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General Kanabis

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Posts posted by General Kanabis

  1. 47 minutes ago, Banned said:

    Was I?  Do tell, who sanctioned me and who removed it?  Or did you have a good laugh and a celebratory wine cooler over a joke that you clearly didn't understand?  Seems it made its rounds though given that you aren't on the server where the joke was made though.  Sad that your only good news was fake news.


    Ah yes.

    The fabricated impression of activity and feigned nonchalance that is characteristic of your tribe.

    I am familiar with it.

    It is nothing more than a path towards cult apathy.

    At best, very bad trolling.


    In this instance it is applicable, but my statement stands that those who do not openly label you a rogue do not in any way take away from your status as such, but rather reinforce the idea through their very silence.

    They fear you, Banned.

    But we will see for how long.

  2. 2 hours ago, Banned said:

    What you call roguery, I call philanthropy and community service.


    Then by all means, service the community and continue to cultivate this unhealthy obsession for all things GK.


    Seems you were already sanctioned on Pink only a few weeks ago.

    But it was removed.

    I don't figure we're the only ones who consider you rogue, we are just the loudest in proclaiming it.

  3. 1 hour ago, White Chocolate said:

    I decided to sit on the KNB AA, where there is no one in my range either in the alliance or allied to the alliance.  That being the case, I think it is only fair to warn potential raiders (or other potential enemies) that I have close personal ties to others who will defend me if asked.  One can never be too careful. 


    It is admittedly a prudent measure.


    Does this protection extend to your alliance membership?

    And if so, to what degree?


    Harboring rogue nations is not exactly a good look.

  4. 1 minute ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    Of course you wouldn’t know the definition of roguery as you are begging to get Banned sanctioned. 


    I am but exhausting all avenues of diplomacy. Which is something we are regularly accused of not doing.


    Banned is indeed a rogue.

    A rogue with vast wealth and resources.

    And a well connected rogue.

    But a rogue all the same.

  5. 34 minutes ago, Tevron said:

    And this is how Numbah One has lost the Propaganda war.


    Please elaborate.

    I am not one to shove conspiracy down the throats of those with minds of their own.


    This is an old guard established for the sole purpose of fighting COBRA and our allies.

    I know their ranks well because I fought among them against MU.

    And I know where they come from.






    To LH, this is Monsters 2020

    But that is not the case.







    propagate propaganda < provide proof

  6. 18 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    We’ve always been the first to defend them, and that was our choice, a great choice.


    And also the first to retreat.

    Ducking out of a 2 year war after 6 months is hardly something to be proud of.

    Besides your claim is literally only applicable to Jonesing, who you know quite well is the only KNB member not being targeted by COBRA.

    Rest of your crew was busy playfighting each other or attacking neutrals at the time, and some were even on the other side of that conflict! 


    Delusion clouds your vision.

    Here, this is what the rest of us see-




  7. 4 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:



    KNB was curbed before it began, more through blunder than anything, but your intentions were clear.

    Neither do we underestimate you to the point of giving credence to your current playing of the victim card.

    There sit two miserable old doombird with billions atop your tower of manipulation.

    Not to mention the tacit support of certain groups who are also eager for the downfall of ours.


    Good for Nash for getting back in the game.

    No question there, he is worthy of all admiration and respect.

    Nevertheless, an unfortunate choice.

  8. 2 hours ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    You are a man of many words- however your lip service and your actions are contradictory. 


    Speaking of "lip service",

    I noticed you wear an absurd amount of lipstick.

    You really pile it on there to the point of exaggeration.


    Far be it from me of all people to judge the unhealthy habits of my neighbors, tbqh, I am particularly fond of the savior chic- it really brings out your eyebrows.

    But all the same, you must know as well as the rest of us do, that the age old adage applies here doubly.



    Though swine thou art

    Upon thou maw

    Cosmetics may be drawn

    But let that not

    Besiege thine mind

    For swine is not but rot


  9. 2 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

    I mean, controlled environment?? So your meaning steeldor? He cant reach below a certain strength level, so staying 10k below it and you still can easily reached me. So you rather id stayed in CLAWS and raid were there are 5 times as many nation in range to defend me vs the 7 nations in doom?  I just dont see the logic... but hey, I'm just an ol' women's shoe salesman.... what do i know....




    You could not possibly arrange a similar outlet within CLAWS because it may actually lead to a war that would entail serious logistical challenges.


    Now, I'm not entirely basing these assumption on a notion of cowardice, but rather a condition that plagues alot of the game and is stiffly concentrated on the super tier.


    Given enough time, boredom breeds complacency and people would much rather find themselves in easy situations they may better control.


    You yourself know well the effects and the extent of this condition.

    Again, I am more expanding on your observation that those who could have done something about it, did not. 

    It goes without saying that you get away with it because they don't do anything to stop you, not the other way around. 

  10. 2 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

    You were welcome to do something about it. Ill wait here... 


    I was a doombird, I was removed from CLAWS discords gov pages and RFI. Cant a guy try out another alliance anymore?  Anyone...ANYONE was welcome to do something about my raids. No one did so get over your incompetence. I did not hide in the shadows, try to get a spy in an alliance.  I raid openly for some action in the game, not sit around and count my pixels. 




    I think you make an excellent (if somewhat uncomfortable) point in that absolutely no one challenged you.

    Not directly, of course, given your size.

    The people who were very outspoken about all of this broadcasted the sentiment to minimal effect. I was one of them.

    And because of that, I have come to accept that the blame lies mostly with the collection of spineless cowards that sit upon their pixels, ever waiting for "the big one".

    If your allies appeared on the DBDC war page within the last 3 years, shame on you. 


    But you have to understand what it looks like when you go hunting in such a controlled environment. At a certain point, can you even call it hunting anymore?






    I mean, it's certainly effective, not to mention safe, but do you even enjoy it?

  11. On 9/28/2020 at 6:31 AM, Lord Hitchcock said:





    You had a good run.


    I do like the mustache though, very accurate.


    And not to derail the thread even further but our police department has just released this perp sketch of the meddling menace himself!



    I'm sure CLAWS will sympathize with our cause to curb any and all attacks upon our Alliance and its integrity, given the subject matter at hand.


  12. 2 hours ago, Tevron said:

    I do not doubt the capability for CLAWS to have organized a merciless and aggressive coalition to roll the entire sphere into the ground.


    It's easy to doubt/believe what is conveniently inconceivable :rolleyes:

    In no scenario does CLAWS fight COBRAlition on their own.


    Not that this has much to do with organizational capabilities- the framework which prevents that eventuality is more political than anything.

    We may never know!

  13. 2 hours ago, James Spanier said:


    A bit of an odd place to make that declaration but alright.


    As much as I too, am enjoying the sudden revival of OWF participation, I feel that there are simply too many threads already.


    Besides- as this thread concerns the acknowledgment of error, and subsequent recognition of hostilities from TIE, it follows that LUNN and TKE would naturally find themselves vulnerable to unwarranted



    To be clear.

    Under no circumstances do we feel that they are in any way involved in this particular incident.

    Ours is a fulfillment of honor in the presence of an ally's compromised protection capabilities.

  14. 6 hours ago, Lucius Optimus said:






    And to my allies; my sincerest thanks for your kind words here and on Discord.Though I truly appreciate the sentiment and your willingness to back us up. Defending my actions is ultimately unnecessary. You will stay the course, eyes on the prize.



    -Lucius Optimus 
     Emperor of the Entente 









    Let me know if you need any memes.

    Head up, homie:.


  15. 19 minutes ago, Lord Hitchcock said:

    There is a big difference between people ghosting on their own accord vs others burning for other’s actions.

    Wagons, Jonesing, and Murtibing are not babies GK, nor did I ever raise them that way. Yes we share a bond and they know they have my love.


    I can't deny any of that, but they threw in the towel earlier than most, and not because they lacked in spirit, but because they were unprepared for the one-way onslaught you led them into.

    When you go in assured it will be a quick win, and then behold the opposite, it can be said that you are effectively burning for the actions of others.


    The Imperial Entente may be unprepared in a similar fashion, but their resolve is something you are contesting without yet observing its fullness. 

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