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Everything posted by Aquilos

  1. Thanks Gopher. Some steady gains for TPF..
  2. Dear FOK, Now frickin stay down there. Love, Aquilos and TPF
  3. Ooooooooo Get you some of that, FOK.
  4. Ah. Seeing TPF pass Atlantis sends warm fuzzies throughout meh.
  5. I don't want in game money or something, because I know people who have a TE account but not regular. And if the money is added to a nation, then that gives them a huge advantage in the next round. Bragging rights would be great. Name highlighted in gold, asterisk next to name, custom flag, etc. And a t-shirt from the store.
  6. Viridia better stay down there..
  7. Look at that GRL fall. I may shed a tear.
  8. There. Can't blame us for the drop line anymore. Everybody happy?
  9. Seeing as I'm a gov in Internal Affairs, I have an official statement regarding Float's directive. We don't care. Thanks. xD
  10. I've gotten three customers from this thread already. Come one! Someone else step up. Aquilos needs a new pair of shoes!
  11. I DEMAND to know who the heck is opening up their silos again.
  12. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when Slayer tells all ghosts they have 48 hours to remove their AA or else. I predict more losses coming.
  13. I'll think about it. Nope. CS2. I started out on PSP8, then moved to GIMP, then CS2.
  14. ..and radiation is in the air..
  15. Sounds good. Also, Jordite, did you use my numbers or did you have to start completely over? I'm sorry if you did.
  16. Yeah, MK completely decimated the curse today.
  17. Well, thanks. At least I screwed everyone's up so it should be even across the board.
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