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Posts posted by Galerion

  1. You thought I would stand up for myself out of the four listed? I can handle the heat and I"m not so egocentric. GATO has always been on Brown, since before I created my nation. They deserve some extra respect.


    The topic is burn brown sphere not Mogar's burn list, should such a action come to pass against a whole colour sphere I would hope the majority of alliances occupying that colour could coordinate to put up a good fight. I certainly wouldn't just sit on my hands and watch it burn.

  2. I think GATO should be left alone, but I agree especially on the rolling of SNX. I have only have so many defensive slots, so I don't think burning the Brown Sphere would make a change for my nation. I'm used to the constant flames by now anyways.

    And there I was thinking that if you replied to this you would try and stand up for the little guys but instead you go for the biggest.
    I thought the whole platform for your vote was to look after the little guys but no you didn't even consider them you just thought about how it would effect you, showing your true colours there.
  3. Also I've been told by a source the real reason SNX broke their treaty with aNiMaLz is they were going to assist TSO in their war of aggression against aNiMaLz; so as suspected the only reason to cancel a treaty which ends on a timer is he did plan to violate the peace agreement regardless of who struck first once peace was voided.


    That is completely untrue, If you didn't just make that up yourself then you should find yourself a more reliable source of info because that has just been pulled out of thin air. 

  4. If there is one person who deseves PZI untiil he rerolls, its Junka.


    Junka is garbage for trying to use a peace deal he proposed and agreed to as leverage to get someone to betray an ally or he would break the deal/treaty; then he went ahead and did it. So anyone who supports someone who gets people to sign treaties or peace deals, just to break them if alliances don't betray their allies; are also garbage.


    I hope everyone can see clearly now Junka is not to be trusted and being associated with him can be a good reason for people to assume you're an oath breaker as well.


    Your mistaken about the order of things 07:16 PM aNiMaLz were informed of the cancellation and given the option to pursue an alternative peace deal if they so wished, 07:39PM I posted the public cancellation notice and at 08:30 PM aNiMaLz responded.

    There was no "or he would break the deal/treaty" it had ended. The way you put it Junka would have been after an upgrade to the treaty we already had but that was not the case; he just left the door open to a new treaty if aNiMaLz wanted it with what would be needed for us to find it acceptable.

  5. If he refused to give up alliance ownership to the new leaders, we would offer them support in dealing with him as well. All they need is over 50% voting to replace him for it to be legit & Galerion is pretty much a shoe in candidate. He has experience and ability to take over, but also has much more level and logical mind set. I don't think he would suddenly decide to make enemies with whoever he sees as most influential on Brown; so he can try claiming that mantle later.


    I appreciate the endorsement but disagree with you inferring that you are the most influential person/senator on brown I really don't think that stacks up and would sincerely doubt other senators (and the people they represent) would see it that way either. In fact of the 5 or 6 people who usually gain seats on brown when it comes to influence and how far reaching it is you would rank 5th or 6th to me. This is all subjective but of the people who I think will keep brown safe and prosperous for all the people on brown you do not rate highly at all, in fact you carry negative effects as far as I'm concerned.

    So with all that considered do not assume you would be better off with me instead of Junka, I am highly active and who knows what I might get up to should I turn all my focus to diplomatics and war.   

  6. He was threatening to attack & last time TOA attacked Junka assured me he had them under control, so I let the war by TOA go when aNiMaLz agreed to peace with SNX.


    So I'm just saying Junka's given the impression the TOA attacks only when he tells them to and he has them under control. So based on past experience, if I was suddenly hit by TOA; it would be assumed Junka gave the go ahead. I'm not stupid enough to let TOA & SNX off the hook for a TOA nation attacking me while I was fighting GOONS before because Junka said they were acting on his behalf and would keep them under control; only to let Junka have them attack me again. I'm just reminding Stonewall, so he doesn't cause a misunderstanding.


    With the amount of enmity you seem to be intent on generating for yourself you shouldn't rely on Junka being able to hold them back, its one thing having enough influence in the past to effect things but who knows how long that will last vs your ever increasing enmity. Every time someone declares on you and your cohorts you only have yourself to blame.

  7. You'll follow in the footsteps of MI6 with Tywin as your FA head.

    Well we will see no doubt but having tywin has been a postive experience overall thus far and that positive experience will remain with the members even if we go down M16's path, those members are better for it thus cn becomes a bit better for it.

    I know some of you would struggle to think about changing your opinion of him even slightly but if you cut him some slack he might supprise you, i'm sure there are people who wouldn't of thought snx would the make the recovery it has. I'm sure our friends in Doom would think its been worth it for what we have achieved so far even if we burned now.
  8. He might be good for them internally, but even the most internally strong alliances still lose a war if the numbers aren't there

    Well it should be self evident that our numbers are on the up compared how they have been in the past and I believe we are targeting the correct areas for our performance to be ever improving. No doubt setbacks of one kind or another may crop up and there will always be room for improvement in any alliance but we are on a steady path right now which wouldn't have be achieved without positive activity internally.

    Effort in is proportional to the effort out and I can confirm there are people putting effort in within snx and that number has been growing for a while now.
  9. 1) Bent down at the knee of your attackers feet asking for mercy.
    2) Became tech farm of said attackers for protection.
    3) Hunted down ex members for choosing not to follow the degenerate and claiming it a victorious conflict.
    4) Declare war on an alliance of rogues and shortly after submit to a smaller alliance and sue for white peace and call it a victorious conflict.
    5) Plenty of aimed at home propaganda to make SNX feel good about Tywin's non existent feats.
    6) Profit?

    Care to share the many positives?

    Well that's a really distorted and delusional view of things, if someone has been feeding you information in order for you to come to that view then you need to sack them.
    If you came to those conclusions by yourself then you really need to work harder at gathering your information because your current assessment is way off, I do hope for Invicta sake that they have people better than you at assessing other alliances.
  10. If you can't win multiple by spitting then sure. But if you can, then especially in this situation, it would seem to be the best way to go.

    It depends on who will lose their seat due to you splitting your vote, so you need to weigh the pros and cons of that.
  11. Something really needs to be done about communication within your alliance. After all of this and peace being agreed, i still get nuked after update?

    In fact don't say he never knew because he offered peace yesterday and i decided i wanted to destroy some navy first just for xp, forgot to send the peace offer, got nuked and then nuked again seconds after update :P


    If you want peace you just have to send a peace offer, I took your naval attack as a declining my peace offer and being as you had 4 nukes I wasn't going to wait around for you to get the first shot off with them.

  12. Oaths on applications are a gesture of your willingness to commit to an alliance, to then state your courting other alliances destroys that.

    No one is butthurt over you not joining, just offering you advice on how you should approuch applications in the future as your current mind set should fail your applications to any decent worth while alliance.

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