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Everything posted by der_ko

  1. I have not bought anything, I can't since I'm bill locked.
  2. Today I switched from Monarchy, which gives no soldier efficiency bonus, to Democracy, which is supposed to give me +8 % soldiers efficiency, but my soldier efficiency did not change at all. Is this a known bug or am I the first to notice it?
  3. $45.23 because I am in defcon 1, maxed out on soldiers and I have 5 Guerrilla Camps. I'm not going collect for a while, but when I do I will be around $100 per citizen.
  4. ^^ ThatIt's so damn easy for an superior opponent to crush an inferior one. I oppose all changes making it even easier for the big guy to smash the little guy.
  5. Labor camps for sure. Start doing Labor camp swapping and you can have Intelligence agencies too.
  6. der_ko slaps FinnishCommie around a bit with a large trout

  7. Helping this guy is a bad idea and taking tech from him will likely get you attacked.
  8. ^^ Is excellent advice when you are in a huge alliance like IRON, but when you're unaligned or in a very small alliance it's horrible advice. Acting like you can kick the raiders ass when you're extremely weak will likely get you ZI'ed.
  9. Probably because you don't have enough citizens for another imrovement.
  10. It takes one more day since you were able to switch goverment type for the anarchy effect to wear off.
  11. Have you been anarchied recently? Any new or expiring events?
  12. How about you go for the best trade set up instead of an inferior one?
  13. The winner in wars usually extorts money from the loser. Don't you just love double standards?
  14. The best bank system is when every alliance member keeps a lot of money around at all times.
  15. Communist Party of Cybernations might be something for you. http://z3.invisionfree.com/CPCN/index.php?act=idx
  16. There is a 24h waiting period after the DoW before you can launch nukes, but after the 24h are up there is no waiting period anymore, you can nuke whenever you want (assuming your target hasn't already been nuked that day).
  17. It's fixed, I just checked my nation. I thought the upkeep cost were supposed to tripple after you buy maximum soldiers, it's been that way for months.
  18. In CN there are two kind of soldiers. "Real" soldiers which can be deployed and "extra" soldiers. The amount of extra soldiers you get is modified by how many real soldiers you have and soldier count modifiers (resources and improvements). If you don't kill the "real" soldiers the "extra" soldiers will never die. Your enemy probably deployed all his "real" soldiers and left the "extra" soldiers at home and when you nuked him you couldn't kill his real soldiers and therefor his extra soldiers still exist.
  19. You only have 4 active trades. Did one of your trade partners cancel your trade or for some reason got him/herself deleted?
  20. Tech raids are on the house. :lol:
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