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Posts posted by althebold711

  1. Also in a 1 vs 1 I'm fairly certain the CDS we had in october-november could have killed NV without a lot of trouble. After that we lost too much members :(

    Well too bad you didn't fight us and PLUS in october-november then. I don't think either alliance existed back then.

  2. Hahha! Goodbye, you leaving !@#$%^&*? Come back we ain't done yet.

    Perkele...isn't that a swearword in Finnish. Also I think "pacta sunt servanda" is used in the song "Don't Say A Word" by Sonata Arctica which is, ironically, a Finnish band. Just some observations.

    Anyways, a very honorable move by FCO. I used to think you were a bandwagon alliance, but no more.

  3. No they absolutley cannot. NpO did what they had to do because GATO broke the terms with them as well as NPO. Very understandable. I berated everyone who dropped their treaty with GATO to save their own necks including CPCN, MASH, and CSN (before they decided to join in). So it's not like I'm singling people out. This seems quite a good time to be having internal problems and having to drop your treaties. You do your best to defend your treaty partners no matter the circumstance. If PLUS decides the cowards route is best I'll never let them live it down just as with everyone else who pulls this kind of stunt.

    If GW4 proves anything it's that we were not cowards. If anything we were a bit too trigger happy.

    Oh and you have know idea what you're talking about by the way.

  4. OOC: Exactly it is the internet. Does that mean grammar and spelling isn't important? In my experience those with the mindset of "it's only the internet" don't tend to take what they do online seriously. Now, before you accuse me of taking the game too seriously, let me tell you that it doesn't. You can play the game seriously and have fun. Actually I'd say playing it seriously is more fun than playing it haphazardly.

    Now, back to how those with the "it's only the internet" mindset don't seem to take things seriously (based on my experience). I prefer to have government members in my alliance taking the game seriously. And part of taking it seriously means presenting yourself as intelligible. That is all.

    OOC: Speaking of which, your forum name does not match your ruler or nation name. I think a mod may be seeing to that.

    IC: Ah, so you were in government and now you aren't. I can understand why you'd be bitter, and based on how you said you were "out" because of this coup, I doubt your dedication to PLUS to begin with.

    You Premier, Robert Specto, took his removal from office with class. He seems to think this coup will help PLUS, and for that he is glad (based on that, I am assuming is planning to remain with the alliance). Also, unlike you he is not making a !@#$ storm out of this in public, which your doing will not help PLUS. There are much more civil ways you can have handled this, which had you truly cared about PLUS I am sure you would have done.

    You shouldn't draw conclusions so quickly. Even lefty and specto will admit that waldo has done a tremendous amount for PLUS. I can see why he would be angry, as he is not one of the government members that needed to be removed; he feels he should have at least been told about this.

  5. I support some of this but am apalled by other parts. I like that you removed the more unimportant ministries, including mine. Minister of Intelligence has proven to be an utterly pointless an uneventful job, not to mention I was on the verge of stepping down due to my recent inactivity. But what the hell is with RPE; you're turning our democratic alliance into an aristocracy!

  6. I would say CN has embraced socialism, not communism, as its the primary form of government. The money and tech individual nations earn and their militaries are not property of the state but of the individual nations.

    Unless every alliance at once embraced the idea of taxation it wouldn't be practical; it would mean few members, because taxation would discrouage people from joining an alliance.

    Stock markets? If your private bussiness idea is acted upon it might be possible.

    I like your idea for private bussinesses but I doubt it will happen.

  7. "dangerous" definition: the ability of an alliance to be physically able to beat the snot out of someone in a war, in addition to being willing to use that force if need be.

    not to be confused with recklessness/suicide.

    edit: damn enter key.

    Said TOP, Graemlins, MK, and Valhalla. Also said FAN because I think you're underestimating just how dangerous reckless suicide alliances can be.

  8. Other than finding graphic sexual assault stories featuring members of the community to be absolutely hilarious you mean?

    I wasn't playing CN when that happened, but from what I heard that was done by one rogue member of LUE who was leaving the game. As for the members laughing at it, it's unfair to judge all LUE members from the actions of a few, in much the same way it's unfair to judge an entire race based on stereotypes.

  9. I see this is still going, sadly. As noted earlier, this threat started off on the wrong track when Blacky essentially defined lulz alliances as any alliance with fun close to their heart or at their core. Starting from this horrible definition, he then proceeded to build a horribly inaccurate historical account as has already been shredded here.

    No, lulz alliances were alliances with a culture of humor at the expense of others. People who not only tech raided but attempted to humiliate those they raided by voting on who to raid on the boards. Those who wrote long lemon stories about other players and those who find them hilarious. Those with ingrained cultures of insulting homosexuals, the ill, other races, etc. That is what got an alliance branded as a LULZ alliance and the shoe fits.

    Well they can't be that bad if your alliance allied with them.

    Edit: I assume you're referring to \m/ and Goons correct? None of what you said there really refers to LUE, which is the first alliance that comes to mind when I think "lulz."

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