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Posts posted by MaineGOP

  1. On 8/18/2018 at 8:30 PM, Joseph Black said:

    Honorable GGA,


    I feel I have stumbled back into 2016. If this is legit, I wish you well in getting peace. If it isn't, I will say the dead should remain there and not be used as an attention grab. 


    Thank you,

    Nickolas A. Kinder





    Do you not mean 2006? Or am I missing something here.

  2. 3 minutes ago, The Zigur said:


    I was literally discussing the nature of casualty worship; casualties come from warring other nations. :rolleyes:


    you don't understand logic or comparisons, you compared that to a group of people you called primitive for putting bones through there lips, you adding somethinga bout killing something was later in your attempt to squirm out of it. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, The Zigur said:


    No, they don't. Explain the value derived from 10 primitives murdering a skyscraper architect.



    but you didn't talk about 10 people killing lots of people... you denigrated all people groups who had bones through their lips.


    How does it feel way up there looking down on everyone all the time?

  4. 5 minutes ago, The Zigur said:


    It's racism to distance oneself from primitive and undeveloped cultures in which savagery is the norm? Do you actually think stone age culture is equal to the culture that builds skyscrapers? 


    Please explain your rationale, we would all like a glimpse of your intelligence.


    People all have value to the world. Your inability to learn from and appreciate all the difference and things that make each group unique is your greatest failure.


    if you cannot find value and a learning opportunity from every experience that is your failure not theirs.

  5. 2 hours ago, The Zigur said:


    Anyone who worships casualties is little more than a primitive sticking a bone through their nose for social status amongst other primitives.

    i mean.. you got in trouble for calling a guys wife fat and fake and now you are insulting certain cultures and calling them inferior. Pretty much straight racism.... you wonder why you are hated by all.

  6. We all know the real reason for this. Low could not get the aborption of all the Citadel alliances as he wished and since Umbrella melted away rather than be absorbed he decides to hit the remainder.


    Well played Low, well played.


    TOP members who haven't merged in yet.... OG.... Gramlins.... and myself (only real FCC left... well Theamplified42 is out there somewhere) we should be scared and joined the borg that is known as Argent.

  7. 6 hours ago, The Zigur said:

    Traditionally people are not PZI'd for political incorrectness, or called rogues without having launched any attacks. You can bemoan the collapse of "tradition" all you want, but here are some of the ways you have directly contributed to destroying it:


    *Allying with parties that do not respect the tradition of the Casus Belli (i.e. music dance video DoWs)

    *Abandoning the tradition of POW protection

    *Expanding the term "rogue" to such an extent that it means nothing

    *Dismantling the legacy of the Cult of Justicia and Vox Populi via PZI policy


    Your Oculus claims to bring "Order to Chaos," yet half of Oculus isn't even around anymore, and the other half are at one another's throats, as we see with NG vs IRON. Oculus has failed, your attempt at re-establishing stability through fear is failing, and there are a host of alliances with grievances against those you call your allies.




    Yet every war you fought you've called your opponents rogues and barbarians.... kettle, pot, meet each other

  8. 6 more pages, this is still going? 


    Let me guess


    Junka: "I'm fighting the evil people and I'm a nice good guy"


    Everyone in CN regardless of what side they are on: "No you are actually a dick all the time and no one likes you"


    Junka: "I'm not nice to tyrants and low IQ losers who don't get memes. I'm too pretty and perfect and WoT is awesome. If you are below me I'm not nice, but I'm really a nice guy"


    did I just paraphrase the last 6 pages? ok good

  9. On 7/20/2018 at 3:14 PM, socrates said:

    Do you admit to wrong doing?



    I'm probably missing some inside joke. But without that knowledge this doesn't appear appropriate.


    If this is in regards to a forum moderation issue then it should be handled privately or the post quoted to make clear the violation.


    If it isn't and its in regards to the game then I fear you are blurring your moderator account and your personal play. I guess at this late stage no one gives a crap anymore?


    If it is something personal between you two that is in regards to some prior moderation issue then the appearance of crossing the mod line just lends to more accusations of mod biases. 


    Maybe I'm just reading way too much into it.

  10. 21 hours ago, Neo Uruk said:

    you could spend your time literally manufacturing your own drama and it would turn out much better with the benefit of junka not having a feeder system


    i understand when it's something that directly involves you but meticulously countering his every point seems like the most pointless thing you could be doing in this entire world


    That would mean I actually actively play CN anymore and that I don't just watch this thread to laugh at his stupidness.


    Meh, need something to get me through the monotony of work.

  11. 2 hours ago, Lucius Optimus said:


    You left Polar to make your own mark on the world and you did so by oppressing alliances smaller than yours don't act like you are some kind of angel. 


    Careful Ziggy. Those are the words of anarchists and LPCN scum. The only end of a Libertarian regime on Bob we can be sure of is death....


    He has no ideology, only that which further his own goals. When he is on top he will oppress and subjugate when on bottom he will scream repression and hegemony.


    It is pitifully obvious to those who have watched him for a decade. I just feel bad for the people who don't follow the game closely and might get fooled by his shenanigans.

  12. On 7/15/2018 at 8:57 AM, Avakael said:

    Why did you blithering idiots give this guy 550+ replies to his hari kari thread?


    Because there is nothing else going on in CN?


    Love to hate junka as I do, we gotta admit without his drama queen tantrums, the last year or so would have been much more dead on OWF.

  13. 2 hours ago, The Big Bad said:


    That would not occur to anybody who sees you defy reason and logic and spread idiocy with every post.  Your vision of reality in on one place and everybody is in another.   You would actually do more damage to NPO by being their biggest cheerleader because whatever you support the rest of the Planet goes the opposite way.


    Exactly, he is turning more people pro hegemony than i ever thought possible.... 


    honestly he should get a medal from the orders

  14. 4 hours ago, The Zigur said:


    Has it occured to you, oh one of simple mind, that I am nice to people who comply with reason and logic, and have no patience for idiocy?


    Has it occured to you that you claim to be nice, yet are mean to everyone and then claim that everyone are stupid and below you and not deserving your grace.


    Nice people don't have exceptions, nice people are nice to everyone. Nice people are even nice to those who are rude to them.


    I'm sure you've heard these.


    Love thy enemy

    If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all.


    i can't live up to it, but I never claimed to be a nice wonderful person like you have.

  15. 3 hours ago, The Zigur said:

    This has made more enemies than friends, because I don't care about people's feelings.



    the guy who literally said he was a nice guy about 10 pages ago.


    He shifts and twists and never stays consistent. I mean its painful to watch his mental gymnastics.

  16. 10 hours ago, The Zigur said:


    So because I was not actively on the front lines of every defensive conflict ever fought, I am somehow a hypocrite? Are you serious?


    My job as Emperor was not to be world police, it was to create a safe haven for tech producers and their buyers, whether within ISX or aligned with us. I think I was remarkably successful despite political isolationism and a lack of treaties.


    Normally when trying to prove someone a hypocrite, you identify actions contrary to the persons stated philosophy, but in this case you are trying to argue I am one because I'm not omniscient and all-powerful. Utterly ridiculous.


    lack of treaties? 


    You were treatied to Polar, you sold them tech and they funded your wars that you still could barely win. Until your mouth got it ended as usual.

  17. 14 hours ago, bart416 said:

    I'm still waiting for your IQ test results that you were boasting about. I scored in the mid 130s on Stanford-Binet when I was 19, how about you? 


    Additionally, which baby recipe do you want?


    No you see he just claims it, then admits he hasn't taken a test and says "LULZ IQ IS JUST A MEME"


    As he does about anything he is ever challenged on.

  18. 6 hours ago, AlmightyGrub said:



    It seems so long ago that you ''successfully'' led SNX in a revolution, it seems so long ago that you held positions of responsibility and some degree of respect.  Now all we see is the moronic chanting of someone whose disguise fell and once it dropped for a second we saw the real Junka.  




    As someone who knew him and was in alliances with him in 2007, I still find it so hard to believe that any of this was true and there was even a moment in time when people didn't see him for what he has always been in the entirety of this game.

  19. 16 hours ago, DeathAdder said:

    I don't care what satisfied Grub. It didn't satisfy Terminator, who is whom you insulted, or several of the rest of their membership. More than likely Grub just washed his hands of you because he doesn't care to waste his time on you.


    I log onto Bob to waste my time after work. You will not be let off the hook by me.



    edit: nevermind I hadn't gotten to grub's post yet, he can use his words far better than I can make assumptions about his thoughts.

  20. 16 hours ago, DeathAdder said:


    Yeah. ElPutoJack figured out you were a moron after I gave him links of all of your nonsense to read. Along with the rest of Pacifica who doesn't read the OWF.


    [sarcasm]SURPRISINGLY[/sarcasm], even new nations know how uncouth ( https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/uncouth since I'm sure it's too complicated of a word for you) it is to insult someone's family and why every action since is even further grounds for your rolling.



    This is key.  When he was running ISX into the ground and I saw ISX members defending him or staying loyal. I started talking to some and trying to figure out why. It turns out they have been programmed to stay off OWF and that it's a cesspool and they shouldn't read anything there.


    Quite useful for an emperor to have his minions believe this when the Emperor regularly gets the alliance attacked by his actions and words on the OWF. Keep them blind, stupid, and loyal.

  21. 31 minutes ago, The Zigur said:


    Yes I don't bother being nice to you.




    Except we have had many occasions we have tried to bury the hatchet and each and every time you have said something obnoxious that makes me give up.


    This is repeated ad nauseum with all the people you interact with.


    Your claim:

    I'm a nice guy


    Person a:

    You weren't nice to me



    Well no not to you, you are low IQ


    Person B:

    me neither



    You are a barbarian degenerate why would I be nice to you


    Person C

    You were not nice to me



    I'm not trying to be mr. popular here, CN bores me, i'm World of Tanks God!!!



    Over and over and over.


    You can't claim to be a nice person and then make excuses as to why you are a jerk to everyone. Nice people are nice to people regardless of how they are treated. You don't pick and choose.

  22. 17 hours ago, The Zigur said:


    For my part, I don't enjoy hitting NPO's noobs at all. Before the hegemony decided to make me a target, I was usually the one defending new nations. 



    You are the one in every conflict i've seen you in in the last year plus who threatens to destroy new players first. This is not limited to your NPO conflict. You always threaten new players.


    "Waaaah I'm going to destroy your lower tier, don't mess with me, waaaaaah"

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