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Posts posted by MaineGOP

  1. 5 hours ago, The Zigur said:


    Terminator had been harassing ISX for months before that, including threats and spy attacks. So you can claim what you want, but anyone actually intelligent will realize that the feigned outrage about a meme was simply the pretext for a war that was long in the works.


    Even terminator admitted on discord the geopolitical ends of attacking ISX (potential threat aligned with SLAP, with grievances over getting backstabbed). So you can repeat your narrative, and I can patiently explain the facts of the matter without fear of Polar's implied permawar threats.


    He did the same to me when I was MoFA of TTK, he'd routinely post a link to one of our top nations and say, i'm gonna nuke him. Or talk crap, or say he's going to roll us. Guess what, that's term, he likes to get a rise out of people. Do you know why we didn't get hit while I was MoFA? Because I didn't rise to the bait, because I showed him respect while also showing him it didn't bother me. 


    You always rise to the bait. You make yourself a target over and over again.

  2. 22 hours ago, Dinux said:
    The world would be a lot better if more only said Good luck to ISX in the future. Stop feed the animal from now on, plz


    I for one will stop responding as I'm a major violator of this. No matter how many people from multitudes of alliances and multiple spheres in CN (I would say all spheres) that try to explain it to him, he refuses to listen.


    The only thing he will understand is silence.


    Honest best wishes to SNX and their future!

  3. 1 hour ago, The Zigur said:

    Do you really think the culture of every alliance is the same? Is culture comprised of the things you mentioned or something more?


    The great thing about alliance sovereignty is that it allows people who are similar to forge those similarities into a larger theme. For the Imperium cultural values includes kindness, self-sacrifice, philosophy, freedom, endurance.


    For a barbarian alliance, cultural values includes things like sociopathy, backstabbing, casualty worship, violence in response to free speech, and so forth. 


    Polar seems closer to the latter these days. They will not give me peace, they will not let me be part of society. I have nothing better to do for the next few months than to post content and wait in peacemode until Polar starts another war of aggression down the road.




    Quit propagating your false dichotomy. Two things can be true. Polar and the hegemony can be evil warmongers and still be justified in coming after you.


    There is a bully running around school, beats people up left and right, total jerk. One day a kid he has never messed with, comes and pisses in his food. He might be a jerk, he might be evil, but he is justified in beating the crap out of that kid.


    You pissed on the bullies food.

  4. 8 hours ago, The Zigur said:

    While I did actually command a few victorious expeditions, I never had the goal of beating down other alliances. My goal was to create an alliance culture that was resistant to the barbarism seen abroad, that rejected unnecessary violence and championed philosophy and free thinking. 


    I have always wandered the ruins of a far greater Empire, hoping to re-establish the past, even as I try to guide thinking towards the future. Being a target of aggression however is not anything new to me.


    Actually you created a culture that is resistant to reality. From my conversations with many of the ISX members, their beliefs are very insular and cult-like. Most do not come on OWF, they aren't on discord, and they don't know how you act. They hear only your lies and rhetoric.


    Great job on creating a cult.... too bad for you that the head has been cut off

  5. 19 hours ago, The Zigur said:

    Only the low IQ calls someone a "liar" without actually explaining the lie.  My views on the war itself are not changed, and Terminator was demanding alot worse until Grub interceded and made it seem less like 2008.


    Your propaganda and lies are that Polar was using your insult to fake a war against SNX and to destroy them. That SNX is a major threat to them and they need to wipe them out. I would also point out that you called Grub a machiavellian master who manipulates the world and that Polar is the evil henchmen  of the hegemony that needs to be taken down.


    So lets see the facts


    1. Polar smacked SNX because of you, but did not crush or cripple them (can you cripple something that self-cripples in war?) SNX now has peace and can grow unhindered by you.

    2. Grub was reasonable as all hell in this war, even you now say he interceded and saved you from the big bad mean Terminator. See this is why you are only propaganda, your facts change with the winds. Grub was evil, now he's not, just like he wasn't before when you were allied to him, but then he was when he dropped you. You can't keep it straight, because its not about the truth it's about what suits you at the moment. The truth does not contradict itself.


    Also, only those who are truly insecure need to continually insult others intelligence and continually boast how they are such great philosophers, good looking, etc... etc... It's quite sad actually. I'm perfectly comfortable with my looks and intelligence, so much so that I don't need to denigrate others nor boast about myself.


    Good day sir

  6. 23 minutes ago, The Zigur said:

    Everyone has a different perspective of reality. By pitting these perspectives against one another in debate, we can grasp a more complete 3D image as it were, rather than the paper 2D black and white propaganda weaved by the posters above me.


    I serve, or attempt to serve, as the antithesis to the thesis of hegemony, which would in theory give rise to a synthesis resulting from conflict. You may find it annoying, you may wish to do all manner of horrible things to me, but I play a necessary role in forging forward progress, if only because no one of better capability than myself is trying.



    Except that universally you are depised, except on both the hegemony and anti-hegemony sides you are a joke.  


    The very people who would rally behind a true anti-hegemonic leader would not take two steps closer to you...


    These grandiose statements just make you look more foolish. It's getting sad man

  7. 2 minutes ago, DeathAdder said:


    I don't know?


    You came in out of no where with some quote from me talking about how you helped destroy NPO in '08 which prompted me to post Alliance rankings. Didn't even know who the hell you were at first until I did some research. xD


    You didn't reply, to my recollection.



    Meh Quite Possible... I just don't remember it, nor in normal discourse would make that claim. So I chalk it up to alcohol.... 


    I now need to hit the bottle again after reading all of this.... It makes my head hurt.

  8. 7 hours ago, DeathAdder said:


    Why do all you losers who get rolled by the Orders run back to 2008 like it did anything to either of the two Alliances except make them better, stronger forces to be reckoned with?


    This is almost as great as when Maine claimed he destroyed NPO in 2008 while I was busy kicking his membership's teeth down their throats in 2017.



    I claimed that?  Man how drunk was I? I mean I played a minor part in Karma, lucky enough to have my sig on Iron's surrender... But in no way did I take down NPO other than as a soldier...

  9. 19 hours ago, Agent92 said:

    Just want to give shout out to the 2 nation I'm fighting with in Imperium of Supernova X . good guys to talk with and having some fun in the wars , be cool if they bought some troops and I think AvengerFin and I would have a shot at most destructive war but it is what it is and I'm still having fun. Cheers mates.


    AvengerFin is a good dude, too bad Junka keeps bringing destruction down on SNX

  10. Just now, jesbro said:

    Maine is not the problem here. 


    The problem is you insulting a guy's family and refusing to apologize for it.


    Even if he is considered your enemy that is morally wrong on a lot of levels.





    He can still hold his beliefs about Polar and Hegemony (many share them), he can say this was a total OOC comment and should not be paid for IC. fine, but none of that matters until he actually apologizes with no conditions. 


    The mere fact that he claims that there is nothing wrong with insulting a mans wife or family is proof that he has no moral compass and that DOES carry over IC. Why ally with someone, why work with someone who has no moral compass, who cares so little for other people to attack and insult their family?

  11. Just now, The Zigur said:


    It's nice that you are still salty about whatever it is you are mad about.


    As to ideology, this is all really above your head so I'd suggest leaving it to the pros.



    You stating things does not make it true. The majority of CN considers you a joke. I at least have friends on both sides of the divide.


    Why don't you go rob some more homeless people

  12. 5 hours ago, The Zigur said:


    I'm sure you haven't had the pleasure of knowing Maine as long as I have, and while his rhetoric may be comforting to your narrative, the only reason he actually cares about these shenanigans is because we never got along in the first place.


    Except on no less than three occasions I have buried the hatchet with you. Tried to be your friend, at every turn you have proven my original view about you correct. 


    i love the irony that the ultimate liberty hater and authoritarian is now spouting liberty based theory. The true definition of a narcissistic, no true ideology except what suits them at the time.

  13. I'm confused, you think publishing your plan is a good idea? So you tell your enemies how you plan to evade them? 


    Those you are trying to convince with your tactics to join you, you tell how your actions are meant to manipulate them into action. 


    Junka: Mocks Authority


    Public: Oh that's just what he said he was going to do as part of his plan, it's not for real or anything to take serious


    I don't think you understand how propaganda is supposed to work, people are supposed to believe it... you don't 'tell them its just lies and propaganda...


    jesus man.

  14. 2 minutes ago, The Zigur said:

    Where did I apologize and do it again? I've already called his masturbatory fan-fiction bs.



    Deflect and try to feign ignorance. I said your idea of an apology is like a child. Children do not understand apologies. I said children apologize and do the same thing again, you are like a child in that you don't understand apologies because you think you can place demands on them. I know you understood what I meant and I know you intentionally deflected to ignore my points. 

  15. 15 minutes ago, The Zigur said:

    Any thoughts of apologizing were dashed when Terminator exploited what I had said to advance his personal agenda to destroy myself and ISX. Aside from the fact I offered an apology days ago on the condition he is who he claims to be, I will not apologize simply for the reason that you demand it by force of arms.


    You can extort, you can call upon sycophants, and you can shadow EZI dissidents, but I clearly do understand the "gravity" of the situation. What you do not understand is the level of hatred I have for terminator, his philosophy as tyrant, and his psychopathic, violent ways. 


    Don't try to victim blame me for the fact you chose to initiate aggression using banter that had nothing to do with CN, as a means to an end. That was your decision, not mine.



    You don't understand the concept of an apology, there are no terms to them. There are no conditions, if there are it is not meant. You are like a little child who will say sorry because he was told to but then does the same thing again. The only meaningful apology is one that is heartfelt and contrite.  


    Since you don't feel that and consider love of family a pleb concept (the true irony being that in real life YOU are the pleb), there is no point to you apologizing, you are who we believe you are.

  16. 19 minutes ago, The Zigur said:

    I'm mostly ignoring the low IQ plebs in this thread, but congratulations MaineGOP for managing to be more annoying than the others trying so hard. The transparency of your feigned outrage mirrors terminator's own defense of the honor of his wife Palmela Handerson. As long as you want to keep looking like an idiot though, I will be happy to point out you had no problem "crossing the line" and calling me a !@#$%^.


    I love how no one knows what I called you since its clearly censored here.


    I have called you many things, always at your provocation. I've told you what you are and what I think of you many times. I've told you that you are the type of person that would make a man stab you in real life. Yes, all to you, all about you. I've never said anything about your family, which is what you don't seem to get. Family is the line, not words about each other. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, blue sam3 said:



    You haven't actually read my posts at all, have you? None of them contradict anything that Term has said. It's possible that Term did mention it to people: I don't know, I don't read his mail. However, what is absolutely certain is that somebody inside your alliance absolutely did leak it.



    Term told people :);) 


    But everyone knew, shoot I heard it multiple places before it happened, it was the worst kept secret in the game.

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