnated politics, but that doesn't mean that compliance is universal in the lower-tiers either.


    1. unfortunately those are the realities of power structures.


    2. You are still insulting his wife. Just don't go with wives and kids ever.


    Junka the problem is you didn't scream all this before you got hit. You only scream it after. If you were a warrior for Karma 2.0 when it didn't benefit you some people might join you in your quest. But you only are against the hegemony when its against you. This is why it falls on deaf ears.


    You crossed a line that people won't follow you over....

  6. 18 minutes ago, The Zigur said:

    I'm not a rogue, and never have been a rogue, and never will be a rogue (neither is Wobblies). Unlike Polar, I do not engage in backstabbing and deceit to achieve my ends, nor do I go back on my agreements. The Polar hegemony changing the meaning of the word rogue in order to shadow EZI people does not make it roguery. Being an "official" rogue is meaningless when the "official" hegemony is an evil and oppressive entity.


    But wow, lots of nonsense when I wake up. I will have to address each point when I have time.



    But upon the last issue when you resigned as emperor you threatened to go rogue forever on everyone.... Keep it straight dude.

  7. 1 hour ago, Emperor Khan said:



    You two sound just like Junka. SSDD. You'll be calling him a "barbarian" next...:rolleyes:







    Junka calls alliance attacks rogues, he calls every enemy a rogue, i've never done such a thing. But for this LSF guy to attack from his alliance without sanction, isn't that kinda like being a rogue? I mean a literal definition?


    Then again you are the official rogue so I'll take your word since you know all about roguery :)

  8. 6 minutes ago, Wobblies said:

    For me this has nothing to do about Junka, Terminator brought me here. If a bully threatens you and your friends you punch them in the nose.



    That sounds good. Kinda like punch the toughest guy you see on your first day in prison? 


    Except in the real world that guy is in a gang, if he doesn't beat you down, his homies will and likely shank you for your trouble too.


    I think you are seeing that truth now.

  9. 1 minute ago, Wobblies said:

    So ISNX is getting dog piled on for no good reason and someone is gonna get butt hurt over one allied nation coming over to help?


    I don't know who you are, or how much you read on here. If you don't know Junka's history and why he and SNX get hit over and over maybe you shouldn't butt in on here. The general CN consensus is that Junka gets what he deserves. This is agreed by both hegemony and those outside of the hegemony. He is persona non-grata to most in CN for his egoism, his antagonism, his whining, his better than everyone attitude, his pity parties. 


    He continually gets hit for running his mouth. Why would you defend him? ISX made their bed by continuing to allow him in the alliance, to continually letting him back in knowing what would happen. We warned Galerion time and time again after they finally got Junka to step down as emperor what would happen. WE PREDICTED THIS. We warned him, Junka should have been booted at the time of Galerion's ascension. They own his actions because they did not boot him.


    Now Grub has been quite reasonable in saying ISX can and will get peace, they just need to negotiate. ISX is getting punished for their support of Junka and for not heeding the warnings. If your alliance decided to honor their treaty I'd say ok bad decision but it's a treaty, honorable. You jumping in without it being an official alliance decision is being a rogue. Sorry.

  10. 40 minutes ago, The Zigur said:


    Can you please get off your high horse, your continued obsession with me, much like Grub's, is something I find flattering. However, you have no moral high horse to ride considering your own past OOC insults.


    So you just called me a homphobic slur?. i wonder if that violates rules, since you imply it though you are too much of a coward to spell it out.


    Yes, i have insulted you, YOU, not your family, not .... oh wait, who would marry you thats right. I will continue to insult you because you keep doing crap like this. You don't seem to understand that you are the cause of your downfalls and you want to blame everyone else for your problems. I HATE PEOPLE WHO DO THAT. I have screwed up my life in almost every way possible and I've ALWAYS taken full responsibility for it.


    Take responsibility like a man.

  11. 1 hour ago, The Zigur said:

    It's usually the biggest, most violent thug who ends up leading the gang, and there is no question that no man commands more fear today than Terminator. 


    When I served as Polar Director of the Press, I first became unpleasantly acquainted with Terminator. While Grub shrewdly pulled the strings with his plots, Terminator was the alliance enforcer, experienced in bullying and intimidation tactics.


    As Polar began to consume the majority of her ex-allies following the resignation of Dajobo, Polar slowly abandoned the moralism championed by those like Schattenman to pursue a realpolitik strategy to impress Oculus.


    Through a combination of Grub's machiavellianism and Terms brute thuggery, Polar quickly earned a bloody reputation. After briefly using ISX as an ally and buffer against SLAP, Polar finally secured her hegemonic position and proceeded to stab ISX in the back.


    Today, little remains of Polar's idealism, for it has been replaced by nihilistic tyranny. I am one more loose end to be removed at the most convenient opportunity, but this loose end will not be removed quietly.

    Wait what?


    Polar used ISX as a tech farm. You sold your alliance out for protection at ridiculous rates. You were peasants farming for the Lord of the Manor. You were nothing more than tech. Everyone saw it, everyone told you that Polar was only using you for tech. Frankly Grub and Polar put up with more crap from you than most would, I guess the yummy tech was just too tempting. We can all go back and read the cancellation thread where it was recounted how many times Grub told you to just shut your mouth, to stop causing them problems. 


    The issues always come back to you and your mouth. You do not know how to interact with people and your moralism and holding your head above everyone continues to get you rolled. What have you done in CN other than continually piss off every alliance you've been in, and get removed or kicked, or be ZI'ed again and again. At some point you can't blame everyone else, look in the mirror.


    I've always in my entire career of CN been on the opposite side of the hegemonies, argued against them, participated in Karma. Yet I clearly will side with Polar on this, you deserve what comes to you, just like Methrage did. You are two sides of the same coin.


    I'm ashamed both of you were in the FCC.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Mihail the Just said:

    I would have thought that if we were the 'hegemony'  (which is delightful news to me), we wouldn't have any 'geopolitical rivals'. But, I guess my grasp of English is not up to the strained rhetoric being dished up.



    I do love how the last member to join Oculus is now the leader of the hegemony. Junka just re-writes history to fit his narrative. He always has. It's a sign of narcissists.

  13. 7 minutes ago, The Zigur said:

    Shadow Eternal Zero Infrastructure (SEZI): An attempt to avoid the stigma of EZI by implementing a less overt containment strategy, including hegemonic blacklisting, forced deletion of wonders for peace, extortion of known associates, or other means. The intent is to pressure the victim to delete or otherwise exist as a permanent pariah isolated by the hegemonic political structure.



    Junka you are a broken record.


    You use the same arguments no matter who is your opponent. 


    "They want to drive me from the game"

    "I will purge their lower tier and force them from the game"


    Note the hypocrisy in those statements


    "They are an evil hegemony"

    "Woe is me, the poor little resistance fighter"


    At some point when you get your butt handed to you 4 times a year and you claim the same crap every war people should know you are just crying wolf.

  14. 2 hours ago, The Zigur said:

    While apathy may indeed reign across much of CN, it is not an excuse for the excesses that have taken place of late. I will continue to repeat, explain, and elaborate on my side of the story regardless of how many sycophants and shills attempt to shout me down. There has to be a point where someone says stop and punches the bully in the nose.



    Wobblies partisans prepare for a protracted defense against Polar's invasion


    The heroic partisan action of Wobblies must be recognized before we continue. Wobblies, a longtime member of the Libertarian Socialist Federation, is the first comrade to step forward and confront the tyranny we see today. Terminator has already promised to burn him to the ground, stating that ISX will never receive peace with him as a member.


    Like a true bully, Terminator pissed his pants, crying for sanctions and military assistance soon after finding himself countered. Hypocritically, Polar condemns Wobblies as a rogue while welcoming the assistance of bandwaggoners in their coalition. Regardless of the pathetic threats made by the sniveling rat Grub, true heroes are born in a conflict that was perhaps destined to happen.






    You mean the excesses you supported and defended when not on the receiving end? We've had discussions where you swore to me this hegemony is not like in the past. But now that you are on the receiving end it's time for Karma 2.0? You are just a fracking opportunist.  


    If the orders would sign a treaty with SNX and you tomorrow you'd be exclaiming again how they bring order to chaos and a strong hand is needed to bring justice to the degenerates...

  15. 2 minutes ago, The Zigur said:


    I never said it wasn't bad judgment. I usually have ignored term because he is always threatening to attack ISX for petty nonsense, but I made an offhand remark without thinking.


    However, the fact Polar exploited my remarks to such an extreme degree to try to crush ISX and EZI my nation, is why I hate them.


    Do you have any idea how many times he threatened to roll TTK while I was MoFA? Do you know how many times he came and said, ooh look at your top guy he'd look good with a nuke. I would give him !@#$ back (respectfully) and we had a good relationship. Your inability to take jokes and give back and forth is part of the reason you bring this stuff upon you. You react and give them what they want. 


    EDIT: They have specifically said you will not be EZI'ed but man you are dedicated to propaganda i'll give you that.

  16. 5 minutes ago, The Zigur said:

    It's fine though, I always have the last laugh. The first time was the Moo hegemony, the second was Mushroom Kingdom, and I will be there for the third, Polar.


    Pattern, repetition..... But everyone else is the problem right?


    Your autism is why you will "win" because you won't go away. You will be here when the lights go out, while the rest of us are living our lives, claiming victory....


    I found nothing more hilarious than your constant posts about WoT and how CN was stupid and you can't believe people waste time here anymore, and how you don't care about it. Yet here you are threatening re-rolls, and that you will win in the end. It was always a lie, you are obsessive about this game.

  17. 2 hours ago, Hime Themis said:

    Good Natan


     It would appear not all got the message.

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    Dame Hime Themis



    I mean, maybe its just me. But after I got 100k in tech destroyed and I'd gotten peace. I might contact the other side privately about stragglers hitting me rather than trying to shame them in public. I mean.... This happens in almost every war, it's what back channels are for.

  18. 1 hour ago, AtlasXero said:

    Not really punishing him attacking an alliance he got exiled from after his comment about you Term. No offense, what he said was wrong in many ways. None of us support it at all. What we don't get is how we became the targets for his actions.



    This is ripe coming from you. We warned you about him after he was removed as emperor, you continually defended him. You even wrote odes to him in the blog. SNX should have booted him long ago, he has gotten you rolled multiple times. 


    He will get his punishment, this punishment for SNX is for not taking care of him sooner. You had forever to get rid of him, not until he got you into the corner again (for the umpteenth time) did you exile him.  Without punishment whose to say you don't let him back, again, in a few months or even a year?


    Doing something after the fact when you knew this was going to happen is not sufficient.

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